Ruby IDEs: any worth looking at? - ruby-on-rails

I currently use TextMate for all my Rails development, and I like it very much, but I wonder if I'm missing anything by not using an IDE. Has anyone switched from using TextMate or another powerful text editor to a Ruby IDE? Am I missing anything?

JetBrains, the people who created the legendary IDEA IDE for Java, have RubyMine in beta. DHH has mentioned it, so it must be good!

TextMate is king for Development on Mac, it's not too bloated and has so many good bundles made by the developers that use those particular languages. Can't be beat in my opinion.

I think IntelliJ/RubyMine is pretty good because I've been coding Java for a while. There's some feature holes for Rails development, but I expect that Jetbrains will quickly fix those in coming versions.
I just got turned onto Textmate because my laptop is a Powerbook 12" G4. Running IntelliJ is pretty snappy, but it makes the fans run constantly with a volume approaching "airplane engine". Working with Textmate keeps my laptop quiet.

In my opinion textmate is the best IDE if you have a Mac. It is highly customizable and you can pretty much do everything you want with it. Plus a lot of developers are using textmate for rails and therefore creating scripts and features that you can import and use.
I'm using Aptana with radrails when I'm on windows, but it's not as good. Plus you can't customize it as much. The other issue is that since it's based on eclipse it's quite ressource intensive and from my experience it's not as stable as textmate.
Aptana has some cool features, like being able to call script/generate and rake tasks directly from the interface, but this is something I could live without.

Aptana RadRails is one of the best Ruby IDEs out there, with Rails support, HTML editors, etc. It is a plugin for Eclipse, and is also supplied standalone.

I use Netbeans because I like the test support and test coverage features combined with the fact that I can use it for multiple languages & environments. They really try to provide a complete environment but I find I still have to step out to the command line a lot - starting thinking_sphinx, running cucumber, tailing logs etc.. so it is never quite comprehensive. It is also slow as hell on my slow as hell laptop.
I used the eclipse rails plugin for a while and it is also pretty good but Netbeans had a pretty good feature surge for 6.5. that won me over.

If you're on Windows you may want to look at "Ruby in Steel"
I've just found it and have not worked with it much nbut the experience so far is good. So if you use VisualStudio for your job this may be a nice addon to help get Ruby into the same environment.

On a mac it is probably not worth it as TextMate is very optimized for Rails development through bundles. I did use AptanaIDE when I was on Windows though. The main problem here is not the IDE itself but the fact that it is not useable (as in snappy enough) on the machine I had. And strangely enough for a Ruby programmer I believe that a program that makes editing unformatted text feel sluggish on a 1Ghz/Gbyte machine is doing something wrong.

Has anyone switched from using TextMate or another powerful text editor to a Ruby IDE? Am I missing anything?
Yes, I recently switched from Vim to RubyMine. (And I also used TextMate before that.) Personally I think the tradeoff is worthwhile, because of how well designed and well implemented RubyMine is. So the quality of the tool makes up for the heavier footprint.
The things I felt I was "missing" with Vim included well-implemented code completion, open files by typing partial filename, click on a symbol to go to the declaration, and a lot of other stuff.

I really like Komod for Ruby and Python development.


Working IDE for Rails3 on Windows

I´m having a hard time configuring NetBeans for Rails3 in Windows. I got a lot of problems, many o then reported even here.
So my question is: which of the following IDEs are best situated for Rails3 in a Windows Box right now:
Komodo IDE
Look, i dont want to start a discussion (kinda x vs y). I just want to know from people who already are developing in Rails3 with Windows what is the better choice in the long run.
Issues with NetBeans
Issue 1
Issue 2
Note: Im using RubyMine by now and facing no problems
I'm using
You can try it for free for 30 days. Before my time with RubyMine, I've used NetBeans for Rails too. But I have to say RubyMine is the money worth.
I like Redcar. Very beautiful IDE, similar TextMate
When I develop Rails on Windows, I use Aptana RadRails or Aptana Studio (pretty much the same thing). They are a little bit heavyweight, but I like the Eclipse interface in general. It often does better at syntax highlighting and autocorrecting than TextMate and has vastly better keyboard shortcuts. The TextMate/Mac fanboys are probably going to come after me for saying that. If you have plenty of memory to spare, Aptana is the way to go.
I use RubyMine, but their Java IDE has a free community edition with a Ruby plugin, which does have of what RubyMine does, FWIW.
Though to be honest, you will probably get a lot of responses saying no IDE... VIM, Emacs etc...
Aptana looks good. But I think RadRails supports only Rails 2. Aptana studio 3 Beta has a full fledged Rails 3 interface.
Also Aptana solves many RoR installation issues in Windows (which can get very messy) . So I think aptana is the way to go
I like RubyMine, as it's pretty fast and does a great job.
I wrote up a brief description of some popular editors as a part of my P2PU course. Scroll to "Choosing a Programmer's Editor" on the week 1 curriculum.
Starting with an IDE can definitely get you started, especially one like RubyMine since it's mostly cross platform.
However, learning an editor like Vim or Emacs has other benefits like being able to be completely cross-platform. More importantly, they're lightweight both in disk space and in memory usage. While using an IDE might assist in you learning a language (because you get syntax completion, documentation, etc), learning an editor can lead to the kind of power usage that one using an IDE can only dream of (but it will take a while to get to that point on something like Vim or Emacs).
e-texteditor would be a good choice.

Does anyone have experience with Ruby in Steel?

Coming primarily from a .NET background, I am quite attached (for better or worse) to Visual Studio.
I'm going to school for software engineering now, though, and my first class is in XP (Extreme Programming) using Ruby on Rails. Mostly I've heard that when you're developing in Ruby, you tend to skip the whole IDE altogether; and I'm totally open to that possibility. There are IDEs out there, though, and so it seems like there must be at least some folks who still find that using one is worthwhile.
Since I am so familiar with VS, I was just wondering if anybody out there has used Ruby In Steel. From the website, it certainly looks nice. I have literally no idea how useful or appropriate it is for general RoR development, though, which is why I thought I'd throw this question out there.
Have you used Ruby In Steel? What are your impressions of it? How does it stack up against other well-known IDEs such as Netbeans? And is it even worthwhile to use an IDE for RoR development, or is a good text editor preferable?
Short answer
Skip the IDE and use Vim (or your favorite, simple, text editor)
Long answer
I'm a C# developer and have used Visual Studio as an IDE since I started programming. I love Visual Studio and always laughed at those people who didn't use an IDE. I just didn't get it. So when I started learning Ruby on Rails, the first thing I did was look for the best IDE available. I tried NetBeans, RubyMine, Aptana, and every text editor I could find (not Ruby in Steel, however, b/c I didn't want to pay for it).
I settled on NetBeans finally and thought it was pretty good. But it takes 30-60 seconds to load. And you soon find out that intellisense with ruby doesn't really work (and even if it did, the rails api's don't really make sense with intellisense anyway). What happened was that I found myself using Notepad++ to make quick edits to my files.
But then slowly I started using Notepad++ more often and would need to have my server running, so I opened up the console to run the server (instead of my ide). Then I needed a controller generated, but it was faster to look up the command line syntax to generate the controller than it was to load my IDE. That's when I started to realize that I didn't really need, or even want, and IDE for rails development, I was perfectly happy with Notepad++. Those no-IDE guys weren't so crazy after all.
So I started looked at all of the text editors I could find and ran across Vim (you know, that crappy old text editor that those grumpy old programmers used to use before I was born). Vim, with some rails plugins, is all I use now for rails development. It was hard to convince my Visual Studio loving self that a console based text editor would actually make me more productive than an full IDE, but once I gave it a chance, I was really impressed.
Now, learning Vim and Rails and Ruby at the same time is a large undertaking, but I would at least recommend you learn the rails command line and use your favorite text editor, instead of a fat, slow, $200 IDE.
I looked at the original release - it was nicely done but the trial period expired and it hadn't become essential to my development existence. To date, no IDE has, although I do keep an up-to-date install of NetBeans for the occasional foray into Rails framework debugging (that's usually bugs in my understanding rather than bugs in Rails, btw).
While the IDEs (and I note that Ruby In Steel 2.0 was just announced in early Nov 2010) are all smart, I have tended to find that applying TDD mostly removes the need for IDE-based step-through style debugging.
Assuming they continue the trial program as before, you should be able to spend 60 days with RIS 2.0 before you have to commit any money. That ought to be enough to establish whether or not it can be worth buying.
I was really interested in Ruby in Steel but I didn't find the trial very useful. This was some time ago and it has more features now. Before you plonk $200 for this, I'd definitely give Aptana RadRails a try as a free IDE, or look at e-TextEditor which is what I use now. It has really good bundles for rails development and is also a great general purpose editor; although it does not have an integrated debugger I've found that I am just as effective without it using the rails console.

Does RubyMine 2.0 earn its $99 as a Rails IDE? [closed]

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I've seen a lot of blogs talk about RubyMine lately, as a best of breed Rails IDE. Currently, I am using NetBeans IDE for my Ruby and Rails stuff, but I was wondering if anyone here would personally recommend this IDE, and reasons why I should fork out $99 for it.
I used NetBeans for a while, before switching to RubyMine some month ago prior the first release.
I can say the IDE is worth the entire price.
RubyMine has the best autocomplete support I have ever seen. It's a really clever IDE, it can understand most of the Rails "magics" including method references by symbols
class Controller
before_filter :mymethod
def mymethod
metaprogramming, Rails/Ruby convention and so on.
Also, RubyMine 2.0 introduced i18n support for Rails and, having to maintain a couple of Rails apps localized in 5 different languages, I must say this is an awesome feature.
It supports the latest testing frameworks in the Ruby ecosystem, including Shoulda, Test::Unit, RSpec and Cucumber. Unfortunately it lacks RCov support, while I know Netbeans is going to integrate it.
A couple of co-workers are still using NetBeans and they often have problem with SVN because Netbeans doesn't auto-refresh the working copy when you update it outside the IDE.
RubyMine has an excellent SCM support and ships with SVN, CVS and even Git compatibility.
I don't want this answer to seems like a RubyMine promo, so I encourage you to give it a try for 30days then make a choice.
I've tried Netbean, RadRails and RubyMine. In my personal opinion it's well worth the money, and I heartily agree with weppos.
Your best bet it to try the evaluation version for a while and make your own mind up. I find IDE preferences are very subjective, the only real way to know if it's any good is to try it for yourself.
it is a little buggy and a big resource eater but has the better "intellisense", refactoring, and complementary areas support (haml) i ever seen for ruby/rails. it's appearance under mac os x is lame and is much less usable (in terms of UI usability) than any other ide. i guess that in the next major versions it will become the ruby/rails killer-ide. i would wait to buy it, as i see it as an immature project right now.
Suffice to say that Rubymine (2.5 EAP version) is the first IDE I actually like. Having used
to excellence of developing Rails apps in OS X with TexMate, when I switched the job and was forced to get along without OS X, I was quite satisfied to find Rubymine.
A veteran Emacs user (over 10 years) and recent Vim convert (gotta love the extremely powerful command system and short key bindings), I soon found that either the file navigation, cucumber editing or refactoring support was quite lacking in those. With Rubymine, I get TextMate-style file navigation which is just awesome, the only IDE which actually has a type inferencing engine and is able to capture many run-time errors during the editing phase, plus all the features I ever used in Rails projects.
Yes, I'm going to buy the software when they release 3.0 or so, and I don't know if I'll use TextMate in the future when I get again access to OS X. They say the OS X support is very good in Rubymine EAP versions, but what's nice that you can have that for every other OS as well.
Apologies for answering in short. I'll add that debugging via RubyMine is very convenient. Just set a breakpoint and try to hit the point. You can see all of your vars, set watches, and investigate objects right in the debug console.
I'd highly recommend it to any Ruby developer.
To me, there are 3 big advantages in RubyMine that other free or cheap editors/IDE's don't have (notably TextMate and Ruby VIM):
The ability to browse all the gem sources, navigate to the definition of a library method deep in a gem in a single keystroke (CTRL + B on Linux, Cmd + B on Mac), or related docs (CTRL + Q on Linux).
Graphical debugger integration. If you are debugging with print statements and the command line debugger is too cryptic too you (can't see the forest for all the trees), then the time savings alone of debugging a running test suite or live server are worth the price of RubyMine (if you value your time at all).
The continued dedication of the JetBrains team to keep up and integrate with all the whims and trends of the open source tool chain. In the 3 years, I've used RubyMine exclusively, I've seen them follow and integrate with every thing that's gaining traction. Their responsiveness is unmatched. Just 3 examples of this: Native cucumber specs in 2009, RVM in 2010, CoffeeScript in 2011.
I use it, and as of right now, don't think it's quite worth it - if you like working with a full IDE, RadRails is as good (though in different ways), and free. I admit, I haven't got all the keyboard shortcuts in RubyMine down, so I'm not as productive with it as I hope to be, but I find myself doing stuff at the command line more than I think should be necessary with a 'real' IDE. It's been pretty stable for me (on linux), the source control integration is good, and it's not as slow as it used to be (though I still end up in vim at times, if I don't want to load it). I'm hoping a 'plugin' ecology will develop around it. Overall, it's a pretty good product, but not (yet?) worth the $99 over RadRails (haven't used NetBeans)
I've used Netbeans for a while(1+ year) now. and have tried RadRails too. but i choose RubyMine cause:
the base IDE is very solid and has a
ton of plugins
it's generally more intelligent and have good refactoring abilities.
it supports a good number of other frameworks and technologies outside ruby and rails (like SaaS, haml, cucumber, shouldr, rspec...etc).
it supports my favorite version control system: git.
all in all i think if you take some time to learn its key mappings, you can be very productive with it. you wouldn't need to use a shell at all(well sometimes you might need to get the idea).
just my 2 cents
I've been using Rubymine to develop Rails apps for a while now.
There was a point a few months ago when I would have been hesitant to recommend paying for it.
However the rate at which it has been improving and adding new features is really impressive.
If you're doing BDD (with Cucumber) then it's worth buying just for the step completion and navigation.
Also the features that have come from IntelliJ like Javascript, HTML, CSS, VCS support etc are excellent.
I am a former NetBeans user. I LOVE RubyMine! It has excellent rvm, git, Rspec and cucumber integration, all of which are in my stack. Go with it. You won't be sorry.
I used both Redmine and Textmate but I tend to spend more time coding in textmate. It's a matter of preference whatever gets the job done quicker is the best tool in my opinion.
Good Luck #johnrlive
I love how "project aware" RubyMine is. Coming from ST2 (which is still use daily), it's hard not to miss the elegance of an editor like ST2 but working on large scale projects with versioning, RubyMine is the IDE of choice for me. I just wish the would improve the editor and UI.
I just started to explore the IDE concept, being a happy TextMate programmer until just a couple days ago. But now that I've played with both NetBeans and RubyMine, I gotta say RubyMine rocks. NetBeans is cool for the price, but it's slow, slow, slow. Sometimes windows will lock up for long periods of time while something is apparently "thinking" - of what, I can't imagine. On the other hand, even as a fairly novice Ruby programmer, I was able to get RubyMine conversing with Git and AutoTest within a few minutes -- in short I got up and running and back to programming pretty quickly. On the flip side, I still haven't figured out how to get it to work with Heroku or Growl, but I'm still pretty new at it.
I would say depends on what your looking for. Netbeans is definitely a very capable and sufficient IDE. Rubymine shines in its autocompletion and really easy Git integration. If you have a lot of money to spare I would say ruby mine is the way to go. However, in my case, as I am a broke college student Netbeans and/or text mate does the job fine. Spending an additional minute on git outside of netbeans and using my extra monitor for documentation has worked well for me thus far.

Not java based editor for Ruby on Rails on windows?

It appears that NetBeans and Aptana/RadRails are the most common adopted IDE's for Ruby on Rails development, but both needs the Java Runtime Environment to run.
I'm looking for an IDE wich doesn't need JRE to run. If it is lightweight and installs very fast would be better, because I will be programming in computers with old hardware and Windows XP.
Do you know any? Thanks a lot.
Maybe E?
I am a big fan of SciTE and the command line.
Actually I would say that Vim paired with rails.vim is amongst the most popular editors for Rails. Vim, gVim and Cream are all available for Windows.
Learning curve is massively steep, but its worth it.
Also, if you are doing any serious Rails work, development on Windows sucks. It takes way too long to spin up a script/console or a web. Tooling is much better on Linux. When I'm doing Rails work on my Windows box I do it on an Ubuntu VM.
Komodo Edit is one of the best IDEs I've ever used, and it has Rails support (although maybe not as good as Aptana/RadRails). If you have money to spare, I'd highly recommend Komodo IDE, as it has some great extra features, but if not, Komodo Edit has everything you need. As for speed, it's slow to start up but after that it's as fast as any other "lightweight" editor you've used.
What about the editor that comes with ruby-one-click for windows? Would it work? (the one written in ruby).
There is also gvim or vim if you are feeling adventurous.
JetBrains RubyMine
I did not use this program, but "System Requirements" did not indicate requirements for Java Runtime Environment in Windows version.

What IDE to use for developing in Ruby on Rails on Windows? [duplicate]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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What Ruby IDE do you prefer?
I've generally been doing stuff on Microsoft .NET out of college almost 2 years ago. I just started looking at Ruby on Rails. So what editor should I use? I'm using Notepad++ right now but can I get debugging etc. somehow?
Try both NetBeans and RadRails for maybe a week each, then you can find which works best for you. The best advice is to learn your tool. If you are not checking out something new about your editor, something that could potentially save you time (regexp, etc) then you are doing yourself a huge disservice.
I have been using Eclipse/Aptana/RadRails and unlike Gaius have been pretty happy with it.
I recommend the Eclipse IDE for Java Developers from Eclipse Downloads:
Then grab Aptana Studio, following these instructions.
When Eclipse restarts Aptana will have a view, click on rad rails and you are good to go. Just make sure you have ruby installed already, or it becomes a pain to resolve.
Aptana Studio
I use it for all web development - HTML, CSS, PHP, JavaScript, Rails...
EDIT: For full disclosure, I'm biased toward Aptana and RadRails as I know a few members of the original RadRails dev team.
rubyMine is the most full featured IDE for Rails at the current time (2012).
Personally, for rails development I had used Eclipe for several months and then netBeans for several weeks and rubyMine is clearly better than them.
It's great in all the areas that count - code views, search and replace, source control management, testing, debugging and it's got features like viewing a model dependency diagram that are really neat.
It isn't free - cost about $50-$100. This has recently become a key positive criteria for me. Too many "free" products that I invest thousands of hours getting proficient in eventually die and stop being developed but paid products pay for continued development. I've become weary of investing a lot of time and energy into such products only to have them wither and die. Given the hundreds of thousands of dollars one earns from rails development a $100 tool is a bargain.
Despite how much I love rubyMine I still use vim along side it. Sometimes my tasks works better with vim, sometimes with rubyMine.
I've been very happy with E. It's pretty lightweight and supports TextMate snippets and commands, which means you get access to a huge set of Rails-specific helpers.
However, it is decidedly an editor and not an IDE, so you won't get debugging, built in console, etc. But I've found that for Rails projects I prefer a light editor and a shell (like Console) for tests, debugging, etc.
I've been using Aptana/Eclipse/RadRails, but if I were to do it again, I'd definitely try NetBeans. Aptana has been a major headache.
I've never used IronRuby, but that might make you feel more at home.
The Netbeans IDE is a good, all around editor for many languages. I'm pretty sure the 6.5 beta has support for Ruby on Rails, along with Javascript and a few other web languages. It's worth checking out (
Sapphire in Steel integrates with Visual Studio.
I mainly code ColdFusion or PHP (and JS/CSS/xHTML), but have dabbled in a bit of RoR. RadRails/Apatana has been great for me, because it's built on Eclipse, which I was already using for my other work. It also integrates with Subversion via the Subclipse plugin.
The Eclipse platform is so extensible that it's worth investing a bit of time in to learn, but then again I like having a single IDE rather than having to switch between different apps.
I briefly looked at Netbeans, but TBH Eclipse just felt better for me, and Aptana itself is great when you come to do anything in JavaScript.
I use Emacs on Windows.
Installing and configuring it to work with rails is a pain though.
I found Geany to be a lightweight alternative (which works on linux as well with little modification), although I am checking out Gedit for features that not present or implemented as well in Geany.
