How to test a named_scope that references a class attribute with Shoulda? - ruby-on-rails

I have the following ActiveRecord classes:
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
cattr_accessor :current_user
has_many :batch_records
class BatchRecord < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :user
named_scope :current_user, lambda {
{ :conditions => { :user_id => User.current_user && } }
and I'm trying to test the named_scope :current_user using Shoulda but the following does not work.
class BatchRecordTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase
setup do
User.current_user = Factory(:user)
should_have_named_scope :current_user,
:conditions => { :assigned_to_id => User.current_user }
The reason it doesn't work is because the call to User.current_user in the should_have_named_scope method is being evaluated when the class is being defined and I'm change the value of current_user afterwards in the setup block when running the test.
Here is what I did come up with to test this named_scope:
class BatchRecordTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase
context "with User.current_user set" do
setup do
mock_user = flexmock('user', :id => 1)
should_have_named_scope :current_user,
:conditions => { :assigned_to_id => 1 }
So how would you test this using Shoulda?

I think you are going about this the wrong way. Firstly, why do you need to use a named scope? Wont this just do?
class BatchRecord < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :user
def current_user
In which case it would be trivial to test. BUT! WTF are you defining current_user as a class attribute? Now that Rails 2.2 is "threadsafe" what would happen if you were running your app in two seperate threads? One user would login, setting the current_user for ALL User instances. Now another user with admin privileges logs in and current_user is switched to their instance. When the first user goes to the next page he/she will have access to the other persons account with their admin privileges! Shock! Horror!
What I reccomend doing in this case is to either making a new controller method current_user which returns the current user's User instance. You can also go one step further and create a wrapper model like:
class CurrentUser
attr_reader :user, :session
def initialize(user, session)
#user, #session = user, session
def authenticated?
def method_missing(*args)
user.send(*args) if authenticated?
Oh, and by the way, now I look at your question again perhaps one of the reasons it isn't working is that the line User.current_user && will return a boolean, rather than the Integer you want it to. EDIT I'm an idiot.
Named scope is really the absolutely wrong way of doing this. Named scope is meant to return collections, rather than individual records (which is another reason this fails). It is also making an unnecessary call the the DB resulting in a query that you don't need.

I just realized the answer is staring right at me. I should be working from the other side of the association which would be current_user.batch_records. Then I simply test the named_scope on the User model and everything is fine.
#Chris Lloyd - Regarding the thread safety issue, the current_user attribute is being set by a before_filter in my ApplicationController, so it is modified per request. I understand that there is still the potential for disaster if I chose to run in a multi-threaded environment (which is currently not the case). That solution I suppose would be another topic entirely.


test ActiveModel::Serializer that has a variable without using the controller tester

I have an ActiveModel::Serializer class (class TaskSerializer < ActiveModel::Serializer) that I'm looking to test.
The serializer makes use of the current_user object, because it's in scope during the controller actions.
But I'm attempting to write a new rspec file. (task_serializer_spec.rb)
When I run
I get an error saying that the current_user method doesn't exist.
I can't mock the variable because we have "the method must exist" flag on our mocks.
I understand that there are some other parameters that I can pass in the NEW. but I can't find any docs on it. Can someone offer a way to get things like current_user in the scope.
My answer might be a little late, but if someone ever ends up on this page, here is a way to do this:
app/serializers/task_serializer.rb :
class TaskSerializer < ActiveModel::Serializer
attributes :id, :method_using_current_user, :whatever_other_attributes_goes_here
delegate :current_user, to: :scope
def method_using_current_user
In your rspec test, you can than do something like this:
RSpec.describe TaskSerializer do
let(:user) { create(:user) }
# or any other user you want to create here
before do
# As current user is delegated to controller scope, we mock both here
allow_any_instance_of(TaskSerializer).to receive(:scope).and_return(
allow_any_instance_of(ApplicationController).to receive(:current_user).and_return(user)
# your test goes here
And voila.

How can I make a condition with current_user in controller

I'm a freshman to learn Rails and working on my first project about online book writing.
I've already made the MVC of user,book and section. I wanna create a button called "Author Place",which can show all the pieces written by the current logged in user.
I wanna ask a simple question. How can I make a condition with the current username to select the current author's works from the book database. Should I put this code in controller or view?
Code as follow.
current_user method of the ApplicationController:
helper_method :current_user
def current_user
#current_user ||= User.find(session[:user_id]) if session[:user_id]
The Section model :
class Section < ActiveRecord::Base
attr_accessible :book_id, :section_content, :section_tag, :user_username
belongs_to :book
belongs_to :user
The Section controller :
class SectionsController < ApplicationController
def userpieces
#sections=Section.find(:all, :conditions=>"user_username=current_user.username") # This part doesn't work
Or any suggestions with some other way to do this?
Assuming you have a corresponding has_many :sections association in your User model, try this:
#sections = current_user.sections
As depa and izuriel mentioned, you should be able to get it simply if your model relation is correctly set.
Anyway, if you wish to get it in the way you try please use:
#sections=Section.find(:all, :conditions => ["user_username= ?",current_user.username])
Please note, in rails 3, .find(:all is deprecated, please use .all instead.

Devise with Associated Record validation

My background
I am/was a PHP developper. Have been for 15 years. Ruby is new to me (My new challenge)!
Current Setup
I am using Devise with a User model.
Rails: 3.2.1
Devise: 2.1.2
Use Case
When the user registers (going thru Devise controller), I want to create the User record but also a Foo record automatically. I created an after_create which handles the creation of the Foo record.
Class User < ActiveRecord::Base
after_create :make_foo
def make_foo
:name => name,
:user_id => id
Class Foo < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :user
I had a problem where when the Foo record was not being created (validation for example), then the User record was still created (I did not want that). I added a Raise Exception in after_create which rolls back the User creation.
However, I would prefer some nice error handling rather than Exception being throwed. Right now I get a 500 Error page with that Exception.
I would prefer that the form can be shown again with the reason(s) of the failure.
Class User < ActiveRecord::Base
after_create :make_foo
def make_foo
foo = Foo.create(
:name => name,
:user_id => id
if !foo.valid?
raise'Foo creation failed.')
Plea for help
Any suggestions?
Instead of raising an exception you can redirect back to same page with setting flash message in
if !foo.valid?
block like this
flash[:error] = 'error msg'
and redirect using
session[:return_to] = request.referer
redirect_to session[:return_to]
I ended up overriding the Devise Resitrations Controller and putting a begin...rescue...end inside the create method.
# routes.rb
devise_for :users, :controllers => { :registrations => "my_devise/registrations" }
# app/controllers/my_devise/registrations_controller.rb
class MyDevise::RegistrationsController < Devise::RegistrationsController
def create
rescue Exception
self.resource.errors[:base] << "My error message here"
clean_up_passwords resource
respond_with resource
You might want to look at Rails3: Devise User has_one relationship to see if better modelling can make the problem easier.
The way you are modelling user.rb now, is indeed such that a User may exist without Foo (which must belong to a User however), so it just calls :make_foo as an after_create callback with no other guarantees whatsoever.

Owner-filtered model objects on Rails 3

I need to do some filtering on my ActiveRecord models, I want to filter all my model objects by owner_id. The thing I need is basically the default_scope for ActiveRecord.
But I need to filter by a session variable, which is not accessible from the model. I've read some solutions, but none works, basically any of them says that you can use session when declaring default_scope.
This is my declaration for the scope:
class MyModel < ActiveRecord::Base
default_scope { where(:owner_id => session[:user_id]) }
Simple, right?. But it fails saying that method session does not exists.
Hope you can help
Session objects in the Model are considered bad practice, instead you should add a class attribute to the User class, which you set in an around_filter in your ApplicationController, based on the current_user
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
#same as below, but not thread safe
cattr_accessible :current_id
#this is thread safe
def self.current_id=(id)
Thread.current[:client_id] = id
def self.current_id
and in your ApplicationController do:
class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
around_filter :scope_current_user
def :scope_current_user
User.current_id =
#avoids issues when an exception is raised, to clear the current_id
User.current_id = nil
And now in your MyModel you can do the following:
default_scope where( owner_id: User.current_id ) #notice you access the current_id as a class attribute
You will not be able to incorporate this into a default_scope. This would break every usage within (e.g.) the console as there is no session.
What you could do: Add a method do your ApplicationController like this
class ApplicationController
def my_models
Model.where(:owner_id => session[:user_id])
# Optional, for usage within your views:
helper_method :my_models
This method will return a scope anyhow.
Session related filtering is a UI task, so it has its place in the controller. (The model classes do not have access to the request cycle, session, cookies, etc).
What you want is
# my_model_controller.rb
before_filter :retrieve_owner_my_models, only => [:index] # action names which need this filtered retrieval
def retrieve_owner_my_models
#my_models ||= MyModel.where(:owner_id => session[:user_id])
Since filtering by ownership of current user is a typical scenario, maybe you could consider using standard solutions, like search 'cancan gem, accessible_by'
Also be aware of the evils of default_scope. rails3 default_scope, and default column value in migration

Authorization in Rails 3.1 : CanCan, CanTango, declarative_authorization?

I have looked at declarative_authorization, CanCan, and CanTango. They all are good in adding authorization to the application but I was wondering how does one add authorization to specific instance of a model i.e. a person can have a manage access in one project and only limited (read less than manage: limited update, etc) in another.
Could you please a better way? Apologies if my question sounds too trivial. It could be because I am new to RoR.
As I know CanCan and declarative_authorization, and I implemented role-based authorizations with both, I recommend CanCan. Just my two cents.
Example (untested, unfortunately I cannot test here and I have no access to my code)
So let's say we have a structure like this:
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :role
class Role < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :users
# attributes: project_read, project_create, project_update
Then, CanCan could look like this:
class Ability
include CanCan::Ability
def initialize(user)
#user = user
#role = user.role
# user can see a project if he has project_read => true in his role
can :read, Project if role.project_read?
# same, but with create
can :create, Project if role.project_create?
# can do everything with projects if he is an admin
can :manage, Project if user.admin?
You can find all information you need in the CanCan wiki on github. Personal recommendation to read:
Basically you just need to extend the example above to include your roles through your relations. To keep it simple, you can also create additional helper methods in ability.rb.
The main mean caveat you may fall for (at least I do): Make sure your user can do something with a model before you define what the user can't. Otherwise you'll sit there frustrated and think "but why? I never wrote the user can't.". Yeah. But you also never explicitly wrote that he can...
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :role
delegate :permissions, :to => :role
def method_missing(method_id, *args)
if match = matches_dynamic_role_check?(method_id)
tokenize_roles(match.captures.first).each do |check|
return true if == check
return false
elsif match = matches_dynamic_perm_check?(method_id)
return true if permissions.find_by_name(match.captures.first)
def matches_dynamic_perm_check?(method_id)
def matches_dynamic_role_check?(method_id)
def tokenize_roles(string_to_split)
user.is_an? admin
