ASP.Net MVC - handling bad URL parameters -

What's the best way to handle a visitor constructing their own URL and replacing what we expect to be an ID with anything they like?
For example:
ASP.Net MVC - handling bad URL parameters
But the user could just as easily replace the URL with:
I've thought of making every Controller Function parameter a String, and using Integer.TryParse() on them - if that passes then I have an ID and can continue, otherwise I can redirect the user to an Unknown / not-found or index View.
Stack Overflow handles it nicely, and I'd like to too - how do you do it, or what would you suggest?

Here's an example of a route like yours, with a constraint on the number:
new { controller = "StackOverflow", action = "Question" },
new { questionID = #"\d+" } //Regex constraint specifying that it must be a number.
Here we set the questionID to have at least one number. This will also block out any urls containing anything but an integer, and also prevents the need for a nullable int.
Note: This does not take into account numbers that larger than the range of Int32 (-2147483647 - +2147483647). I leave this as an exercise to the user to resolve. :)
If the user enters the url "questions/foo", they will not hit the Question action, and fall through it, because it fails the parameter constraint. You can handle it further down in a catchall/default route if you want:
"{*catchall}", // This is a wildcard routes
new { controller = "Home", action = "Lost" }
This will send the user to the Lost action in the Home controller. More information on the wildcard can be found here.
NB: The Catchall should reside as the LAST route. Placing it further up the chain will mean that this will handle all others below it, given the lazy nature of routes in ASP.NET MVC.

Here is some useful infromation that might help.
If you have a action method
public ActionResult Edit(int? id)
then if someone types in
the parameter id will be 23.
however if someone types in
then id will be null which is pretty cool. I thought it would throw a cast error or something. It means that if id is not a null value then it is a valid integer and can be passed to your services etc. for db interaction.
Hope this provides you with some info that I have found whilst testing.

In ASP.NET MVC, you can define a filter implementing IActionFilter interface. You will be able to decorate your action with this attribute so that it will be executed on, before or after your action.
In your case, you will define it to be executed "before" your action. So that, you will be able to cancel it if there is an error in the passed parameters. The key benefit here that you only write the code which checking the passed paramaters once (i.e you define it in your filter) and use it wherever you want in your controller actions.
Read more about MVC filters here:

You can specify constraints as regular expressions or define custom constraints. Have a look at this blog post for more information:
You will still need to deal with the situation where id 43243 doesn't map to anything which could be dealt with as an IActionFilter or in your controller directly.

The problem with that approach is that they still might pass an integer which doesn't map to a page. Just return a 404 if they do that, just as you would with "foo". It's not something to worry about unless you have clear security implications.


Specify HTTP VERB for Url.Action?

I am using AttributeRouting:
If I have two actions with the same name, but the route for the GET is different than the route for the POST, why is Url.Action generating a URL that matches on my GET action, even though my action method is pointing to the one that is a post?
I have tried passing the verb as an
Url.Action("CreateEdit", new { method = "POST" })
However this returns the string /enrollments/create instead of /enrollments/createedit which corresponds to the POST.
I wouldn't expect this to work but tried it as some route configurations use this technique:
Url.Action("CreateEdit", new { HttpMethodConstraint = new HttpMethodConstraint("POST") })
However both of these don't solve the problem, and the URL is still for my GET route.
I have verified that I can post to a hardcoded URL of /enrollments/createedit so the POST action does indeed have that route, just to rule out the possibility that the POST Action's default [POST] is defaulting to the expected route.
Problem is that I usually avoid hardcoded URL's and use Url.Action or Html.BeginForm (which also exhibits the same issue) so that all URLs are derived from action routes.
Here are how I have defined my actions:
public ActionResult CreateEdit(Guid? id)
[POST] //default to "createedit"
public ActionResult CreateEdit()
Note this question is not about making the actual request, but is generating route urls.
How do you indicate to Url.Action that it should use the route from the [POST] instead of the GET. There is no overload that take constraints or HTTP Verb? Note that Html.BeginForm exhibits that same issue when generating the action URL attribute, which is clearly a POST oriented method.
It also does not work if I simplify my action routes to(although the above are my goal routes):
public ActionResult CreateEdit()
[POST("createedit")] //default to "createedit"
public ActionResult CreateEdit()
Url.Action("CreateEdit", new { method = "POST" }) returns "/enrollments/create" obviously because method = 'POST' is not the correct way to specify the desired route for Url.Action. Is there a way to tell Url.Action or Html.BeginForm to specify that the POST route is desired? The method param of BeginForm effects the method="post" html attribute, but the action attribute is still generated with the wrong /enrollments/create URL. I've seen area="Admin" used to specify Areas in route parameters. Is there some magic property that can be added to specify the verb? If there is not, then clearly there is no way to get the right URL consistently and I will probably need to rename one of my actions if I need to maintain the desired routes. My hope was there was some route value I could add analogous to new { area = "SomeArea" }. method = "POST" was just my wild guess at what might work.
The request pipeline respects route constraints, if they are both the same route, then it works fine. So if both were [POST("creatededit")] and [GET("create"] then it would work fine because the URLs for both are the same, and then when the actual request is made the distinction is made by the pipeline due to the HttpMethodContraint.
If I use parameters to make the routes distinct, it works but only if I eliminate the [GET("create")]
If Url.Action has no known/supported/documented way to take a route property then the answer may simply be that Url.Action doesn't have any way for you to tell it the desired VERB.
If someone asks: Is there a way to specify the area for Url.Action?
The answer is simply: Url.Action("SomeAction", new { area ="SomeArea" })
The answer is not: muck around with your routes so you don't have two actions of the same name in different areas(or any number of other things that don't address the question).
The answer is not: You shouldn't have actions of the same name in different areas. (It might be a valid point, but it doesn't create a useful resource for others who are in a situation where they absolutely must generate a URL for a different area).
I don't understand what is so complicated about that.
I'm not asking how to make a POST request. I know how to do that, but I don't intend to hardcode URLs into my views. That turns into a maintenance nightmare.
I could change my routes if my boss wasn't so set on SOE. So I can't eliminate the [GET("create")] route.
I can resolve by renaming an action like so:
public ActionResult CreateEdit(Guid? id)
public ActionResult CreateEditPost()
That is a bit dirty, but works. It still doesn't answer the question.
If there is a way to specify the VERB for Url.Action, I think the answer would be a useful resource. Maybe not to as many people as Url.Action("SomeAction", new { area ="SomeArea" }) but it would be documenting a feature of Url.Action that for me has been elusive. Maybe it doesn't support it. Perhaps I will need to delve into the source code.
I goofed in my original answer. I wasn't thinking it through really and probably answered too quickly. Here's what it boils down to:
Url.Action is tied pretty inherently to the controller/action style routing. When there's two matching actions (overloads where one is a GET version and the other is a POST), the URL should be the same, and so the GET or really first version is returned. See, AttributeRouting just sort of layers on by letting you customize the outward facing URL, but internally, Url.Action is simply trying to find a route that will get you to the requested action. Once it finds a match, it assumes that's good enough, and especially pre-MVC5, it should have been.
MVC5 introduced attribute routing as a first-class citizen, but from what I've seen, this edge case (where the GET and POST versions of the same action have different URLs and you want the POST version in particular) has not been covered.
That said, I see a couple of potential workarounds:
Use different action names. If your POST action is named something like CreateEditPost, then you can very easily do Url.Action("CreateEditPost") and get the right URL. Since your routes are not affected directly by the action name, it doesn't really matter what it's called.
Use named routes. If you name your routes, then you can use Url.RouteUrl instead and request exactly the route your want. For example:
[POST("createedit", RouteName = "CreateEditPost")]
public ActionResult CreateEdit()

ASP.Net MVC with complex routes - how to keep it "sane"?

I have a client who wishes to use a URL naming convention along the lines of:
Which is fine - this works brilliantly, with one controller per subject area, and having the action after the id (subject) is no issue at all.
However, it then gets complicated, as the client then wants to further continue the hierarchy:
I have a controller for the tightly related subject (its just another subject area) which handles all of the admin side, but the client insists on having the public view hung off of the parent subject rather than its own root.
How can I do this while avoiding breaking the entire principals of MVC, and also avoiding re-implementing a ton of ASP.Net MVC provided functionality in my subject area controller just to be able to handle the related subjects from that same controller?
Is it possible to somehow call the related subjects controller from within the parent subject controller, and return the resulting view (as this would keep the separation of functionality for the subjects to their own controllers)? If that is possible, it would solve a heck of a lot of issues with this.
Here is the solution which solves my given issue - hope it solves someone elses.
As mentioned in my comment to Robert Harvey, all I actually need is another route which doesn't use the first two or three components as the controller, action and id, but instead takes those values from later on - if you hang this off of a static value in the route as well, its much easier to do.
So, here is the url I decided on to simplify the route:
The route which satisfies this URL is as follows:
new { controller = "shoes", action = "view", id = "all" }
On the subsequent controller action, I can ask for parameter values for parentcontroller and parentsubject so I can filter out the related item to just be specific to the given parent subject - problem solved!
This route needs to be above the ones which just deal with the first two values, otherwise you run the risk of another route map hijacking the request.
I could do this entirely without the /related/ static portion as the route could easily match on number of values alone, and infact I may indeed do so - however, I consider it better for later administration if there is a static item in there to confirm the use of the route.
I hope this helps someone!
One way you can do it is specify a wildcard route (notice the asterisk):
routes.MapRoute("subjects", "{action}/{*path}",
new { controller = "Subjects", action = "Index" });
This allows the controller to receive the entire path string after the action.
You can then obtain the hierarchy of subjects in the controller method like so:
string[] subjects = path.Split('/');
Once you have that, you can do anything you want, including dispatching different subjects to different handling methods for processing.

ASP.Net MVC redirecttoaction not passing action name in url

I have a simple create action to receive post form data, save to db and redirect to list view.
The problem is, after redirecttoaction result excutes, the url on my browser lost the action section. Which it should be "http://{hotsname}/Product/List" but comes out as "http://{hotsname}/Product/".
Below is my code:
public ActionResult Create(VEmployee model, FormCollection fc)
var facility = FacilityFactory.GetEmployeeFacility();
var avatar = Request.Files["Avatar"].InputStream;
var newModel = facility.Save(model, avatar);
return RedirectToAction("List");
The page can correctly render list view content, but since some links in this view page use relative url, the functions are interrupted. I am now using return Redirect("/Employee/List") to force the url. But I just wonder why the action name is missing. I use MVC3 and .Net framwork 4.
I am new to ASP.Net MVC, thanks for help.
Your route table definitely says that "List" action is default, so when you redirect to it as RedirectToAction("List") - routing ommits the action because it is default.
Now if you remove the default value from your routes - RedirectToAction will produce a correct (for your case) Url, but you'll have to double check elsewhere that you are not relying on List being a default action.
Well, Chris,
If you get the right content on http://{hotsname}/Product/ then it seems that routing make that URL point to List either indirectly (using pattern like {controller}/{action}) and something wrong happens when resolving URL from route or {action} parameter is just set wth default value List. Both URLs can point to the same action but the routing engine somehow takes the route without explicit action name.
You should check:
Order in which you define your routes
How many routes can possibly lead to EmployeeController.List()
Which one of those routes has the most priority
Default values for your routes
Just make the route with explicit values: employee/list to point to your List action and make sure that is the route to select when generating links (it should be most specific route if possible).
It would be nice if you provide your routes mappings here.
but since some links in this view
page use relative url, the functions
are interrupted.
Why do you make it that way? Why not generate all the links through routing engine?
When using the overload RedirectToAction("Action") you need to be specifying an action that is in the same controller. Since you are calling an action in a different controller, you need to specify the action with the alternate overload e.g. RedirectToAction("List", "Employee").

ASP.NET MVC: What are Action Method? Action Result? How are they related?

I'm sorry to ask such a basic question, but it's kind of fundamental for me. To better understand filters, I need to understand this notions. Although I'm on ASP.NET MVC for few months now and now are doing nice demos, I'm more familiar with Action method concept than action result.
What are:
Action Method?
Action Result?
How are they related?
Let's say I've this
public ViewResult ShowPerson(int id)
var friend = db.Persons.Where(p => P.PersonID == id).First();
return View(friend);
How those concepts apply to the above code?
Thanks for helping.
In your example ShowPerson is the action. Each action needs to return an action result (In your case it returns a view). So when a controller action method is invoked it does some processing and decides what view would be best adapted to represent the model.
There are many different action results that you might use. They all derive from ActionResult:
ViewResult - if you want to return a View
FileResult - if you want to download a file
JsonResult - if you want to serialize some model into JSON
ContentResult - if you want to return plain text
RedirectResult - if you want to redirect to some other action
HttpUnauthorizedResult - if you want to indicate that the user is not authorized to access this action
FooBarResult - a custom action result that you wrote
Answer by #Darin-dimitrov is very much upto the point. But I see explanation given on MSDN also very much helpful.
Action methods typically have a one-to-one mapping with user
interactions. Examples of user interactions include entering a URL
into the browser, clicking a link, and submitting a form. Each of
these user interactions causes a request to be sent to the server. In
each case, the URL of the request includes information that the MVC
framework uses to invoke an action method.
When a user enters a URL into the browser, the MVC application uses
routing rules that are defined in the Global.asax file to parse the
URL and to determine the path of the controller. The controller then
determines the appropriate action method to handle the request. By
default, the URL of a request is treated as a sub-path that includes
the controller name followed by the action name. For example, if a
user enters the URL,
the sub-path is /Products/Categories. The default routing rule treats
"Products" as the prefix name of the controller, which must end with
"Controller" (such as ProductsController). It treats "Categories" as
the name of the action. Therefore, the routing rule invokes the
Categories method of the Products controller in order to process the
request. If the URL ends with /Products/Detail/5, the default routing
rule treats "Detail" as the name of the action, and the Detail method
of the Products controller is invoked to process the request. By
default, the value "5" in the URL will be passed to the Detail method
as a parameter.

How Can I Stop ASP.Net MVC Html.ActionLink From Using Existing Route Values?

The website I'm working on has some fairly complicated routing structures and we're experiencing some difficulties working with the routing engine to build URLs the way we need them to be built.
We have a search results page that uses RegEx based pattern matching to group several variables into a single route segment (i.e. "{structuralParameters}" can be the following: "" - where variables A through C are all optional). This is working for us fine after a bit of work.
The problem we are experiencing resolves around an annoying feature of the ActionLink method: if you point to the same controller/action it will retain the existing route values whether you want them or not. We prefer to have control over what our links look like and, in some cases, cannot have the existing parameters retained. An example would be where our site's main navigation leads to a search results page with no parameters set - a default search page, if you like. I say this is an annoying feature because it is a rare instance of the ASP.Net MVC Framework seemingly dictating implementation without an obvious extension point - we would prefer not to create custom ActionLink code to write a simple navigation link in our master page!
I've seen some say that you need to explicitly set such parameters to be empty strings but when we try this it just changes the parameters from route values into query string parameters. It doesn't seem right to me that we should be required to explicitly exclude values we aren't explicitly passing as parameters to the ActionLink method but if this is our only option we will use it. However at present if it is displaying in the query string then it is as useless to us as putting the parameters directly into the route.
I'm aware that our routing structure exasperates this problem - we probably wouldn't have any issue if we used a simpler approach (i.e. but our URL structure is not negotiable - it was designed to meet very specific needs relating to usability, SEO, and link/content sharing.
How can we use Html.ActionLink to generate links to pages without falling back on the current route data (or, if possible, needing to explicitly excluding route segments) even if those links lead to the same action methods?
If we do need to explicitly exclude route segments, how can we prevent the method from rendering the routes as query string parameters?
This seemingly small problem is causing us a surprising amount of grief and I will be thankful for any help in resolving it.
EDIT: As requested by LukLed, here's a sample ActionLink call:
// I've made it generic, but this should call the Search action of the
// ItemController, the text and title attribute should say "Link Text" but there
// should be no parameters - or maybe just the defaults, depending on the route.
// Assume that this can be called from *any* page but should not be influenced by
// the current route - some routes will be called from other sections with the same
// structure/parameters.
"Link Text",
new { },
new { title = "Link Text" }
Setting route values to be null or empty string when calling Html.ActionLink or Html.RouteLink (or any URL generation method) will clear out the "ambient" route values.
For example, with the standard MVC controller/action/id route suppose you're on "Home/Index/123". If you call Html.RouteLink(new { id = 456 }) then MVC will notice the "ambient" route values of controller="Home" and action="Index". It will also notice the ambient route value of id="123" but that will get overwritten by the explicit "456". This will cause the generated URL to be "Home/Index/456".
The ordering of the parameters matters as well. For example, say you called Html.RouteLink(new { action = "About" }). The "About" action would overwrite the current "Index" action, and the "id" parameter would get cleared out entirely! But why, you ask? Because once you invalidate a parameter segment then all parameter segments after it will get invalidated. In this case, "action" was invalidated by a new explicit value so the "id", which comes after it, and has no explicit value, also gets invalidated. Thus, the generated URL would be just "Home/About" (without an ID).
In this same scenario if you called Html.RouteLink(new { action = "" }) then the generated URL would be just "Home" because you invalidated the "action" with an empty string, and then that caused the "id" to be invalidated as well because it came after the invalidated "action".
Solution at the root of the problem
It seems that the optimal solution (that doesn't smell like a workaround) is the one that solves the problem where it has roots and that's in routing.
I've written a custom Route class called RouteWithExclusions that is able to define route value names that should be excluded/removed when generating URLs. The problem is when routing falls through routes table and subsequent routes don't have the same route value names...
The whole problem is detailed and explained in my blog post and all the code is provided there as well. Check it out, it may help you solve this routing problem. I've also written two additional MapRoute extension methods that take an additional parameter.
If you want total control of the link, just build the link yourself:
Click Here
Substitute whatever you need inside the href attribute.
