ActiveX on Visual C++ 6 Tutorial [closed] - activex

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I have to build an application based in an ActiveX library (MIL for Matrox framegrabbers).
The library should be already working, since it compiles and run a console application provided as example. (Yes, the console application is probably not using any ActiveX at all... I actually don't know)
The application will set times, frames per second, etc.
I never used Visual C++ before (I have some poor C programming skills), let alone an ActiveX library. I'm not even able to get an "Ok Cancel" dialog to work...
I need the most basic ever vc6 + ActiveX tutorial.
Thanks in advance.

Here is an example - how to create a control (you already have one) and how to interact with it.
By the way, using VC++ isn't the best choice IMO. Programming of COM clients are much simpler in VB...


SQLite software to use db with iOS [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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Hi i'm starting to test data persistance for iOS and i want to use some databases, i tried few project with the command line but i would love to start using a software that will speed up the process.
I read already a post on here where an user listed few software from a website.
Here i copy the link he shared,
i would love to know if any of you tested those software, and which one you raccomand.
On many books i read they use a firefox plugin, but i find firefox already too slow to add such a powerful plugin.
Please if you find this question stupid, don't flag or downvote. I looked for a similar topic and i didn't find the answer i wanted. Thank you
I've always used SQLite Database Browser. It's free, easy to use and gets the job done.
I have used Base: available on the MAC App Store:
I've used Arango Db. It's free

How do I start BIOS programming? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I have done so much research on how to program a BIOS from scratch but I got nothing. Does anyone one have any kind of BIOS tutorial or guide, that would be much appreciated. I have gotten absolutely nowhere. It's probably not possible but I'm wanting at least a semi-universal BIOS, ideally using a virtual machine.
coreboot is an open source BIOS project that supports over 200 mainboards. This could be a good place to start if you want to browse some code and get an idea of everything a bios has to accomplish.
No. The only people with the information you're looking for are motherboard manufacturers, and they do not generally publish it.
Some projects to create an open BIOS exist (e.g, Coreboot), but they depend significantly on reverse engineering. (They are also extremely limited in what they support.)

db40 - recommendation for file viewer tool [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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Can anyone recommend me a good DB4O file viewer ?
Bonus : Does anyone have a recommendation of a tool that can look at corrupted files (made by db40)?
Well db4o includes its object manager for Java and .NET
For .NET I've written a LINQPad driver. If it is missing a feature just tell me.
For broken databases. Hmm, not sure if there a great tool for that. But I would first check with the integrity check tool. (Java, .NET)

Is the xxm step by step install tutorial clear enough? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I know the xxm install guide is a lot to read and doesn't get you up and running as fast and easily as it would when you've seen it done.
So I've installed xxm on a clean Windows install, and made screenshots at every step. I haven't made much tutorials before, and wouldn't even know where to start to make one of those walk-through video's with a voice-over...
Is it clear enough? How could I improve it? (First thing that comes up to mind is I should have set the screen to 800x600)
Should I extend this tutorial with how to include fragments on pages or how to debug a project, or should I make new tutorials about those?
For a programmer or an I.T. person (who is already technically-inclined) that understands the shortcuts and shorthand notations (virt-dir, for example), it's quite good. Although, looking at the website, it should cover running as a standalone HTTP server, as this is claimed to be supported.

"Unlocker" equivalent for Vista64? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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Cedrick Collomb's Unlocker is one of the most useful utilities I've ever come across - when I come across an issue in compiling that some file is locked I can just right click on the file, click "Unlocker", and it will tell me what has the file (similar to Who Lock Me?) and I can remove the handles, kill the process, whatever. It's really nice.
However it doesn't work in Vista64. I'm not sure if it works in Vista32 but I'm currently running Vista64 at home and soon will be using it at work, too.
Does anyone know of a comparable utility that works in Vista64?
I know that Windows 7 will have this functionality built directly into it. In the mean time, check out Process Explorer. It can identify the process that has the file hook as wel as remove the hook(s). Its got tonnes of other uses, but I've primarily used it for that.
Found one - LockHunter
Unlocker 64 bit has been available for a while...
