I am struggling to get an Epson "ESC/POS" printer to print barcodes (Using Delphi) and want to test if the printer is not faulty. Do you know where I can find a program to print a barcode in "ESC/POS"? I suppose as a last resort an OPOS program will also be OK.
Also, a demo Delphi Program that works will also be fine. All the Delphi snippets I have so far is not working.
The printer I am using is an Epson TM-L60II
I Have a full tests program written in Delphi 5 for the TMT88's but the source is abit big for here so here is the barcode bits
Please note that as its snippets from the full object some vars/functions may be missing
To get the barcode chars
* #param a ean13 barcode numeric value
* #return the escpos code for the barcode print
* Description uses escpos code, return code needed to print a ean13 barcode
function TPrintEscPosToPort.getBarcodeEscPosCode(l_ean13:String):String;
l_return := CHR(29) + 'k' + CHR(67) + CHR(12);
l_return := l_return + l_ean13; // Print bar code
l_return := l_return + l_ean13; // Print bar code number under thge barcode
Result := l_return
to print to a printer
* #param Printer Name, Item be printed, Cut the papers after the cut, #no of copies to print
* #return boolen, true if it printed
* Description prints a test page to the tysso printer
function TPrintEscPosToPort.escPosPrint(const l_printer, l_textToPrint :String;l_cutPaper:Boolean=true;l_copies:integer=1): Boolean;
PrinterFile: TextFile;
// set result to false so any thing other then a good print will be false
Result:= FALSE;
//Find if the printer exists, else set to defult -1
i := Printer.Printers.IndexOf(l_printer);
if (i > -1) then
Printer.PrinterIndex := i;
l_pName := Printer.Printers[i]; //Get the printer name (incase its the defult and not the one passed)
l_pPort := Self.getPrinterPort(l_pName) ; // get the port name from the reg
// If true add headers and footers to the passed text
if (Self.aPrintHeadersFooters) then
l_tmp := Self.getHeader()
+ l_textToPrint + Self.GetFooter();
l_tmp := l_textToPrint;
//Send the Document To the printer
for x:= 1 to l_copies do //Print multi-copies
//Assign the file to a tmp file in the printer port
if (length(trim(l_pPort)) > 0) then AssignFile(PrinterFile,l_pPort)
//only use if we cant get the port
//(may look bad as ctrl codes are still in place)
l_tmp := Self.stripEscPos(l_tmp);
//Send the passed Text to the printer
if (Self.aPrinterReset) then
WriteLn(PrinterFile,escReset); // Reset the printer alignment
if (l_cutPaper) then
WriteLn(PrinterFile,escFeedAndCut); //Cut the paper if needed
Result:= true;
Here is a lost of control code constants from the code above, hopefully the names are descriptive enough.
escNewLine = chr(10); // New line (LF line feed)
escUnerlineOn = chr(27) + chr(45) + chr(1); // Unerline On
escUnerlineOnx2 = chr(27) + chr(45) + chr(2); // Unerline On x 2
escUnerlineOff = chr(27) + chr(45) + chr(0); // Unerline Off
escBoldOn = chr(27) + chr(69) + chr(1); // Bold On
escBoldOff = chr(27) + chr(69) + chr(0); // Bold Off
escNegativeOn = chr(29) + chr(66) + chr(1); // White On Black On'
escNegativeOff = chr(29) + chr(66) + chr(0); // White On Black Off
esc8CpiOn = chr(29) + chr(33) + chr(16); // Font Size x2 On
esc8CpiOff = chr(29) + chr(33) + chr(0); // Font Size x2 Off
esc16Cpi = chr(27) + chr(77) + chr(48); // Font A - Normal Font
esc20Cpi = chr(27) + chr(77) + chr(49); // Font B - Small Font
escReset = chr(27) + chr(64); //chr(27) + chr(77) + chr(48); // Reset Printer
escFeedAndCut = chr(29) + chr(86) + chr(65); // Partial Cut and feed
escAlignLeft = chr(27) + chr(97) + chr(48); // Align Text to the Left
escAlignCenter = chr(27) + chr(97) + chr(49); // Align Text to the Center
escAlignRight = chr(27) + chr(97) + chr(50); // Align Text to the Right
Get the Microsoft POS For .Net 1.11, it's got an SDK that includes a sample application that performs all the basic operations on POS hardware. I'm using it all the time to test that cash drawers work ok for example.
There's also a source code included (in .Net), so you can see how they do it.
After several hours of investigations and researching the problem, I've found that TFormatSettings returns an incorrect ShortTimeFormat.
To show in TDateTimePicker a short time format with support for 24-hours, I need to use: TDateTimePicker.Format :='H:mm', and this is a default setting for my profile in Windows 10 for a short time.
But TFormatSettings.ShortTimeFormat return me a value of 'h:mm'.
To get the correct value, I should use:
And this returns a 'H:mm' value.
This is the source of TFormatSettings from SysUtils.pas:
TimePrefix := '';
TimePostfix := '';
if StrToIntDef(GetLocaleStr(Locale, LOCALE_ITLZERO, '0'), 0) = 0 then
HourFormat := 'h'
HourFormat := 'hh';
if StrToIntDef(GetLocaleStr(Locale, LOCALE_ITIME, '0'), 0) = 0 then
if StrToIntDef(GetLocaleStr(Locale, LOCALE_ITIMEMARKPOSN, '0'), 0) = 0 then
TimePostfix := ' AMPM'
TimePrefix := 'AMPM ';
Result.ShortTimeFormat := TimePrefix + HourFormat + ':mm' + TimePostfix;
Result.LongTimeFormat := TimePrefix + HourFormat + ':mm:ss' + TimePostfix;
As we can see, that always use 'h' or 'hh', no way to get 'H' or 'HH'.
My question is: Why?
I could not fully understand set membership in the help files. Please explain how in is handled in C++ for the following code:
if s1[1] in['0'..'9'] then
ii := StrToInt(s1)+1;
s1 := IntToStr(ii);
if Length(s1)<2 then s1 := '0'+s1;
Edit_deneyismi.text := copy(s,1,i)+s1;
else Edit_deneyismi.text := 'Yeni_Deney_01';
Delphi sets are implemented in C++Builder using the Set<> template class, which has a Contains() method to support in operations, eg:
Set<char, '0', '9'> Digits;
for (char c = '0'; c <= '9'; ++c)
Digits << c;
if (Digits.Contains(s1[1]))
ii = StrToInt(s1)+1;
s1 = IntToStr(ii);
if (s1.Length() < 2) s1 = "0" + s1;
Edit_deneyismi->Text = s.SubString(1, i) + s1;
Edit_deneyismi->Text = "Yeni_Deney_01";
Otherwise, use the C isdigit() function, or the RTL Character::IsDigit() function. Or just compare the char values manually like Michael suggested.
Delphi XE5 + CIS 7.8 for XE5,when POST use Chinese formfield value like below
clHttpRequest.AddFormField('Status', '待处理');
itAutoStatus := '待处理' ;
mmo1.Lines.Add( ' 汉字为 : <'+ itAutoStatus +'>' ) ; // <待处理>
a2us := AnsiToUtf8(itAutoStatus) ;
mmo1.Lines.Add( ' 汉字AnsiToUtf8为 : <' + a2us +'>' ) ; // <待处理>
gbs := HTTPEncode(itAutoStatus);
mmo1.Lines.Add( ' 汉字HTTPEncode为 : <' + gbs +'>' ) ; // <%B4%FD%B4%A6%C0%ED>
utfs := HTTPEncode(AnsiToUtf8(itAutoStatus));
mmo1.Lines.Add( ' 汉字HTTPEncode(AnsiToUtf8())为 : <' + utfs +'>' ) ; // <%E5%BE%85%E5%A4%84%E7%90%86>
in IE8,right raw stream is : pageNo=1&total=&SortField=&SortType=&PromTitle=&C1=&Status=%E5%BE%85%E5%A4%84%E7%90%86
clHttpRequest.AddFormField('Status', '待处理');
CIS default raw stream is : pageNo=1&total=&SortField=&SortType=&PromTitle=&C1=&Status=%B4%FD%B4%A6%C0%ED
clHttpRequest.AddFormField('Status', HTTPEncode(AnsiToUtf8('待处理')));
Now CIS raw stream is : pageNo=1&total=&SortField=&SortType=&PromTitle=&C1=&Status=%25E5%25BE%2585%25E5%25A4%2584%25E7%2590%2586
clHttpRequest.AddFormField add string '25',so web server will no database query result.
I want to make raw stream like IE8,How to fix this? thanks!!!
clHttpRequest.Header.CharSet := 'UTF-8';
I am setting up a module of "bpl" load in IntraWeb, Delphi2010, and I found the following problem:
I don't get to create an instance the application to not to be this is as an internal form.
procedure CargaDoSubModulo;
TIWFormClass = class of TIWForm;
Integra : IIntegracaoIW;
Formulario : TIWForm;
intClas : Integer;
strForm : String;
strForm := srtPacotes + '_' + Copy ( IntToStr ( Rtn_Alternativa) + 10000 ), 2, 4 );
// Descrição do formulário
strDescricaoTela := Des_Tela;
// Nome da classe do formulário
vrtClasseModulo := 'p_' + strForm + '.dll';
// Nome da rotina interna a ser carregada
strForm := 'iwfrm_' + strForm;
// Nome da classe do formulário
vrtNomeFormulario := 'T' + strForm;
// Verificação se a rotina e compativel com o sistema iwfrm_hrb_0010
intClas := -1;
if WebApplication.FindComponent( strForm ) = nil then
Formulario := TIWFormClass(FindClass( vrtNomeFormulario )).Create(WebApplication);
if not Supports (Formulario, IIntegracaoIW) then
WebApplication.ShowMessage(CargaTexto(msnRotIncompIntgra), smAlert);
Integra := Formulario as IIntegracaoIW;
with Integra do
SetServidor( ParServidor1.Servidor ); // 1
SetAreaTrabalho( ParServidor1.AreaTrabalho ); // 2
SetIdUsuario( intUsuario ); // 3
SetNomeUsuario( iwlStUsuario.Caption ); // 11
SetAcesso( intAcesso ); // 4
SetEmpresa( ParServidor1.Empresa ); // 5
SetFilial( ParServidor1.Filial ); // 6
SetIdClasse( intClas ); // 8
SetVersao( strVersaoInterna ); // 10
SetDescricao(Des_Tela ); // 7
SetEnderecoIP( strIdentificacaoPorta ); // 13
SetDataTrabalho( DateToStr(dtDataTrabalho) ); // 14
SetIdentificacaoSistema( iwlIdentificacao.Caption ); // 12
SetModuloCarga(Rtn_Busca ); // 9
TIWAppForm(WebApplication.FindComponent( strForm )).Show;
Your question - or actually the exact problem/error - is a bit unclear to me. Locating a form via FindComponent is a bit uncommon. At least you shouldn't call FindComponent more than nessecary, as it is potentially slow.
If you create a Form with WebApplication being the owner, it will be added to WebApplication.Forms
Web Application.FormCount is the number of forms (UserSession is a form in this context). WebApplication.ActiveForm is the form that is currently shown.
I am developing a timer in Delphi 2009. I am currently using the following to format my timer display:
Caption := Format('%.2d', [Hours]) + ':' +
Format('%.2d', [Minutes]) + ':' +
Format('%.2d', [Seconds]);
and this as expected displays the time as:
However, when I go into negative time it is understandably displaying it as:
I need the time to display as:
Any Ideas?
if (Hours<0) or (Minutes<0) or (Seconds<0) then
Caption := Prefix+Format('%.2d', [Abs(Hours)]) + ':' +
Format('%.2d', [Abs(Minutes)]) + ':' +
Format('%.2d', [Abs(Seconds)]);
Well, you're formatting each number separately, therefore its no surprise you get negative sign on all of them. Try this:
Caption := Format('%.2d', [Abs(Hours)]) + ':' +
Format('%.2d', [Abs(Minutes)]) + ':' +
Format('%.2d', [Abs(Seconds)]);
if (Hours < 0) or (Minutes < 0) or (Seconds < 0) then begin
Caption := '-' + Caption;