RememberMe with DotNetOpenId in ASP.NET MVC -

Using DotNetOpenAuth 3 in ASP.NET MVC and implementing a RememberMe facility ...
I'm finding that even if I set createPersistentCookie to true in FormsAuthentication.RedirectFromLoginPage and FormsAuthentication.SetAuthCookie the user is not remembered once the ASP.NET session times out.
If I inspect the cookie I find it is marked as persistent and does have an expiry date way in the future, I assume because I set my web.config FORMS timeout to a few years away. Anyhow, if the user closes the browser and re-opens it they are remembered correctly - as long as the ASP session hasn't timed out.
An older post of Scott Hanselmann's makes me wonder if it is because FormsAuthentication tries to renew the authentication ticket and maybe in an OpenId model that doesn't work but I have set FORMS SlidingExpiration="false" in web.config and anyway I thought that forcing a persistent cookie would make that stuff irrelevant.
I'm also wondering why the DotNetOpenId MVC sample doesn't include a RememberMe checkbox - maybe there's something tricky about it?
On the other hand, here at StackOverflow I see I am automatically remembered across sessions. Wondering whether they used something other than DotNetOpenId to do their OpenId authentication.
Anybody else done RememberMe successfully with DotNetOpenId in ASP.NET MVC? Any tricks?
Thanks for trying to help, Andrew. Turns out this was not about DotNetOpenId.
I gather, after reading this, that my hosting provider is probably recycling the app pool regularly and that's causing the authentication ticket encryption to be done with a new machine key.
As per the preceding linked article I added the following under System.Web in my Web.Config and it resolved the issue:
validationKey="(generated a new key to place here)"
decryptionKey="(generated a new key to place here)"
decryption="AES" />

I still think the cookie name should match... but here's something else.
It sounds like you're saying as long as your timeout in the web.config file is large, then things work. But that once you shorten it, your persistent cookie doesn't outlast the timeout value. This forum topic helped answer this for me:
It seems that the timeout in web.config affects all cookies. It says how long the authentication ticket lasts. All auth cookies have this 'time to live' timeout whether they are 'persistent' or not. So the difference between persistent cookies and non-persistent cookies are that the former will last across different browser sessions and the latter will die (early) if the browser is closed.
Does that make sense?

Does the cookie name match in your web.config file and your controller's call to FormsAuthentication.SetAuthCookie? This may be a bug in the DNOI sample, but I suspect if you have a cookie name in your web.config file (as the DNOI sample does), then you probably have to set the cookie name as the third parameter to SetAuthCookie or RedirectFromLoginPage. Otherwise, forms auth doesn't recognize the persistent cookie you set as the login cookie.


Umbraco 7 custom cookies

I am running an MVC site along side Umbraco. The MVC site handles its own authentication completely separate to Umbraco, and ASP.NET Forms authentication for that matter. It sets a cookie and uses that internally to keep track of things.
Everything works fine for the most part, but if I am logged into my MVC site with the aforementioned cookie set, I try to login to the Umbraco admin section using the correct Umbraco credentials, it authenticates me and redirects me to the admin section but the WebAPI calls start to fail. The first is a call to: /umbraco/backoffice/UmbracoApi/UpdateCheck/GetCheck which returns a 417 Missing token null HTTP error response.
If I delete my custom cookie and refresh the page everything works fine.
I don't understand how my cookie can interfere with Umbraco's. It's not using ASP.NET Forms authentication or anything.
This error occurs because your request is not sending up the required angular CSRF headers + cookie. I'm not sure why this would be the case but it does seems strange if it is a fault of your custom cookie. Perhaps you can tell us some more information about your issue: Cookie name/value, steps to reproduce, specific version of Umbraco, hosting environment, etc....
Some info as to what is going on, the code that returns this error is here:
This is where the CSRF cookies are set:
and this attribute is applied to two actions, one for login and one when we retrieve the current user data:
This is where the header is set in the JS:
Depending on your hosting environment/setup there has been strange reports of some firewalls stripping/changing data, for example:
Hopefully given the info above you might be able to pinpoint where the problem starts.
My initial thought is that you by accident used a key value for your cookie that is reserved by Umbraco, which could result in the wrong cookie being read, causing issues. The solution to this would be to simply rename your cookie.
If this is not the case I have another theory:
HTTP requests will always include all cookies which path/domain matches the domain of the resource you are requesting. They are sorted by path length primarily, and secondarily by creation time. If Umbraco backend for some reason finds the cookie used for authentication by its index number (wouldn't even be surprised) in the list, rather than key value, your custom cookie would cause the index to shift, thus making Umbraco look at the wrong cookie
So, if renaming the cookie didn't do anything, a fun thing to try could be to set path of the cookie to the shortest possible path, which would make your browser put the cookie further down the list, so the index won't shift.
It's just a theory though, so I'm interested in hearing how it goes :)

HowTo use Session in ASP.NET with custom session key parameter

Is it possible to use ASP.NETs session state with URL like
The problem is, that I have to write a site for a client software which authenticates a user by a request like
The client expects than to get a session key as result if the authentication was successful.
This session key will then be used as variable in the query as shown above. The client does not support cookies.
How can I implement this behavior by using ASP.NET MVC 4?
P.S.: I know it is absolutly not the way to go but I am not in position to change the client.
If I do understand you correctly, you could just try it, right?
(We already met it, and it was a pain for searching engines)
<sessionState mode="InProc" timeout="5" cookieless="true" />
And I can say it is working
The url generated instead of
is now:
"http://server/Product/(S(rxavnpuw05o3fmy3tjnuystr))/en-GB/MyEntity" MVC 4 session cookie expires when user closes browser

I had the same issue like this guy. Because I am lucky, his solution also worked for me.
But I think it's a bit dirty and I was wondering if there isn't a better one.
I've set up this configuration on IIS, but the cookies will always expire when the user closes her browser (if I don't use he "cookie hack")
Any Ideas?
EDIT: To clearify: It not the Server side session that is lost, it's only the "ASP.NET_SessionId" cookie lifetime, which is incorrect.
EDIT2: After some Research, I was wondering when the ASP.NET_SessionId cookie is actually set. If I delete it (using Firefox) and refreshing the page (even several times) a new one won't appear ... What's going on here?
EDIT3: I just found out, that the session id cookie will be set if I put something into the session, so that question (EDIT2) is off.
The session cookie will exire as soon as possible for security reasons. One should not extent it's lifetime due to session hijacking.
If you need "the old session back", then use ASP.NET authentication and generate a new session after the users comes back to the site. This will safe memory and also increase overall security.

ASP.NET MVC RememberMe

After searching a lot i did not get any answers and finally i had to get back to you. Below i am explaining my problem in detail. It's too long, so please don't quit reading. I have explained my problem in simple language.
I have been developing an mvc project.
I am using standard ASP.NET roles and membership.
Everything is working fine but the remember me functionality doesn't work at all.
I am listing all the details of work. Hope you guys can help me out solve this problem.
I simply need this:
I need user to login to web application. During login they can either login with remember me or without it.
If user logs in with remember me, i want browser to remember them for long time, let's say atleast one year or considerably long time. The way they do it in,, and many other sites.
If user logs in without remember me, then browser should allow access to website for some 20 -30 minutes and after that their session should expire. Their session should also expire when user logs in and shuts down the browser without logging out.
Note: I have succesfully implemented above functionality without using standard roles and membership by creating my own talbes for user and authenticating against my database table, setting cookie and sessions in my other projects. But for this project we starting from the beginning used standard roles and membership. We thought it will work and after everything was build at the time of testing it just didn't work. and now we cannot replace the existing functionality with standard roles and membership with my own custom user tables and all the stuff, you understand what i am taling about.
Either there is some kind of bug with standard roles and membership functionality or i have the whole concept of standard roles and membership wrong. i have stated what i want above. I think it's very simple and reasonable.
What i did
Login form with username,password and remember me field.
My setting in web.config:
<authentication mode="Forms">
<forms loginUrl="~/Account/LogOn" timeout="2880"/>
in My controller action, i have this:
FormsAuth.SignIn(userName, rememberMe);
public void SignIn(string userName, bool createPersistentCookie)
FormsAuthentication.SetAuthCookie(userName, createPersistentCookie);
Now the problems are following:
I have already stated in above section "I simply need this".
user can successfully log in to the system. Their session exists for as much minutes as specified in timeout value in web.config. I have also given a sample of my web.config. In my samplem if i set the timeout to 5 minutes,then user session expires after 5 minutes, that's ok. But if user closes the browser and reopen the browser, user can still enter the website without loggin in untill time specified in "timeout" has not passed out. The sliding expiration for timeout value is also working fine. Now if user logs in to the system with remember me checked, user session still expires after 5 minutes. This is not good behaviour, is it?. I mean to say that if user logs in to the system with remember me checked he should be remembered for a long time untill he doesn't logs out of the system or user doesn't manually deletes all the cookies from the browser. If user logs in to the system without remember me checked his session should expire after the timeout period values specified in web.config and also if users closes the browser. The problem is that if user closes the browser and reopens it he can still enter the website without logging in.
I search internet a lot on this topic, but i could not get the solution. In the blog post( made by Scott Gu on exactly the same topic. The users are complaining about the same thing in their comments ut there is no easy solution given in by Mr. Scott.
I read it at following places:
I guess this is a problem of lot's of users. As seem from blog post made by Mr. Scott Gu.
Your help will be really appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
What you want to do is have a different timeout when the RememberMe option is checked, than when it is unchecked. Unfortunately, the SetAuthCookie method does not allow you to set the expiration manually, so you'll have to do that yourself.
The problem is then, how to do that?
ASP.NET MVC uses the FormsAuthentication class of System.Web.Security to do that, because it's not trivial if you also want to support the configuration settings and cookieless browsing and SSL, but I think that if you simply do this:
int timeout = rememberMe ? 525600 : 30; // Timeout in minutes, 525600 = 365 days.
var ticket = new FormsAuthenticationTicket(userName, rememberMe, timeout);
string encrypted = FormsAuthentication.Encrypt(ticket);
var cookie = new HttpCookie(FormsAuthentication.FormsCookieName, encrypted);
cookie.Expires = System.DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(timeout);// Not my line
cookie.HttpOnly = true; // cookie not available in javascript.
Response.Cookies.Add(cookie);'ll get a basic version of what you need.
NOTE: I did not test this code.
Kevin and Dave,you guys rock, man.
Dave, in addition to your code i had to add one more line to make it work. I mean to make it remember for at least one year. I had to assign value to cookie.Expires in addition to your code to make it work. If this line cookie.Expires is not set the cookie is lost after computer restart i mean at the end of the session. I noticed this in FireFox. I Went through the details of cookie and i found: If cookie.Expires is not set then value for "Expires:" attribute in Firefox is "At the end of the session" but if cookie.Expires is set then the value for "Expires:" attribute in Firefox is to the datetime the cookie.Expires value was set.
Here is the code:
int timeout = createPersistentCookie ? 525600 : 2; // Timeout in minutes,525600 = 365 days
var ticket = new FormsAuthenticationTicket(userName,createPersistentCookie,timeout);
string encrypted = FormsAuthentication.Encrypt(ticket);
var cookie = new HttpCookie(FormsAuthentication.FormsCookieName, encrypted);
cookie.Expires = System.DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(timeout);//My Line
Thank you guys, that was really a great solution.
Just a quick note about using membership auth ticket in a shared environment for anyone who may land here with that issue. I've got an mvc site runnig at godaddy and had trouble with remember me. This was the solution:
validation="SHA1" decryption="AES"
Thanks to :
That's not a problem, it's a feature :)
The user's session hasn't expired yet so, even if they close and reopen the browser, the cookie is still good.
It's the cookie's expiration that invalidates the user's session.
I had implemented same thing and when i test it it works fine in Mozila but not working in IE8 for all pc, i also had updated setting to accept cookies in IE but still not working.
Internet Explorer 8.x
Click on the Tools-menu.
Select Internet Options in the menu - a new window opens.
Click on the Privacy tab near the top of the window.
Click on the Default button of the window.
Move the slider so that it is on one of the levels below Medium High (including Medium, Low, Accept All Cookies).
Save changes by clicking OK.
You should be able to add items to your shopping cart now.

Downside to Forever Timeout in ASP.NET MVC?

As a user, when I see a "remember me" checkbox, I expect it to remember me -- not just when I close my browser, but when I come back to the site after a week.
So in my ASP.NET MVC application I am considering the following web.config values:
<authentication mode="Forms">
<forms defaultUrl="/" loginUrl="/account/login" name=".ASPXAUTH" timeout="50000000" />
I plan to also have userIsOnlineTimeWindow="20" to still have decent stats about who is online. I also plan to setup a machineKey so that the user isn't kicked off when IIS recycles.
Thoughts on this setup? My biggest concern is that it will hog up resources -- but will it in a stateless MVC app? Isn't that actually related to the sessionState timeout variable as opposed to authentication timeout? And sessionState is no longer relevant in MVC? I've seen conflicting information and am trying to get to the bottom of it.
Also, if I take this approach, I assume that this should also take care of the user who fills out a form for a long time before hitting submit and they lose their work. I've seen posts related to that, but am trying to solve two problems at once (keep alive while viewing the page plus also keep alive for days if I said 'remember me'.
One issue I see is that even if the user doesn't say "remember me" it will still remember them until they close the browser. (To me that's within user expectations.) The other issue is that I may need to perform extra checks on IsApproved and IsLockedOut per
Thoughts? Particularly on the system resources issue. Thanks.
FormsAuthentication is stored as a cookie in the client's browser and will not use up any resources by itself. The timeout setting there does not change how long something will be kept in the server's memory or anything to do with the regular session storage.
If you rely solely on the user ID/name you get from FormsAuthentication (HttpContext.User) then yes, there will probably be issues with administering user accounts like you point out. It would be a good practice to look up the actual current user data once per request.
