Unit testing my controller method results in an empty ViewName? - asp.net-mvc

I'm doing some simple MS unit tests on my standard, nothing special controller.
When I check the ViewName proprty, from the returned ViewResult object, it's "" (empty).
I'm under the impression that the ViewName is implied by the name of the View (as suggested by this MS article on ASP.NET MVC controller testing).
BTW, when I test the ViewData, it's all there and correct.
Here's the code I have...
public ActionResult Index(int? page, string tag)
if (page == null || page <= 0)
page = 1;
var viewData = new IndexViewData
... my property setters, etc ...
return View(viewData);
public void Index_Action_Should_Return_Index_View_For_Default_HomePage()
// Arrange.
var controller = PostController; // Wrapper, cause I use D.I.
// Act.
ViewResult viewResult = controller.Index(null, null) as ViewResult;
// Assert.
Assert.AreEqual("Index", viewResult.ViewName); // This is false/fails.
var indexViewData = viewResult.ViewData.Model as IndexViewData;
Assert.IsNotNull(indexViewData); // This is true.

The ViewName is only present when you set it in the ViewResult. If your View name matches your controller name, then I would check to ensure that the ViewName is null or empty as that would be (IMO) the correct behavior since you wouldn't want to set a name on the view. I only check that the ViewName is set when I intend that the View to be returned does not match the action -- say, when returning the "Error" view, for example.
EDIT: The following is the source for ExecuteResult in ViewResultBase.cs (from RC1, I don't have the source for RTW on my Macintosh). As you can see it checks to see if the ViewName has been set directly and if not, it pulls it from the action in the controller context's route data. This only happens in ExecuteResult, which is invoked AFTER your controller's action has completed.
public override void ExecuteResult(ControllerContext context) {
if (context == null) {
throw new ArgumentNullException("context");
if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(ViewName)) {
ViewName = context.RouteData.GetRequiredString("action");
ViewEngineResult result = null;
if (View == null) {
result = FindView(context);
View = result.View;
ViewContext viewContext = new ViewContext(context, View, ViewData, TempData);
View.Render(viewContext, context.HttpContext.Response.Output);
if (result != null) {
result.ViewEngine.ReleaseView(context, View);

I personally found the testing facilities provided by MVC2 to be somewhat clumsy. I'm guessing there is something better already extant, but I ended up creating a simple class to test actions. I modeled the interface (the implementation is another story) on a class provided by the excellent open source Java MVC framework Stripes called MockRoundTrip.
Here is the method used to get the action destination page when testing actions, called getTripDestination(). It returns the correct result irrespective of whether the viewname is explicitly set or not
//Get the destination page of the request, using Runtime execution pattern of MVC, namely
//if no ViewName is explicitly set in controller, ViewResult will have an empty ViewName
//Instead, current action name will be used in its place
public string getTripDestination()
RouteData routeData = getRouteData();
ViewResult viewResult = (result is ViewResult) ? (ViewResult)result : null;
string tripDestination = (viewResult != null) ? viewResult.ViewName : "";
return (tripDestination != "") ? tripDestination : (String)routeData.Values["action"];
private RouteData getRouteData()
HttpContextBase context = controller.ControllerContext.RequestContext.HttpContext;
return RouteTable.Routes.GetRouteData(context);

The viewname is set automatically by the framework. But when we unit test, we short-circuit the framework and there is nothing left to set the name.
So our actions need to set the viewname explicitly when we unit test. We could also check for null or empty if we really, really want to lean on the convention.

The documentation for Controller.View() states:
This method overload of the View class returns a ViewResult object
that has an empty ViewName property. If you are writing unit tests for
controller actions, take into account the empty ViewName property for
unit tests that do not take a string view name.
At run time, if the ViewName property is empty, the current action
name is used in place of the ViewName property.
So when expecting a view with the same name as the current action we can just test that it's an empty string.
Alternatively, the Controller.View(String) method will set the ViewName.


View/Model data isn't refreshing/changing after post/postback, even though I'm using the PRG pattern

Update I have saved my problem a long time ago. The problem was that I was trying to call the view model on the wrong view method! I was calling the base view method (Document), instead of one of it's derived method (like NewDocument, PDFDocument, etc.) Thus it was only giving me the Documents data, which didn't change. I was looking and using the wrong view method all the time... Stephen, when you asked me
"Why do you create derived classes in a method but then return only the base class"
I couldn't answer the question at the time because I didn't even know myself, until I remember that originally, the method wasn't returning the base class. I only changed it so that it can work with the base view method, which was wrong in the first place!
That's what I get for only getting 3-4 hours of sleep in 3 days. Everything works right now. Thanks.
I'm having a hard time trying to figure out why the data in my view isn't changing after I do a post. Originally I was doing it via return View() and it worked, but since it was a partial view, the page didn't look great, so I was reading up and saw that it was better to do it by Post-Redirect-Get pattern (PRG) and to use an id value to retrieve the values instead of sending the entire model via Tempdata. I even used ModelState.Clear() and that didn't even work. When I debugged the code, the model only has the values from when I first called it.
Here's part of my Get controller:
NewDocument Get Controller
public ActionResult NewDocument(int? id = null)
// This doesn't work. The view keeps on showing the data from View(Services.CreateNewDocument()).
if (id != null)
return View(Services.GetdocumentViewModelData(DocEnum.Section.NEW_DOC_INDEX, (int)id));
// This works fine
return View(Services.CreateNewDocument());
And here's the post that calls the redirect:
NewDocument Post controller
[MultipleButton(Name = "action", Argument = "AddDocuments")]
//[OutputCache(Duration = 30, VaryByParam = "*")]
public ActionResult AddDocumentViewModel(FormCollection frm, DocumentViewModel dvm)
if (ModelState.IsValid)
int? DocID = Services.AddingNewDocument(dvm);
// See, I even tried to clear it.
return base.RedirectToAction("NewDocument", new { id = DocID });
// Display errors in the modal
return base.RedirectToAction("NewDocument");
And here's the old way I did it:
NewDocument Post controller
[MultipleButton(Name = "action", Argument = "AddDocuments")]
//[OutputCache(Duration = 30, VaryByParam = "*")]
public ActionResult AddDocumentViewModel(FormCollection frm, DocumentViewModel dvm)
if (ModelState.IsValid)
Services.AddingNewDocument(ref dvm);
dvm.NewRecordMode = DocEnum.Action.UPDATE;
// It worked, but only the partial view showed, and not the entire view.
return PartialView("_NewDocument", dvm);
// Display errors in the model
return base.RedirectToAction("NewDocument");
Could it be because I'm using a custom model binding?
My Custom Model Binding
public class BaseClassModelBinder : DefaultModelBinder
public override object BindModel(ControllerContext controllerContext, ModelBindingContext bindingContext)
var modelType = bindingContext.ModelType;
var modelTypeValue = controllerContext.Controller.ValueProvider.GetValue("ViewModel");
if (modelTypeValue == null)
throw new Exception("View does not contain the needed derived model type name");
var modelTypeName = modelTypeValue.AttemptedValue;
var type = modelType.Assembly.GetTypes().SingleOrDefault(x => x.IsSubclassOf(modelType) && x.Name == modelTypeName);
if (type == null)
throw new Exception(String.Format("Derived model type {0} not found", modelTypeName));
var instance = bindingContext.Model ?? base.CreateModel(controllerContext, bindingContext, type);
bindingContext.ModelMetadata = ModelMetadataProviders.Current.GetMetadataForType(() => instance, type);
return base.BindModel(controllerContext, bindingContext);
EDIT: And here's the GetDocumentViewModelData code:
public static DocumentViewModel GetDocumentViewModelData(DocEnum.Section docType, int id)
switch (docType)
case DocEnum.Section.NEW_DOCUMENT_INDEX:
// NewDocumentTypeViewModel is a child to DocumentTypeViewModel
DocumentTypeViewModel nd = NewDocumentService.GetViewModelByID(id);
return nd;
case DocEnum.Section.PDF_DOCUMENT:
DocumentTypeViewModel pdfvm = PDFDocumentService.GetViewModelByID(id);
return pdfvm;
case DocEnum.Section.XLS_DOCUMENT:
DocumentTypeViewModel xlsvm = XLSDocumentService.GetViewModelByID(id);
return xlsvm;
return null;
Edit: Also adding the GetViewModelByID function
public static DocumentTypeViewModel GetViewModelByID(int id)
docEntities db = new docEntities();
NewDocumentTypeViewModel vm = new NewDocumentTypeViewModel();
// Calls a stored procedure called Select_Documents_ByID(id) to get the note entry
// that was submitted.
List<Select_Documents_ByID_Result> prevNotes = db.Select_Documents_ByID(id).ToList();
StringBuilder sNotes = new StringBuilder();
foreach (var note in prevNotes)
sNotes.AppendFormat("{0} - {1}: {2}\n\n", note.CreatedDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm"), note.username, note.Entry);
vm.PreviousNotes = sNotes.ToString();
return vm;
Edit: I did a direct creation of the view model inside the Get controller, and it's the same result. when i debugged the view itself, the values from the new view model don't show up. Instead, the values from the initial view model, View(Services.CreateNewDocument()), shows.
public ActionResult NewDocument(int? id = null)
// Right here I created the view model to test thing, but I'm getting the same results. Nothing has changed.
if (id != null)
var d = new NewDocumentTypeViewModel(1, "Help!");
// This property is from the base class, DocumentTypeViewModel
d.DocumentTitle = "Testing!";
return View(d);
// Inside the view itself, none of the values in the view model, including the one
// belonging to the base class. It still shows the initial values.
// This works fine
// Or maybe not...
return View(Services.CreateNewDocument());
Edit: I wanted to see if it was also doing the same thing for the initial call to the view return View(Services.CreateNewDocument()), and decided to change the value for documentTitle in the base class from New Document to a randomly-generated number, after the object has been created.
Here's the code for DocumentTypeViewModel's default constructor:
public DocumentTypeViewModel()
DocumentTitle = "New Document";
NewRecordMode = DocEnum.Action.ADD;
DocumentID = 0;
And here's the Services.CreateNewDocument() code where I change the DocumentTitle after the View Model has been created.
public DocumentTypeViewModel CreateNewDocument()
DocumentTypeViewModel dtvm = new DocumentTypeViewModel();
Random r = new Random();
dtvm.DocumentTitle = r.Next(5, Int32.MaxValue).ToString();
return dtvm;
Now in the View, when I call DocumentTitle:
<div class="label-text-group">
#Html.LabelFor(model => model.DocumentTitle)
#Html.EditorFor(model => model.DocumentTitle)
You would expect to see a randomly-generated number every time the View gets called. Nope, what you would see is "New Document". Weird.
It's seems that Services.GetDocumentViewModelData() is not exactly working correctly. It only carries the values created by the base class' constructor when a view is created, not any values that have been added or changed within GetDocumentViewModelData() itself. Why is that? What's going on? Please help anybody!
I have solved it. Look at the Update section on top. Thanks Stephen.

What Views can a Controller Action return?

In ASP.NET MVC 5, does every Controller Action have to return a View with the same name as the Controller?
Here's my project. Have a webpage which contains a button to upload an image to a database. When the webpage is loaded, I want it to display a list of all the images that have already been uploaded. So, the Index (default) Action for this Controller loads the images from the database, and returns the Index View, which in turn displays the list of images:
public ActionResult Index()
// Load the images from the database
var images = GetImages();
return View(images);
On that same webpage, there is a button which allows the user to upload an image to the database. That button calls the Upload Action, which uploads the file based upon the "file" and "folder" arguments that are passed, and then finally returns the Index View again:
public ActionResult Upload(HttpPostedFileBase file, string folder)
// Upload the file from the specified folder
// ...
// ...
// ...
return Index();
However, when a user clicks on this upload button, the following error message is displayed:
The view 'Upload' or its master was not found or no view engine supports the searched locations
But I am not trying to render a View called "Upload" - I am trying to render the view called "Index", which is why I have the line return Index();.
Any help on where I'm going wrong?
Although Vitaliy and Nathan A provided adequate answers, I wanted to explain why your initial approach doesn't work because it's a great question and doesn't seem to make sense.
To get our answer we have to look at the ASP.NET MVC source code.
Before we get to that let's walk through your code.
The user visits (or POSTS to) /Controller/Upload
We do some logic and then return Index()
Index() is a method that returns its own view with its own model
MVC fails to find 'Upload' view and throws an exception
What went wrong?
Firstly know that Index() is being called and returned successfully. The model object is also being passed to the view (if one is found).
When you return Index(), it is returning View() which is an inherited method from the Controller class which returns a ViewResult.
A ViewResult inherits from ViewResultBase.
When a ViewResult is being returned it calls ExecuteResult().
Taking a look at the source code for ExecuteResult():
public override void ExecuteResult(ControllerContext context)
if (context == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("context");
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.ViewName))
this.ViewName = context.RouteData.GetRequiredString("action");
ViewEngineResult viewEngineResult = null;
if (this.View == null)
viewEngineResult = this.FindView(context);
this.View = viewEngineResult.View;
TextWriter output = context.HttpContext.Response.Output;
ViewContext viewContext = new ViewContext(context, this.View, this.ViewData, this.TempData, output);
this.View.Render(viewContext, output);
if (viewEngineResult != null)
viewEngineResult.ViewEngine.ReleaseView(context, this.View);
The key here is context.RouteData.GetRequiredString("action"). This code gets the action name so that a view can be found and rendered. Note that it is using a ControllerContext.
Because of this, your action is actually set when the Upload() method is first called. If you step through your Index() method you will see that calling context.RouteData.GetRequiredString("action") will return the string "Upload".
This is because, within the context of the user request, the action is in fact Upload (that's the page they requested).
Fun fact
If you return Index() and that method happens to alter the ViewBag (ViewData) then the ViewData will be altered regardless of what is rendered.
If your Upload() does this:
ViewBag.Test = "Upload method";
And you return Index() and your Index() does this:
ViewBag.Test = "Index method";
Then the value of Test will be "Index method".
Look up the documentation on the View method. It has several arguments you can provide, one of them being a string of the name of the view, but you always use the View() method if you want to return a view.
However, if you don't want to use the default View name (being the name of the action method), simply use a string to specify a new name like so:
public ActionResult Upload(HttpPostedFileBase file, string folder)
return View("Index");
you can do either:
return RedirectToAction("Index");
return View("Index");
Just a side-note, you're not constrained to show views from the View folder for the controller name. You can do
public ActionResult something()
return View("../OtherView/somethingElse");

Get route data from within IResultFilter.OnResultExecuted

When a view has been rendered in memory and before it is sent as a response to the client, I would like to intercept the call, check which view is being rendered, what was the action and controller, and do some house-keeping.
Therefore, I am implementing a ResultFilter and overriding the OnResultExecuted method.
Within this method, how do I get the route data to figure out which view, action, controller were called?
My profuse apologies. I just looked up ResultExecutedContext in reflector and it showed me only an Exception, Cancelled and ActionResult property. It didn't show me any RouteData. When I fired up the IDE, it did show me the route data. I feel like a dick for asking this question.
You could get it from the filterContext's RouteData property:
public override void OnResultExecuted(ResultExecutedContext filterContext)
RouteData rd = filterContext.RouteData;
// read from the current request RouteData the information
// you were looking for. For example to get the current controller
// and action:
string currentController = rd.GetRequiredString("controller");
string currentAction = rd.GetRequiredString("action");
As far as which view was rendered is concerned you could retrieve this information from the Result property:
var viewResult = filterContext.Result as ViewResultBase;
if (viewResult != null)
// the controller action returned a view result (either a ViewResult or PartialViewResult)
// so we could retrieve the view name here:
string viewName = viewResult.ViewName;
If on the other hand the controller action returned a JsonResult you could also extract retrieve it:
var jsonResult = filterContext.Result as JsonResult;
and so on...
ResultExecutedContext has a RouteData property which should give you what you need

How to get the Model from an ActionResult?

I'm writing a unit test and I call an action method like this
var result = controller.Action(123);
result is ActionResult and I need to get the model somehow, anybody knows how to do this?
In my version of ASP.NET MVC there is no Action method on Controller. However, if you meant the View method, here's how you can unit test that the result contains the correct model.
First of all, if you only return ViewResult from a particular Action, declare the method as returning ViewResult instead of ActionResult.
As an example, consider this Index action
public ViewResult Index()
return this.View(this.userViewModelService.GetUsers());
you can get to the model as easily as this
var result = sut.Index().ViewData.Model;
If your method signature's return type is ActionResult instead of ViewResult, you will need to cast it to ViewResult first.
We placed the following piece in a testsbase.cs allowing for typed models in the tests a la
ActionResult actionResult = ContextGet<ActionResult>();
var model = ModelFromActionResult<SomeViewModelClass>(actionResult);
public T ModelFromActionResult<T>(ActionResult actionResult)
object model;
if (actionResult.GetType() == typeof(ViewResult))
ViewResult viewResult = (ViewResult)actionResult;
model = viewResult.Model;
else if (actionResult.GetType() == typeof(PartialViewResult))
PartialViewResult partialViewResult = (PartialViewResult)actionResult;
model = partialViewResult.Model;
throw new InvalidOperationException(string.Format("Actionresult of type {0} is not supported by ModelFromResult extractor.", actionResult.GetType()));
T typedModel = (T)model;
return typedModel;
An example using a Index page and List:
var actionResult = controller.Index();
var model = ModelFromActionResult<List<TheModel>>((ActionResult)actionResult.Result);
consider a = ActionResult;
ViewResult p = (ViewResult)a;
It's somewhat cheating but a very trivial way to do so in .NET4
dynamic result = controller.Action(123);
Used this today in a unit test. Might be worth some sanity checks such as:
Assert.Equal(123, result.Model.Id);
You could skip the first one if the result is going to be a view or partial result depending on the input.

Find the atrributes on an action from the ViewEngine in ASP.NET MVC

I've got a custom ViewEngine and I want to modify the master page used depending on if the requested action has an Authorize attribute filter.
So far I'm just using reflection like this:
var method = controllerContext.Controller.GetType().GetMethod(viewName, BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.IgnoreCase);
if (method != null)
if (method.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(AuthorizeAttribute), true).Length > 0)
masterName = "Admin.master";
But I'm not a huge fan of using reflection for repetitive tasks. I know I can use the view cache to speed things up after the first time, but I'm wondering if there is a more direct way to get access to the list of filters applied to the action inside the FindView method of the ViewEngine?
Your pretty much confined to using reflection to get any attribute information regardless for anything including MVC action methods. ;)
The only other technique to get this information is to go through the ControllerDescriptor pathways
In your case you could just skip looking for the authorize attribute at all and just asking if a user is authorized or not and giving them the master page they need.
I've set the master page dynamically in a custom view engine before and the most performant option is to look at whatever HttpContextBase information is available. For one scenario I just passed along query parameters or appending on {masterPage} route parameters when I need to use them.
The only other pathway to action information is the ReflectedControllerDescriptor route. The problem with this method is its very verbose and requires a lot of lines of code to do what your doing.
Here is a little bit of code ( I found on stackoverflow! ) of that "descriptor" technique to do security link pruning trimming. This code could also be used to dynamically set the masterpage if it was in a custom view engine. Its not what your looking for but may help somebody else accomplish the same dynamic masterpage setting someplace else:
public static bool HasActionPermission( this HtmlHelper htmlHelper, string actionName, string controllerName )
//if the controller name is empty the ASP.NET convention is:
//"we are linking to a different controller
ControllerBase controllerToLinkTo = string.IsNullOrEmpty(controllerName)
? htmlHelper.ViewContext.Controller
: GetControllerByName(htmlHelper, controllerName);
var controllerContext = new ControllerContext(htmlHelper.ViewContext.RequestContext, controllerToLinkTo);
var controllerDescriptor = new ReflectedControllerDescriptor(controllerToLinkTo.GetType());
var actionDescriptor = controllerDescriptor.FindAction(controllerContext, actionName);
return ActionIsAuthorized(controllerContext, actionDescriptor);
private static bool ActionIsAuthorized(ControllerContext controllerContext, ActionDescriptor actionDescriptor)
if (actionDescriptor == null)
return false; // action does not exist so say yes - should we authorise this?!
AuthorizationContext authContext = new AuthorizationContext(controllerContext);
// run each auth filter until on fails
// performance could be improved by some caching
foreach (IAuthorizationFilter authFilter in actionDescriptor.GetFilters().AuthorizationFilters)
if (authContext.Result != null)
return false;
return true;
