Is it possible to implement X-HTTP-Method-Override in ASP.NET MVC? -

I'm implementing a prototype of a RESTful API using ASP.NET MVC and apart from the odd bug here and there I've achieve all the requirements I set out at the start, apart from callers being able to use the X-HTTP-Method-Override custom header to override the HTTP method.
What I'd like is that the following request...
GET /someresource/123 HTTP/1.1
X-HTTP-Method-Override: DELETE
...would be dispatched to my controller method that implements the DELETE functionality rather than the GET functionality for that action (assuming that there are multiple methods implementing the action, and that they are marked with different [AcceptVerbs] attributes). So, given the following two methods, I would like the above request to be dispatched to the second one:
public ActionResult GetSomeResource(int id) { /* ... */ }
public ActionResult DeleteSomeResource(int id) { /* ... */ }
Does anybody know if this is possible? And how much work would it be to do so...?

You won't be able to use the [AcceptVerbs] attribute as-is since it's tied to the request's actual HTTP verb. Fortunately the [AcceptVerbs] attribute is very simple; you can see the source for yourself at
In short, subclass AcceptsVerbsAttribute and override the IsValidForRequest() method. The implementation would be something like the following:
string incomingVerb = controllerContext.HttpContext.Request.Headers["X-HTTP-Method-Override"] ?? controllerContext.HttpContext.Request.Method;
return Verbs.Contains(incomingVerb, StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);

Levi's answer is great. Additionally, I added a check in the custom AcceptsVerbsAttribute that also examines the FORM collection, so you can simply put a hidden input to trigger the DELETE (similar to MVC 2's Html.HttpMethodOverride(HttpVerbs.Delete)).
<input name="X-HTTP-Method-Override" type="hidden" value="DELETE" />
Change the incomingVerb assignment to:
string incomingVerb = controllerContext.HttpContext.Request.Headers["X-HTTP-Method-Override"] ?? controllerContext.HttpContext.Request.Form["X-HTTP-Method-Override"] ??controllerContext.HttpContext.Request.HttpMethod;
Be careful with this approach! See a related post by Stephen Walther.
Hopefully this helps someone.

Insert to Form:
<%= Html.HttpMethodOverride(HttpVerbs.Delete) %>

This conversation is a bit old, but I wanted to share what I have found using mvc 2:
Browsers support two HTTP verbs: GET and POST, but ASP.NET MVC 2 allows you to simulate Put, Get, and Delete using Html.HttpMethodOverride helper method. Internally, this works by sending the verb in an X-HTTP-Method-Override form field. The behavior of HttpMethodOverride is used by the [AcceptVerbs] attribute as well as the new shorter verb attributes:
For example, the action declaration:
public ActionResult DeleteSomeResource()
should take responsibility for your get request that has the X-HTTP-Method-Override set to Delete.

I'm surprised that this hasn't been mentioned yet, but ASP.NET MVC natively supports X-HTTP-Method-Override and has been doing so from at least version 2. There's no need to write custom code to handle this.
It work in the following way:
Inside AcceptVerbsAttribute (also proxied by [HttpPut], [HttpPost], etc), there's an IsValidForRequest method. Inside that method, it checks with Request.GetHttpMethodOverride(), which returns the proper overriden HTTP method with the following conditions:
Overriding is only supported in POST requests. All others are ignored.
If the X-HTTP-Method-Override value is GET or POST, it's ignored. This makes sense, as you'd never need to override with these values.
It looks for X-HTTP-Method-Override in the following places in this priority:
1) HTTP Header
2) Form Body
3) Query String
If you're really curious, here's how GetHttpMethodOverride() looks (from MVC 3's source code):
public static class HttpRequestExtensions {
internal const string XHttpMethodOverrideKey = "X-HTTP-Method-Override";
public static string GetHttpMethodOverride(this HttpRequestBase request) {
if (request == null) {
throw new ArgumentNullException("request");
string incomingVerb = request.HttpMethod;
if (!String.Equals(incomingVerb, "POST", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) {
return incomingVerb;
string verbOverride = null;
string headerOverrideValue = request.Headers[XHttpMethodOverrideKey];
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(headerOverrideValue)) {
verbOverride = headerOverrideValue;
else {
string formOverrideValue = request.Form[XHttpMethodOverrideKey];
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(formOverrideValue)) {
verbOverride = formOverrideValue;
else {
string queryStringOverrideValue = request.QueryString[XHttpMethodOverrideKey];
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(queryStringOverrideValue)) {
verbOverride = queryStringOverrideValue;
if (verbOverride != null) {
if (!String.Equals(verbOverride, "GET", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) &&
!String.Equals(verbOverride, "POST", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) {
incomingVerb = verbOverride;
return incomingVerb;

Have you looked at Simply Restful Routing? It already does this.
Edited Feb 2010 to add: Method overrides are built into MVC 2.

The X-HTTP-Method-Override is a custom header and most likely isn't supported by your web container.
Are you calling this from a web page? If so, you should probably use XmlHttpRequest with DELETE (or whatever verb you want). Better yet, use a JS framework to do the heavy lifting for you.

You could create an ActionFilter that implements OnActionExecuting, which fires before the controller action is invoked. You could then interrogate the request headers, and redirect based on the value of the X-HTTP-Method-Override header, when present.


.net MVC Odata endpoint works on POST, but 404s on GET

My question should have a simple answer, but after hours of experimentation and googling, I have nothing so now I'm here.
I am working with .net MVC 5 odata 2.0. I am trying to create a new odata endpoint that works on a get. I've successfully created a few endpoints that work with POST, but I can't seem to get one that works as a GET.
relevant code
ODataConventionModelBuilder builder = new ODataConventionModelBuilder();
ActionConfiguration ReviewsInStrategy = builder.Entity<Strategy>().Action("ReviewsInStrategy");
config.Routes.MapODataServiceRoute("odata", "odata", builder.GetEdmModel());
public IQueryable<Review> ReviewsInStrategy([FromODataUri] Guid key){
Strategy strategy = db.Strategies.Find(key);
return strategy.Reviews
Now I go to fiddler and try a GET to
I get a 404 result. But when I change fiddler to a POST (no other change - I don't add accept headers or content types or anything) it works just fine.
How do I make this work with GET?
You need to add a Get-function to your controller:
public SingleResult<Strategies> Get([FromODataUri] Guid key)
IQueryable<Strategies> result = db.Strategies.Where(p => p.Id == key);
return SingleResult.Create(result);
That way you can use a GET request on the Strategies-resource. If you still want to use a custom action you must add the parameter to your config:
ActionConfiguration ReviewsInStrategy = builder.Entity<Strategy>().Action("ReviewsInStrategy").Returns<Review>().Parameter<Guid>("Key");
public IHttpActionResult<Review> ReviewsInStrategy([FromODataUri] Guid key){
Strategy strategy = db.Strategies.Find(key);
return Ok(strategy.Reviews);
Not sure if all this works with the complex type Guid. Maybe you need to change it to string and parse it inside the function. Here is a good msdn article about this.

ValidateInputAttribute not working in Post Request of ASP.NET MVC controller

My understanding was OOTB, MVC will validate input to prevent XSS Attack and SQL Injection.
For example, In one of my app, the "a dangerous input has been detected" error will be received when I put in HTTP Get request. However, the post actions can let these values posted successfully through html input element without error. Even after I marked the controller action as [ValidateInput(true)]. How can I make them validate those post input?
Any advice will be appreciated!
Without seeing your GET handler, or what you're sending to it, it's tough to say why it behaves that way. However, OOTB MVC guards against SQL injection through the use of Entity Framework, and against XSS through ModelState validation.
Inside the body of your POST action that handles this forms submission you'll want to use code much like the following:
if (ModelState.IsValid)
//do the stuff I want to do when things are valid and free of XSS
//something went wrong. Probably shouldn't process this one. Have the user try again
Update: please disregard my filthy lies. ValidateInput(true) is not necessary because it is on by default. So, the only things I can think of would be that you have the AllowHtml attribute on your class or properties, or you are not posting back a model for modelBinding, and therefore input validation, to occur. At this point, you're probably going to need to put up some code for further help. There's too many unknowns right now.
I ran into a similar issue - we had JQuery using $.ajax to post JSON to the MVC action. The default model binder does not validate posted JSON allowing unsafe XSS to be posted against our action.
To solve this, I found the RequestValidator has a static method InvokeIsValidRequestString that allowed
public class ValidateJsonXssAttribute : ActionFilterAttribute
public override void OnActionExecuting(ActionExecutingContext filterContext)
var request = filterContext.HttpContext?.Request;
if (request != null && "application/json".Equals(request.ContentType, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
if (request.ContentLength > 0 && request.Form.Count == 0) //
if (request.InputStream.Position > 0)
request.InputStream.Position = 0; // InputStream has already been read once from "ProcessRequest"
using (var reader = new StreamReader(request.InputStream))
var postedContent = reader.ReadToEnd(); // Get posted JSON content
var isValid = RequestValidator.Current.InvokeIsValidRequestString(HttpContext.Current, postedContent,
RequestValidationSource.Form, "postedJson", out var failureIndex); // Invoke XSS validation
if (!isValid) // Not valid, so throw request validation exception
throw new HttpRequestValidationException("Potentially unsafe input detected");
Then, you can just decorate relevant MVC actions expecting JSON-posted data that might bypass the standard XSS prevention:
public ActionResult PublishRecord(RecordViewModel vm) { ... }
You can see other options for customizing request validation with OWASP .NET recommendations by extending the RequestValidator object, which exposes the string validation done by the ValidateInput automatically utilized by MVC for other scenarios of query string, form collection, and cookie values.
For more info:

WebAPI not found

Sadly, I cannot get the most basic of things working with WebAPI
url: "",
type: "POST",
contentType: "application/json",
data: "{ 'username': 'admin', 'password': 'MyPass' }",
error: function (r, s, e) { alert(e); },
success: function (d, s, r) { alert(s); }
I get "Not found"
API controller definition
public class AuthenticationController : ApiController
public bool LogIn(string username, string password)
return true;
If I remove HttpPost and replace it with HttpGet and then do
url: "",
type: "GET",
error: function (r, s, e) { alert(e); },
success: function (d, s, r) { alert(s); }
That works fine.
What's wrong with WebAPI?
This article should help answer some of your questions.
I believe the thinking here is that, especially in a RESTful API, you’ll want to bind data to the single resource that a particular method deals with. So, pushing data into several loose parameters isn’t the sort of usage that Web API caters to.
When dealing with post data, you can tell your action method to bind its parameters correctly like this:
public class LoginDto {
public string Username { get; set; }
public string Password { get; set; }
public bool LogIn(LoginDto login) {
// authenticate, etc
return true;
A couple things. Yahia's change is valid. Also, POSTs need a little direction in WebAPI to know where to look for their data. It's pretty silly in my opinion. If you know it's a POST, look at the message body. At any rate, change your POST to this and things will work. The attribute tells WebAPI to look in the body and the model does binding.
The AuthModel is just a simple model containing your username and password properties. Because of the way WebApi wants to bind to the input, this will make your life easier.
Read here for more details:,-part-1
Should be good to go with those changes.
Binding in WebAPI doesn't work if you use more than 1 parameter.
Though the same works in MVC controller.
In WebAPI use a class to bind two or more parameters. Read useful article:
You may solve it the following ways:
1. Do the same in MVC action (it works)
2. Stay parameterless Post and read request like this
public async Task<bool> Post()
var str= await Request.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
3. Incapsulate parameters to class like gyus prompted
Hope it helps ;)
POST action can have only 1 body...
There is no way to send 2 bodies (in your case 2 strings).
Because of this, the WebAPI parser would expect to find it in URL and not in body.
You can solve it by putting attributes and set that one parameter will come from URL and another from body.
In general, When there is only one object parameter in method - there is no need for the attribute [FromBody].
Strings would be expected to be in URL.
So - you can try send them in the URL as parameters (much like you did in GET)
Or - build a class to wrap it.
I would strongly recommend to use POST for login action.

Using the Json.NET serializer in an MVC4 project

I'm starting to learn Json.NET, but I'm having trouble using its serializer. I have a new MVC4 project with a Web.API service:
public class PTE_TestsController : ApiController {
PTE_TestsRepository _repository = new PTE_TestsRepository();
// GET /api/PTE_Tests/5
public HttpResponseMessage<string> Get(int id) {
try {
PTE_Test test = _repository.GetTest(id);
return new HttpResponseMessage<string>(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(test));
} catch {
return new HttpResponseMessage<string>(HttpStatusCode.NotFound);
JsonConvert.SerializeObject() works as expected and returns a string. My Web.API controller returns that as part of an HttpResponseMessage. The end result, when viewed in Fiddler, is not JSON data, but JSON data being serialized again (I think):
"{\"ID\":1,\"Name\":\"Talar Tilt\",\"TagID\":1,\"PracticeID\":1,
Does someone know how to turn off the default serializer so I can use Json.NET directly? By the way, I'm not using the default serializer because I can't figure out how to make it work with complex objects (PTE_Test will eventually contain members of type List).
Alternately, it will also solve my problem if someone can explain how to use the default serializer with complex objects. MSDN's explanation didn't help me.
Rick Strahl has a blog on that here with a code that works.
As others have pointed out, you need to create a formatter and replace the DataContractSerializer with the JSON.NET serializer. Although, if you're not in a rush for JSON.NET specifically, rumor has it that next beta/rc is going to have support for JSON.NET built in.
Conceptually, however, you're missing part of the magic of WebAPI. With WebAPI you return your object in it's native state (or IQueryable if you want OData support). After your function call finishes the Formatter's take over and convert it into the proper shape based on the client request.
So in your original code, you converted PTE_Test into a JSON string and returned it, at which point the JSON Formatter kicked in and serialized the string. I modified your code as follows:
public class PTE_TestsController : ApiController {
PTE_TestsRepository _repository = new PTE_TestsRepository();
public HttpResponseMessage<PTE_Test> Get(int id) {
try {
PTE_Test test = _repository.GetTest(id);
return new HttpResponseMessage(test);
} catch {
return new HttpResponseMessage<string>(HttpStatusCode.NotFound);
Notice how your function returns PTE_Test instead of string. Assuming the request came in with a request header of Accept = application/json then the JSON formatter will be invoked. If the request had a header of : Accept = text/xml the XML formatter is invoked.
There's a decent article on the topic here. If you're a visual learner, Scott Gu shows some examples using fiddler in this video, starting around 37 minutes. Pedro Reys digs a little deeper into content negotiation here.
The way to do this is to use formatters.
Check out:
Json.NET support will be in the RC release of Web API.

In Asp.Net MVC 2 is there a better way to return 401 status codes without getting an auth redirect

I have a portion of my site that has a lightweight xml/json REST API. Most of my site is behind forms auth but only some of my API actions require authentication.
I have a custom AuthorizeAttribute for my API that I use to check for certain permissions and when it fails it results in a 401. All is good, except since I'm using forms auth, conveniently converts that into a 302 redirect to my login page.
I've seen some previous questions that seem a bit hackish to either return a 403 instead or to put some logic in the global.asax protected void Application_EndRequest()
that will essentially convert 302 to 401 where it meets whatever criteria.
Previous Question
Previous Question 2
What I'm doing now is sort of like one of the questions, but instead of checking the Application_EndRequest() for a 302 I make my authorize attribute return 666 which indicates to me that I need to set this to a 401.
Here is my code:
protected void Application_EndRequest()
if (Context.Response.StatusCode == MyAuthAttribute.AUTHORIZATION_FAILED_STATUS)
//check for 666 - status code of hidden 401
Context.Response.StatusCode = 401;
Even though this works, my question is there something in MVC 2 that would prevent me from having to do this? Or, in general is there a better way? I would think this would come up a lot for anyone doing REST api's or just people that do ajax requests in their controllers. The last thing you want is to do a request and get the content of a login page instead of json.
How about decorating your controller/actions with a custom filter:
[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Method | AttributeTargets.Class, Inherited = true, AllowMultiple = true)]
public class RequiresAuthenticationAttribute : FilterAttribute, IAuthorizationFilter
public void OnAuthorization(AuthorizationContext filterContext)
var user = filterContext.HttpContext.User;
if (!user.Identity.IsAuthenticated)
filterContext.HttpContext.Response.StatusCode = 401;
and in your controller:
public class HomeController : Controller
public ActionResult Index()
return View();
public ActionResult AuthenticatedIndex()
return View();
Another way of doing this is to implement a custom ActionResult. In my case, I wanted one anyway, since I wanted a simple way of sending data with custom headers and response codes (for a REST API.) I found the idea of doing a DelegatingActionResult and simply added to it a call to Response.End(). Here's the result:
public class DelegatingActionResult : ActionResult
public override void ExecuteResult(ControllerContext context)
if (context == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("context");
// prevent ASP.Net from hijacking our headers
private readonly Action<ControllerContext> Command;
public DelegatingActionResult(Action<ControllerContext> command)
if (command == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("command");
Command = command;
The simplest and cleanest solution I've found for this is to register a callback with the jQuery.ajaxSuccess() event and check for the "X-AspNetMvc-Version" response header.
Every jQuery Ajax request in my app is handled by Mvc so if the header is missing I know my request has been redirected to the login page, and I simply reload the page for a top-level redirect:
$(document).ajaxSuccess(function(event, XMLHttpRequest, ajaxOptions) {
// if request returns non MVC page reload because this means the user
// session has expired
var mvcHeaderName = "X-AspNetMvc-Version";
var mvcHeaderValue = XMLHttpRequest.getResponseHeader(mvcHeaderName);
if (!mvcHeaderValue) {
The page reload may cause some Javascript errors (depending on what you're doing with the Ajax response) but in most cases where debugging is off the user will never see these.
If you don't want to use the built-in header I'm sure you could easily add a custom one and follow the same pattern.
From MSDN, This article explains how to avoid the redirection of 401 responses : ).
Using the IIS Manager, right-click the
WinLogin.aspx file, click Properties,
and then go to the Custom Errors tab
to Edit the various 401 errors and
assign a custom redirection.
Unfortunately, this redirection must
be a static file—it will not process
an ASP.NET page. My solution is to
redirect to a static Redirect401.htm
file, with the full physical path,
which contains javascript, or a
meta-tag, to redirect to the real
ASP.NET logon form, named
WebLogin.aspx. Note that you lose the
original ReturnUrl in these
redirections, since the IIS error
redirection required a static html
file with nothing dynamic, so you will
have to handle this later.
Hope it helps you.
I'm still using the end request technique, so I thought I would make that the answer, but really
either of the options listed here are generally what I would say are the best answers so far.
protected void Application_EndRequest()
if (Context.Response.StatusCode == MyAuthAttribute.AUTHORIZATION_FAILED_STATUS)
//check for 666 - status code of hidden 401
Context.Response.StatusCode = 401;
