How to show LaTeX-code in a LaTeX document? - latex

I have a little problem where I would like to insert a svn diff of a LaTeX document into
another LaTeX document, the goal is to show what has changed since revision XXX.
However since the diff contains a lot of LaTeX command I can't include it right into the document since LaTeX will interpit them and not just "print" them.
Today I have this in my Makefile
$(shell echo "\n" > $(DIFF_INFO) )
$(shell echo "\\section{diff $(DIFF_REV)} \n" >> $(DIFF_INFO) )
$(shell echo \\\\begin{verbatim} >> $(DIFF_INFO) )
$(shell svn diff --revision $(DIFF_REV) $(N).tex >> $(DIFF_INFO) )
$(shell echo \\\\end{verbatim} >> $(DIFF_INFO) )
And at the end of the LaTeX document I have this:
But this fails hard!
My next idea is to write a perl script that replaces all invalid chars with something that LaTeX can show, but it feels like I'm risking to reinvent the wheel so I figured that I could ask if someone had a better idea?
How do I include and show LaTeX code in the document?
Thanks "unknown (google)" for pointing out verbatim, it did what I wanted it to.
I also looks like I should try that listings that las3rjock told us about since it look kind of nice.
Could not get listings to work in my case, I get some strange utf warnings about invalid chars. But the verbatim is working so I will use that way this time.

I second Boojum's recommendation in a comment to another answer that you use the listings package. For LaTeX code listings, I use settings that I found in André Miede's classicthesis package. Here is a sample document (quine.tex) and its output:
% listings settings from classicthesis package by
% Andr\'{e} Miede
(click to enlarge)

There' a verbatim package that you can include with \usepackage{verbatim} and access using \verbatiminput{filename}.


How to remove parentheses around pandoc citations?

Here's how I do my citations in latex
backend=biber, style=apa,
giveninits=true, uniquename=init,
... catastrophic population declines (\cite{McIntyre__2015}).
I'm using pandoc to convert this to docx or odt so I can get track changes from colleagues.
pandoc ./main.tex -f latex -t odt --bibliography=./references.bib --csl ../apa.csl -o output.odt
However... in the resulting document, pandoc automatically surrounds every \cite call with an extra set of parenthesis.
...catastrophic population declines ((McIntyre et al. 2015)).
I really like doing parentheses manually... is there a way for me to get pandoc to stop adding these extra citation parentheses?
I have the impression that this can be done with lua filters in pandoc... I was hoping someone could give me some pointers in the right direction on how to address this.
A Lua filter could be used to change the citation mode such that the parens are omitted:
function Cite(cite)
for _, c in ipairs(cite.citations) do
c.mode = pandoc.AuthorInText
return cite
Make sure that the filter runs before citeproc, i.e., it must occur first in the call to pandoc:
pandoc --lua-filter=modify-citations.lua --citeproc ...
The alternative would be to change \cite into \citet.
The answer from tarleb didn't solve the question, but it did lead me to the right documentation.
I now understand that pandoc relies on CSL for the actual formatting of citations, while lua filters can modify what kind of citation is used (author in text, vs author in parenthesis).
<citation et-al-min="3" et-al-use-first="1" disambiguate-add-year-suffix="true" disambiguate-add-names="true" disambiguate-add-givenname="true" collapse="year" givenname-disambiguation-rule="primary-name-with-initials">
<layout prefix="" suffix="" delimiter="; ">
In my CSL doc, I just removed the parentheses from the prefix and suffix attributes of the <citation> <layout> node.
Now only my manually placed parentheses appear in the compiled doc.
...catastrophic population declines (McIntyre et al., 2015).

Sphinx hangs when attempting to use amxmath capabilities

I want to define a matrix in a math block in a ReST file like this;
.. math::
\[\begin{bmatrix}a_1 & b_1\\ a_2 & b_2\end{bmatrix}\]
In my I defined a preamble in order to include the LaTeX package amsmath
latex_elements = {
# Additional stuff for the LaTeX preamble.
'preamble': r'''
However when I try and compile my document using Sphinx, it gets to the document and hangs there permanently
writing output... [ 97%] theory_and_methodology
What am I missing?
I found the answer. The LaTeX compiler didn't like the \[ in the source. It was unnecessary, so when I removed it the output worked.

Slides with Columns in Pandoc

I would like to have code and an image side-by-side in a Beamer slide.
In LaTeX I would do this with columns. I would like to use markdown within the column structure.
>>> some python code
Unfortunately Pandoc doesn't process the markdown within the \begin{columns} and \end{columns} statements. Is there a way around this?
Is there a way to use markdown within inlined LaTeX?
Is there a pure markdown solution?
Current versions of pandoc (i.e., pandoc 2.0 and later) supports fenced divs. Specially named divs are transformed into columns when targeting a slides format:
# This slide has columns
::: columns
:::: column
:::: column
Pandoc translates this into the following LaTeX beamer code:
\begin{frame}{This slide has columns}
This is simple and has the additional advantage of giving similar results when targeting other presentational formats like reveal.js.
More than two columns work out of the box for Beamer output. Powerpoint, however, only supports two columns. For reveal.js, the widths of three or more columns must be given explicitly:
::: columns
:::: {.column width=30%}
:::: {.column width=30%}
:::: {.column width=30%}
The problem is that pandoc ignores markdown if it finds a \begin{}. An alternative is to edit the beamer template and add the following:
And write it like this:
>>> some python code
I hope still valuable. I made a Pandoc filter in Python to put columns easily, so you can write your presentations in this way:
# Hello World
if __name__ == "__main__":
print "Hello World"
This is how a "Hello World" looks like in Python
that the filter will convert each markup to \begin{columns} and \column{.5\textwidth}, so, the document above will turn in
\NormalTok{some python code}
Hello World
The code filter is here
import pandocfilters as pf
def latex(s):
return pf.RawBlock('latex', s)
def mk_columns(k, v, f, m):
if k == "Para":
value = pf.stringify(v)
if value.startswith('[') and value.endswith(']'):
content = value[1:-1]
if content == "columns":
return latex(r'\begin{columns}')
elif content == "/columns":
return latex(r'\end{columns}')
elif content.startswith("column="):
return latex(r'\column{%s\textwidth}' % content[7:])
if __name__ == "__main__":
If you never use a pandoc filter, just save the filter to the same document location as (or other name you want) and run
pandoc -t beamer --filter yourDocument.mkd
And enjoy!
Beamer Specific Answer. I ran across a solution when attempting to add multiple columns for Pandoc in a regular document. It works here as well, though it does constrain you to Beamer; though that is your use case.
In the slide deck, insert once:
- \newcommand{\hideFromPandoc}[1]{#1}
- \hideFromPandoc{
Then add content thus:
Res ipsum loquiter, sed in inferno decit?
Res ipsum loquiter, sed in inferno decit?
Res ipsum loquiter, sed in inferno decit?
Creating the "hideFromPandoc" command lets you insert begin/end statements throughout without depriving you of markdown in the block.
Fenced Div Answer. There's an answer above that refers to fenced divs. I commented that the answer only works with two columns. It breaks down with more. Here is how that answer works with multiple divs:
::: {.columns}
:::: {.column width=0.3}
:::: {.column width=0.3}
:::: {.column width=0.3}
To get this answer, I had to look at the commit that added the column feature specifically.
You could use FletcherPenney MultiMarkdown which can process markdown to LaTeX/Beamer. Compared to Pandoc, MultiMarkdown has not so many features. However, especially when working with LaTeX it has the advantage that you can embed LaTeX code directly into the Markdown in HTML comments.
Your code would look like this:
<!-- \begin{columns} -->
<!-- \column{.5\textwidth} -->
>>> some python code
<!-- \column{.5\textwidth} -->
<!-- \end{columns} -->
For me this solution works fine. With a good editor (e.g. Scrivener, Sublime Text) you can write the latex code without all the comments and find/replace them after editing. In addition, the Metadata support in Multimarkdown is much more flexible, so that it is easier to customize presentations.
In the meantime, I hope that the Pandoc team provides a solution to this problem. I think there are some users who would like to embed small LaTex code particles throughout their markdown documents without having them converted/escaped.
You can use MultiMarkDown comments ( "<!-- Your LaTeX Code inside -->" ) with Pandoc when you enclose the Pandoc command in which you transform your markdown to LaTeX with two sed commands.
In the first sed run, you change the MultiMarkDown comments to "\verb+AAAAAAALaTeX-StuffZZZZZZ+". Then you transform to LaTeX with Pandoc as usual, everything inside "\verb+AAAAAAALaTeX-StuffZZZZZZZ+" is left alone. Then you run sed on the TeX-File and delete the "\verb+AAAAAAA" and "ZZZZZZ+" unfolding your LaTeX code.
The first sed command line before the Pandoc transformation could look like this:
sed -E -e "s/<\\!--(.+)--\\>/\\\\verb\+AAAAAAA\1ZZZZZZZ\+/g " \ >
Then use Pandoc on as usual to create source.tex. Second sed run like this:
sed -E -e "s/\\\\verb\+AAAAAAA(.+)ZZZZZZZ\+/\1/g" -i "" source.tex
I automated everything in a Makefile so that I can make more changes e.g. to table definitions in one step. On first glance this approach works fine (tested it on column definitions with the beamer class).
With this little sed scripts, you can use all the nice things from Pandoc. You need only to mmd-comment those TeX and LaTeX commands which become either escaped or enclose larger parts of your Markdown.

Inserting code in this LaTeX document with indentation

How do I insert code into a LaTeX document? Is there something like:
\begin{code}## Heading ##
The only thing that I really need is indentation and a fixed width font. Syntax highlighting could be nice although it is definitely not required.
Use listings package.
Simple configuration for LaTeX header (before \begin{document}):
You can change default language in the middle of document with \lstset{language=Java}.
Example of usage in the document:
import javax.swing.JApplet;
import java.awt.Graphics;
public class Hello extends JApplet {
public void paintComponent(Graphics g) {
g.drawString("Hello, world!", 65, 95);
Here's the result:
You could also use the verbatim environment
Here is how to add inline code:
You can add inline code with {\tt code } or \texttt{ code }. If you want to format the inline code, then it would be best to make your own command
Also, note that code blocks can be loaded from other files with
breaklines isn't required, but I find it useful. Be aware that you'll have to specify \usepackage{ listings } for this one.
Update: The listings package also includes the \lstinline command, which has the same syntax highlighting features as the \lstlisting and \lstinputlisting commands (see Cloudanger's answer for configuration details). As mentioned in a few other answers, there's also the minted package, which provides the \mintinline command. Like \lstinline, \mintinline provides the same syntax highlighting as a regular minted code block:
This is a sentence with \mintinline{python}{def inlineCode(a="ipsum)}
Specialized packages such as minted, which relies on Pygments to do the formatting, offer various advantages over the listings package. To quote from the minted manual,
Pygments provides far superior syntax highlighting compared to conventional packages. For example, listings basically only highlights strings, comments and keywords. Pygments, on the other hand, can be completely customized to highlight any token kind the source language might support. This might include special formatting sequences inside strings, numbers, different kinds of identifiers and exotic constructs such as HTML tags.
Minted, whether from GitHub or CTAN, the Comprehensive TeX Archive Network, works in Overleaf, TeX Live and MiKTeX.
It requires the installation of the Python package Pygments; this is explained in the documentation in either source above. Although Pygments brands itself as a Python syntax highlighter, Minted guarantees the coverage of hundreds of other languages.
\begin{minted}[mathescape, linenos]{python}
# Note: $\pi=\lim_{n\to\infty}\frac{P_n}{d}$
title = "Hello World"
sum = 0
for i in range(10):
sum += i
Use Minted.
It's a package that facilitates expressive syntax highlighting in LaTeX using the powerful Pygments library. The package also provides options to customize the highlighted source code output using fancyvrb.
It's much more evolved and customizable than any other package!
A very simple way if your code is in Python, where I didn't have to install a Python package, is the following:
The following is some Python code
# A comment
x = [5, 7, 10]
y = 0
for num in x:
y += num
which looks like:
Unfortunately, this only works for Python.
Since it wasn't yet mentioned here, it may be worth to add one more option, package spverbatim (no syntax highlighting):
Your code here
Also, if syntax highlighting is not required, package alltt:
Your code here
Use Pygments !

Convert LaTeX to MediaWiki syntax

I need to convert LaTeX into MediaWiki syntax. The formulas should stay the same, but I need to transform, for example \chapter{something} into = something =.
Although this can be obtained with a bit of sed, things get a little dirty with the itemize environment, so I was wondering if a better solution can be produced.
Anything that can be useful for this task?
Pandoc should be able to do it:
$ pandoc -f latex -t mediawiki << END
> \documentclass{paper}
> \begin{document}
> \section{Heading}
> Hello
> \subsection{Sub-heading}
> \textbf{World}!
> \end{document}
== Heading ==
=== Sub-heading ===
pandoc can get your file converted between several different mark-up languages pretty easily, including mediawiki
I found this: plasTeX. With a bit of hacking probably I can produce a renderer for the mediawiki syntax
Yes Pandoc would be the easiest to do that.
pandoc -f latex -t mediawiki --metadata link-citations --bibliography=bibl.bib --csl=cslstyle.csl test.tex -o
--metadata link-citations creates hyperlinks with your in-text citations and the bibliography. You can delete this part if not needed.
bibl.bib is the file of the bibliography you used
cslstyle.csl is the style of citation you want. There are lots of choices that can be downloaded from
test.tex is the file you want to convert from is the output file you want
all the files should be in the same folder otherwise locations should be specified
