Anyone found a way to download google chat logs? - imap

I'd like to be able to get all my Google chat logs so that I can use them for training a chat bot type of thing.
I am aware of the limitations that have been imposed by Google so that chats cannot be simply downloaded through IMAP. I'm looking for workarounds.

As of September 2011, Google removed the restriction on downloading chats. Google now allows export of chatlogs using IMAP.

It's not possible to download the chat logs unless they're attached to an email conversation - maybe you could fwd all of the logs that are held in your 'chats' folder and then download the conversations over IMAP or POP?

I recently had to do the same thing and coded a quick ruby script.

If you're looking to make a program to do this, you could use a greasemonkey script and a local PHP server.
The greasemonkey script would pick up chats as you visit them, parse them, and send them to the local PHP server, which could then dump it to a TXT, SQL, whatever.
Contact me if you want some help, I might be interested in this, though I'll be on holidays the next months :)

Take a wander through the Google Talk API. And this may, or may not, help too: GMailAPI

If you know how to download a email. You can do the same to chat. Because chats are nothing but an email tagged with label chat. If you see chats, they are actually sent from the person you chatted with to you.


Viewing user responses from slack to errbot

I'm very new to bots. I'd like to develop a quick/simple test that makes it possible for a bot (errbot) to write a message to slack, then view responses back to the bot from users on slack.
How do I go about achieving this? Do I need to write a plugin for this?
Apologies if my question is too general/ambiguous -- I haven't come across an example that clearly explains this.
Yes, you need to program a bot a way or another, Errbot is just a framework that help you do that (concentrate on messages/responses) through plugins and not on the technicalities of the services it is connected to (Slack or any other).

Slack integration for alarms or alerts

I am new to Slack. I can't find any integrations for an "alarm clock"-type integration, as explained below.
What I'm looking for is a reminder to post to one of our Slack channels on a set schedule. For instance: each weekday at 9 AM, our #bug-fix channel gets a message like "do your bug fix XYZ thing."
I've searched Slack's integrations page but can't find anything that does this. Can anyone recommend an integration like this, or point me to a resource where I might be able to find one?
Many thanks in advance.
EDIT: I've found an IFTTT recipe that looks promising, which I'll share here in case any one else has this same question:
However, I don't know the Slack integrations ecosystem well. Other suggestions would be appreciated.
Just type this in Slack:
/remind #bug-fix to do your bug fix XYZ thing. every weekday at 9am
Setting reminders in Slack
I am not sure if you are looking for a generalizable alarm clock with static messages, or something custom. You can use Incoming Web Hooks to write your own custom integration. Create a simple script that you schedule as a cron job to run at 9am. If it's a weekend, your script can exit, otherwise it can grab the data it needs to post (from whatever criteria you want in your bug tracking system, or wherever) and send it to your Slack channel. If you search GitHub for "slack webhook" you will find examples for every language of sending a message to Slack. They make it very easy to send messages to a channel.

Can the REDDIT Api be used to send a PM to another Reddit user?

I have been looking at the REDDIT api documentation, and just by looking at it, it seems that one CANNOT(?) send a PM message to another Reddit user. Please, prove me wrong :)
Is it possible to see another user's subredddit subscriptions?
Thanks for any input.
You can send PMs through reddit's API with compose.
You cannot see other users' subreddit subscriptions.
Depending on the language you are using, you may want to look at existing API libraries. In my experience PRAW for python is the most feature-complete (disclosure: I am the package maintainer).

Getting stats for Twitter app

I'm using Twitter's OAuth for my app (DroidIn)
To my dismay I can't find any way to track who and how often is using the app. Searching Twitter for "sent from DroidIn" does not yield any results. I suppose I can call some sort of counter app from my code but that doesn't seem to be fair to my users. Any ideas or suggestions?
It seems that yet again I have to answer my own question. After some investigation and feedback from question posted on Google Twitter developer group it seems that for now there are no stats easily accessible or available. Said that I found 2 interesting things:
You can search Twitter using source:yourapp switch. For example you can try this query
android source:API
There is very exciting streaming API from Twitter. I have a short write-up in my dev blog.
But if you want some actual stats there's no other choice today but implement it as part of your app. There's one more possibility if you have some sort of web-based interface you may want to use Google Analytics to trigger some Google javascript while submitting the update. I'm trying that right now and may end up with article in the blog

Interacting with Outlook appointments using rails

I have a rails application running on a Linux server. I would like to interact with Outlook/Exchange 2003 appointments from the rails application. For example, certain actions should trigger sending an appointment, and then preferably accepting/canceling the appointment in Outlook should trigger events in the application.
Failing this, is it possible to publish calendars that Outlook 2003 can read without requiring Outlook plugins? I note that Outlook 2003 does not support ical without plugins for example. Similarly, if this is not easily doable in Ruby, but is in another language (such as Perl for example) running on Linux then those suggestions would be welcome.
Any advice on how to achieve this, or where to start looking for answers would be gratefully received.
Outlook appointments are just e-mails with special header information. There's some information in this tutorial on the required parts. I sent a few meeting invites from my Outlook to my Gmail account and took a look at the raw headers there - you can figure most of the protocol out from that.
The iCalendar specs may help you, as well.
Thanks for everyones help. I found something that showed me how to do this with Perl, and ported it over to ruby. I've blogged about it for those looking for a solution
If you can upgrade to Exchange 2007, you can use Exchange Web Services that is more powerful and convenient to use than WebDAV.
At work, I inherited a Rails app that allow users to create single appointments. I was asked to write code to link those appointments in the app to users' outlook calendars, so that they are always in sync. Sounds to me very similar to what you want to do.
I don't think I'm allowed to publish the exact code I wrote though. Anyway I'll give you a bit idea on how I addressed it.
Exchange Web Services only provide API in C# (no surprise, it's Microsoft. Technically, you can use other languages since it's actually SOAP.). I wrote a middleware in C# that does the sync between Exchange server and the Rails app. When users do scheduling in the app, changes are sent to the middleware so changes can be reflected to their outlook calendars. Meanwhile, the middleware registers Push Notification subscriptions for all users -- every time changes are made in Outlook, the middleware will be immediately notified, which in turn faithfully reflect those changes in the app as well. Of course, recurring appointments are also supported.
Hope that helps you.
Take a look at the project RExchange on github.
For accessing appointments, you can just access the Calendar folder on Exchange using WebDav. For creating appointments, please refer to RFC2445 for details.
Further to ceejayoz's comment, you can also use ActionMailer to catch the replies that are sent back, and act on them - you'll need some form of unique id in a place that will be included in the reply though.
