view pdf in program(delphi) by use free library(not activeX) - delphi

Is there are any open source or free-ware library to display PDF file in my Delphi program?
I had looked for one, but most of them are commercial or not fully functional.
PS: this solution need to be cross platform by using wine.

One possible solution might be to include the open source SumatraPDF viewer with your program and use it to display the pdf's.
One nice thing about SumatraPDF, other than it being open source, is that it doesn't require an install. It consists solely of a single .exe, so you could just stick the .exe in your app's folder and call it to display pdf's. SumatraPDF is a pretty bare-bones viewer, so it may be one of the ones you've already looked at and rejected as "not fully functional", but I'm not sure whether you're going to find any perfect open source solution.
As others brought up in the similar thread that was linked from this one, you might consider using the Gnostice library or the WPCubed wpdfviewer component. You have to purchase a developer's license for those, but then can incorporate them in your app and deploy as many as you want with no runtime licensing fees.

My answer to this question discusses the Adobe API.
I missed the PS. Some other answers to the same question may help.


.rep Report File - Find Report Builder

I have an old software that I believe was done in Delphi and uses .rep files for reports.
Is there any way to figure out what report builder was used? Opening the file in HEX or Text only doesn't really tell a lot, it shows quite some text that is used within the report though.
A Visual dBase file, it that case it should be mainly ASCII text, but your question seems to rule that out.
A (SAP) Business Objects Report file
An Act! (CRM software) report file
A Grand Theft Auto San Andreas game replay file.
Since you say it is 'used for report', BO is your best bet. It was acquired by SAP in 2007, before that it was standalone software produced by Business Objects AG.
So you probably need a copy of that to open the file.
Maybe there are other ways to inspect/use the file, other people have faced the same problem
Quite simply without access to the source code, you have no way of knowing. None of the major third party Delphi reporting components (Quick Reports, Rave, Crystal, Report Builder, Fast Reports/Free Report) I'm aware of use *.rep as their default file extension. That isn't to say that the program authors didn't use one of these components, but opted to replace the tool's default extension with *.rep. There's also the possibility that the program's authors used their own custom and proprietary reporting system.
You could potentially take one of these .Rep files and try and load them into each Delphi reporting tool and see what the results are but I think your chances of success are exceedingly low.

How to debug epub?

I've written an ePub generator by using ZipArchive in .NET and looking at the spec (in Wikipedia) & a example.
It doesn't work! But I only get a generic error so I'm unable to fix anything from here.
Where could I go to upload my ePub and be told what is wrong with it? Or is there a tool that is better for it? I'm currently using Adobe ePub reader...
I realize this is an old question, but in case others come across this I wanted to contribute. The IDPF which is responsible for the ePub standard has a tool for checking ePubs called epubcheck. It can be found at
In addition, they have their own online validator that uses epubcheck. It is located at
I found an online validator tool at
There are two basic black box approaches.
First: Generate a file and put it into a validator.
Second: Take a set of in- and output without using your code (other generator, example, do it manual). Then use a file comparison tool (maybe extract zip first).
Here is a good offline checking tool for Windows, Mac or Linux OS:
It's a great tool which even i used to validate and generate epub files also clearly give errors if any.

How to integrate similar diagam functions in my delphi application?

I would like to use some diagrams/drawings similar to the picture below in my applications especially without having to pay for any third-party components. Any idea where to start ?
You may look at the JVCL JVDiagramShape.
You have a good example, in the \jvcl\examples\JvDiagramShape\2. UseCaseEditor directory created when you install the JVCL. Not as cool as your example but you may choose your own images.
You may found also another example with a WebMapper, in \jvcl\examples\JvDiagramShape\1. WebSiteScanner :

Texlipse: How do you configure it to show a real time preview?

I'm running on an Ubuntu and I hope it doesn't matter. Either than the preview it's a great latex editor
Considering the Texlipse man page mentions building and previewing, I do not think it can make a real-time preview, especially when the previewing relies on external tool.
But you could associate that Texlipse editor with other tools able to read the same LaTeX definition file and make a real time preview, like in this question:
Real-Time LaTeX
I think you're looking for the "Previewing" section on this manual page. When I glanced over it though, it didn't look like there is necessarily a way to do a live preview. It is an open source project, so if you really need to scratch that itch there's a way. :)

Is it possible to create a custom distribution of OpenOffice, or a way to package it into my java application?

I've got simple java-based ppt->swf sub-project that basically works. The open source software out there, and JODConverter do the job great.
The thing is, to do this I need to install OO.o and run it in server mode. And to do that I have to install OO.o, which is allot of software (~160MB) just to convert the source PPT files to an intermediate format. Also, the public OO.o distributions are platform specific and I'd really like a single, cross platform set of files. And, I'd like to not interfer with a system's current settings, like file extension associations.
As things are now, my project is not particularly 'software distribution friendly'.
So, the questions are:
Is it possible to create a custom distribution of OpenOffice? How would one about this?
How lightweight and unobtrusive can I make the installation?
Would it be possible to have a truly cross platform distribution since there would be no OO.o UI?
Are there any licensing issues I need to be aware of? (On my list of things to check out, but if you them already then TIA!)
I have no idea to accomplish such task, but Microsoft has its PPT viewer that is for free and very small, maybe in .NET (C#) you can use some kinda function to save into a intermediate file that you need...
and by the way, how are you handling slide transictions?
I found a software that does that but you need MS PPT installed.
this was just an idea, now regarding your actually question:
you can create your own installation of OO, just jump to the Installation project and follow the lines.
I did not read 'til the end, but from the 1st paragraph it seams what you are searching for.
No, not unless you are neck deep coding in the OpenOffice project.
