ASP.NET MVC & Expression XAML - How do I integrate? -

Some Background: MVC is primarly a paradigm shift in the way you structure and develop ASP.NET applications. Shifting from a "code behind" type of mentality to more of a standard MVC Ruby on Rails like mentality. I applaud it's efforts as a simlifying tool towards unit testing ease and seperation of code (although the html inline code could be debatable).
Expression and XAML is a way to describe the presentation layer that can be simple for designers.
The question is:
If we are to use ASP.NET MVC in developing our next website how does the design team that uses Expression and XAML supposed to create (V)iews or integrate into the development flow?
More specifically can Expression users still operate in an ASP.NET MVC world?
Note that the pages in Expression's model use a code behind paradigm as well.

It is a hack, but you can use XAML to render static images in ASP.NET MVC. Check out my post XAML Meets ASP.NET MVC - Serverside Image Rendering - that shows how to render XAML and WPF controls as an image in ASP.NET MVC
There is also the MvcXaml project that is a View Engine that allows for images to be dynamically generated based on a XAML view.

I will try to answer this, making several assumptions that may be wrong.
ASP.Net MVC is a web technology and XAML is a desktop one. You can use XAML inside Internet Explorer, but it's basically a hack, it works best for desktop or silverlight applications.
If you want a paradigm similar to MVC for the desktop, you should try the M-V-VM pattern, who is more appropriate to WPF and XAML.
With M-V-VM you can create views almost code-behind free.
A great intro to M-V-VM is this video by Jason Dolinger
If you are making a website using MVC and you are trying to integrate the design team, you should let them create the HTML+CSS views of your site, while the developers create the controllers and the models.
Please comment in this answer if I have misinterpreted the question.

I'm currently banging my head on these terms. However, maybe this silverlight-as-a-view-in-aspnet-mvc article will help? You've asked about XAML, and I thing this is what Silverlight uses...


Net5 razor pages vs mvc

I am new to net5 framework and have some questions regarding the structure of the project.
When we create a new project it will only create the razor pages. I am learning that we can achieve things with these razor pages.
Meanwhile, I have looked into some open source net5 projects on GitHub and see that they are also using MVC.
So, my question is why do we need MVC then? If everything is achieved using razor pages then what is the need for MVC?
If we need MVC then should we use razor pages with them too?
I have done the identity work with razor pages using scaffolding. What would happen now if I add MVC to my project. How will I manage the routes and page redirection from razor pages to MVC and vice versa?
Please help me with this so I can clear my concepts on this.
I will be really thankful to those who explain the scenario to me.
First, .NET 5 is out of support. You should target .NET 6 instead.
Razor Pages represents a simpler way to generate HTML on the server compared to MVC. It is recommended for all new web applications that rely on server-side HTML generation going forward. MVC is still available for existing apps. It is also probably easier to migrate older MVC 5 (.NET Framework) apps to ASP.NET Core MVC when porting to .NET Core.
Razor Pages is built on top of the MVC framework and depends on a lot of the features of MVC such as model binding, action results and so on.
If you are using Razor Pages, there is no compelling reason to also use MVC in the same project, although you can. If you do, then you need to register controller endpoints:
You might need to add controllers to your project if you want to create HTTP service APIs, although you can use the minimal API feature that was added to .NET 6 instead:
Razor Pages can make coding page-focused scenarios easier and more
productive than using controllers and views.
As another difference, in MVC, you usually create separate class for ViewModel. As I understand, in Razor Page, you don't need a separate class and you just add more properties in the same page and those properties will be part of your model which make things easier.

Relation of webforms in MVC

I am a beginner to MVC technology and have few questions.
1) How can I webforms in MVC and why/when should I used it ?
2) If we can build a application using razor view engine then why webform engine is provided ? If it is, we can continue to use traditional web forms.
3) Can I combine razor/aspx view engine in one project.
Coz I can see we can add WebForm/master pages by right clicking in View folder ....
Any help on this appreciated.
Well I'll recommend you reading some ASP.NET MVC book instead. Because it will give you basic understanding of MVC concept. But still:
You can't use webforms in MVC. Because it's completely different approach;
MVC gives you more flexibility over markup, you can customize your application easily. Again read about MVC pattern. Webforms instead are faster to develop, but heavier in terms of size and have some ugly things like viewstate;
Yes, you can. But in different pages, not in the same page.

Migrating a webfrom appllication to MVC

I have been working on a CMS project based on webforms. It follows simple multitier architecture and contains a single aspx page where the usercontrols (ascx) in the form of modules are loaded dynamically.
Now a lot of clients are demanding it in MVC. I m wondering if it is feasible to seamlessly convert it into MVC. Is the hype just because MVC is the new paradigm for dot not or is it because it does yield substantial benefits?
What is the easiest way to migrate from WebForms to MVC?
You can always convert your existing ASP.NET web application project to include MVC and make it as a hybrid application. Scott Hanselman wrote a simple post to demonstrate how to do that.
If you are trying to add MVC to existing ASP.NET web application, Check out this link. I have scribbled a useful tip there to bring the MVC specific Context menu ( Add Controller/Add View) in the solution explorer.
The below statement is purely personal. (of course both has it's own pros and cons)
Personally If i start a new project, i will choose MVC over webforms. because i tasted it. It is addictive. :) I think My MVC projects are much cleaner than webforms ones.

main purpose of using mvc

Ive been doing a bit of research / reading into mvc recently and was just wondering what the main purpose is.
is it as some people say to seperate the logic from the html
or to create clean url's
i could be missing the point completely, but forms really seperates the logic from the html and if you just want clean url's why not use a mod_rewrite rule?
MVC is a software engineering concept which is used more widely than just in
In a nutshell it encourages strong separation of:
business logic (the Model) the code which does all the brute force work behind the scenes; dealing with the database, performing large calculations; and
user interface logic (the View) the code which presents information to your users in a pretty way.
The C is for Controller - the ligaments that bind the bones of the model and the muscles of the views and allow them to communicate with each other cleanly.
You are correct that 'normal' uses code-behind files so that page markup is kept separate from the code that generates that markup (in contrast to languages like PHP where code is embedded directly amongst HTML), but MVC encourages even more separation in the ways I described above.
Take a look at this tutorial for a more detailed discussion of the pattern. Also take a look at this SO question
The MVC pattern has nothing to do with rewriting URLs. MVC might make this easier but that is not by any means it's main purpose.
Testability is a big benefit of using ASP.NET MVC. It is non-trivial to write unit tests for ASP.NET winforms. It is much easier to unit tests for Controllers.
If you are doing MVC correctly, your views should be very light, and a lot of your logic is implemented in the Controllers.
Let me compare the two for you: web forms
They matured the old ASP technology that was much more like PHP. Code and presentation were piled up in the same file. web forms upgraded this model by providing a mechanism of separating the two. But they built on top of the good things that windows application developers had. The drag drop interface creation with control events just like they exist in a windows application. Event thought code was separate from HTML, they were not separated. You still reference a lot of view controls in your codebehind, hence they're still very much bound to eachother.
Therefore it was rather easy to start developing on web forms. But non savvy developers soon got to a bottleneck they didn't know existed (like slow postbacks due to huge view state etc.). Technology used some tricks to make this work. But on a serious large scale application this became quite a problem. Developers had to mingle their code to make it work with web forms framework. Their complex forms had complex codebehinds with hard maintainable code with complex state.
The good (as well the bad) thing were at that time rich server controls. Nowadays with web 2.0 they don't seem rich anymore since they don't actually support client side functionality as much as they should. So Microsoft decided to also cram in something else. Update panels. That made partial rendering (and Ajax) possible with almost a flick of a finger. But it came with a cost. Everyone that used (uses) it soon realised it's not a viable solution that a professional application could implement. MVC
Now we have a new technology that doesn't have much in common with web forms except for its first part of the name. MVC framework actually does separate code from user interface (view). Controller actions (code that executes on any HTTP request) is kept small and doesn't do anything with visualisation (it doesn't bind data to certain controls etc.). Controller action barely prepares data for the view to either consume or not. It's up to the view. Controller code doesn't in any way shape or form reference any view controls or anything. They're actually separate in MVC.
Views on the other hand just display and provide data. They can be partially or fully rendered. They support Ajax functionality to the point that everyone would like to use. Actually everything is separated into basic little things. Divide et impera (divide and conquer) seems to be the save-line here.
There's not hidden functionality. No flirting with windows development. It pure request response framework. Developer has the ability to 100% control the visual aspect of their app. But for the cost of not having rich controls out of the box. Those may be provided by the community or some developers prefer to create per purpose controls that serve the process much better.
Which one is better then?
Both have their pros and cons. But if you decide to build a semi complex, modern and maintainable application I'd suggest you give MVC a go.
But if all you need to do is a 15 screens application (without any particular interface requirements) it would be much faster to create it using web forms.
MVC is a design pattern. Its purpose is to separate business logic and presentation details.
ASP.Net MVC is a mechanism to create web applications using ASP.Net and the MVC pattern.
One of the features of ASP.NET MVC is the ability to use SEO friendly URLs to provide commands to the controller part.
You can do as you have stated but ASP.Net have provided you a mechanism to do this easier.
The way ASP.Net Webforms was designed is that it made it easy for you drag controls on to the web form and code the logic underneath. ASP.Net MVC is designed so you separate your concerns easier.
The URL part of the ASP.NET MVC framework is just a modern phenomena to produce search engine friendly urls. They've infact been around long before the Microsoft team decided to add them to the framework (which required IIS7 before it could be done with no IIS extension).
The greatest pros in my view come from being able to test more easily, and separating off the parts of your application more cleanly. The whole ActionResult architecture of the ASP.NET MVC framework makes it very easy to switch from AJAX to plain out POSTs.
Delphi 5 use to employ the MVC model for its ISAPI extensions, 10 years ago.
MVC is not just an thing, it is a design pattern that was widely accepted before it was created within the .NET framework, the thing about MVC is the separation of data from presentation(user interaction) from the business layer. It was just a way for Microsoft to offer that type of design pattern under the .NET framework
Although guys before me already give enough answers to the queston of purpose of ASP.NET MVC there is one thing I would like to add.
The ASP.NET Web Forms tried to abstract html and web from web development. That approach lead to the lacks in performances and usage of rich javascript frameworks.It was possible to create web application without actual knowledge of the web.
And to answer to you initial question, the purpose of ASP.NET MVC, I'll quote Dino Esposito:
With ASP.NET MVC, you rediscover the good old taste of the Web—stateless behavior, full control over every single bit of HTML, total script and CSS freedom.
MVC existed long before people tried to use it in HTML pages. The main reason for MVC is to get a grip on the logic to drive your application. MVC allows you to clearly separate things that should be separate: The model, code which converts the model value for the display and the code which controls the model.
So this is not related to HTML or URLs in any way. It's just that MVC makes it really simple to have clean HTML and simple URLs.

Is ASP.NET MVC a good platform?

I aim to try use DevExpress web server controls (which are awesome) in an ASP.NET MVC project (some articles I read on 'net seems to indicate the two can work well together).
I'm eager to start a new project using ASP.NET MVC, and I have been reading up a lot on ASP.NET MVC lately, but I'm not sure if I should invest a project in it. My concern is that it may turn out to be like LINQ to SQL, which is essentially been killed off since MS will not be providing updates.
Is ASP.NET MVC a viable solution to invest in my case?
Yes definitely ASP.NET MVC or any other MVC framework is worth learning. MVC pattern is all about seperation of concerns and helps you to keep your code clean.
If you like Devexpress control too much you could be disappointed because there is no server side control in ASP.NET MVC. But if you want to learn Web's underlying mechanism,HTML, Javascript , clean code, TDD ASP.NET MVC is a good way to go.
Learn first, experiment later MVC is a great development platform for building web applications, so it's definitely worth your time to learn it through and through.
But I suggest you first learn MVC framework and build at least one semi complex app with it and then start experimenting with mixing MVC with web forms controls. It is possible but as much you think you will gain you'll probably loose more. So I would be a bit reluctant and advise you not to match these. At least not on a Greenfield project.
In other words: presumably knowing web forms would you suggest someone to heavy use dynamicly created user controls in their web pages if they're just about to learn the technology of web forms? Probably not. Or mixing web forms with ASP pages on a greenfield project...
Instead try finding great either MVC-friendly server extensions or client-side libraries that will help you create rich web apps like ExtJS (I don't work for ExtJS llc, but I used the lib on a project in the past and liked it a lot). Using something like this you won't loose stuff from MVC and gain great user experience and rich functionality.
Seeing how you're asking the question on this site, I'd say YES!
DevExpress has a bunch of MVC specialized controls, that use Ajax to get data from the server via callbacks. You can see demos of the controls here:
I am not sure if you can use the web forms controls, my understanding is that you can't.
Also, regarding LinqToSql, you don't have to use that. I am using NHibernate for the data layer and it works very nice with MVC.
I worked with and web forms for more than 5 years and at least 1 year with the DevExpress controls for, but now I love MVC so much that I think I don't want to go back to the web forms anytime soon.
Hope this helped.
