sifr alternate text always displays - sifr

Using sifr3-r436. First page load of seems fine. Reload page and sifr-alternate text always displays resulting in a double headline, one Flash text one HTML. Any ideas?
Please see example here:

It was some kind of CSS problem. Rolling the sifr css properties into my screen and print style sheets fixed the problem.

Most likely it's your SIFR-stylesheet that isn't loaded properly. Please ensure that the path is correct:


autoPaging in jsPdf .html() method

I have updated jsPdf to version "jspdf": "^2.4.0", and saw an option called autoPaging in the html() method of jspdf, anyone knows what is it used for ? I tried using it but didnt see anything different on the generated pdf.
I am guessing it might be related to paging like "Page 1 of 2".
As jspdf documentation:
Autopaging is used to set the auto paging mode.
false: Auto paging is disabled.
true or 'slice': Will cut shapes or text chunks across page breaks. Will possibly slice text in half, making it difficult to read.
'text': Trys not to cut text in half across page breaks. Works best for documents consisting mostly of a single column of text.
Default is true.

IOS: Text Selection in WKWebView (WKSelectionGranularityCharacter)

I've got an app that uses a web view where text can be selected. It's long been an annoyance that you can't select text across a block boundary in UIWebView. WKWebView seems to fix this with a property on its configuration: selectionGranularity. One of the possible values is WKSelectionGranularityCharacter:
Selection endpoints can be placed at any character boundary.
Sounds great! Exactly what I need. Except that when I set that in my web view, I often can no longer select text at all. What is going on? Is there something else I need to set? Has anyone figured this out?
Update: I've figured out the following bugs:
When there is more than one WKWebView in an app with selectionGranularity set to WKSelectionGranularityCharacter, only the most recent one to load can select text. I've filed this as bug 18441138.
If there is a click handler attached to an element inside the body in the HTML content of a WKWebView whose selectionGranularity is set to WKSelectionGranularityCharacter, text selection doesn't work inside that element. I've filed this as bug 18440833.
Text selection fails in the WKWebView after you've entered edit mode on a UITextView somewhere else in the app until the WKWebView reloads. I've filed this as bug 18468405.
Has anyone worked around any of these?
These and other issues are all fixed as of iOS 13.
There are several known bugs that are still not fixed.
You can execute JavaScript to get selected text as a workaround.

sIFR text getting stretched vertically in IE9

I've got a site that's using sIFR, and some of the replaced text is being stretched vertically in IE9. It's only happening in places where the text wraps 2 lines, and it fixes itself when I hover my cursor over it. The sIFR text is a link, but I'm not sure if that has any correlation.
I've tried various settings changes like fitExactly, forceClear, and forceSingleLine (though I want it to be able to wrap), and those didn't work. I've tried changing the font-size, line-height, and all other dimensions to px instead of em. innerHTML isn't being used anywhere on the page. It's frustrating that it works after being hovered on, but not before.
And I know you're probably thinking "use cufon or #font-face, dummy" but I'm stuck with sIFR for now. The client wants what the client wants...
I've found a solution,
if you try to hover with mouse cursor the text will display correct so..
I write few line of code to put in sifr-config.js
forcing flash reset "onReplacemment" callback only when IE9 is detected
you must use Jquery for browser detection or use another javascript way
see the link below:

sIFR v2 overlaping slimbox (and possibly other lightbox tools)

Just installed sIFR into the site I am building (a personal portfolio site). When using it on pages with slimbox popups, sIFR overlaps the slimbox and makes it dificult to see the image. I tried applying a high z-index to the items I didn't want overlapped, but that didn't solve anything. Here is a screenshot of what it looks like (since my site is not online yet):
Is there a way to hide the sIFR when a slimbox link is clicked, or a way to adjust the z-index for a way to it not to be always on top? This happens on the latest version of all major browsers (I couldn't test Safari or Chrome though, even though I doubt it will differ)
I ahvent been able to find any information regarding this subject, so if it has been fixed in the sIFR beta it would be nice to know. Thanks.
In sIFR 2 you need to set the sWmode parameter to "opaque". This should allow HTML elements to be displayed on top of the Flash movie.
In sIFR 3, the parameter is wmode, though you can also use opaque: true.
Thank you so much - just saved my day.
I saw that lightbox break - so did I nearly:)!!!
But what a straight forward answer and solution thanks!! again
The file in mention is:
and put a code like:
sIFR.replaceElement(named({sSelector:"h1", sFlashSrc: "http://localhost/ddddddd/templates/template/i_font_swf/carbon_std_swf.swf", sCase: "upper", sColor: "#86ca29", sWmode:"opaque", sBgColor:"#fff"}));
I just write it cause took me some time to remember where this setting initially was - when I did the sIFR long ago.

Making animation on sIFR3

Now I'm using sIFR3. It works very nicely.
Additionally, I would like to put an effect on sIFR.
My idea is that when the page loaded, sIFR(ed) texts change its color. For example, sIFR in list item change color one by one.
The purpose is to emphasize the sIFR(ed) texts.
Reading the document, I thought Flash filters are not for like this animation.
Do you think is it possible to make animation on sIFR ?
Thank you for your help.
You could do this using JavaScript. See this answer for inspiration: Sifr and Javascript changing stylesheets (without a page refresh)
