ModelFactory in ASP.NET MVC to solve 'RenderPartial' issue -

The 'RenderPartial()' method in ASP.NET MVC offeres a very low level of functionality. It does not provide, nor attempt to provide a true 'sub-controller' model *.
I have an increasing number of controls being rendered via 'RenderPartial()'. They fall into 3 main categories :
1) Controls that are direct
descendants of a specific page that
use that page's model
2) Controls that are direct
descendants of a specific page that
use that page's model with an
additional key of some type.
Think implementation of
3) Controls that represent unrelated
functionality to the page they appear
on. This could be anything from a
banner rotator, to a feedback form,
store locator, mailing list signup.
The key point being it doesn't care
what page it is put on.
Because of the way the ViewData model works there only exists one model object per request - thats to say anything the subcontrols need must be present in the page model.
Ultimately the MVC team will hopefully come out with a true 'subcontroller' model, but until then I'm just adding anything to the main page model that the child controls also need.
In the case of (3) above this means my model for 'ProductModel' may have to contain a field for 'MailingListSignup' model. Obviously that is not ideal, but i've accepted this at the best compromise with the current framework - and least likely to 'close any doors' to a future subcontroller model.
The controller should be responsible for getting the data for a model because the model should really just be a dumb data structure that doesn't know where it gets its data from. But I don't want the controller to have to create the model in several different places.
What I have begun doing is creating a factory to create me the model. This factory is called by the controller (the model doesn't know about the factory).
public static class JoinMailingListModelFactory {
public static JoinMailingListModel CreateJoinMailingListModel() {
return new JoinMailingListModel()
MailingLists = MailingListCache.GetPartnerMailingLists();
So my actual question is how are other people with this same issue actually creating the models. What is going to be the best approach for future compatibility with new MVC features?
NB: There are issues with RenderAction() that I won't go into here - not least that its only in MVCContrib and not going to be in the RTM version of ASP.NET-MVC. Other issues caused sufficent problems that I elected not to use it. So lets pretend for now that only RenderPartial() exists - or at least that thats what I've decided to use.

Instead of adding things like MailingListSignup as a property of your ProductModel, encapsulate both at the same level in a class like ProductViewModel that looks like:
public class ProductViewModel() {
public ProductModel productModel;
public MailingListSignup signup;
Then get your View to be strongly-typed to the ProductViewModel class. You can access the ProductModel by calling Model.productModel, and you can access the signup class using Model.signup.
This is a loose interpretation of Fowler's 'Presentation Model' (, but I've seen it used by some Microsoft devs, such as Rob Conery and Stephen Walther.

One approach I've seen for this scenario is to use an action-filter to populate the data for the partial view - i.e. subclass ActionFilterAttribute. In the OnActionExecuting, add the data into the ViewData. Then you just have to decorate the different actions that use that partial view with the filter.

There's a RenderPartial overload I use that let's you specify a new ViewData and Model:
RenderPartial code
If you look at the previous link of the MVC source code, as well as the following (look for RenderPartialInternal method):
RenderPartialInternal code
you can see that if basically copies the viewdata you pass creating a new Dictionary and sets the Model to be used in the control. So the page can have a Model, but then pass a different Model to the sub-control.
If the sub-controls aren't referred directly from the main View Model, you could do the trick Marc Gravell mentions to add your custom logic.

One method I tried was to use a strongly typed partial view with an interface. In most situations an agregated ViewModel is the better way, but I still want to share this.
<%# Control Language="C#" Inherits="System.Web.Mvc.ViewUserControl<IMailingListSignup>" %>
The Viewmodel implements the interface
public class ProductViewModel:IMailingListSignup
Thats not perfect at all but solves some issues: You can still easily map properties from your route to the model. I am not shure if you can have a route parameter map to the properties of MailingListSignup otherwise.
You still have the problem of filling the Model. If its not to late I prefer to do it in OnActionExecuted. I dont see how you can fill a Model in OnActionExecuting.


MVC4 Action method AutoMap actionfilter fails to convert the view model to domain model

so, I've seen this working on a previous project in MVC3, so wondering if a) i've screwed it up, or b) MVC4 is doing something different (can't see it would be).
I have a model bound Razor view which submits to a controller action method (as is the way with MVC)
post action method:
[AutoMap(typeof(MyViewModel), typeof(MyDomainObj))]
public void PostAction(MyDomainObj obj)
{... etc.. etc..
The action filter eventually does something like this:
public override void OnActionExecuting(ActionExecutingContext filterContext)
var model = filterContext.Controller.ViewData.Model;
NOTE: In Jimmy Bogard's example he used OnActionExecuted which I also tried..
The key issue I'm having is that at the pint where we get the "model" variable from the context, it's null. If I look at the filterContext.ActionParameters whilst debugging I can see a MyDomainObj instance!! which appears to (because it happens to have a prop name in common with the MyViewModel type) have been mapped from my form data!
So.. yes if I had MyViewModel type as the parameter to this method, then the param would be properly populated from the submitted form. But. I don't want to do that, I want to (and have done before based on JB's succinct how-to) converted the view model to domain model as part of the action executed/ing and then been able to just hit save on my domain model.
Summary - why is my ViewData.Model null on the post action filter?
Jimmmy also has/had a couple of ideas on how to implement post actions, along with another guy Matt Honeycutt who shares his view on how to do posts. I also believe Jimmy has gone in the direction of using explicit mapping in his get requests instead of attributes, as it can be hard to inject any extra code you need after mapping.
For a post you really want a couple of things imo, the original Entity and the Form Data. You could load the entity like you do for the GET request and do normal model binding to get the form data (remember you can accept a different model for post backs than you spit out in your view) then make the changes in the action.
Of course this would require using AutoMapper in your action, which you seem to be trying to avoid. But unless you write a custom model binder then you're not going to magically get the formdata in a model as the built in one looks at the action paramters to figure out what to bind. For this reason i'd recommend not using a domain model as a parameter for an action, as it may fill out fields that you don't wish it to.
I've also seen Jimmy using a ModelBinder to do something similar to your AutoMapGet, which may be another alternative method, but I'm guessing you've seen that post.
My standard post takes Matt's approach, moving the validation out into a global attribute so it can't be forgotten (there are some downsides to this) then accepting a new view model explicity for the form data, then I explicity load the entity, use automapper to update it and call save. Most the actions only end up being about 5 lines long.
I do avoid using the static methods on AutoMapper and pass a IMapper in via constructor injection. This allows me to make it a bit more testable if I really need to, however the methods are normally so simple the tests don't add all that much value.

Pass data to User Control ASP.NET MVC

I have a user control which shows list of latest announcements. This user control would be used in almost 90% of my pages. Now my concern is how to pass data to this user control for latest announcements.
My first approach is to make a base controller and in Initialise method I pass data to user control via ViewBag/ViewData. All my other controllers derive from this base controller. This looks nice but my concern is that it may become an overkill for some simple solution existing already out there. Also I would need to make sure that no controller ever fiddles with my Viewdata/Viewbag data meant for my usercontrol.
Please let me know if this is correct way of proceeding ahead or there exists some better solution.
Assuming you have a "user control" (you should try to refer to them as partial view's in MVC) that looks like this:
<%# Control Language="C#" Inherits="System.Web.Mvc.ViewUserControl<IEnumerable<Announcement>>" %>
This means your partial view expects a list of Announcement objects.
Now, the question is - where are you rendering this partial view?
You could be doing it from a master page, you could be doing it from a view, or you could be doing it from another partial view.
Either way, the code to render the partial needs to look like this:
<% Html.RenderPartial("LatestAnnouncements", announcements) %>
But - where do you get the announcements from.
Assuming you have a Repository/DAL/helper method to get the latest announcements - i think you should have the ViewModel's you require inheriting from a base ViewModel:
public class AnnouncementViewModelBase
protected IEnumerable<Announcement> GetAnnouncements()
// call DAL
Then any master/view/partial that needs to render the latest announcements partial should be bound to a ViewModel which inherits from that base view model.
In the cases where the master/view/partial is not strongly-typed (e.g dynamic view), you can stick it in the ViewData. But if you have organized your view's correctly this shouldn't be required.
Is this the kind of thing you're after? How to pass data from view to UserControl in ASP.NET MVC?
You should use RenderAction in this kind of scenario, so that you do not have bother to pass the required data in each action method of your controllers.
I think the best way would be to use #Html.Action. This would allow me to call my actions dedicated to my usercontrols data and I can call it from anywhere.

ASP.NET MVC: How to handle model data that must go to every view?

So if there is some global state that every view of an MVC app will need to render ... for example: IsUserLoggedOn and UserName ... whats the appropriate way of getting that information to every view?
I understand that that part of the view should be in the master page or in a partial view thats added to the other views. But whats a good way to make sure the 'global' model data is passed to the view every time from all the relevant controllers and actions?
After asking this, I found this good blog post by Steve Sanderson:
He suggests three different approaches:
Use a base controller class or ActionFilter to add the relevant model to the ViewData[] collection every time. I think a few people have suggested that sort of thing already.
Use Html.RenderAction() in the view ... and as he says:
If someone tells you that internal
subrequests are bad because
it “isn’t MVC”, then just bite them on
the face immediately. Also ask them
why they’re still willing to use Ajax,
and even <IMG> tags for that matter,
given that both are a form of
Use 'Partial Requests' (he provides the code for this on his blog) which allow one controller to nest calls to other controllers into a sortof nested ViewData structure.
codeulike - see the answer to a similar question asked at exactly the same time as this:
ASP.NET MVC displaying user name from a Profile
in a nutshell, basically create a base controller that's inherited by all your other controllers. the base controller then has an override function that carries thro' to all 'child' controllers. rather than duplicate the code, take a look at my answer above and give it a try..
You could create base class for viewmodel which contains shared information and inherit that for each viewmodel.
public class ViewModelBase
// shared data
public class Page1ViewModel : ViewModelBase
// page 1 data
In masterpage you could use that base class
and in each view use those derived classes

Is it okay to hit the database from a custom model binder?

Say I have an object that gets some data from HttpPost and some from the database. I think I want to allow the ModelBinder to go to the database/repository for the that data missing from the post. In practice, is this a good or bad idea?
I've decided to edit my original answer given my thinking on these types of things has evolved since early 2010.
In my original answer, I basically expressed that, while my instincts told me you shouldn't do this, I was uncomfortable saying we shouldn't without being able to articulate why.
Now, I'd recommend against this on the grounds that the responsibility of a Model Binder is to translate a user request into a Request Model and that retrieving data outside of what can be derived from the request goes beyond this scope of responsibility.
I would say a bad idea. The idea of the model binder is that it takes the parameters from the request and creates your model from those. If your model binder, behind the scenes, fills in some of the details from the database this breaks the paradigm. I'd much rather expose the database call in my controller by explicitly fetching the required extra data from the database directly. Note that this could be refactored into a method if used frequently.
I think this is perfectly fine and use this technique all the time.
The only arguments against are very pedantic and amount to arguing over philosophy. IMHO you can put "fill in missing posted data" code into you MVC app as a method in your base controller vs. method in you ActionFilter vs method in you ModelBinder. It all depends on who get what responsibility. To me the model binder can do a lot more than simply wire up some properties from posted values.
The reason I love doing database calls in my modelbinder is because it helps clean up your action methods.
//logic not in modelbinder
public ActionResult Edit( KittyCat cat )
DoSomeOrthagonalDatabaseCall( cat );
return View( new MODEL() );
//logic in model binder
public ActionResult Add( KittyCat cat )
return View( new MODEL() );
It violates the way MVC is supposed to work. ModelBinder is for binging Models from the data that comes from the view. Populating missing info from the database is something that is supposed to be handled by the controller. Ideally, it would have same data layer/repository class that it uses to do this.
The reason it should be in the controller is because this code is business logic. The business rules dictate that some data may be missing and thus it must be handled by the brains of the operation, the controller.
Take it a step further, say you want to log in the DB what info the user isn't posting, or catch an exception when getting the missing data and email admins about it. You have to put these in your model binder this way and it gets more and more ugly with the ModelBinder becoming more and more warped from its original purpose.
Basically you want everything but the controller to be as dumb and as specialized as possible, only knowing out how to carry out its specific area of expertise which is purely to assist the controller.
I would say, no.
Here's why: It would create a dependency on your database for testing your controller actions that would not be easy to abstract out.
I would say it is ok. The argument that creates dependency to database is a false argument for 2 reasons:
1- Database access should be abstracted via repository interfaces. Repository interfaces are part of the domain model and their implementation is part of the infrastructure/data access layer. So there is no dependency to the database.
2- Model Binders and Controllers are both part of presentation layer implemented using ASP.NET MVC Framework. If Controllers are allowed to access database using repository interfaces, how come Model Binders are not allowed?
Also, there are situations that you'd "better" fill the missing data in your model from Model Binders. Consider the scenario where you have a drop-down list on your view. The first time the view is loaded, the drop-down list is populated. The user submits the form but the validation fails. So you'll need to return the form again. At this stage, you'll have to re-populate the list in the Model for the drop-down list. Doing this in Controller looks ugly:
public ActionResult Save(DocumentViewModel viewModel)
if (!ModelState.IsValid)
viewModel.Categories = _repository.GetAll();
return View(viewModel);
I believe the initialization of Categories here is ugly and like a code smell. What if you had a few properties that needed to be filled out from database? What if you had more than 1 action that had DocumentViewModel as an argument? You'd have to repeat this ugly step over and over. A better approach is to fill all the properties of the model using the Model Binder and pass it to the Controller. So the object that is passed to the controller is in a "consistent" state.

When to use a Presentation Model in ASP.NET MVC?

Imagine a blog engine in ASP.NET MVC where I want strongly-typed Views. I have a Model for BlogPost and a Model for Comments. A typical page would display a blog post and all of that post's comments. What object should I pass to the View()? Should I create a Presentation Model? Maybe I'm using that term incorrectly, but by that I mean should I create a composite model just for a View(), something like BlogAndComments? Should my controller create an instance of BlogAndComments and pas that?
Or, should I somehow pass both a BlogPost and Comments object to the View?
I think you're on the right track with your understanding of Presentation Models. As to when you should create a View Model, the answer is probably 'it depends'. In your example, you can probably get away with passing the BlogPost and Comments in the ViewData object. It's not gorgeous, but hey, it gets the job done.
When and if that starts to feel ugly or unwieldy, then I would start thinking about making a View Model. I usually end up with the notion of some sort of 'Page', which includes the page title, common data, and then specific stuff for a particular page. In your case, that might end up as a BlogViewPage, which includes Title, BlogPost and List comments.
The nice thing about that approach is that you can then test that controller by making a request and testing the BlogViewPage to ensure that it contains the expected data.
In my opinion comments belong to the view as much as the post itself.
Make a BL class for your comments like:
class CommentBO
Guid UserID;
string Text;
Then you have a BO for your post.
class PostBO
Guid UserID;
List<CommentBO> Comments;
Then your model can be really simple.
class BlogModel
string AuthorName;
string BlogTitle;
List<PostBO> Posts;
Pass it to the view and render it.
You may be tempted to omit all BO and just fill the model directly from the database. It is an option, but not exactly the right one. A model is just a package of things for a view to display. These things however should be prepared somewhere else, namely at the business logics level with just a nominal participation of the controller.
I always use strongly typed views and create a presentation model class for each view or view user control. The advantage is that by looking at the presentation model class alone I know exactly what are the values that the view uses. If I were passing domain models then that would not be obvious because domain models may contain many properties that the view does not use. I would have to look at the view's markup to figure out what values it needs. Plus the presentation model usually adds certain properties that are not available in the domain model. It seems a bit tedious but I think it saves time and makes the code better in the long run.
In my opinion if comments belong to a blog post why not create a collection of comments on the blog post model? That makes perfect sense from a domain modeling stand-point and chances are whatever ORM you are using would support lazy-loading that collection which simplifies your controller logic as well.
