How to handle Append Only text fields in a Sharepoint DataSheet view? - sharepoint-2007

We've created a Sharepoint site to track a process. Eventually we're going to make a workflow out of it, but in the meantime there's a list we all have to look at which lists the various dates each piece is supposed to be finished.
So basically My group needs to see and update columns X, Y, Z and Comments while ignoring the other 30 billion or so columns. Which is great in datasheet view because we can easily view our columns, and update them right there without drilling into the item and browsing through all the other crap we don't need.
The problem is the Comments field, in which we really need to see the last actual comment made. Unfortunately whenever anyone saves the record the field is updated with a blank value (unless they entered a comment) and the last actual comment is lost unless you drill into the item.
Is there some way to get the Datasheet view to show all the entries?
I should also note that I know very little about Sharepoint 2007... so detailed answers would be nice!

Append-only comments are implemented with the version mechanism, so in the Datasheet View you're seeing every row update as a new version of the item with a new comment. In normal data views this logic is handled by the AppendOnlyHistory control. I don't know of any way around this behavior for views that aren't history-aware like the Datasheet.


Can filters hide invisibly?

I'm very new to Tableau, just creating my third very simple Viz. By adding and deleting filters, I seem to have managed to create an invisible filter and I don't know how to get rid of it. I deleted the dashboard and all sheets but the filter persists somewhere.
In the data-source tab, when I describe the "mix" field it has 6 discrete values as it should. When I look at the table I can see 6 discrete values. But NOW when I create a brand new first sheet and don't do anything else but look at "describe" for "mix" in the list of fields, "mix" only has one value. If I drag it to the screen it shows up with that one value.
Any ideas where I might find this hidden filter?
Thank you.
Aha. I hadn't realized that making an extract of the source data (so that I could put the Viz up publicly) was silently filtered by the filters in place on a screen.
So, unknown to me, my source-data had become "pre-filtered" and of course nothing I could do at a screen level after that could remove that filtering.

Automatically moving data to another tab based on criteria

I have a Google Doc I'm trying to build. It's not this exact book, this all contains fake data, but the gist is the same:
You'll notice that the first tab is called "Master". What I want Master to populate with is any time someone in one of the three sheets has a Grade of "Negative" or the "Follow Up" checkbox is checked off. So this would account for the data currently in the workbook, as well as any future data that gets added.
So the end result would be the "Master" tab looking like the picture below.
Is there a way I can do this?
Upon checking on the sheet you've provided, it seems like you already have the correct formula for getting the data from the other sheets to "master". The only difference with it and your expected output is the checkboxes.
If you want to use checkboxes instead of TRUE/FALSE even in the queried data, you need to put/create the blank checkboxes first on the Follow-up? and Resolved? and the value of those checkboxes will depend on the queried values. Please see screenshot below:
Please let me know if you have other concerns aside from the ones mentioned.

Vaadin grid user column re-ordering and saving per user

How do people tend to let users re-order the grid columns and save that ordering for later?
The only way I can think of to do it, at least in Vaadin 7, is:
Listen for column re-ordering via addColumnReorderListener(…)
When re-order triggered, if user initiated, get columns from getColumns() and save to DB with any identifying information
When pull Grid back up, read grid ordering from DB and apply the same order with setColumnOrder(columns)
So is there a better way to do this? I just checked the Directory, could not find anything obvious to make this easier. Just looking for how others have addressed this user requirement. If Vaadin 14 already supports such actions a little easier, that would be good to know as well, as it might give me some ideas on how to get that ability short term before I can upgrade to Vaadin 14.
For a more customizable grid you can (in addition to what you've already done) add a button that opens a dialog that lists all possible columnnames, together with a checkbox.
Unchecking the checkbox removes the column, checking the checkbox adds the column.
Even more comfortable is when the dialog lists all available columns in a Grid with draggable rows and editable checkboxes, so that the user can show, hide and sort all columns in one place. After that you have to reorder all columns by calling grid.setColumnOrder.
Just so people know how I solved this issue, based on the comments:
When load data into Grid, first check database for columns of this Grid/user combination. If find such a column order, call setColumnOrder(userColumns).
Added 2 buttons to top, one to save column order, one to reset it.
"Save" button only enabled after moving at least one column.
"Reset" button only enabled if at least one column was moved. One column was moved either because of the DB, or because user JUST moved a column.
On save, save to DB. On reset, clear from DB, and reset Grid to original column order.
We chose not to save the column order each time they changed the order, directly in the addColumnReorderListener, because we realized sometimes users might move columns around temporarily, and one really want to save that column order for the future. That said, the saving inside the addColumnReorderListener worked well.
We don't currently need to save the column sizes, as suggested by #Simon Martinelli, but we are keeping it as an idea for the future. I fully expect it would work.

Creating Dynamic Sheet Cell Reference List for pulling numbers to SUM

I've been working on building a data analysis sheet, which is quite verbose at the moment and a bit more complicated than it should be as I've been trying to figure this out. Please note, I work doing student data in a school.
Basically, I have two sets of input data:
Data imported from a CSV file that includes test data and codes for Common Core Standards and the questions tied to those standards as a whole class summary
Data imported from a CSV file that includes individual scores by question
I am looking to construct 2 views:
A view that collates and displays data of individual standards per student that includes a dropdown to change the standard allowing a teacher to see class performance by standard in a broad view. The drop-down is populated dynamically from the input data (so staff could eventually dump data and go directly to reports)
A view that collates and displays data of individual students broken down by performance on each standard allowing a teachers to see the broader spectrum for each student. The student drop-down is populated from Source list 2.
I have been able to build the first view, but am struggling with the second. I've been able to separate the question codes and develop strings of cell references to the scoring data, including a dynamic reference to the row the selected student's score data appears on in the second source set from above.
I tried to pass through an indirect() formula into a sum() so as to process for a mean evaluation, and have encountered errors. I think SUM() doesn't process comma-separated cell reference lists from Indirect() [or in general] or there is something that I am missing to help parse it. Here is the formula I have tried:
CCCodeManip!C:C includes the created text (based on the dynamic standards and question codes, etc), here's an example of what would be found there:
'M-ADI'!M17, 'M-ADI'!N17, 'M-ADI'!O17, 'M-ADI'!P17, 'M-ADI'!Q17, 'M-ADI'!R17, 'M-ADI'!J17
I need these to be dynamic so that teachers can input different sets of standards, question, and student data and the sheet automatically collates and reports it in uniform ways (with an upward bound of 20 standards as I currently have it built)
Here is a link to the sheet I built, with names and ID anonymized. There's a CRAP TON of sub-tabs, and that's really just being able to split apart and re-combine data neatly without things error-ing out due to data overlapping, aside from a few different attempts and different approaches to parse the cell reference strings.
The first two tabs are the current status of the data views. I plan to hide a bunch of the functional stuff that is there to help pull data accurately.
The 3rd and 4th tab are the source data sets. 5th is a modified version of source data that allows me to reference things better, and I've tried to arrange the sheets most relevant towards the front of the set.
Some have a different approach? I am aware that I might be as far as I cn go with this and perhaps should consider scripts - my coding experience is a bit out of date and my strength is more with the formulas, but I can dig into things with some direction, if anyone can help.
Ok so I noticed something.
It seems the failure is in the indirect reference:
The string I am trying to parse via indirect is going to be generated into something like this, dynamic from reference to other data:
'M-ADI'!M17, 'M-ADI'!N17, 'M-ADI'!O17, 'M-ADI'!P17, 'M-ADI'!Q17, 'M-ADI'!R17, 'M-ADI'!J17
The indirect returns the error that the above string is not a cell reference with the #REF code.
Can someone give me a clue as to what is causing this? I am going to dig into the docs on Indirect() from google and will post anything that I find.
Perhaps it is that indirect() can't handle lists, but only specific references and arrays, which may require me a to build a sheet to do the SUM formula on for each question set (?)
So I think I figured it out, but i Ended up parsing the data differently, basically doing the sum based on individual cell references and a separate sum formula, bypassing the need to do it all at once, it jsut makes my sheets a lot dirtier! I am eventually going to see if code could do it better if I need to, but this is closed for now.
Basically, I did individual cell references to recall scores in a row, then used a separate SUM formula, and created references / structures to be able to pull those sum() results. Achieves the same end, but with extra crap on the sheet.

OnEdit or Time based triggers to check one cell then edit another

My scripting skills are not the greatest but I can not figure out how to accomplish what I need to with just functions inside of Google Sheets.
My sheet looks something like this:
I have form responses being brought into the second tab via the Indirect function and are then modified with a ArrayFormula function to convert everything to the correct unit of measure and the summed to keep everything on the same row. All of this could be altered if needed.
I then have a column that is totaling inputs in other columns to give me my on hand inventory. We'll call this TotalsColumn.
What I am attempting to achieve is to make a script that checks the form responses, then either with:
OnEdit (which if I understand correctly does not work for information being ported in) and then alter the corresponding cell in the TotalsColumn.
or if not possible, then
With a time based trigger checking the ported information to see if there is a new entry if I don't sum it with a last function or something, or if the information remains summed (which seems easier to me) then to check if the sum is greater than it was last time it was checked and alter TotalsColumn.
The alter to the TotalsColumn, regardless of which method used, will always be a static number and I am pretty sure I'll need to make a script for each of my different inventory items but that's fine if I can just figure out a way of making this happen.
Thank for your time and any information you can provide.
Please feel free to point me to another thread where I can start to piece together a solution, I just could not find anything that related closely enough to my question or find a good jumping off point.
What happens in this situation?
