Ruby on Rails- how to run a bash script as root? - ruby-on-rails

What I'm wanting to do is use 'button_to' & friends to start different scripts on a linux server. Not all scripts will need to be root, but some will, since they'll be running "apt-get dist-upgrade" and such.
The PassengerDefaultUser is set to www-data in apache2.conf
I have already tried running scripts from the controller that do little things like writing to text files, etc, just so that I know that I am having Rails execute the script correctly. (in other words, I know how to run a script from the controller) But I cannot figure out how to run a script that requires root access. Can anyone give me a lead?
A note on security: Thanks for all the warnings against hacking that were given. You don't need to loose any sleep, though, because A) the webapp is not accessible from the public internet, it will only be on private intranets, B) the app is password protected, and C) because the user will not be able to supply custom input, only make selections from a form that will be passed as variables to the script. However, because I say this does not mean that I am disregarding your recommendations for security- I will be considering them very carefully in my design.

You should be using the setuid bit to achieve the same functionality without sudo. But you shouldn't be running Bash scripts. Setuid is much more secure than sudo. Using either sudo or setuid, you are running a program as root. But only setuid (with the help of certain languages) offers some added security measures.
Essentially you'll be using scripts that are temporarily allowed to run as a the owner, instead of the user that invoked them. Ruby and Perl can detect when a script is run as a different user than the caller and enforces security measures to protect against unsafe calls. This is called Taint mode. Bash does not run in taint mode at all.
Taint mode essentially works by declaring all input from an outside source unsafe for use when passed to a system call.
Setting it up:
Use chmod to set permissions on the script you want to run as 4755 and set it's owner to root:
$ chmod 4755 script.rb
$ chown root script.rb
Then just run the script as you normally would. The setuid bit kicks in and runs the script as if it was run by root. This is the safest way to temporarily elevate privileges.
See Ruby's documentation on safe levels and taint to understand Ruby's sanitation requirements to protect against tainted input causing harm. Or the perlsec faq to learn the how the same thing is done in Perl.
Again. If you're dead set on running scripts as root from an automated system. Do Not Use Bash! Use Ruby or Perl instead of Bash. Taint mode forces you to take security seriously and can avoid many unnecessary problems down the line.


Implement 'Entrypoint' like functionality in Cloud Native Buildpack

I have a multi-process web app. The processes are contributed by different buildpacks. The default process will start the web application. I have a use case in which a given shell script should be executed before the default process invocation.
I have tried the following approach;
Create a custom-buildpack
Create a script that needs to be executed and invoke the web process in it.
Create a new process based on the above shell sciprt by specifying it in launch.toml definition
Make the buildpack launchable
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Some fancy stuff..
#Invoke the web process
Create lauch.toml from the build script of custom-buildpack. Make the entrypoint process the default one.
cat > "$layers_dir/launch.toml" << EOL
type = "entrypoint"
command = "bash"
args = ["$scriptlayer/bin/"]
default = true
echo -e '[types]\nlaunch = true' > "$layers_dir/assembly-scripts.toml"
Truncated pack inspect-image output
entrypoint (default) bash bash /layers/gw_assembly-scripts/assembly-scripts/bin/
task bash run
tomcat bash run
web bash run
Is there any better CNB native approach to achieve this use case?
You have a couple of options here:
The simplest option would be to add a .profile script to the root of your application. It's a bash script, so anything you can write in bash can be done there, however, it's primarily for initializing your app and setting additional env variables.
This file runs prior to the command in your process type. I looked for documentation on this behavior, but only found it briefly mentioned in the buildpacks spec.
As an example, if I put .profile in the root of my application and inside that file, I write echo 'Hello World!'. I'll see Hello World! printed before any of my process types execute.
If you want to create a buildpack, you can achieve something similar to the .profile script by having your buildpack include an exec.d binary.
This is a binary that's part of your launch image and gets run prior to any of your process types. It allows you to take actions to initialize an application and set additional environment variables dynamically before your application starts.
This mechanism is often used by buildpack authors to provide dynamic behavior at runtime based on changes to environment variables or Kubernetes service bindings. For example, turning on/off features like APM tools, debugging, and metrics.
A few other miscellaneous notes.
Neither of the options above allows you to change the actual process type. The process type that will be executed is selected prior to these options (.profile and exec.d) running and you cannot influence that from within. You can only use them to run things prior to the process type running.
The buildpack spec does not allow for a buildpack to modify the process types for another buildpack. So you cannot create a buildpack that wraps or modifies process types set by another buildpack. That said, a buildpack can override the process types set by another buildpack. Buildpacks that are later in the order group will override earlier buildpacks.
From the spec: A combined processes list derived from all launch.toml files such that process types from later buildpacks override identical process types from earlier buildpacks.
With buildpacks, the entrypoint is always the launcher. The launcher is a process that runs and implements the application side of the buildpack specification. It runs .profile, exec.d binaries, sets up buildpack provide environment variables and eventually launch the specified process type.
If you override the entrypoint for a container then the launcher won't run and none of the things it is supposed to do will happen. Sometimes this is desired, like if you're troubleshooting, but usually you want the launcher to be the entrypoint.

With Docker USER directive, multiple shell command run into permission problems

I've browsed a couple of articles about Docker best practices, and recognize that running a container as a non-privileged user has some obvious security bonuses. So my first question is: why use the USER directive at all to build your image? That is, why not simply build the image as root, but run the container as a restricted user? In that case, it seems USER is superfluous.
The story does not end there. I tried various use-cases with USER. As I am building an image based off a debian snapshot, I placed USER after all relevant apt-get installations. So far so good. But as soon as I tried creating content within the USER's home directory, permission issues surfaced -- no matter if I explicitly assigned USER and group permissions to the enclosing parent directory.
Whenever I run into a feature that does not work in the obvious way, I ask myself whether it is a feature worth keeping. So, is there any practical reason to retain USER, given that you probably could do everything in a user-restricted way -- at least from a permissions perspective -- from outside the container?
One of the main reasons to run things as a non-root user (Docker or otherwise) is as an additional layer of security: even if your application is somehow compromised, it can't overwrite its own source code or static content that it's serving to end users. I would generally include a USER directive, but only at the very end so that it only affects the (default) user for the docker run command.
FROM some-base-image
# Do all installation as root
# And pick an alternate user for runtime only
USER something
CMD ["the_app"]
"Home directory" isn't really a Docker concept. It's very typical to store your application in, say, /app (mode 0755 owned by root).

conemu pass env var to WSL bash terminal

I'm trying to get a task defined in ConEmu to run multiple instance of Ubuntu bash using the WSL layer of Windows 10.
I followed the examples to set up a task to split the UI the way I want, and that part works great. My problem is that I'm trying to use environment variables to pass through commands to run after logging in, and I want different things to run in each panel.
Here is the task command I'm using:
set "STARTUP_CMD='gfp && make server' " & set "PATH=%ConEmuBaseDirShort%\wsl;%PATH%" & %ConEmuBaseDirShort%\conemu-cyg-64.exe --wsl -cur_console:p -cur_console:d:C:\xxx\yyy
On the Linux side I have code in my ~/.bash_aliases file that looks for the STARTUP_CMD env var and tries to execute it. I found code that can pull env vars from the Windows side, which is where the 'set' commands appear to be storing things. Problem is, Windows doesn't know what to do with these, and it tries to expand them when they are read, so it all blows up.
I had this working before, but had to wipe and rebuild my machine recently, and unfortunately didn't have the working command backed up anywhere.
I thought this was the recommended way to run bash with WSL, but I would rather have a way to send stuff directly to the Linux layer as env vars (or if someone has a better way to queue up different commands for each pane, I'm all for that too). Any help would be much appreciated.
Oh course I find the answer right after posting the question... posting here to help others that hit the same issue (or my future self if I forget and have to wipe my machine again).
set "PATH=%ConEmuBaseDirShort%\wsl;%PATH%" & %ConEmuBaseDirShort%\conemu-cyg-64.exe --wsl -eSTARTUP_CMD="gfp && make server" -cur_console:p -cur_console:d:C:\xxx\yyy
You just have to prefix the env var you want with -e and pass it as a param to conemu-cyg. It goes through without any modification on the Windows side and you can read it just like any other env var on the Linux side.

Non-privileged, non-root, user to start or restart webserver server such as nginx without root or sudo

I'm using capistrano to deploy a rails web app. I want to give the deploy user on the webserver as few privileges as I can. I was able to do everything I need to do as a non-privileged user except restart the webserver.
I'm doing this on an ubuntu server, but this problem is not specific to my use case (rails, capistrano, deployment), and I've seen a lot of approaches to this problem that seem to involve poor security practices. Wondering whether others can vet my solution and advise whether it's secure?
First, not necessary, but I have no idea why /etc/init.d/nginx would need any (even read) access by other users. If they need to read it, make them become root (by sudo or other means), so I:
chmod 750 /etc/init.d/nginx
Since the ownership is owner root, group root (or can be set such with chown root:root /etc/init.d/nginx) only root, or a user properly sudo'ed, can read, change or run /etc/init.d/nginx, and I'm not going to give my deploy user any such broad rights. Instead, I'm only going to give the deploy user the specific sudo right to run the control script /etc/init.d/nginx. They will not be able to run an editor to edit it, because they will only have the ability to execute that script. That means that if a someone gets access to my box as the deploy user, they can restart and stop, etc, the nginx process, but they cannot do more, like change the script to do lots of other, evil things.
Specifically, I'm doing this:
visudo is a specific tool used to edit the sudoers file, and you have to have sudoer privileges to access it.
Using visudo, I add:
# Give deploy the right to control nginx
deploy ALL=NOPASSWD: /etc/init.d/nginx
Check the sudo man page, but as I understand this, the first column is the user being given the sudo rights, in this case, “deploy”. The ALL gives deploy access from all types of terminals/logins (for example, over ssh). The end, /etc/init.d/nginx, ONLY gives the deploy user root access to run /etc/init.d/nginx (and in this case, the NOPASSWD means without a password, which I need for an unattended deployment). The deploy user cannot edit the script to make it evil, they would need FULL sudo access to do that. In fact, no one can unless they have root access, in which case there's a bigger problem. (I tested that the user deploy could not edit the script after doing this, and so should you!)
What do you folks think? Does this work? Are there better ways to do this? My question is similar to this and this, but provides more explanation than I found there, sorry if it's too duplicative, if so, I'll delete it, though I'm also asking for different approaches.
The best practice is to use /etc/sudoers.d/myuser
The /etc/sudoers.d/ folder can contain multiple files that allow users to call stuff using sudo without being root.
The file usually contains a user and a list of commands that the user can run without having to specify a password. Such as
sudo service nginx restart
Note that we are running the command using sudo. Without the sudo the sudoers.d/myuser file will never be used.
An example of such a file is
myuser ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: /usr/sbin/service nginx start,/usr/sbin/service nginx stop,/usr/sbin/service nginx restart
This will allow the myuser user to call all start, stop and restart for the nginx service.
You could add another line with another service or continue to append them to the comma separated list, for more items to control.
Also make shure you have run the command below to secure things
chmod 0440 /etc/sudoers.d/myuser
This is also the way I start and stop services my own created upstart scripts that live in /etc/init
It can be worth checking that out if you want to be able to run your own services easily.
In all commands, replace myuser with the name of your user that you want to use to start, restart, and stop nginx without sudo.
Open sudoers file for your user:
$ sudo visudo -f /etc/sudoers.d/myuser
Editor will open. There you paste the following line:
$ myusername ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: /usr/sbin/service nginx start,/usr/sbin/service nginx stop,/usr/sbin/service nginx restart
Save by hitting ctrl+o. It will ask where you want to save, simply press enter to confirm the default. Then exit out of the editor with ctrl+x.

Do I need to re-make and re-install couchdb everytime I want to test a change to the source?

I am trying to contribute more with couchdb code, but I have really no idea how it is done the right way.
I have cloned the source from apache git repository and built it with
make && sudo make install
Then I wanted to change a file from the source called couch_httpd_show.erl
Do I need to run make && sudo make install again for every change I make to the source code and want to see how it behaves?
I am sure there's a more practical way to do it, because this approach is a bit time and patience consuming right?
Yes, there is a shortcut.
make dev
This builds and runs CouchDB entirely in the current directory. Instead of running as a background daemon, CouchDB will run in the foreground and output log messages to the terminal. It uses some local directories to store stuff: ./tmp/log for logs, ./tmp/lib for databases, and (if I remember correctly) ./etc/couch/local_dev.ini for configuration.
If you run this instead:
./utils/run -i
then you will also have an interactive Erlang prompt, which you can use to help debug.
When I work on CouchDB, I run this in the shell:
make dev && ./utils/run -i
After I change some code, I press ^C, up-arrow, return.
When I joined Couchio, I was responsible for production CouchDB deployments. I asked Chris Anderson for advice about something and he said, "Sorry, ask Jan. I've been just using utils/run for years!"
You can rebuild that one file and drop the output beam in place and restart.
erlc <file.erl>
& then copy the .beam file into place. To restart couchdb use either init:restart(). in the erlang shell or POST /_restart to CouchDB.
Although you might want to consider using the commandline erlang & javascript test suite also to ensure you didn't break anything.
