restful rails model validation - ruby-on-rails

I am working on a rails application (I have some experience with rails). But, this time I am using RESTful to build it. I am wondering how do I validate my models in a RESTful fashion? What I mean by that is when a user enters data into a form, but the model validations prevent the model from being created what is a RESTful way to redirect the user back to the new action with the data they entered still present in the form?

REST only affects your controllers and routes!
Model validations in a RESTful Rails app are the same as the validations in any other Rails app.

Josh - you mention wanting to know how to redirect the user back to create if it errored out. If you are use to earlier versions of Rails just make sure you are using the form_for helper rather then the start_form_tag from early. Your controller code will look pretty similar to how you might be used to... for example (a Customer model):
def create
#customer =[:customer])
flash[:notice] = 'Customer was successfully created.'
render :action => "new"
You'll notice now the redirect_to(#customer) that forwards to the record that was created in the transaction. But on failure it's the same old render :action.

Whether developing in a RESTful or regular fashion, the backend implementation remains generally the same. Just as in a non-RESTful app, you would simply re-render the create page with the form with the instance the user is trying to create. Really with REST, all you are doing is creating a uniform set of URLs which respond to different HTTP requests, everything else remains the same.

use the scaffold generator to view the example codes on restful controllers


Using responders gem with Rails 5

I'm using responders gem to dry up my controllers. Here's my current code:
class OfficehoursController < ApplicationController
def new
#officehour =
def create
#officehour = Officehour.create(officehour_params)
respond_with(#officehour, location: officehours_path)
def officehour_params
params.require(:officehour).permit(:end, :start, :status)
The problem that I'm facing right now is:
When I send valid parameters to create, it redirects to officehours/ as expected, however when I get 422 (validation error), it changes the URL from officehours/new to officehours/ (however it stays at the form page... idk why). The same happens for edit/update actions.
So, I want to stay at the .../new or .../edit when I get 422 error, how can I do this?
I don't think the issue comes from the gem. It just follows RESTFUL API, so does Rails.
That means the path for creating office hours is /officehours. Let's talk about your case:
There is nothing to say when we creating successfully. In your case, you redirect users to officehours_path.
When we creating unsuccessfully, we need to re-render the error form to users. But we were rendering the form in create action. As I said above, the URL for creating is /officehours, so you will see the /officehours instead of officehours/new
In order to keep the url /officehours/new:
We can set /officehours/new instead of /officehours for :create action. But you should not do that, are we going to break RESTFUL API?
Creating via AJAX to keep the URL persisted and you have to handle everything, eg: set flash messages on client, using Javascript to redirect in case of success, render the form error in case failure, ... And I don't think the gem help you dry up your application anymore.
Hope it helps!
I don't think so that it's a problem in responders gem, as I've noticed the same in rails applications. It seems like the default behaviour of rails applications.
take a look at this link for the explanation.

In rails 4.2, how to display a form for preview but ensure it cannot be submitted

I'd like to have a a form view that can, depending on circumstances, have submit functionality disabled in a bullet-proof way so that even a clever user could not edit the HTML source (via a browser extension) to re-add the submit button.
It seems one way to do that might be to somehow inject an invalid authenticity token that replaces the (valid) rails-generated one, so that even if a user somehow re-adds the submit button (by editing the HTML via a browser extension) it would still be an invalid submission.
My thought is to have some logic in the view:
- if #form_disabled # set by controller
- somehow_invalidate_the_authenticity_token?
How might one 'break' Rails form submission?
The purpose of doing this, instead of rendering the preview in a :show action, is to have the exact same view displaying both the live-form and the dead-form.
If I were you, I would use pundit.
It's pretty simple, and has few lines of code if you need to know how it works.
I'd start to write the code here, but I realize that the example at the readme fit your needs.
At the application controller add this
At the folder app/policies put the class PostPolicy, of course, you must replace "Post" with the name of your controller in singular (even if you have not a model with that name). The update? (and create?) actions should return true/false to indicate if user is allowed or not.
A few lines down on the readme, you will find the PostsController#update action, which call to authorize with the record before the update. I think you want do the same with create (then you need a create? method at the policy class).
Pundit needs current_user controller method, if you don't have it. Just follow the user customization instructions.
Of course, new and edit actions don't call authorize because they are allowed to everybody. Only the POST & the PUT/PATCH actions are forbidden.
Yes, it's more than a surgery of one line of code. But it's simple and the right way of give access to users.
After reading my other answer, I start thinking that you can do the same that Pundit does at the controller:
def update
if <unauthorized user>
flash[:alert] = "You are not authorized to perform this action."
redirect_to(request.referrer || root_path)
# all the update stuff
# ...

Using 1 Controller in 2 layout

I have a logic question and I cannot figure out how to do it. First of all, I am working on an social networking site, and I completed the site in pure PHP, but now I am re-writing the backend in rails.
My questions is, I generated UsersController, it has new, create, show, edit, update, delete, and destroy.
I thought I could use "new" to display sign up page, "create" to process sign up, "show" to display profile page, "edit" to display account settings and "update" to process edit.
I might have a logic problem here, maybe I should put "new" and "create" in a signup controller. This where I get confused. The problem with the first logic I said, I have 2 layouts, one of them is for before login, and the other one is for after login. (You can imagine Facebook's header before login, and after login).
So, when I have 2 different layout, I cannot use 1 controller in 2 layout. Because sign up page has "before login header design" and account settings and profile has "after login header design". And as you can guess I define layout in controller.
I don't know if I explained well. Thank you.
By default, Rails will look-up a layout with the same name as the controller, or else application.html.erb. But you can also specify one controller-wide (which won't help you, but bear with me)
class SomethingController
layout "some_name"
That's still layout-wide, so not what you need.
But you can also specify a specific layout on each call to render in an action:
def edit
#some logic
render "some_template", :layout => "some_layout"
Or, to take the default template lookup, but still specify a layout:
def edit
# some logic
render :layout => "some_layout"
There's another way you can specify layouts too, which might be especially appropriate for the use case of "one layout if not logged in, another if logged in":
class SomeController
layout :method_name_to_determine_layout
# ... actions ...
def method_name_to_determine_layout
if current_user
You can learn more about the different ways to specify layouts in the Layouts and Rendering Rails Guide
Hope this helps.
Rails has basic CRUD default actions. Additionally each action can have different processing depending on the HTTP verb. You can also add custom actions & routes.
It is best to follow standard Rails practices for each default action. For example, "new" action should route to the form to create a new user when accessed via GET. An HTTP POST to the form should route to the "create" action.
If you need to add an additional controller action, do so with a custom method. Again, I stress, simple CRUD actions should follow normal Rails conventions.
Read more about routing
Read this guide many times to understand simple CRUD actions in Rails
Instead of using 1 controller in 2 layouts, I decided to use separate controllers. So, I have profile_controller, which has "edit" and "update" for account settings and "show" to display profile. And I also users_controller, which has followings: login, login_attempt, signup, signup_attempt, etc..
So, I am not putting signup and edit together in 1 controller, instead using 2 different controllers is much better and clean, I guess.
Sounds like you're trying to roll your own authentication.
I'd recommend using Devise... great tutorial here:
The reason for this is two-fold.
Firstly, Devise gives you the ability to split your app between authenticated and non-authenticated users. Namely, it provides the user_signed_in?, devise_controller? and current_user helpers to aid with this.
This might not appear like a big deal, but it will actually help you with your layouts (I'll describe more in a second).
Secondly, Devise is pre-rolled. Your questions about how to handle signups and registrations have already been solved. Of course, there's nothing preventing you from making your own authentication (Devise is just built on Warden after all), but it should give you some ideas on how this has been done already.
In regards your original question (about layouts), the other answer is very good (in terms of setting layouts per method etc).
To add to it, I would say that you have to remember that Rails is a series of classes. As such, setting the layout option in the controller is the best way to ensure you're getting the correct one.
Here's Rails explanation on it:
class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
layout :your_layout
def your_layout
devise_controller? || !user_signed_in? ? "new_user" : "application"
I've found it better to keep your logic as terse as possible. IE only have one set of logic for the layout. We tend to keep it in the ApplicationController, overriding where necessary.
Finally, your questions also highlighted a base misunderstanding of Rails. I'm not being disrespectful; I've found the clearer your perception of the framework, the better you can work with it:
You have to remember several key points with Rails:
It's an MVC (Model View Controller) framework
It's built on Ruby; hence is object orientated
maybe I should put "new" and "create" in a signup controller. This where I get confused.
If you take Devise as a model, you'll see that you could treat your controllers as layers of abstraction for objects. That is, as Devise shows us, you can have sessions and registrations controllers.
I'm not advocating you do this exactly, I am trying to show that if you put the focus onto the objects you're working with, it becomes clearer where your controller actions should be placed.
You'll also be best understanding the CRUD (Create Read Update Destroy) nature of Rails controllers & objects. The standard Rails controller is set up as such:
Whilst this is not strict, it does give you another indication as to the structure your controllers should adhere to.
You may know this stuff already!

In ruby on rails what code would ask whether a form passed all validation or not?

I want to have my form forward to recaptcha but only after form has passed all validation. How would I achieve this before users details are saved to DB?
def create
#user =[:user])
respond_to do |format|
#to recaptcha, but before save and only after sign up form passes validation
format.html { render :new }
format.js { render :form_errors }
Have a good look at The definitive guide to form-based website authentication and ask yourself if you really need a captcha.
Besides that, you can use Callbacks :after_validation, before_save, around_save, after_save, before_create, around_create, after_create, before_update, around_update, after_update to handle stuff still inside your transaction.
The way to call one of these callbacks is to simply declare them in your model
If you need to use a captcha however, I would do this with javascript and ajax, to append it to your form before the user sends it.
You should not do this in the controller after recieving a post of the form, since you will have to:
Store the filled form values in the session after validation (dont save)
Redirect the user to a captcha page (which will make any user confused)
Check the captcha multiple times before it passes (they are quite unreadable)
Get the model out of the session (which you have no idea of which one it is)
Call save on the model to actually write it to your DB.
So basically you avoid starting a transaction before the captcha is passed.
Validation lives in the model, you could simply do this in the controller:
and then do your recaptcha stuff.
Another solution is to use callbacks such as: before_save or before_create but only if recaptcha could be accessed in model (which I doubt).
This Railscast has all you need to know about multistep forms. The episode covers validation and moving back and forth between steps.
It sounds like your form has two steps, the first being where they enter in all their information, and the second being just a captcha entry.
Now, in my opinion you should just roll the captcha into the main user entry form and keep it all to a single page rather than having a two step process, I've done both before and having the captcha be part of the same form is much, much easier and less complex. Having everything in a single form allows you to have all of your logic consolidated (mostly) into a single controller action. There may be logic you can abstract out of the controller into a helper method, like the verification of the captcha, which will make your controller action that much less complicated. The last thing you want to do is over-complicate your action logic.

redirect_to doesn't work well for RESTful apps?

As a long-time Ruby and Rails user, it never struck me until today to really think about the get-and-redirect pattern in Rails. The typical example of this would be calling a create() action, and then redirecting the user to a show() action to display the newly-created item:
class JournalEntries
def index
#entries = JournalEntry.all
def create
#entry = :name => "to-do list" )
redirect_to :action => "index"
However, this has the inherent disadvantage that you are doubling your network traffic. This both slows down your users' site experience, as well as increasing your bandwidth charges.
So why not just do this instead:
def create
#entry = :name => "to-do list" )
Same output, and no extra overhead required. But in addition to this, there is an even more substantial problem: redirect_to can only redirect using GET. This causes major problems for RESTful apps that use four different HTTP methods.
In my case, I wanted a user to be able to call /journals/8 and retrieve the Journal with that ID. If it wasn't found, I wanted to create a new, empty Journal object. In either case, the Journal object would then be sent to the caller.
Note that the create() method in RESTful Rails is routed from "POST /players". But since redirect_to (and the underlying HTTP redirect) can only send GET requests, it actually redirects to "GET /players", which is the index() method. This behavior is clearly wrong.
The only solution I could think of was to simply call create() instead of redirect_to() as in my example above. It seems to work fine.
Any thoughts on why redirect_to is preferred to calling actions directly?
If they do a page refresh they don't get that annoying "Resend data?" popup
It's not just that the popup is annoying (and makes no sense to most users) -- if the user clicks "yes, re-do the POST", he'll end up creating another Journal Entry (or whatever).
Also, it's annoying for the URL to read /posts/create instead of /posts since the user cannot copy / re-use it.
The reason for it is as you point out. You redirect to a GET request, which is correct when it comes to REST (only do updates with POST/PUT, only get data with GET).
A redirect surely gives a little overhead with the redirect, but since no data is actually being sent between the browser and the server except for the POST data and the redirect (which is only sending the new url to the browser) I don't think that the issue of bandwith is of concern.
But on another point, you should not redirect to /journals (by calling redirect_to :index), you should redirect it to the newly created journal entry (by calling redirect_to #entry) which will work if you set up the routes correctly by, for instance map.resources :journals
I think, for creating the Journal when one doesn't exist, you should ask the user for more input. What is the reason for you to create the entry? The entry should have some text or some other input from the user, so I think from a REST (and rails) perspective you should actually redirect it to the new() method (with a GET request) where the user can input the additional information, that one will then POST the input and create the entry and after redirect to the newly created entry.
If you don't have any extra information that needs to put in, I'm not sure how to do it in a RESTful way, but I would probably have done it by putting the creation logic in a separate method that I would call from the create() and the show() method and then just continue with the show(), not redirecting at all, but also not calling the resource method.
I'm a Python/Django person, but the reasons for the redirect is language agnostic:
If they do a page refresh they don't get that annoying "Resend data?" popup.
This gives you a completely clean, RESTful URL for the page they are looking at. If you used POST it might not matter that much, but if GET was used for the update then you definitely want to get rid of any dangling params.
