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Closed 7 years ago.
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How do they compare to the DevXpress ones or the original MSOffice ones.
Are they worth investing time in them (for practical usage now, not academic curiosity which I'll do anyway)?
From my experience, the new ribbon control implements the entire specification as laid out by Microsoft. The only issue I noticed was a slight flicker when the form was resized which caused one of the sections to collapse or expand.
Worth spending time in? Definitely, as they are lighter weight and its a matter of time before someone gets rid of the flicker (could be as simple as a lockwindowupdate inserted in the source?). It doesn't hurt to use the Delphi action manager, from which all is based.
The only problem I can see with them so far, is the lack of Glass Frame implementation on Windows Vista (see my question here), unless someone has found a way to make that work. The only part which may not be a problem for youself is there doesn't appear to be a way to customise the theme, which I know some people would like to do in their applications.
IMO, the DevExpress ribbon control is much more complex than it needs to be. i own the DevExpress ribbon control but converted to using the delphi TRibbon. the delphi TRibbon isn't perfect either but i've learned to avoid these problems.
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Closed 8 years ago.
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I found that hyper links in a webpage i develop don't work in internet explorer v10 or v9, i've been for a while looking for answer and i can't to figure out anything. If i change to compatible mode to 9 it doesn't work either, but in compatibility mode with internet explorer 8 links work properly. Coding is UTF8 and HTML5.
The site:
Everything looks fine in my IE11, but from your answer to my remark, I had an illumination. The problem is not the links, but most probably the CSS+HTML slicing of your page. Here's how I see it : for some reasons, you've got an element overlapping your links in IE. Therefore, when you hover the links, you actually hover this overlapping elements, and you can't click on the links and actually don't even get the pointer (the hand with finger) when hovering it.
So what you need to do is review you HTML and CSS (from what I saw, you've got quite a lot of work on this) so that nothing overlaps your links in IE.
I'm not 100% sure of this, but that's a situation I ran through several times during my career, and this explanation was almost always the good one. The good thing is that with developer tools nowadays, it's quite easy to find overlapping elements !
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Closed 7 years ago.
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Does anybody of you know a good, free delphi skinning library for my software? I can't find any free libraries except for AlphaControls Free.
Thanks in advance.
TBX still seems to be pretty popular.
I've used it in the past. It's simple to use, it doesn't get in the way, and it's pretty lightweight.
XPMenu is even easier to use. All you have to do is drop the TXpMenu component on your form, and your whole application will have a new look. It replaces the painting of standard controls, and it recognizes many types of controls. If you don't want to use it anymore, you just remove the component (and the unit from the uses list).
Over the years I've changed my opinion on skins though. They usually degrade usability (things don't look and work the way users expect) and even flashy looking skins will look very outdated in a couple of years. I think it's best to let the OS decide how graphic controls should look.
SpTBXLib is an expansion package for TB2K components that adds unicode support and skinning and other features:
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Closed 3 years ago.
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I'm having a difficult time retaining the programming skills I'm actively trying to learn in an effort to apply for a junior developer position.
What I'm finding is that I can easily master isolated topics (for example, details about how Java's Container classes work and the different ways to sort a given container), but I find that when I move on to new topics I forget maybe 80% of what I learned (a few months down the road).
Sure, with good notes, I can get back up to speed much more quickly, but my question to those of you who are already in the professional field - is this common (this constant need to re-learn things you once felt you'd never forget)? If so, how do you get around it? Should I accept that I'll probably only be an expert in the narrow domain that I currently use on a day to day basis?
My father always said:
You don't need to know everything, you
only need to know where to look it up
(roughly translated).
Going with your example, if you find you need to sort a collection very often you will remember after you've done it a few times, if you don't do it for a long time you will forget it again. That's perfectly normal imo.
So what I'm trying to say is there is no point in knowing stuff off the top of your head if you don't use it anyway as long as you know where you can look it up if you need it again.
I hope that made sense.
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Closed 5 years ago.
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I just finish reading delphi-skinning-libraries and sptbxtoolbar-skin-change but this is not what I wanted. I'm interested in how to apply a skin on a form, just like the classic WinAmp windows :)
Any aricle or code or ideea is welcomed.
I just found Windows XP Theme Manager, i'm at work now, so i'll study it at home (I hope this is wahat I need)
Actually the former question (with a nudge at VCLSkin) is exactly what you need -- don't get suggested too much by the fact that all the examples look like MSWindows -- the skinning behind them allows for any image-based GUI.
The only alternative is ditching the Forms altogether and building your skin from ground up using WinAPI. An example can be seen on flipcode (C++, but WinAPI's the same).
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Closed 8 years ago.
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Is there a good code snippets application for Delphi or general purpose with IDE integration? I would like to store Code, queries, notes, etc..
GExperts has a Code Librarian feature for code snippets amongst many other nice features and integrates with the IDE. Well worth to check out even if you don't decide to use the Code Librarian feature.
Delphi 2006 and later has Live Templates. They are a bit tricky because you've got to edit XML files to really make them work, but they are powerful when they do. See Nick's Live Templates Camtasia Presentation. Ctrl-J is the shortcut to invoke this.
Prior to that, Delphi 2005 and earlier had simple code snippets. I believe Ctrl-J also invoked them.
Another option is to use Castalia and its Code Templates feature.
Dittos to Ozmosys above.
Also check CodeSnip Database Viewer from the delphidabbler:
I use Knowledgebase from Ozmosys. It hasn't been updated in a while, but it works, and it is written in Delphi. Ozmosys
I have to endorse Ozmosys' Knowledge Base too. The reason it hasn't been updated in a while is that it just works. When I DID have issues early in the development of the program, the author was very responsive and quick about doing it. It's logical and easy to post code and other types of hints. I use it every day, juggling the three or so projects that seem to be perpetually on my plate.