Embedding Lua in OCaml - lua

Could you, please, give a code snippet showing how to use Lua embedded in OCaml?
A simple example could be a "Hello, World" variant. Have OCaml prompt the user for a name. Then pass that name to a Lua function. Have Lua print a greeting and return the length of the name. Then have OCaml print a message about the length of the name.
user#desktop:~$ ./hello.opt
Name? User
Hello, User.
Your name is 4 letters long.
As a non-C programmer, could I implement this without having to write an intermediary C program to pass the data between Lua and OCaml?
Following is a theoretical idea of what I would like to try. Unfortunately, line 3 of ocaml_hello.ml would need to know how to call the function defined in lua_hello.lua in order for the code to be valid.
Defines lua_hello, which prints an argument and returns its length.
1 function lua_hello (name)
2 print ("Hello, "..name..".")
3 return (string.len (name))
4 end
OCaml prompts for a name, calls the Lua function, and prints the return value.
1 let () = print_string "Name? "; flush stdout in
2 let name = input_line stdin in
3 let len = Lua_hello.lua_hello name in
4 Printf.printf "Your name is %d letters long." len; flush stdout;;

I'm not aware of a mature set of bindings for embedding the C implementation of Lua into OCaml. An immature set of bindings was posted on the Caml mailing list in 2004.
If you want to use the ML implementation you can find some examples in a paper called ML Module Mania. The ML implementation, unlike the C implementation, guarantees type safety, but to do so it uses some very scurvy tricks in the ML module system. If you are asking basic questions, you probably want to avoid this.
In your example it's a little hard to guess where you want the function to come from. I suggest you either ask for a C example or give people a C example and ask how it could be realized in OCaml (though I think bindings are going to be a problem).
In response to the revised question, it's pretty complicated. The usual model is that you would put Lua in charge, and you would call Objective Caml code from Lua. You're putting Caml in charge, which makes things more complicated. Here's a rough sketch of what things might look like:
let lua = Lua.new() (* create Lua interpreter *)
let chunk = LuaL.loadfile lua "hello.lua" (* load and compile the file hello.lua *)
let _ = Lua.call lua 0 0 (* run the code to create the hello function *)
let lua_len s =
(* push the function; push the arg; call; grab the result; pop it; return *)
let _ = Lua.getglobal lua "lua_hello" in
let _ = Lua.pushstring lua s in
let _ = Lua.call lua 1 1 in
let len = Lua.tointeger lua (-1) in
let _ = Lua.pop lua 1 in
let () = print_string "Name? "; flush stdout
let name = input_line stdin
let len = lua_len name
Printf.printf "Your name is %d letters long." len; flush stdout;;
Again, I don't know where you'll get the bindings for the Lua and LuaL modules.

On further reflection, I'm not sure if you can do this with the official C implementation of Lua, because I think OCaml believes it owns main(). You'd have to find out if OCaml could be packaged as a library from a C main program.
For an example of putting Lua-ML in charge, you can get Lua-ML standalone from Cminusminus.org, and you can also check out the examples in the paper on Lua-ML as well as the source code to the QC-- compiler itself.


How do I profile F# script

I am learning F# by automating few of my tasks with F# scripts. I run this scripts with "fsi/fsarpi --exec" from command line. I am using .Net core for my work. One of the thing I was looking for is how to profile my F# script. I am primarily looking for
See overall time consumed by my entire script, I tried doing with stopwatch kind of functionality and it works well. Is there anything which can show time for my various top level function calls? Or timings/counts for function calls.
See the overall memory consumption by my script.
Hot spots in my scripts.
Overall I am trying to understand the performance bottlenecks of my scripts.
On a side note, is there a way to compile F# scripts to exe?
I recommend using BenchmarkDotNet for any benchmarking tasks (well, micro-benchmarks). Since it's a statistical tool, it accounts for many things that hand-rolled benchmarking will not. And just by applying a few attributes you can get a nifty report.
Create a .NET Core console app, add the BenchmarkDotNet package, create a benchmark, and run it to see the results. Here's an example that tests two trivial parsing functions, with one as the baseline for comparison, and informing BenchmarkDotNet to capture memory usage stats when running the benchmark:
open System
open BenchmarkDotNet.Attributes
open BenchmarkDotNet.Running
module Parsing =
/// "123,456" --> (123, 456)
let getNums (str: string) (delim: char) =
let idx = str.IndexOf(delim)
let first = Int32.Parse(str.Substring(0, idx))
let second = Int32.Parse(str.Substring(idx + 1))
first, second
/// "123,456" --> (123, 456)
let getNumsFaster (str: string) (delim: char) =
let sp = str.AsSpan()
let idx = sp.IndexOf(delim)
let first = Int32.Parse(sp.Slice(0, idx))
let second = Int32.Parse(sp.Slice(idx + 1))
struct(first, second)
type ParsingBench() =
let str = "123,456"
let delim = ','
member __.GetNums() =
Parsing.getNums str delim |> ignore
member __.GetNumsFaster() =
Parsing.getNumsSpan str delim |> ignore
let main _ =
let summary = BenchmarkRunner.Run<ParsingBench>()
printfn "%A" summary
0 // return an integer exit code
In this case, the results will show that the getNumsFaster function allocations 0 bytes and runs about 33% faster.
Once you've found something that consistently performs better and allocates less, you can transfer that over to a script or some other environment where the code will actually execute.
As for hotspots, your best tool is to actually run the script under a profiler like PerfView and look at CPU time and allocations caused by the script while it's executing. There's no simple answer here: interpreting profiling results correctly is challenging and time consuming work.
There's no way to compile an F# script to an executable for .NET Core. It's possible only on Windows/.NET Framework, but this is legacy behavior that is considered deprecated. It's recommended that you convert code in your script to an application if you'd like it to run as an executable.

Performant, idiomatic way to concatenate two chars that are not in a list into a string

I've done most of my development in C# and am just learning F#. Here's what I want to do in C#:
string AddChars(char char1, char char2) => char1.ToString() + char2.ToString();
EDIT: added ToString() method to the C# example.
I want to write the same method in F# and I don't know how to do it other than this:
let addChars char1 char2 = Char.ToString(char1) + Char.ToString(char2)
Is there a way to add concatenate these chars into a string without converting both into strings first?
I also have considered making a char array and converting that into a string, but that seems similarly wasteful.
let addChars (char1:char) (char2: char) = string([|char1; char2|])
As I said in my comment, your C# code is not going to do what you want ( i.e. concatenate the characters into a string). In C#, adding a char and a char will result in an int. The reason for this is because the char type doesn't define a + operator, so C# reverts to the nearest compatable type that does, which just happens to be int. (Source)
So to accomplish this behavior, you will need to do something similar to what you are already trying to do in F#:
char a = 'a';
char b = 'b';
// This is the wrong way to concatenate chars, because the
// chars will be treated as ints and the result will be 195.
Console.WriteLine(a + b);
// These are the correct ways to concatenate characters into
// a single string. The result of all of these will be "ab".
// The third way is the recommended way as it is concise and
// involves creating the fewest temporary objects.
Console.WriteLine(a.ToString() + b.ToString());
Console.WriteLine(Char.ToString(a) + Char.ToString(b));
Console.WriteLine(new String(new[] { a, b }));
(See https://dotnetfiddle.net/aEh1FI)
F# is the same way in that concatenating two or more chars doesn't result in a String. Unlike C#, it results instead in another char, but the process is the same - the char values are treated like int and added together, and the result is the char representation of the sum.
So really, the way to concatenate chars into a String in F# is what you already have, and is the direct translation of the C# equivalent:
let a = 'a'
let b = 'b'
// This is still the wrong way (prints 'Ã')
printfn "%O" (a + b)
// These are still the right ways (prints "ab")
printfn "%O" (a.ToString() + b.ToString())
printfn "%O" (Char.ToString(a) + Char.ToString(b))
printfn "%O" (String [| a;b |]) // This is still the best way
(See https://dotnetfiddle.net/ALwI3V)
The reason the "String from char array" approach is the best way is two-fold. First, it is the most concise, since you can see that that approach offers the shortest line of code in both languages (and the difference only increases as you add more and more chars together). And second, only one temporary object is created (the array) before the final String, whereas the other two methods involve making two separate temporary String objects to feed into the final result.
(Also, I'm not sure if it works this way as the String constructors are hidden in external sources, but I imagine that the array passed into the constructor would be used as the String's backing data, so it wouldn't end up getting wasted at all.) Strings are immutable, but using the passed array directly as the created String's backing data could result in a situation where a reference to the array could be held elsewhere in the program and jeopardize the String's immutability, so this speculation wouldn't fly in practice. (Credit: #CaringDev)
Another option you could do in F# that could be more idiomatic is to use the sprintf function to combine the two characters (Credit: #rmunn):
let a = 'a'
let b = 'b'
let s = sprintf "%c%c" a b
printfn "%O" s
// Prints "ab"
(See https://dotnetfiddle.net/Pp9Tee)
A note of warning about this method, however, is that it is almost certainly going to be much slower than any of the other three methods listed above. That's because instead of processing array or String data directly, sprintf is going to be performing more advanced formatting logic on the output. (I'm not in a position where I could benchmark this myself at the moment, but plugged into #TomasPetricek's benckmarking code below, I wouldn't be surprised if you got performance hits of 10x or more.)
This might not be a big deal as for a single conversion it will still be far faster than any end-user could possibly notice, but be careful if this is going to be used in any performance-critical code.
The answer by #Abion47 already lists all the possible sensible methods I can think of. If you are interested in performance, then you can run a quick experiment using the F# Interactive #time feature:
open System
open System.Text
let a = 'a'
let b = 'b'
Comparing the three methods, the one with String [| a; b |] turns out to be about twice as fast as the methods involving ToString. In practice, that's probably not a big deal unless you are doing millions of such operations (as my experiment does), but it's an interesting fact to know:
// 432ms, 468ms, 472ms
for i in 0 .. 10000000 do
let s = a.ToString() + b.ToString()
ignore s
// 396ms 440ms, 458ms
for i in 0 .. 10000000 do
let s = Char.ToString(a) + Char.ToString(b)
ignore s
// 201ms, 171ms, 170ms
for i in 0 .. 10000000 do
let s = String [| a;b |]
ignore s

How to write a double value byte by byte

I have to communicate with a dll and it lua and this is the function I use to write strings by bytes:
writeString = function(pid, process, address, value)
local i = 1
while i <= String.Length(value) do
local byte = string.byte(value, i, i)
DLL.CallFunction("hook.dll", "writeMemByte", pid..','..process..','..address + (i-1)..','..byte, DLL_RETURN_TYPE_INTEGER, DLL_CALL_CDECL)
i = i + 1
DLL.CallFunction("hook.dll", "writeMemByte", pid..','..process..','..address + (i-1)..',0', DLL_RETURN_TYPE_INTEGER, DLL_CALL_CDECL)
I basically need to adapt this to write a double value byte by byte.
I just can't think how to make the memory.writeDouble function.
EDIT: this is my readString function:
readString = function(pid, process, address)
local i, str = 0, ""
local curByte = DLL.CallFunction("hook.dll", "readMemByte", pid..','..process..','..(address + i), DLL_RETURN_TYPE_INTEGER, DLL_CALL_CDECL)
if curByte == "" then curByte = 0 end
curByte = tonumber(curByte)
str = str .. string.char(curByte)
i = i + 1
until (curByte == 0)
return str
My first recommendation would be: try to find a function that accepts strings representing doubles instead of doubles. Implementing the lua side of that would be incredibly easy, since you already have a writeString - it could be something very similar to this:
writeDouble = function(pid, process, address, value)
writeString(pid, process, address, tostring(value))
If you don't have that function, but you have access to the dll source, you can try to add that function yourself; it shouldn't be much more complicated than getting the string and then calling atof on it.
If you really can't modify the dll, then you need to figure out the exact double format that the lib is expecting - there are lots of factors that can change that format. The language and compiler used, the operative systems, and the compiler flags, to cite some.
If the dll uses a standard format, like IEE-754, the format will usually have well documented "translations" from/two bites. Otherwise, it's possible that you'll have to develop them yourself.
Regards and good luck!
There are many libraries available for Lua that do just this.
If you need the resulting byte array (string), string.pack should do it; you can find precompiled binaries for Windows included with Lua for Windows.
If you are more interested in using the double to interface with foreign code, I would recommend taking a different approach using alien, a Foreign Function Interface library that lets you directly call C functions.
If you able to, I even more highly recommend switching to LuaJIT, a Just-In-Time compiler for Lua that provides the power, speed and reach of C and assembly, but with the comfort an flexibility of Lua.
If none of these solutions are viable, I can supply some code to serialise doubles (not accessible at the moment).

Call a function from its name as a string in f#

I thought that I might be able to do this with quotations - but I can't see how.
Should I just use a table of the functions with their names - or is their a way of doing this?
For more info......
I'm calling a lot of f# functions from excel and I wondered if I could write a f# function
let fs_wrapper (f_name:string) (f_params:list double) =
this bit calls fname with f_params
and then use
=fs_wrapper("my_func", 3.14, 2.71)
in the sheet rather than wrap all the functions separately.
You'll need to use standard .NET Reflection to do this. Quotations aren't going to help, because they represent function calls using standard .NET MethodInfo, so you'll need to use reflection anyway. The only benefit of quotations (compared to naive reflection) is that you can compile them, which could give you better performance (but the compilation isn't perfect).
Depending on your specific scenario (e.g. where are the functions located), you'd have to do something like:
module Functions =
let sin x = sin(x)
let sqrt y = sqrt(y)
open System.Reflection
let moduleInfo =
|> Seq.find (fun t -> t.Name = "Functions")
let name = "sin"
moduleInfo.GetMethod(name).Invoke(null, [| box 3.1415 |])
Unless you need some extensibility or have a large number of functions, using a dictionary containing string as a key and function value as the value may be an easier option:
let funcs =
dict [ "sin", Functions.sin;
"sqrt", Functions.sqrt ]
There are many methods but one way is to use Reflection, for instance:
typeof<int>.GetMethod("ToString", System.Type.EmptyTypes).Invoke(1, null)
typeof<int>.GetMethod("Parse", [|typeof<string>|]).Invoke(null, [|"112"|])
GetMethod optionally takes an array of types that define the signature, but you can skip that if your method is unambiguous.
Following up on what Thomas alluded to, have a look at Using and Abusing the F# Dynamic Lookup Operator by Matthew Podwysocki. It offers a syntactically clean way for doing dynamic lookup in F#.

F# Code Execution Order

another noob question regarding F#.
If I have the following code...
let ExeC =
printfn "c"
let ExeB b =
printfn "b"
let ExeA =
printfn "a"
printfn "Example %d " ExeA
printfn "Example %d " (ExeB 1)
printfn "Example %d " ExeC
The output is as follows...
Example 1
Example 2
Example 3
What seems unusual here is the order that the code is executing in. In a previous question Brian mentioned something about expressions, I was hoping someone could explain this a bit more. It almost seems like the compiler is intelligently pre-executing things to calculate values... but I don't know?
ExeA and ExeC aren't functions, but single values. The compiler ensures that values initialise in the order in which they're declared in the source file, so what's happening here is:
ExeC initialises
ExeA initialises
Example 1 is printed, using ExeA's initialised value
The ExeB function is called as normal
Example 3 is printed, using ExeC's initialised value
If you want ExeA and ExeC to be truly lazy -- that is, to control when their side effects run -- you could turn them into functions that accept unit:
let ExeC () =
printfn "c"
let ExeB b =
printfn "b"
let ExeA () =
printfn "a"
printfn "Example %d " (ExeA ())
printfn "Example %d " (ExeB 1)
printfn "Example %d " (ExeC ())
As a follow up to Tim's answer, I thought you might appreciate some further insight into what you've stumbled upon. In your example, ExeC and ExeA take advantage of the functional style of organizing code through lexical scoping and closures. Let me demonstrate a more powerful example.
let calc n =
let timesPieDiv4 =
let pie = 3.14
let pieDiv4 = pie/4.
n * pieDiv4
Here again timesPieDiv4 is not a function, but does have a body which contains a series of sub calculations which are not exposed to the rest of the calc function. In a language like C#, you have two options neither of which appeals to me. The first option is to simply declare pie and pieDiv4 within the main body of calc, but then it's less clear how they are being used and you dirty your variable space. The other option is to factor those sub calculations out into a separate private helper function. But I dislike such functions, because with many it becomes hard to analyze your complex algorithms since you are constantly darting around looking up various implementation pieces. Plus it's a lot of boiler plate code and value passing. That's why F# functions are "public" by default, lexical scoping and closures allow you to hierarchically organize "private" functions and values within your public facing functions.
