Asp.Net MVC - Best approach for "dynamic" routing -

I am trying to come up with an approach to create "dynamic" routing. What I mean, exactly, is that I want to be able to assign the controller and action of a route for each hit rather than having it mapped directly.
For example, a route may look like this "path/{object}" and when that path is hit, a lookup is performed providing the appropriate controller / action to call.
I've tried discovering the mechanisms for creating a custom route handler, but the documentation / discoverability is a bit shady at the moment (I know, its beta - I wouldn't expect any more). Although, I'm not sure if thats even the best approach and perhaps a controller factory or even a default controller/action that performs all of the mappings may be the best route (no pun intended) to go.
Any advice would be appreciated.

You can always use a catch all syntax ( I have no idea if the name is proper).
new { controller = "Pages", action = "Path" });
Controller action is defined as:
public ActionResult Path(string path)
In the action for controller you will have a path, so just have to spilt it and analyse.
To call another controller you can use a RedirectToAction ( I think this is more proper way). With redirection you can set up a permanent redirectionfor it.
Or use a something like that:
internal class MVCTransferResult : RedirectResult
public MVCTransferResult(string url) : base(url)
public MVCTransferResult(object routeValues)
: base(GetRouteURL(routeValues))
private static string GetRouteURL(object routeValues)
UrlHelper url = new UrlHelper(
new RequestContext(
new HttpContextWrapper(HttpContext.Current),
new RouteData()),
return url.RouteUrl(routeValues);
public override void ExecuteResult(ControllerContext context)
var httpContext = HttpContext.Current;
// ASP.NET MVC 3.0
if (context.Controller.TempData != null &&
context.Controller.TempData.Count() > 0)
throw new ApplicationException(
"TempData won't work with Server.TransferRequest!");
// change to false to pass query string parameters
// if you have already processed them
httpContext.Server.TransferRequest(Url, true);
// ASP.NET MVC 2.0
//httpContext.RewritePath(Url, false);
//IHttpHandler httpHandler = new MvcHttpHandler();
However this method require to run on IIS or a IIS Expres Casinni is not supporting a Server.Transfer method


ASP.NET Core Middleware and URL Parsing

Trying to add special endpoints to an ASP.NET Core MVC through a middleware.
In a app.UseWhen, I need to parse the request URL. In a Controller context, MVC does a great job extracting userId using the following template:
How could this be cleanly done in a middleware where MVC Controller constructs aren't setup?
Bonus points if the answer helps figuring out if the address conforms to this pattern in the first place.
All I have on hand is a DefaultHttpContext.
Solution based on Mark Vincze's blog
This method used to extract the the user id and work with it...
private static void AddAddressesRoute(IApplicationBuilder app, RouteBuilder builder)
async context =>
var routeData = context.GetRouteData();
var userId = routeData.Values["userId"];
// userId available from here
Should be initiated from an application builder extension method.
public static IApplicationBuilder UseAddresses(
this IApplicationBuilder app
RouteBuilder builder = new RouteBuilder(app);
AddAddressesRoute(app, builder);
return app;
Becomes a middleware that can be added to the Startup.Configure method just like this:
It doesn't even interfere with MVC that still gets triggered if the route doesn't match.
URL parsing comes to play in MVC pipeline, not in ASP.NET Core one.
You might want to consider MVC filters instead, which have access to routing context.
You can access the HttpContext from middleware and parse out key-value pairs from the query string but you can not access the path parameters via key-value.
For example:
You make a GET to the following controller via
// GET api/users/5
public ActionResult<string> Get(int id)
return "value";
Custom Middleware:
public class MyCustomMiddleware
public Task InvokeAsync(HttpContext context)
// get full path from context request path
var queryPath = context.Request.Path().ToString();
// will return /api/users/5
// get id from query string
var queryStringId = context.Request.Query["zip"].ToString();
// will return 90210
There isn't any mapping from your Controller parameters to the HttpContext.

MVC routing a repeatable pattern?

A design goal for a website I'm working on is to keep the URL in the browser in a state where the user can copy it, and the link can be used from another browser/user/machine to return to the spot that the url was copied. (The actual changes will happen via AJAX, but the URL will change to reflect where they are.)
Example: If you were on the customer page looking at customer 123, and had details pulled up on their order #456, and full details on line 6 of this order, your url could simply be /customer/123/456/6
The challenge comes with a second feature: Users can add UI columns (analogous to adding a new tab in a tab view, or a new document in an MDI app) Each column can easily generate a routable url, but I need the url to reflect one or more columns. (E.G. User has both /customer/123/456/6 and /customer/333/55/2 in two side by side columns)
In a perfect world, I'd like the url to be /customer/123/456/6/customer/333/55/2 for the above scenario, but I don't know if MVC routing can handle repetitive patterns, or, if so, how it is done.
Can this be done via routing? If not is there a way to get this type of one-or-more functionality from Url?
You could create a custom route handler (see my previous answer) or derive from a RouteBase like NightOwl888 suggested. Another approach would be to simply use a model binder and a model binder attribute.
public class CustomerInvoiceLineAttribute : CustomModelBinderAttribute
public override IModelBinder GetBinder()
return new CustomerInvoiceLineModelBinder();
public class CustomerInvoiceLineModelBinder : IModelBinder
public object BindModel(ControllerContext controllerContext, ModelBindingContext bindingContext)
var path = (string)bindingContext.ValueProvider.GetValue(bindingContext.ModelName).AttemptedValue;
var data = path.Split(new[] { "/customer/" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
return data.Select(d =>
var rawInfo = d.Split('/');
return new CustomerInvoiceLine
CustomerId = int.Parse(rawInfo[0]),
InvoiceId = int.Parse(rawInfo[1]),
Line = int.Parse(rawInfo[2])
You define your route by specifying a star route data. This mean that the route parameter will contains everything following the action
name: "CustomerViewer",
url: "customer/{*customerInfo}",
defaults: new { controller = "Customer", action = "Index" });
Then in your controller, you bind your parameter with the same name as the star route parameter using the custom model binder defined above:
public ActionResult Index([CustomerInvoiceLine] IEnumerable<CustomerInvoiceLine> customerInfo)
return View();
You will need to add validation during the parsing and probably security too, so that a customer cannot read the invoice of other customers.
Also know that URL have a maximum length of 2000 characters.
You can do this with the built-in routing as long as you don't anticipate that any of your patterns will repeat or have optional parameters that don't appear in the same segment of the URL as other optional parameters.
It is possible to use routing with optional parameters by factoring out all of the permutations, but if you ask me it is much simpler to use the query string for this purpose.
NOTE: By definition, a URL must be unique. So you must manually ensure your URLs don't have any collisions. The simplest way to do this is by matching the page with the path (route) and adding this extra information as query string values. That way you don't have to concern yourself with accidentally making routes that are exactly the same.
However, if you insist on using a route for this purpose, you should probably put your URLs in a database in a field with a unique constraint to ensure they are unique.
For the most advanced customization of routing, subclass RouteBase or Route. This allows you to map any URL to a set of route values and map the route values back to the same URL, which lets you use it in an ActionLink or RouteLink to build the URLs for your views and controllers.
public class CustomPageRoute : RouteBase
// This matches the incoming URL and translates it into RouteData
// (typically a set of key value pairs in the RouteData.Values dictionary)
public override RouteData GetRouteData(HttpContextBase httpContext)
RouteData result = null;
// Trim the leading slash
var path = httpContext.Request.Path.Substring(1);
if (/* the path matches your route logic */)
result = new RouteData(this, new MvcRouteHandler());
result.Values["controller"] = "MyController";
result.Values["action"] = "MyAction";
// Any other route values to match your action...
// IMPORTANT: Always return null if there is no match.
// This tells .NET routing to check the next route that is registered.
return result;
// This builds the URL for ActionLink and RouteLink
public override VirtualPathData GetVirtualPath(RequestContext requestContext, RouteValueDictionary values)
VirtualPathData result = null;
if (/* all of the expected route values match the request (the values parameter) */)
result = new VirtualPathData(this, page.VirtualPath);
// IMPORTANT: Always return null if there is no match.
// This tells .NET routing to check the next route that is registered.
return result;
name: "CustomPage",
item: new CustomPageRoute());
name: "Default",
url: "{controller}/{action}/{id}",
defaults: new { controller = "Home", action = "Index", id = UrlParameter.Optional }

Difference between RouteCollection.Ignore and RouteCollection.IgnoreRoute?

What's the difference between RouteCollection.Ignore(url, constraints) and RouteCollection.IgnoreRoute(url, constraints)?
New MVC projects include this IgnoreRoute call in Global.asax RegisterRoutes method to skip routing for requests to .axd locations that are handled elsewhere in the ASP.NET system.
I wanted to add an additional ignored route to a project and I started to type out the new line. After routes.I, Intellisense pops up with .Ignore and .IgnoreRoute, both sounding about the same.
According to the MSDN docs, you can see that one is an instance method of the System.Web.Routing.RouteCollection class and the other is an extension method on that class from System.Web.Mvc.RouteCollectionExtensions.
RouteCollection.Ignore: "Defines a URL pattern that should not be checked for matches against routes if a request URL meets the specified constraints" (MSDN docs).
RouteCollection.IgnoreRoute: "Ignores the specified URL route for the given list of the available routes and a list of constraints" (MSDN docs).
Both take a route URL pattern and a set of constraints restricting the application of the route on that URL pattern.
Between the source for System.Web.Mvc.RouteCollectionExtensions on CodePlex and running a little ILSpy on my local GAC for System.Web.Routing.RouteCollection, it doesn't appear there is a difference, though they seem to have completely independent code to do the same thing.
RouteCollection.IgnoreRoute (via CodePlex source)
public static void IgnoreRoute(this RouteCollection routes, string url, object constraints) {
if (routes == null) {
throw new ArgumentNullException("routes");
if (url == null) {
throw new ArgumentNullException("url");
IgnoreRouteInternal route = new IgnoreRouteInternal(url) {
Constraints = new RouteValueDictionary(constraints)
RouteCollection.Ignore (via ILSpy decompile)
public void Ignore(string url, object constraints) {
if (url == null) {
throw new ArgumentNullException("url");
RouteCollection.IgnoreRouteInternal item = new RouteCollection.IgnoreRouteInternal(url) {
Constraints = new RouteValueDictionary(constraints)
The only real difference is the obvious difference in location, one being an instance method in the RouteCollection class itself and one being an extensions method on that class. After you factor in the code differences that come from instance vs. extension execution (like the vital null check on the extended instance), they appear identical.
At their core, they both use the exact same StopRoutingHandler class. Both have their own versions of a sealed IgnoreRouteInternal class, but those versions are identical in code.
private sealed class IgnoreRouteInternal : Route {
public IgnoreRouteInternal(string url)
: base(url, new StopRoutingHandler()) {
public override VirtualPathData GetVirtualPath(RequestContext requestContext, RouteValueDictionary routeValues) {
return null;

Session is null in RouteHandler

I have spent quite some time going through similar questions here and have not found any that answer my question - apologies if this is a duplicate however I'm pretty sure it's not..
I have an website where the aim is for visitors to complete a form. I am interested in testing different type of forms to ascertain which get filled out more consistently. My idea is that each form has it's own controller and when the user first requests the url it is picked up by a custom route handler which picks 1 form at random and set the relevant controller in RouteData. The chosen formid is then stored in the Session so on subsequnt requests instead of a form being picked at random it will just use the one from the session.
The probem is that I cannot seem to access the Session data in the routehandler - requestContext.Httpcontext.Session is always null. Is this because it is too early in the pipeline? if so how could I achieve this approach?
The first code I tried looked like this:
int FormID = 0;
string FormName = "";
RepositoryManager mgr = new RepositoryManager();
if (requestContext.HttpContext.Session["Form_ID"] != null && requestContext.HttpContext.Session["Form_Name"] != null)
int.TryParse(requestContext.HttpContext.Session["Form_ID"].ToString(), out FormID);
FormName = requestContext.HttpContext.Session["Form_Name"].ToString();
if (FormID == 0)
List<Form> forms = mgr.FormRepository.Get(f => f.FormType.Code == "").ToList();
int rnd = new Random().Next(0, forms.Count - 1);
FormID = forms[rnd].ID;
FormName = forms[rnd].FormName;
requestContext.HttpContext.Session["Form_ID"] = FormID;
requestContext.RouteData.Values["controller"] = FormName;
return new MvcHandler(requestContext);
This always errored as requestContext.HttpContext.Session is null
I have tried with a custom routehandler then passing off to a custom http handler as follows:
IHttpHandler handler = new FormMvcHandler(requestContext);
return handler;
public class FormMvcHandler : MvcHandler, IRequiresSessionState
public FormMvcHandler(RequestContext requestContext)
: base(requestContext)
protected override void ProcessRequest(HttpContext httpContext)
//for testing setting form manually - session will be used here as in original routehandler
RequestContext.RouteData.Values["controller"] = "1Stage";
In this second approach changing the controller name has no effect. I have tried changing the controller name in the constructor of the HTTPHandler which does have an effect however If I try and access the session from there using RequestContext.HttpContext.Session it is still null. I have tried setting a breakpoint in ProcessRequest however it is never hit.
Edit 2
This now works by overriding both ProcessRequest(HttpContext httpContext) and BeginProcessRequest(HttpContext httpContext) in the HttpHandler - even when not using an async controller BeginProcessRequest is called by the framework (v3)
In your RouteHandler you have an function GetHttpHandler which return an IHttpHandler. That custom HttpHandler must use IRequiresSessionState and then you can access the Session in the ProcessRequest function in the HttpHandler.
Look into this post:
IRequiresSessionState - how do I use it?
I think you need to use IRequiresSessionState interface
It's too early to using Session in router hander.
you can achieve what you want by using action filter.
Create a Controller named FormController, an action named FormPickerAttribute. In the ActionExecuting of attribute, you can check cookie or session, where your set form id. let's say the form id is "Form1"(create one if null), then you change the action methods to "Form1".
filterContext.Result = new RedirectToRouteResult(
new RouteValueDictionary{
{ "controller", "Form" },
{ "action", "Form1" },
{ "area", ""}, #your area name
{ "parameter", "parameter value"} #passing any parameter to the action
you can also create a controller for each form, just updated the
{"controller", "FormIdController"}
to the correct one.

Simple Question: Setup mock for ajax request in mvc

I am new in unit test and MVC development.
I have a question for using moq for unit testing in mvc. I have a controller which accepts an ajax action:
public ActionResult GrabLink()
string username = HttpContext.User.Identity.Name;
string rssUrl = Request.Params["Grablink"].ToString();
This action deals with the http request which I generate from the view:
var mockRequest = new Moq.Mock<HttpRequestBase>();
but I can not find a way to define the parameters I used in the class. Also, is there any way to use the value binding provider directly to pass the value to the controller if I would like to do an ajax post?
I am a newbie in handling web request. If you have some good tutorial for better understanding the Http request (as well as the Httpcontext and related classes in please post here. Thank you very much!
This works very well for me:
var controller = new HomeController();
var context = new Mock<HttpContextBase>(MockBehavior.Strict);
var controllerContext = new Mock<ControllerContext>();
controllerContext.SetupGet(x => x.HttpContext.User.Identity.Name)
controllerContext.SetupGet(x => x.HttpContext.User.Identity.IsAuthenticated)
controllerContext.SetupGet(x => x.HttpContext.Request.IsAuthenticated)
controller.ControllerContext = controllerContext.Object;
// As a bonus, instantiate the Url helper to allow creating links
controller.Url = new UrlHelper(
new RequestContext(context.Object, new RouteData()), new RouteCollection());
This will allow you to initialize any user you want as an authenticated user, and the last line will allow you to user the Url helper within the controller even though you're calling it from a unit test.
As Scott said HttpContext makes Controllers hard to test. Anyway he's got a pretty solution at here.
BTW why didn't you make rssUrl a parameter if it is assigning by POST or GET?
//POST: /GrabLink?rssUrl=bla bla...
public ActionResult GrabLink(IPrincipal user, string rssUrl) {
string userName = user.Name;
Ok, #cem covered your second question very well.
For your first, nerddinner, and If I'm not mistaken, when you create a new Internet Application with Unit test, in Visual Studio, have the following mock classes for HttpContext. Its at the bottom of this file.
You could use these (or create a new Internet App +Tests with VS) and copy all the fake classes for your tests. (I wrote a Moq example below)
It looks like this:
public class MockHttpContext : HttpContextBase {
private IPrincipal _user;
public override IPrincipal User {
get {
if (_user == null) {
_user = new MockPrincipal();
return _user;
set {
_user = value;
public override HttpResponseBase Response
return new MockHttpResponse();
public class MockHttpResponse : HttpResponseBase {
public override HttpCookieCollection Cookies
return new HttpCookieCollection();
Not tested, but to Use mock it would look like this:
var fakeReqBase = new Mock<HttpRequestBase>();
fakeReqBase.Setup(f => f.User).Returns(new GenericIdentity("FakeUser"));
//generic identity implements IIdentity
fakeUserRepo.Object;//this returns fake object of type HttpRequestBase
Checkout the Moq Quickstart. Its quite easy to get used to, and the fluent interface really helps.
