VSS 6.0 to TFS Migration - tfs

Our team is migrating from VSS 6.0 to TFS 2008 to be used for source control purposes. I am wondering if anyone has any experience with this migration. In particular, we are interested in preserving the history of files in source control, as well as any other potential gotchas.

Do you have VSS 2005 installed? You need it rather than the previous version (6.0d).
Also, do you really need the history in TFS? Or can you draw a line in the sand and say that all history before such and such a date is in VSS and all history after that date is in TFS? If so, you can simply do a get latest from VSS and add the files into TFS. Migrating is non-trivial because you need to deal with VSS users that don't map to domain users, VSS users that don't exist anymore, and although the order of source-control operations is maintained the actual date/time of the operation isn't migrated, it is however stored in the comment as part of the migration.

This is fairly easy once setup. You will first need to create a usermap.xml. This will map your VSS users to your TFS2008 users. Then you create a project configuration file. I would post examples of mine but I can't get the XML to post.
The project configuration file will point to the usermap XML file. Then all you have to do is type the command "VSSConverter migrate settings.xml" to migrate or "VSSConverter analyze settings.xml" to analyze the project. I suggest you to analze before migrating the project.
Here is a link for more information.

Unfortunately, when I tried this...
TF60032: The VSS Converter requires Visual SourceSafe 2005 or later to run.
Please install Visual SourceSafe 2005 or later and try again.


Migrate TFS Changesets

I assumed this would be easy, but I'm not finding anything on it...
I have a project in TFS 2010, which needs to be moved to a new TFS 2015 server. Apparently the project cannot simply be moved normally because it's using a different project template which is not compatible and causes errors when trying to migrate (so I'm told - I don't have any more details on this).
I'm looking for a way to bring over the changesets, keeping history, to the new server. I assumed there was some kind of "dump" where you could export the TFS changesets, then import them into the new server into an empty project - but I'm not finding that option.
TFS Integration is deprecated and apparently doesn't work for TFS2015, with no alternative listed.
I'm open to other creative options like temporarily exporting to a different version control system - for example, I've looked at SVNBridge, but I can't even get that working, let alone figure out if it would help here.
Is there a way to migrate all changesets for a given project and keep history, without migrating the entire project?
There is no default way to migrate changesets in TFS, you would need 3rd party tool, like OpsHub (some features are not free), to migrate the most commonly requested data. Check: http://www.opshub.com/products/opshub-visual-studio-migration-utility/
Or you may consider doing a upgrade from TFS 2010 to TFS 2015, which is a full data transfer. To understand factors that affect your upgrade's compexity, check the requirements and review the upgrade process.
Learn if a dry run makes sense for you, and weigh the benefits and the costs to perform a pre-production upgrade.
When you're ready to upgrade, minimize downtime with the TfsPreUpgrade tool - especially for very large TFS collection databases (> 1 TB). Follow these steps for how to upgrade TFS.

How to copy a project from one TFS account to another?

I have a project under the TFS account provided by my company. I want to copy the project under my personal TFS account so that I can play with it and do some changes for learning.
How can I do this?
It totally depends on what you want to do.
Executing a complete migration can be hard. You need specialized tooling like the TFS Integration Tools.
Probably the easiest solution is to do a snapshot migration of your source code (where you lose all history). Migrating work items can be done by using Excel and some copy/paste work.
Currently there are no out of the box options for migrating build definitions (although the build workflows are part of source control), test results and release templates.
If possible, just migrate your source code and the work items if you have them.
If you only want to migrate source code without history you can do this by taking a copy of the source code from TFS and then checking it into your new TFS server. Have a look at Understanding TFS migrations from on-premises to Visual Studio Online – Part 2: Walkthrough for a walkthrough created by the ALM Rangers to help you with this.

Working while TFS Migration

Is it possible for developers to work offline while TFS is migrated? Can they checkout the code before migration and check it in after migration is done?
Source is TFS Express and Target is TFS 2012.
Yes, the migration will carry over the workspaces as well as all files that are checked out prior to migration. Once the migration is done, when the users point to the new server TFS and VS will do some automatic rewiring because the databases have the same GUIDs. Also note that you will want to make sure that they don't want to interact with the old server while the migration is underway.

Get the history of TFS for expired trial version

I installed the Basic TFS trial version and now it got expired.
It is mandatory for me to get the history of TFS.
Where does it store the history? Does it store it in the SQL Express?
Is there any way to get the saved history?
Digging through the database is not trivial. You'd have to piece the history back together and de-deltify all the blogs.
It would be much easier just to get your TFS instance working again so that you can get the files out of it. TFS Express 2012 is now available, and has no such time restriction. It's free for up to 5 users. You may be able to upgrade your existing installation.
If you are still able to do a get, you could hook up git-tfs. Once you execute the git-tfs clone, you will be able to view the history using git. You can look at this tutorial for more information.
Did you consider trying querying the TFSWarehouse and use and automatic script to recreate history ?
Reference: Export TFS 2010 History to Excel or Text Document

Converting CVS to TFS

Two questions really..
Does anyone know of a cheap solution for converting a CVS repository to TFS?
I think we may have to convert to SVN then convert to TFS. Has anyone had experience doing so?
Please, no comments on why we are using TFS.
The TFS Integration Platform on Codeplex is written to support integration into and out of TFS. Though it is primarily written for a TFS to TFS scenario, the code is available for you to tweak as necessary.
A few years ago, we used the original version of this (called the TFS to TFS Migration Tool) to facilitate our migration from Borland StarTeam to TFS. It worked really well.
The key thing you're going to need to decide is whether or not you want to bring over history. That's where things can get a bit more difficult, as you will need to rebuild the history from the beginning of the CVS repository. This means reading the first revision of all the files, checking them into TFS with appropriate comments, then getting the second changeset, checking in those files, ad infinitum.
