How to get a positive mental attitude towards testing? - ruby-on-rails

I want to write tests for my app, though each time I look at, I really don't see a definite path to take towards "doing things right" and testing first. I watched the peepcode videos on rspec more than once, yet it doesn't take. I want to take more pride in my work, and I think that testing will help. How can I break through this mental block?

Find tools that will reward you for testing. For example, make it very easy to run all the tests and get a message like
73 tests passed.
Try random testing because you can test against a lot of values quickly and easily.
See if your language provides a test-coverage analysis tool that gives you percentage of statement coverage or percentage of block coverage. It is very rewarding to drive code coverage from 60% up to 90%---and if you are lucky, you will find bugs.
My key advice is to quantify your progress in testing so that you can see the numbers going up. That will make it a lot more motivating. (Gee, I wonder what other numbers that go up can be found on this site...)

I was hating it until I started creating a few testing macros. Like logging in or getting to the homepage. I found it fun to start poking at what my testing framework could really do.
It also helped to have someone else get me started by writing a few. Right away I found obvious improvements which made me want to get in there and start improving things.

"Test things you don't want to break."
It might be helpful to prioritise at first. I know that typing out the full three layers of model, view, and controller specs on top of the cucumber acceptance tests can be a chore. So one idea is to just test the most critical things in your app, and add tests as you run into bugs you don't want to see again.
"Always start with a failing test."
Cucumber features plain text "stories" that are pretty awesome for getting some really concrete tests up & running. Maybe that would be one place where you could get started. Cucumber doesn't really work with an AJAX-based app though, for that you'd have to take Selenium or Watir instead. You can start with a failing story before writing a single line of code, and quickly proceed from there to make that story pass.
"Don't test, specify."
Instead of thinking of tests, try to make a mental switch: you're not testing but SPECIFYING how your application will behave. This is design work, not nearly as boring as testing. :)

Think of it like this: if you don't test, your code is broken.

You need to see the value that testing will bring in refactoring and extending your code. Once you have a set of tests that define the behavior of your classes, you can then feel free to start making changes to improve the code. Your tests will provide the confidence that what you're doing isn't breaking the system. When you go to add new functionality to your code, running your existing tests will give you confidence that the new code you've added doesn't break anything else.
The key is to take that long term view. Testing is an investment. It takes a little bit away from the code you could be writing but eventually it will start paying off with interest. The capital that you have stored up will make it much easier to move ahead more quickly when adding new features.

Assuming you already have a list of bugs to fix, I always like to go back through and where ever possible create an automated test that demonstrates the bug. Then fix the bug and watch the test pass. Since you have to test the bug anyway, and the bug should already give you enough information to recreate it, you can see an immediate return on your tests.
Eventually, you'll start to get a feel for putting the tests together and how to write them, and you won't need the "blueprint" of an existing bug.

I wrote a motivation post about just this case couple of days ago. Here is the summary:
Start writing tests whenever you have
an opportunity to do it (ie. whenever
you write some code). Choose any tool
that makes sense to you and write any
test that you feel could cover at
least some tiny behavior of your
application (don’t care about the
coverage or any other scary terms from
the day one). Don’t be afraid about
primitive tests and trivial assertions
- you’ll get more confidence as your test coverage will grow and you’ll
become more and more happier as you’ll
notice that you don’t need to hit F5
that often anymore. Think about
testing in other positive terms - the
better you are at it, the less time
you need to spend with activities you
don’t like (watching the spinning
refresh icon in the browser,
debugging) and more with things you
And here is the whole thing, if you are interested.

As has been mentioned previously, the easiest way to break into testing is with regression testing.
I'd also avoid doing controller specs - they are a PITA. Do heavy model testing, because that's where the logic should be in the first place.
Try spec'ing / testing a plain ruby project before you go off into a rails project.

Well I'll tell you how!
the negative scenarios, where the result would come out negative.
it could be wrong data entered and gives you right outputs.
for example a login screen:
There could be many scenarios when correct User wrong PW,Wrong User correct PW.... the most important thing is YOU DONT GIVE UP UNLESS BREAK IT .this is your mantra.


Does TDD mean I have to write a test for every method no matter how complicated?

Suppose I have a user class that has a method is_old_enough?
The method just checks that the age is over 18. Seems pretty simple.
Does TDD mean I have to write a test for this, even though it is trivial?
class User
def is_old_enough?
self.age >= 18
And if so, why? What is the benefit of writing a test for this? You'd just be testing that x >= y works the way you expect the >= operator to work.
Because the most likely scenario I see happening is the following:
It turns out the age should actually be 21. That's a bug that the test didn't catch, because they had the wrong assumptions when we wrote the code. So then they go in and change the method to >= 21. But now the test fails! So they have to go and change the test too. So the test didn't help, and actually gave a false positive alarm when they were refactoring.
Looks like tests for simple methods like this are not actually testing anything useful, and are actually hurting you.
I think you're confusing test coverage and Test-Driven Development. TDD is just a practice of developing an automated test that is going to verify the use cases of some new feature. Usually it starts off failing because you've stubbed the functionality out or simply haven't implemented it. Next, you develop the feature until the test passes.
The idea is that you are in the mindset of developing tests that verify your important use cases/features. This doesn't necessarily mean you need to test simple functions if you think they are covered by your regular feature tests.
In terms of coverage, that's really up to you as the developer (or team) to decide. Obviously having around 1-to-1 coverage of tests to API is desired, but you have a choice as to whether you think it's always going to be easy enough to implement is_old_enough?. It may seem like an easy implementation now, but perhaps that will change in the future. You just need to be mindful of those kinds of decisions when you choose whether to write a test or not. More than likely, though, your use case won't change and the test is easy to write. It doesn't hurt to feel confident in all areas of your code.
I think the question has more to do with unit testing than TDD in particular.
Short answer: focus on behaviors
Long answer: Well, there is a nice phrase out there: BDD is TDD done right, and I completely agree. While BDD and TDD are is large part the "same" thing (not equal, mind you!), BDD for me gives the context for doing TDD. You can read a lot on the Internet around this, so I will not write essays here, but let me say this:
In your example, yes, the test is necessary because the rule that
user is old enough is a behavior of User entity. Test serves as a
safety net for many other things yet to come which would rely on this
piece of information, and test for me would document this behavior
very well (I actually tend to read tests to find out what the developer had in mind when writing a class - you learn what to expect, how the class behaves, what are the edge cases etc.)
I don't really see how the test would not catch the refactoring, since I would write the test with numbers 18, 19, 25 and 55 in mind (just a bunch of asserts typed very fast very easily)
Very important piece of the puzzle is that unit tests are just one technique that you need. If your design is lacking, you will find yourself writing too many meaningless tests, or you will have hell testing classes doing multiple things etc. You need to have very good SOLID skills to be able to shape out classes in a way that testing only their public interfaces (this includes protected methods as well) actually tests the entire class. As said before, focusing on behaviors is the key here.

Testing "output" with rspec and rails

I'm having a hard time learning how to implement appropriate testing with rspec and rails.
Speaking generally, how does one test the "hard cases" such as did a file get generated or was an image properly resized? Currently, to me it seems that unit testing is designed for testing the transformation of values rather than making sure data is processed and output appropriately.
TL;DR You should explore for different tools and don't shy away from the "hard cases" that may not seem like traditional "unit tests". The hard cases often are testable.
Testing is definitely a rabbit hole. From the surface, it seems so nice and clean, but as you get in to it, the rabbit hole goes quite far down, and this is one example: how do you test these things? You want to be confident that your code is doing the right thing, but you also don't want to create too complicated and unmanageable tests, and you don't want to test too fine-grained either.
However, to your specific questions, I do have some ideas you may wish to look in to.
For testing that a file got generated, you can check to see that initially the file did not exist (ruby has File.exists?) and then you can, after some method, check to see if it does exist. Of course you have questions like, "Does it have the right content?", "Did it finish to completion?", and you can test that stuff too by opening the file and checking it.
For the images, you probably can find facilities that allow you to check the properties of an image (perhaps Paperclip? Never used it but it's a well known gem). So you can do something like this (in sort-of psuedo code, because I don't know of a tool to do this):
it "resizes the image" do
img = Image.open_image("pic.png")
img[:size].should eq [100, 100]
image = Image.open_image("pic.png")
imge[:size].should eq [25, 25]
Testing often relies on finding more and more helpful gems/tools to massage situations. "Unit" tests will, yes, only check the unit level code and they may be very simple, but not always. But then you start looking in to library specs, request specs, routing specs, acceptance tests, controller specs, etc. There are lot of tools out there and research is key.
But again, the examples you listed may not be unit tests in the way you think of. If your resizing or file generation is being done off of a Model, then yes it is a unit test, but you're no longer writing that simple code (like accessors and mutators). A lot of the time people new to thorough testing won't think that everything is testable, and it may not be, but if you play around and explore, you can often find a way to do so.

How to shift development of an existing MVC3 app to a TDD approach?

I have a fairly large MVC3 application, of which I have developed a small first phase without writing any unit tests, targeted especially detecting things like regressions caused by refactoring. I know it's a bit irresponsible to say this, but it hasn't really been necessary so far, with very simple CRUD operations, but I would like to move toward a TDD approach going forward.
I have basically completed phase 1, where I have written actions and views where members can register as authors and create course modules. Now I have more complex phases to implement where consumers of the courses and their trainees must register and complete courses, with academic progress tracking, author feedback and financial implications. I feel it would be unwise to proceed without a solid unit testing strategy, and based on past experience I feel TDD would be quite suitable to my future development efforts here.
Are there any known procedures for 'converting' a development effort to TDD, and for introducing unit tests to already written code? I don't need kindergarten level step by step stuff, but general strategic guidance.
BTW, I have included the web-development and MVC tags on this question as I believe these fields of development can significant influence on the unit testing requirements of project artefacts. If you disagree and wish to remove any of them, please be so kind as to leave a comment saying why.
I don't know of any existing procedures, but I can highlight what I usually do.
My approach for an existing system would be to attempt writing tests first to reproduce defects and then modify the code to fix it. I say attempt, because not everything is reproducible in a cost effective manner. For example, trying to write a test to reproduce an issue related to CSS3 transitions on a very specific version of IE may be cool, but not a good use of your time. I usually give myself a deadline to write such tests. The only exception may be features that are highly valued or difficult to manually test (like an API).
For any new features you add, first write the test (as if the class under test is an API), verify the test fails and implement the feature to satisfy the test. Repeat. When you done with the feature, run it through something like PEX. It will often highlight things you never thought of. Be sensible about which issues to fix.
For existing code, I'll use code coverage to help me find features I do not have tests for. I comment out the code, write the test (which fails), uncomment the code, verify test passes and repeat. If needed, I'll refactor the code to simplify testing. PEX can also help.
Pay close attention to pain points, as it highlights areas that should be refactored. For example, if you have a controller that uses ObjectContext/IDbCommand/IDbConnection directly for data access, you may find that you require a database to be configured etc just to test business conditions. That is my hint that I need an interface to a data access layer so I can mock it and simulate those business conditions in my controller. The same goes for registry access and so forth.
But be sensible about what you write tests for. The value of TDD diminishes at some point and it may actually cost more to write those tests than it is to give it to someone in India to manually test.

How to assure I am testing everything, I have all the features and only those features for old code?

We are running a pretty big website, we have some critical legacy code there we want to have well covered.
At the same time we would like to have a report of the features we are currently supporting and covered. And also we want to be sure we really cover every possible corner case. Some code paths are critical and will need many more tests even after achieving 100% coverage.
As we are already using rspec and rspec has "feature" and "scenario" keywords, we tried to make a list using rspec rather than going for cucumber but I think this question can be applied to any testing tool.
We want something like this:
feature "each advertisement will be shown a specified % of impressions"
scenario "As ..."
This feature is minimal from the point of view of managers but huge in the code. It involves a backend tool, a periodic task, logic in the models and views in backend and front end.
We tried to divide it like this:
feature "each creative will be shown a specified % of impressions"
context "configuration"
context "display"
scenario "..."
context "models"
it "should ..."
context "frontend"
context "display"
scenario "..."
context "models"
it "should ..."
Configuration takes place in another tool, display would contain integration tests and models would contain unit test.
I repeat myself but the idea is sto assure that the feature is really finished(including building the configuration tool) and 100% tested.
But looking at this file, it is not integration, nor unit test not even belong to any particular project.
Definitely there should be a better way of managing this.
Any experiences, resources, ideas you can share to guide us ?
The scenario you're describing is a huge reason why BDD is so popular. It forces you to write code in a way that's easy to test. Having said that, you're obviously not going to go back and rewrite the entire legacy application. There are a few things you should consider though:
As you go through each section of the application, you should ask yourself 'Will it be harder to refactor than to write tests for this?'. Sometimes refactoring before writing tests just cannot be avoided.
Testing isn't about 100% coverage, it's about 100% confidence. As you mentioned, you plan on writing more tests even when you have 100% coverage. This is because you're going for confidence. Once you're confident in a piece of code, move on. You can always come back to it at a later time.
From my experience, Cucumber is easier for tests that cover a large portion of the application. I think the reason for this is that writing out the tests in plain english makes you think of things you wouldn't have otherwise. It also allows you to focus on the behavior instead of the code and can make refactoring a less daunting task.
You don't really get much out of adding tests to existing code if you never touch that code again. Start with testing the code you want to make changes (i.e. refactor) to first.
I also recommend the book Rails Test Prescriptions, specifically one of the last chapters called "Testing a Legacy Application".

How do you read an existing Rails project?

When you start working on an existing Rails project what are the steps that you take to understand the code? Where do you start? What do you use to get a high level view before drilling down into the controllers, models, helpers and views? Do you have any specific techniques, tricks or tools that help speed up the process?
Please don't respond with "Learn Rails & Ruby" (like one of the responses the last guy who asked this got - he also didn't get much response to his question so I thought I would ask again and prompt a bit more). I'm pretty comfortable with my own code. It's sorting other people's that does my head in and takes me a long time to grok.
Look at the models. If the app was written well, this should give you a picture of its domain model, which is where the interesting logic should live. I also look at the tests for the models.
The way that the controllers/views were implemented should be apparent just by using the Rails app and observing the URLs.
Unfortunately, there are many occasions where too much logic lives in controllers and even views. That means you'll have to take a look into those directories too. Doubley-unfortunate, tests for these layers tend to be much less clear.
First I use the app, noting the interesting controller and action names.
Then I start reading the code for these controllers, and for the relevant models when necessary. Views are usually less important.
Unlike a lot of the people so far, I actually don't think tests are the place to start. I think they're too narrow, too focused. It'd be like trying to understand basic physics/mechanics by first zooming into intra-molecular forces and quantum mechanics. I also think you're relying too much on well-written tests, and in my experience, a lot of people don't write sufficient tests or write poor tests (which don't give an accurate sense of what the code should actually do).
1) I think the first thing to do is to understand what the hell the app actually does. Use it, at least long enough to build an idea of what its main purpose is and what the different types of data might be and which actions you can perform, and most importantly, why.
2) You need to step back and see the big picture. I think the best way to do that is by starting with schema.rb. This tells you a few really important things:
What is the vocabulary/concepts of this project. What does "User" actually mean in this app? Why does the app have both "User" and "Account" models and how are they different/related?
You could learn what models there are by looking in app/models but this will actually tell you what data each model holds.
Thanks to *_id fields, you'll learn the associations between the models, which helps you understand how it all fits together.
I'd follow this up by looking at each model's *.rb file for (hopefully) comments, validations, associations, and any additional logic relevant to each. Keep an eye out for regular ol' Ruby classes that might live in lib/.
3) I, personally, would then take a brief glance at routes.rb as it will tell you two key things: a brief survey of all of the actions in the app, and, if the routes and controllers/actions are well named and thought out, a quick sense of where different functionality might live.
At this point you're probably ready to dig into a specific thing you need to learn. Find the controller for the feature you're most interested in and crack it open. Start reading through the relevant actions, see which models are involved, and now maybe start cracking open tests if you want to.
Don't forget to use the rest of your tools: Ruby/Rails debuggers, browser dev tools, logs, etc.
I would say take a look at the tests (or specs if the project uses RSpec) to get an idea at the high-level of what the application is supposed to do. Once you understand from the top level how the models/views/controllers are expected to behave, you can drill into the implementations.
If the Rails project is in a somewhat stable state than I have always been a big fan of using the debugger to help navigate the code base. I'll fire up the browser and begin interacting with the app then target some piece of functionality and set a breakpoint at the beginning of the associated function. With that in place I just study the parameters going into the function and the value being returned to get a better understanding of what's going on. Once you get comfortable you can modify the functionality a little bit to ensure you understand what's going on. Just performing some static analysis on the code can be cumbersome! Good luck!
I can think of two reasons to be looking at an existing app with which I have no previous involvement: I need to make a change or I want to understand one or more aspects because I'm considering using them as input to changes I'm considering making to another app. I include reading-for-education/enlightenment in that second case.
A real benefit of the MVC pattern in particular, and many web apps in general is that they are fairly easily split into request/response pairs, which can to some extent be comprehended in isolation. So you can start with a single interaction and grow your understanding out from that.
When needing to modify or extend existing code, I should have a good idea of what the first change will be - if not then I probably shouldn't be fooling with the code yet! In a Rails app, the change is most likely to involve view, model or a combination of both and I should be able to identify the relevant items fairly quickly. If there are tests, I check that they run, then attempt to write a test that exposes the missing functionality and away we go. If there are no tests then it's a bit trickier - I'm going to worry that I might inadvertently break something: I'd consider adding tests to give myself a more confidence, which will in turn start to build some understanding of the area under study. I should fairly quickly be able to get into a red-green-refactor loop, picking up speed as I learn my way around.
Run the tests. :-)
If you're lucky it'll have been built on RSpec, and that'll describe the behavior regardless of the implementation.
I run rake test in a terminal
If the environment does not load, I take a look at the stack trace to figure out what's going on, and then I fix it so that the environment loads and run the tests again
I boot the server and open the app in a browser. Clicking around.
Start working with the tasks at hand.
If the code rocks, I'm happy. If the code sucks, I hurt it for fun and profit.
Aside from the already posted tips of running specs, and decomposing the MVC, I also like:
rake routes
as another way to get a high-level view of all the routes into the app
The rails irb console is still my favorite way to inspect models and model methods. Grab a few records and work with them in irb. I know it helps me during development and test.
Look at the documentation, there is pretty good documentation on some projects.
It's a little bit hard to understand other's code, but try it...Read the code ;-)
