Coping with, and minimizing, memory usage in Common Lisp (SBCL) - memory

I have a VPS with not very much memory (256Mb) which I am trying to use for Common Lisp development with SBCL+Hunchentoot to write some simple web-apps. A large amount of memory appears to be getting used without doing anything particularly complex, and after a while of serving pages it runs out of memory and either goes crazy using all swap or (if there is no swap) just dies.
So I need help to:
Find out what is using all the memory (if it's libraries or me, especially)
Limit the amount of memory which SBCL is allowed to use, to avoid massive quantities of swapping
Handle things cleanly when memory runs out, rather than crashing (since it's a web-app I want it to carry on and try to clean up).
I assume the first two are reasonably straightforward, but is the third even possible?
How do people handle out-of-memory or constrained memory conditions in Lisp?
(Also, I note that a 64-bit SBCL appears to use literally twice as much memory as 32-bit. Is this expected? I can run a 32-bit version if it will save a lot of memory)

To limit the memory usage of SBCL, use --dynamic-space-size option (e.g.,sbcl --dynamic-space-size 128 will limit memory usage to 128M).
To find out who is using memory, you may call (room) (the function that tells how much memory is being used) at different times: at startup, after all libraries are loaded and then during work (of cource, call (sb-ext:gc :full t) before room not to measure the garbage that has not yet been collected).
Also, it is possible to use SBCL Profiler to measure memory allocation.

Find out what is using all the memory
(if it's libraries or me, especially)
Attila Lendvai has some SBCL-specific code to find out where an allocated objects comes from. Refer to and write him a private mail if needed.
Be sure to try another implementation, preferably with a precise GC (like Clozure CL) to ensure it's not an implementation-specific leak.
Limit the amount of memory which SBCL
is allowed to use, to avoid massive
quantities of swapping
Already answered by others.
Handle things cleanly when memory runs
out, rather than crashing (since it's
a web-app I want it to carry on and
try to clean up).
256MB is tight, but anyway: schedule a recurring (maybe 1s) timed thread that checks the remaining free space. If the free space is less than X then use exec() to replace the current SBCL process image with a new one.

If you don't have any type declarations, I would expect 64-bit Lisp to take twice the space of a 32-bit one. Even a plain (small) int will use a 64-bit chunk of memory. I don't think it'll use less than a machine word, unless you declare it.
I can't help with #2 and #3, but if you figure out #1, I suspect it won't be a problem. I've seen SBCL/Hunchentoot instances running for ages. If I'm using an outrageous amount of memory, it's usually my own fault. :-)

I would not be surprised by a 64-bit SBCL using twice the meory, as it will probably use a 64-bit cell rather than a 32-bit one, but couldn't say for sure without actually checking.
Typical things that keep memory hanging around for longer than expected are no-longer-useful references that still have a path to the root allocation set (hash tables are, I find, a good way of letting these things linger). You could try interspersing explicit calls to GC in your code and make sure to (as far as possible) not store things in global variables.


How to solve memory segmentation and force FastMM to release memory to OS?

Note: 32 bit application, which is not planned to be migrated to 64 bit.
I'm working with a very memory consuming application and have pretty much optimized all the relevant paths in respect to memory allocation/de-allocation. (there are no memory leaks, no handle leaks, no any other kind of leaks in the application itself AFAIK and tested. 3rd party libs which I cannot touch are of course candidates but unlikely in my scenario)
The application will frequently allocate large single and bi-dimensional dynamic arrays of single and packed records of up to 4 singles. By large I mean 5000x5000 of record(single,single,single,single) is normal. Also having even 6 or 7 such arrays in work at a given time. This is needed as there are a lot of cross-computations made on these arrays and having them read from disk would be a real performance killer.
Having this clarified, I am getting out of memory errors a lot because of these large dynamic arrays which will not go away after releasing them, no matter if I setlength them to 0 or finalize them. This is of course something FastMM is doing in order to be fast, I know that much.
I am tracking both FastMM allocated blocks and process consumed memory (RAM + PF) by using:
function CurrentProcessMemory(AWaitForConsistentRead:boolean): Cardinal;
MemCounters: TProcessMemoryCounters;
result := 0;// stupid D2010 compiler warning
maxCnt := 0;
// this is a stabilization loop;
// in tight loops, the system doesn't get
// much chance to release allocated resources, which in turn will get falsely
// reported by this function as still being used, resulting in a false-positive
// memory leak report in the application.
// so we do a tight loop here, waiting, until the application reported memory
// gets stable.
LastRead := result;
MemCounters.cb := SizeOf(MemCounters);
if GetProcessMemoryInfo(GetCurrentProcess,
SizeOf(MemCounters)) then
Result := MemCounters.WorkingSetSize + MemCounters.PagefileUsage
if AWaitForConsistentRead and (LastRead <> 0) and (abs(LastRead - result)>1024) then
until (not AWaitForConsistentRead) or (abs(LastRead - result)<1024) or (maxCnt>1000);
// 60 seconds wait is a bit too much
// so if the system is that "unstable", let's just forget it.
function CurrentFastMMMemory:Cardinal;
var mem:TMemoryManagerUsageSummary;
result := mem.AllocatedBytes + mem.OverheadBytes;
I am running the code on a 64bit computer and my top memory consumption before crashes is about 3.3 - 3.4 GB. After that, I get memory/resources related crashes anywhere in the application. Took me some time to pin it down on the large dynamic arrays usage which were buried down in some 3rd party library.
The way I am getting over this is that I made the application resume itself from where it left off, by re-starting itself and closing with certain parameters.
This is all nice and dandy if memory consumption is fair and current operation finishes.
The big problem happens when the current memory usage is 1GB and the next operation to process requires 2.5 GB memory or more to be processed. My current code limited itself to an upper value of 1.5 GB used memory before resuming, but in this situation, I'd have to drop the limit down under 1 GB which would basically have the application resume itself after each operation and not even that guaranteeing that everything will be fine.
What if another operation will have a larger data set to process and it will require a total of 4GB or more memory?
To note that I am not talking about actual 4 GB in memory, but consumed memory by allocating huge dynamic arrays which the OS doesn't get back once de-allocated and hence it still sees it as consumed, so it adds up.
So, my next point of attack is to force fastmm to release all (or at least part of) memory to the OS. I'm specifically targeting the huge dynamic arrays here. Again, these are in a 3rd party library so re-coding that is not really in the top options. It's much easier and faster to tinker in the fastmm code and write a proc to release the memory.
I can't switch from FastMM as currently the entire application and some of the 3rd party libs are heavily coded around the use of PushAllocationGroup in order to quickly find and pinpoint any memory leaks. I know I can write a dummy FastMM unit to solve the compilation references, but I will be left without this quick and certain leak detection.
In conclusion: is there any way I can force FastMM to release at least some of it's large blocks to the OS? (well, sure there is, the actual question is: did anybody write it and if so, mind sharing?)
later edit:
I will come up with a small relevant test application soon. It doesn't appear to be that easy to mock up one
I doubt that the issue is actually down to FastMM. For huge memory blocks, FastMM will not do any sub-allocation. Your allocation request will be handled with a straight VirtualAlloc. And then deallocation is VirtualFree.
That's assuming that you are allocating those 380MB objects in one contiguous block. I suspect that what you actually have are ragged 2D dynamic arrays. And they are not single allocations. a 5000x5000 ragged 2D dynamic arrays takes 5001 allocations to initialise. One for the row pointers, and 5000 for the rows. Those will be medium FastMM blocks. There will be sub-allocation.
I think you are asking too much. In my experience, any time you need over 3GB of memory in a 32 bit process, it's game over. Fragmentation of address space will stop you before you run out of memory. You cannot hope for this to work. Switch to 64 bit, or use a cleverer, less demanding allocation pattern. Or do you really need dense 2D arrays? Can you use sparse storage?
If you cannot alleviate your memory demands that way, you could use memory mapped files. This would allow you to make use of the extra memory that your 64 bit system has. The system's disk cache can be larger than 4GB and so your app can traverse more than 4GB of memory without actually needing to hit the disk.
You could certainly try different memory managers. I honestly do not hold out any hope that it would help. You could write a trivial replacement memory manager that used HeapAlloc. And enable the low fragmentation heap (enabled by default from Vista on). But I sincerely doubt that it will help. I'm afraid that there won't be a quick fix for you. To resolve this you face a more fundamental modification to your code.
Your issue as others have said is most likely attributable to memory fragmentation. You could test this by using VirtualQuery to create a picture of how memory is allocated to your application. You will very likely find that although you may have more than enough total memory for a new array, you don't have enough contiguous memory.
FastMem already does a lot to try and avoid problems due to memory fragmentation. "Small" allocations are done at the low end of the address space, whereas "large" allocations are done at the high end. This avoids a common problem where a series of large then small allocations followed by all large allocations being released results in a large amount of fragmented memory that is almost unusable. (Certainly unusable by anything slightly larger than the original large allocations.)
To see the benfits of FastMem's approach, imagine your memory layed out as follows:
Each digit represent a 100mb block.
Small allocations represented by "s".
Large allocations repestented by capital letters.
Now if you free all your large blocks, you should have no trouble performing similar large allocations later.
The problem is that "large" and "small" are relative, and highly dependent on the nature of your application. FastMem defines a dividing line between "large" and "small". If you happen to have some small allocations that FastMem would classify as large, you may encounter the following problem.
Now if you free the large blocks you're left with:
And an attempt to allocate something larger than 400mb will fail.
You may be able to tweak the FastMem settings so that all your "small" allocations are also considered small by FastMem. However, there are a few situations where this won't work:
Any DLLs you use that allocate memory to your application but bypass FastMem may still cause fragmentation.
If you don't release all your large blocks together, those that remain may induce fragmentation which will slowly get worse over time.
You could take on the task of memory management yourself.
Allocate one very large block e.g. 3.5GB which you keep for the entire lifetime of the application.
Instead of using dynamic arrays, you determine the pointer locations to use when setting up a new array.
Of course the simplest alternative would be to go 64-bit.
You could consider alternate data structures.
Do you really need array lookup capability? If not, another structure that allocates in smaller chunks may suffice.
Even if you do need array lookup, consider a paged array. Sparse arrays are a combination of arrays and linked lists. Data is stored on pages, with linked lists chaining each page.
A simple variant (since you mentioned your arrays are 2 dimensional) would be to leverage that: One dimension forms its own array providing a lookup into one of multiple arrays for the second dimension.
Related to the alternate data structures option, consider storing some data on disk. Yes performance will be slower. But if an efficient caching mechanism can be found, then maybe not so much. It would be better to be a little slower, but not crashing.
Dynamic arrays are reference counted in Delphi, so they should be automatic released when they are not used anymore.
Like strings, they are handled with COW (copy on write) when shared/stored in several variables/objects. So it seems you have some kind of memory/reference leak (e.g. an object in memory that holds still are reference to an array).
Just to be sure: you are not doing any kind of low level pointer tricks, aren't you?
So please yes, post a test program (or send the complete program private via email) so one of us can take a look at it.

Is deallocation of multiple large bunches of memory worth it?

Say for instance I write a program which allocates a bunch of large objects when it is initialized. Then the program runs for awhile, perhaps indefinitely, and when it's time to terminate, each of the large initialized objects are freed.
So my question is, will it take longer to manually deallocate each block of memory separately at the end of the program's life or would it be better to let the system unload the program and deallocate all of the virtual memory given to the program by the system at the same time.
Would it be safe and/or faster? Also, if it is safe, does the compiler do this when set to optimise anyway?
1) Not all systems will free a memory for you when application terminates. Of course most of the modern desktop systems will do this, so if you are going to run your program only on Linux or Mac(or Windows), you can leave the deallocation to the system.
2) Often it is needed to make some operations with the data on termination, not just to free the memory. So if you are going to develop such program design that makes it hard to deallocate objects at the end manually, then it can happen that later you will need to perform some code before exiting and you will face up with hard problem.
2') Sometimes even if you think that your program will need some objects all the way until dead, later you may want to make a library from you program or change a project to load and unload you big objects and the poor design of your program will make this hard or impossible.
3) Moreover, the program deallocation performance depends on the implementation of the allocator you are going to use in your program. The system deallocation depends on the system memory management and even for a single system there can be several implementations. So if you face with allocation/deallocation performance problems - you would like to develop better allocator rather then hope on the system.
4) So my opinion is: When you deallocate memory manually at the end - you are always on a right way. When you don't do this, perhaps you can get some ambiguous benefits in several cases, but likely you will just face with the problems sooner or later.
Well most OS will free the memory at exit if the program, but the bigger question is why would you want it to have to?
Is it faster? Hard to say with memory sometimes. I would guess not really and definitely not worth breaking good coding practices anyway.
Is it safe? Define safe... Will your OS crash? Probably not. Will your code be susceptible to memory leaks or other problems? Absolutely, it will. In fact you are basically telling it you want memory leaks.
Best practice is to always free your memory when you are done with it. With C and C++, every malloced or new block of memory should have a corresponding free or delete.
It is a bad idea to rely on the OS to free your memory because it not only makes your code look bad and makes it less portable, but if the program was ever integrated into another program, then you will likely be tracking down memory leaks for hours.
So, short answer, always do it manually.
Programs with a short maintenance life time are good candidates for memory deallocation by "exit() and let the kernel sort them out." However, if the program will last more than a few months you have to consider the maintenance burden.
For instance, consider that someone may realize that a subsequent stage is required in the program, and some of the data is not needed, or not needed in memory. They now have to go and find out how to deallocate the memory, properly removing stale references, etc.

Should a process always consume the same amount of memory if executed in the same way?

Hi folks and thanks for your time in advance.
I'm currently extending our C# test framework to monitor the memory consumed by our application. The intention being that a bug is potentially raised if the memory consumption significantly jumps on a new build as resources are always tight.
I'm using System.Diagnostics.Process.GetProcessByName and then checking the PrivateMemorySize64 value.
During developing the new test, when using the same build of the application for consistency, I've seen it consume differing amounts of memory despite supposedly executing exactly the same code.
So my question is, if once an application has launched, fully loaded and in this case in it's idle state, hence in an identical state from run to run, can I expect the private bytes consumed to be identical from run to run?
I need to clarify that I can expect memory usage to be consistent as any degree of varience starts to reduce the effectiveness of the test as a degree of tolerance would need to be introduced, something I'd like to avoid.
1) Should the memory usage be 100% consistent presuming the application is behaving consistenly? This was my expectation.
2) Is there is any degree of variance in the private byte usage returned by windows or in the memory it allocates when requested by an app?
Currently, if the answer is memory consumed should be consistent as I was expecteding, the issue lies in our app actually requesting a differing amount of memory.
Many thanks
Almost everything in .NET uses the runtime's garbage collector, and when exactly it runs and how much memory it frees depends on a lot of factors, many of which are out of your hands. For example, when another program needs a lot of memory, and you have a lot of collectable memory at hand, the GC might decide to free it now, whereas when your program is the only one running, the GC heuristics might decide it's more efficient to let collectable memory accumulate a bit longer. So, short answer: No, memory usage is not going to be 100% consistent.
OTOH, if you have really big differences between runs (say, a few megabytes on one run vs. half a gigabyte on another), you should get suspicious.
If the program is deterministic (like all embedded programs should be), then yes. In an OS environment you are very unlikely to get the same figures due to memory fragmentation and numerous other factors.
Just noted this a C# app, so no, but the numbers should be relatively close (+/- 10% or less).

Memory related errors

I mostly work on C language for my work. I have faced many issues and spent lot time in debugging issues related to dynamically allocated memory corruption/overwriting. Like malloc(A) A bytes but use write more than A bytes. Towards that i was trying to read few things when i read about :-
1.) An approach wherein one allocates more memory than what is needed. And write some known value/pattern in that extra locations. Then during program execution that pattern should be untouched, else it indicated memory corruption/overwriting. But how does this approach work. Does it mean for every write to that pointer which is allocated using malloc() i should be doing a memory read of the additional sentinel pattern and read for its sanity? That would make my whole program very slow.
And to say that we can remove these checks from the release version of the code, is also not fruitful as memory related issues can happen more in 'real scenario'. So can we handle this?
2.) I heard that there is something called HEAP WALKER, which enables programs to detect memory related issues? How can one enable this.
thank you.
If you're working under Linux or OSX, have a look at Valgrind (free, available on OSX via Macports). For Windows, we're using Rational PurifyPlus (needs a license).
You can also have a look at Dmalloc or even at Paul Nettle's memory manager which helps tracking memory allocation related bugs.
If you're on Mac OS X, there's an awesome library called libgmalloc. libgmalloc places each memory allocation on a separate page. Any memory access/write beyond the page will immediately trigger a bus error. Note however that running your program with libgmalloc will likely result in a significant slowdown.
Memory guards can catch some heap corruption. It is slower (especially deallocations) but it's just for debug purposes and your release build would not include this.
Heap walking is platform specific, but not necessarily too useful. The simplest check is simply to wrap your allocations and log them to a file with the LINE and FILE information for your debug mode, and most any leaks will be apparent very quickly when you exit the program and numbers don't tally up.
Search google for LINE and I am sure lots of results will show up.

How to log mallocs

This is a bit hypothetical and grossly simplified but...
Assume a program that will be calling functions written by third parties. These parties can be assumed to be non-hostile but can't be assumed to be "competent". Each function will take some arguments, have side effects and return a value. They have no state while they are not running.
The objective is to ensure they can't cause memory leaks by logging all mallocs (and the like) and then freeing everything after the function exits.
Is this possible? Is this practical?
p.s. The important part to me is ensuring that no allocations persist so ways to remove memory leaks without doing that are not useful to me.
You don't specify the operating system or environment, this answer assumes Linux, glibc, and C.
You can set __malloc_hook, __free_hook, and __realloc_hook to point to functions which will be called from malloc(), realloc(), and free() respectively. There is a __malloc_hook manpage showing the prototypes. You can add track allocations in these hooks, then return to let glibc handle the memory allocation/deallocation.
It sounds like you want to free any live allocations when the third-party function returns. There are ways to have gcc automatically insert calls at every function entrance and exit using -finstrument-functions, but I think that would be inelegant for what you are trying to do. Can you have your own code call a function in your memory-tracking library after calling one of these third-party functions? You could then check if there are any allocations which the third-party function did not already free.
First, you have to provide the entrypoints for malloc() and free() and friends. Because this code is compiled already (right?) you can't depend on #define to redirect.
Then you can implement these in the obvious way and log that they came from a certain module by linking those routines to those modules.
The fastest way involves no logging at all. If the amount of memory they use is bounded, why not pre-allocate all the "heap" they'll ever need and write an allocator out of that? Then when it's done, free the entire "heap" and you're done! You could extend this idea to multiple heaps if it's more complex that that.
If you really do need to "log" and not make your own allocator, here's some ideas. One, use a hash table with pointers and internal chaining. Another would be to allocate extra space in front of every block and put your own structure there containing, say, an index into your "log table," then keep a free-list of log table entries (as a stack so getting a free one or putting a free one back is O(1)). This takes more memory but should be fast.
Is it practical? I think it is, so long as the speed-hit is acceptable.
You could run the third party functions in a separate process and close the process when you are done using the library.
A better solution than attempting to log mallocs might be to sandbox the functions when you call them—give them access to a fixed segment of memory and then free that segment when the function is done running.
Unconfined, incompetent memory usage can be just as damaging as malicious code.
Can't you just force them to allocate all their memory on the stack? This way it would be garanteed to be freed after the function exits.
In the past I wrote a software library in C that had a memory management subsystem that contained the ability to log allocations and frees, and to manually match each allocation and free. This was of some use when attempting to find memory leaks, but it was difficult and time consuming to use. The number of logs was overwhelming, and it took an extensive amount of time to understand the logs.
That being said, if your third party library has extensive allocations, its more then likely impractical to track this via logging. If you're running in a Windows environment, I would suggest using a tool such as Purify[1] or BoundsChecker[2] that should be able to detect leaks in your third party libraries. The investment in the tool should pay for itself in time saved.
[1]: Purify
[2]: BoundsChecker
Since you're worried about memory leaks and talking about malloc/free, I assume you're in C. I'm also assuming based on your question that you do not have access to the source code of the third party library.
The only thing I can think of is to examine memory consumption of your app before & after the call, log error messages if they're different and convince the third party vendor to fix any leaks you find.
If you have money to spare, then consider using Purify to track issues. It works wonders, and does not require source code or recompilation. There are also other debugging malloc libraries available that are cheaper. Electric Fence is one name I recall. That said, the debugging hooks mentioned by Denton Gentry seem interesting too.
If you're too poor for Purify, try Valgrind. It it a lot better than it was 6 years ago and a lot easier to dive into than Purify.
Microsoft Windows provides (use SUA if you need a POSIX), quite possibly, the most advanced heap+(other api known to use the heap) infrastructure of any shipping OS today.
the __malloc() debug hooks and the associated CRT debug interfaces are nice for cases where you have the source code to the tests, however they can often miss allocations by standard libraries or other code which is linked. This is expected as they are the Visual Studio heap debugging infrastructure.
gflags is a very comprehensive and detailed set of debuging capabilities which has been included with Windows for many years. Having advanced functionality for source and binary only use cases (as it is the OS heap debugging infrastructure).
It can log full stack traces (repaginating symbolic information in a post-process operation), of all heap users, for all heap modifying entrypoint's, serially if needed. Also, it may modify the heap with pathalogical cases which may align the allocation of data such that the page protection offered by the VM system is optimally assigned (i.e. allocate your requested heap block at the end of a page, so even a singele byte overflow is detected at the time of the overflow.
umdh is a tool which can help assess the status at various checkpoints, however the data is continually accumulated during the execution of the target o it is not a simple checkpointing debug stop in the traditional context. Also, WARNING, Last I checked at least, the total size of the circular buffer which store's the stack information, for each request is somewhat small (64k entries (entries+stack)), so you may need to dump rapidly for heavy heap users. There are other ways to access this data but umdh is fairly simple.
NOTE there are 2 modes;
MODE 1, umdh {-p:Process-id|-pn:ProcessName} [-f:Filename] [-g]
MODE 2, umdh [-d] {File1} [File2] [-f:Filename]
I do not know what insanity gripped the developer who chose to alternate between -p:foo argument specifier's and naked ordering of argument's but it can get a little confusing.
The debugging sdk works with a number of other tools, memsnap is a tool which apparently focuses on memory leask and such, but I have not used it, your milage may vary.
Execute gflags with no arguments for the UI mode, +arg's and /args are different "modes" of use also.
On Linux I've successfully used mtrace(3) to log allocations and freeings. Its usage is as simple as
Modify your program to call mtrace() when you need to begin tracing (e.g. at the top of main()),
Set environment variable MALLOC_TRACE to the file path where the trace should be saved and run the program.
After that the output file will contain something like this (excerpt from the middle to show a failed allocation):
# /usr/lib/tls/[0xf44b795c] + 0x99e5e20 0x49
# /opt/gcc-7/lib/[0xf6a80f78] - 0x99beba0
# /usr/lib/tls/[0xf44b795c] + 0x9a23ec0 0x10
# /opt/gcc-7/lib/[0xf6a80f78] - 0x9a23ec0
# /opt/Xorg/lib/video-libs/[0xf668ee49] + 0x99c67c0 0x8
# /opt/Xorg/lib/video-libs/[0xf668f14f] - 0x99c67c0
# /opt/Xorg/lib/video-libs/[0xf668ee49] + (nil) 0x30000000
# /lib/[0xf677f8eb] + 0x99c21f0 0x158
# /lib/[0xf677ee61] + 0xbfb00480 0x400
# /lib/[0xf678d7f9] - 0xbfb00480
