DELPHI IDE - Stopping F12 from bring up the ‘CPU’ Window - delphi

I am busy developing a Delphi App that uses F12
When I am running the software under the Delphi IDE and press F12 the program stops and the ‘CPU’ window opens up
What can I do to stop the Delphi IDE from doing this when F12 is pressed ?

Change the value of this registry key..
HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\AeDebug\UserDebuggerHotKey 0x13 (19 in decimal). This changes the key from f12 to pause/break. You will need to reboot for this change to take effect.
Reference: this blog post.
The MS link in the post is broken, so here's a fixed one.


Disable close icons on editor tabs?

After upgrading from Delphi Tokyo 10.2.x to Rio 10.3.1, the tabs for the files in the editor now have close icons:
Close icons in Delphi Rio 10.3.1 - Mouseover makes others visible/active
No close icons in Delphi Tokyo 10.2.x
Especially with shorter file names, I regularly click on the little x when I want to switch to a specific file in the editor.
If the file has pending edits, I can click Cancel to stop it from closing, but often I find myself having to reopen it.
It's a bit of a nuisance.
Can these close icons be disabled in the IDE?
Can these close icons be disabled in the IDE?
What you can do is to completely disable new themes. But that will require editing registry.
Head to following registry key
and change following key-value entry:
Key: Enabled
Value: 0
If you wish to enable themes again just change Value back to 1.
Note: Unthemed IDE is no longer officially supported so you may have issues while using such IDE.

What does ctrl+shift+B do?

When I press ctrl+shift+B.
In Delphi XE7 (with CN_Pack installed) I see the following:
When I press ctrl+shift+B again the >^ disappears.
What does this mean?
According to the Delphi documentation:
ctrl+shift+B Displays the buffer list.
This is something else though, what is it?
From your screenshot i see that you have installed the "Bookmarks" plugin also. This plugin registeres this shortcut to set a temporary "caret marker"
From their website:
Sometimes you don’t want a permanent marker; you just want a way to quickly navigate back to where you were. Press Ctrl+Shift+B to drop a temporary caret bookmark, and press Escape to jump back to it.
The default behaviour of ctrl + shift + B is to show the list of edit buffers being maintained by the IDE. Roughly speaking, this corresponds to files open in the editor, but also may refer to files opened by the IDE but not currently open in a visual editor.
For example, after opening one of my scratch test projects, the IDE opens the main form file but also the project DPR. Only the main form source is initially loaded into an editor window, but the IDE is maintaining an edit buffer for the DPR 'behind the scenes'.
So my editor has a tab for fMain, but ctrl + shift + B presents a dialog listing both this file and the DPR:
If ctrl + shift + B is doing anything else in your IDE then either you or some package installed in your IDE have re-assigned the shortcut, in which case the Delphi documentation and standard behaviour obviously does not apply (or there is a bug in your particular Delphi IDE).

Save dialogue hangs in XE2

I use Delphi XE2 on Windows 8. I have ported an D2009 application to XE2 and suddenly the save dialog (TSaveDialog) is very slow.
When Project/Options/Application/Runtime Themes is set to Enable Runtime Themes:
When I open the save dialog the window freezes for about a minute (sometimes I can close the window but have to wait about a minute until I can open the dialog again (or another TOpenDialog). The new Vista style save dialog is shown.
If I try to run this exe on a PC with Windows 7, the app hangs upon start (I did also try with XP compatibility mode without success).
When Project/Options/Application/Runtime Themes set to none:
Save dialog works well (fast) but the old style dialog is shown, se example below:
This exe works well on a PC with Windows 7 (though with the old style dialog).
Ps. My old exe-file compiled with D2009 on a Win 7 PC works however well on both the Win 7 and 8 PC:s, and shows the dialogs correctly using the new Vista dialog style.
Could it be some permission rights in Win 8/7 causing this? I use IDE FIX PACK 5.4,
I found what the problem is. I use {$MAXSTACKSIZE $4000000} and this causes the save dialogue to freeze for about a minute.
The reason for this hefty stack size is that I use a recursive algorithm (that I now probably need to remake).
Reproduce as follows (XE2):
Create a new VCL forms application
Place a TSaveDialog1 on the form
Place a Tbutton with OnClick event
if SaveDialog1.Execute then
MessageDlg('ok', mtInformation,[mbOk], 0);
4: Open the project source file and put the following rows:
//{$MAXSTACKSIZE $3500000} //this is a decimal value of 5 5574 528 OK!
{$MAXSTACKSIZE $4000000} //this is a decimal value of 6 7108 864 Not OK!
Run and click the button. Give a dummy file name and press save. Nothing happens. Keep on clicking the button for 60 seconds. The dialogue will finally close.
Change to the smaller stack size $3500000. Now the program works well. Thanks for all tips.

Delphi: Win7 side effect with forms

Win7/x64, Delphi 6 Prof.
Win7 drives me crazy with his side effect. I describe it:
When I force the suggestion with Ctrl+Space, or Delphi do this automatically, the Delphi don't show the suggestion dropdown listbox, he is only bring my all opened forms to front, one by one.
This causes that what I typing is not going to editor window: it is going to any property of the active form, of the active control.
For example.
I don't got ShowMessage with suggestion listbox, I type ShowMess into my main form's caption.
Many times I need to make update pack's because the buttons, caption, etc got "ShowMes" or "Excep" or other property, because I type into these windows...
This function is sometimes broken on win7.
May I can restore the normal working mode without "bring all opened form to front"?
You can disable UAC in Windows 7, see here:
Also running Delphi 6 in Windows XP compatibility mode should do the trick.
See this discussion on the embarcadero forums, it's about Delphi 7, but it's the same issue:
Finally see here how to run a program in XP compatibility mode:

Delphi IDE locks because of a hidden modal window

Has someone else experienced something like this with Delphi and if so is there a known workaround!
I'm using the Delphi 2010 Rad Studio on Windows 7 64 bit.
A few times when editing the IDE hangs and I can't do any action either by keyboard or mouse. But there is a error-beep sound from windows like there is a modal window open somewhere, but hidden behind the ide it self.
Only by ending the ide via Task manager can I make this hidden modal window visible.
I see this often with various other dialogs as well.
Pressing "Alt-Tab" and reselecting Delphi you will cause the dialog to appear in the front again.
Note: This happens with other versions of Delphi as well.
I have the same problem with older versions of Delphi like D6.
My solution is use another tool like WinExp –Windows Explorer– or WinResQ to explore the existing active windows on system and reactivate it (BringToTop).
With this solution I get the Delphi IDE on Top and appears the window that cause the lock. This is the only option I have worked for me.
Alt+Tab works, but you have to select another application, then Alt+Tab to return to Delphi, and then the dialog will show in front.
