ASP.NET MVC - Should business logic exist in controllers? -

Derik Whitaker posted an article a couple of days ago that hit a point that I've been curious about for some time: should business logic exist in controllers?
So far all the ASP.NET MVC demos I've seen put repository access and business logic in the controller. Some even throw validation in there as well. This results in fairly large, bloated controllers. Is this really the way to use the MVC framework? It seems that this is just going to end up with a lot of duplicated code and logic spread out across different controllers.

Business logic should really be in the model. You should be aiming for fat models, skinny controllers.
For example, instead of having:
public interface IOrderService{
int CalculateTotal(Order order);
I would rather have:
public class Order{
int CalculateTotal(ITaxService service){...}
This assumes that tax is calculate by an external service, and requires your model to know about interfaces to your external services.
This would make your controller look something like:
public class OrdersController{
public OrdersController(ITaxService taxService, IOrdersRepository ordersRepository){...}
public void Show(int id){
ViewData["OrderTotal"] = ordersRepository.LoadOrder(id).CalculateTotal(taxService);
Or something like that.

I like the diagram presented by Microsoft Patterns & Practices. And I believe in the adage 'A picture is worth a thousand words'.

This is a fascinating question.
I think that its interesting that a large number of sample MVC applications actually fail to follow the MVC paradigm in the sense of truly placing the "business logic" entirely in the model. Martin Fowler has pointed out that MVC is not a pattern in the sense of the Gang Of Four. Rather, it is paradigm that the programmer must add patterns to if they are creating something beyond a toy app.
So, the short answer is that "business logic" should indeed not live in the controller, since the controller has the added function of dealing with the view and user interactions and we want to create objects with only one purpose.
A longer answer is that you need to put some thought into the design of your model layer before just moving logic from controller to model. Perhaps you can handle all of app logic using REST, in which case the model's design should be fairly clear. If not, you should know what approach you are going to use to keep your model from becoming bloated.

You can check this awesome tutorial by Stephen Walther that shows Validating with a Service Layer.
Learn how to move your validation
logic out of your controller actions
and into a separate service layer. In
this tutorial, Stephen Walther
explains how you can maintain a sharp
separation of concerns by isolating
your service layer from your
controller layer.

Business Logic should not be contained in controllers. Controllers should be as skinny as possible, ideally follow the patter:
Find domain entity
Act on domain entity
Prepare data for view / return results
Additionally controllers can contain some application logic.
So where do I put my business logic? In Model.
What is Model? Now that's a good question. Please see Microsoft Patterns and Practices article (kudos to AlejandroR for excellent find). In here there are three categories of models:
View Model: This is simply a data bag, with minimal, if any, logic to pass data from and to views, contains basic field validation.
Domain Model: Fat model with business logic, operates on a single or multiple data entities (i.e. entity A in a given state than action on entity B)
Data Model: Storage-aware model, logic contained within a single entity relates only to that entity (i.e. if field a then field b)
Of course, MVC is a paradigm that comes in different varieties. What I describe here is MVC occupying top layer only, vide this article on Wikipedia
Today, MVC and similar model-view-presenter (MVP) are Separation of Concerns design patterns that apply exclusively to the presentation layer of a larger system. In simple scenarios MVC may represent the primary design of a system, reaching directly into the database; however, in most scenarios the Controller and Model in MVC have a loose dependency on either a Service or Data layer/tier. This is all about Client-Server architecture

If u use Dependency Injectors your business logic will go to them and hence you will get neat and clean controllers.


MVC Pattern - Is this the correct approach for Repository / Unit of Work

I have been doodling and reading and just want to ensure the approach I am taking is correct. I am using MVC5 with EF, implementing the Repository and Unit of Work patterns.
EntityModel -> <- SomeRepository
SomeRepository -> <- SomeController
SomeController -> SomeViewModel
SomeViewModel -> SomeView
SomeView -> SomeController
SomeController -> <- SomeRepository
etc ..
In the controller I am planning on using something like AutoMapper to map the ViewModel to the EntityModel (and vice versa) which can then be passed to my repository / view.
Also, with this approach I am not 100% sure where my business logic should go. For instance, if I have an EntityModel for products and I wanted to add a GetAssociatedProducts method, would this go against the EntityModel or should another tier be introduced so the EntityModel is just a straightforward mapping class to the DB?
Should the ViewModel contain any logic at all? i.e Creating a Dictionary to populate a dropdown on the view based on values from the EntityModel?
I am trying to avoid the issues associated with just starting to code without thinking to much into how which is the reason for this question.
Note: I am also implementing IoC with Autofac but I don't think that's relevant at this point (saying just in case it is).
Well, you're already thinking too much.
First, since you specifically mention MVC, let me just say that the vast majority of what you're talking about is not MVC. MVC stands for Model-View-Controller. In the strictest sense, your model is the haven of all business logic for your application. The controller merely connects your model to your view, and your view merely presents the data to the client in a readable format.
Despite its name, ASP.NET MVC does not truly follow the MVC pattern. You could call it Microsoft's take on MVC. The controller and views track pretty closely (though there is some very noticeable and repugnant bleed-over, such as ViewBag). But, the "model" bit is very unclearly defined. Since, Entity Framework is integrated, most latch on to the entity and call this the model, but entities are really bad models. They're just (or at least should just be) a programmatic representation of a database table: a way for Entity Framework to take data from your table rows and put it into some structure that lets you get at it easily.
If you look at other MVC implementations such as Ruby on Rails or Django, their "model" is more of a database-backed factory. Instead of the class simply holding data returned from the database, it is itself the gateway to the database for that type. It can create itself, update itself, query itself and its colleagues, etc. This allows you to add much more robust business logic to the class than you can or should with an "entity" in C#. Because of that, the closest you can get a true MVC model is your domain or service layer, which isn't really factored in at all by default in ASP.NET MVC.
That said, though, if you're implementing a repository / unit of work pattern with Entity Framework, you're probably making a mistake. Entity Framework already does this so you don't have to. The DbContext is your Unit of Work and each DbSet is a repository. Any repository you create, dimes to dollars, will simply end up proxying your repository methods to methods on your DbSet, which is your first sign that something's not right. Now, that's not to say that a certain amount of abstraction isn't still a good idea, but go with something like a service pattern instead: something lightweight and flexible that will truly abstract logic instead of just creating a matryoshka doll of code that will only serve to make your application harder to maintain.
Finally, your view model (which is actually a rip from the MVVM pattern) should simply be whatever your view needs it to be. If your view needs a drop down list, then your view model should contain that. Whether your view model should generate it, is a slight different question that depends on the complexity of the data involved. I don't think your view model should know how to query a database, so if you need to pull the data from a database then you should let the controller handle that and just feed it to the view model. But, if it's something like a list of months, a enum structure, a numerically static list, etc., it might be appropriate for the view model to have the logic to construct that list.
No, they are actually implementing a repository. I'm not sure why in the world the introductory MVC articles on MSDN advocate this, but as one who fell into the same trap early on, I can say from personal experience, and many other long-time MVC developers will tell you the same, you don't want to actually follow this advice. Like I said, most of your repository methods end up just proxying to Entity Framework methods, and you end up having to add a ton of boilerplate code for each new entity. And, the further you go down the rabbit hole, the harder it is to recover, leading inevitably to some major refactoring once you finally grow tired of the repetitive code.
A service pattern is a lot simpler. There may still be some proxying for things like updates and deletes, where there's very little unique from one entity to another, but the real difference will be seen with selects. With a repository, you'd do something like the following in your controller:
repo.Posts.Where(m => m.BlogId = blog.Id && m.PublishDate <= DateTime.Now && m.Status == PostStatus.Published).OrderByDescending(o => o.PublishDate).Take(10).ToList();
While with a service you would do:
service.Posts.GetPublishedPostsForBlog(blog, limit: 10);
And all that logic about what is a "published" post, how blog is connected to post, etc., goes into your service method instead of your controller. The other big difference is that service methods should return fully-baked data, i.e. a list type rather than a queryable. The goal with a service is to return exactly what you need, while the goal with a repository is to provide an endpoint to query into.

Should business logic ever be in the model? (MVC4)

I have a class called "Stores" in my MVC app that has a class called "IsInCompliance" which depends on the values of several other fields. The logic would go through and say "if this, this, and this is true, then IsInCompliance is true".
Should this belong in the model definition, or would this logic be better placed in a service layer or controller? I figure I have four options:
Logic contained in a method within the model
Logic contained in a controller that writes back to the model
Logic contained in a Service that the model calls
Logic contained in a Service that the controller calls
Which is best? If 3 is the best, isn't there a circular dependency there (since my model project depends on the services project, which depends on the model project)?
Number 4 is the correct approach.
Controllers should act as a thin "traffic control" layer and delegate all logic to a service layer beneath them (or if it's not too obvious logic, to a business layer - but that's a different architectural question).
Your model should generally be a pure POCO structure, with optionally micro-logic of things that are internal to the data model. For example, ID generation and data integrity operations.
Most of your logic (for relatively simple / CRUD-based apps) should generally reside in the Service Layer.
This is a matter of preference/style, but I have always believed that methods that are germane to the Model object belong in that object.
Take this as an example (I'm coding on the fly without an open VS.NET instance, so please forgive any syntax errors, just trying to use this as a vehicle for communication):
public class Person
public Int32 Age { get; set; }
public bool IsEligibleToEnterLegallyBindingContract()
return Age >= 18;
I would assert that a model object that contains methods that introspects its own properties and is not dependent on messages and/or properties of other model objects is good object design and a good modeling approach in an MVC environment.
Update I had a discussion with a colleague regarding this, and he pointed me toward the Anemic Domain Model, an excellent article by Martin Fowler. I read this article several times after my colleague recommended it.
The closing paragraph from Mr. Fowler's article (this is a direct quote from and credit is acknowledged and given to that site):
"In general, the more behavior you find in the services, the more likely you are to be robbing yourself of the benefits of a domain model. If all your logic is in services, you've robbed yourself blind."
MVC is all about separating concerns. Keep it that way. Separate your logic from your data by placing your business logic in a separate class (layer).
Usually I perform actions on the Model rather than IN the Model, however it is sort of a personal preference.
I would (in your case) write the logic in the Service layer, then do a coordination call from the Controller that would work on the Model.
That said however, I believe some people refer to this as an Anemic Domain Model.
I don't think any of the approaches are wrong, but I personally would go for Number 4.
I guess it depends on your coding style.
Either option 1, or option 4 is correct depending on who you ask.
For something like this, i think option 1 is correct.
If IsInCompliance only depends on the value other properties in the model then it should be in the model.
If the value of IsInCompliance depends on other classes then yes it should be in a service layer.
Moving stuff like this to a service layer results in an Anemic Domain model where your model classes end up just being dto's
In object oriented design, this is considered an anti pattern.
There is still plenty of stuff that needs to be in a service layer, i just don't think this is one of them.

Why do we use ViewModels?

I have recently started working as a web developer. I work with ASP .NET MVC 4 and NHibernate.
At my work-place, we are strictly made to use viewmodels to transfer data to and fro between a controller and a view. And the viewmodels are not supposed to contain any object of a model.
I understand that it is a sort of a tier between the controller and the view.
But I find it repetitive and redundant to write a viewmodel class even if we can directly send the model's object to the view (in most cases).
For example, if i want to display an order i can do this in the controller's action -
return View(Repository.Get<Order>(id));
But instead, I have to write a viewmodel, fill it with the fetched order and then pass it to the view.
So, my question is, what purpose does writing viewmodels serve when we can use the model's object as it is?
For smaller projects, you're right. I hear your argument and sympathise - however there are good reasons for this, drudged and repetitive work, especially in larger and more complicated applications:
It's essential to perform all processing within the Controller's action. However in the example you've given, the Repository.Get method might return a lazily-evaluated IQueryable object, which would mean the DB wouldn't be hit until the View is evaluated. For a variety of reasons this is bad. (A workaround is to call .ToList while still in the controller).
"A view should not contain any non-presentational logic" and "You should not trust the View" (because a View could be user-provided). By providing a Model object (potentially still connected to an active DatabaseContext) a view can make malicious changes to your database.
A View's data-to-display does not always map 1:1 with its Model's data, for example consider a User Details page:
A User's EF Model object represents its entity in the database, so it probably looks like this: User { UserId, UserName, PasswordHash, PasswordSalt, EmailAddress, CreatedDate }, whereas the fields on a "User details" page are going to be User { UserId, UserName, Password, ConfirmYourPassword, EmailAddress }, do you see the difference? Ergo, you cannot use the EF User model as the view model, you have to use a separate class.
The dangers of model manipulation: if you let ASP.NET MVC (or any other framework) do the model binding to the incoming HTTP POST Request then (taking the User details example above), a user could reset anyone's password by faking the UserId property value. ASP.NET will rewrite that value during binding and unless you specifically sanitize it (which will be just as drudgeful as making individual ViewModels anyway) then this vulnerability will remain.
In projects with multiple developers working in a team situation, is is important that everything is consistent. It is not consistent to have some pages using bespoke ViewModels but other pages using EF Models because the team does not share a concious mind, things have to be documented and generally make-sense. For the same reason a single developer can get away without putting excessive XML documentation in his source code, but in a team situation you'll fall apart if you don't.
There is a slight workaround in your case I'll share with you, but please note the preconditions:
Your views can be fully trusted
Your views contain only presentational logic
Your application is largely CRUD
Your views correspond 1:1 with each EF entity model (i.e. no JOINs)
Your views only deal with single Simple models for POST forms, not Complex models (i.e. an object graph)
...then you can do this:
Put all one-way, non-form-related data into your ViewData collection, or the ViewBag in MVC 4 (or even a generic ViewData<T> if you're hardcore). This is useful for storing HTML page titles and sharing data with Master pages.
Use your fully-evaluated and loaded EF models as your View<TModel> models.
But use this approach with caution because it can introduce inconsistency.
Well, i'm starting to think the pragmatic approach to every problem is required and not to just subscribe to the purist architectural standards out there. Your app may be required to run in the wild and be maintained by many developers serving a large set of client etc. and this may direct or drive your architecture.
The ViewModel is essential when you want a separation of concerns between your DomainModel (DataModel) and the rest of your code.
The less dependencies you have between the Model, View and Controller the easier down the line it will be to make changes to the DomainModel without breaking the interface contracts in the View and Controller etc. etc. But once again it's something to be pragmatic. I like the approach as code re-factoring is a big part of system maintenance - refactoring may include a simple spelling mistake on a property of a Model - that change could ripple through the code to the Contract level if the dependencies are not separated; for example.
The ViewModel is used to translate the data between your DomainModel and you Views
A simple example of a datetime stored in Informix has to be translated to a .Net DateTime. The ViewModel is the perfect place to do this translation and does not force you to put translation code in all sorts of unwanted places.
One attribute of a good design [of anything] is the ability to replace or modify a part of the implementation with little or no affects to the rest of the parts of the system. But this takes effort and time to achieve - it's up to you to find that practical balance between a perfect design and a design that is just enough
But yeah, there are many other good reasons to use certain patterns - but the bottom line is this:
Nothing forces you to use ViewModels... ASP.NET MVC won't force you. Take advice from the pragmatist inside you.
If you use same Models as your ViewModels, your application should be very small and simple and should contain only CRUD operations. But if you are building large or enterprise applications with large teams (with two or probably more developers), you should have concepts like Dependency Injection, Services, Repositories, Façades, Units of Work, Data Access Objects etc.
To simplify your mapping needs between Models and ViewModels, you can use AutoMapper
or install with nuget
Install-Package AutoMapper
According to me, it is essential to have one more layer(ViewModel) on top of Model layer for complex applications that performs most of the CRUD operations because it has following advantages:
To establish loose coupling between Model and Controller. So that any DataModel related modifications will not be affected to Controller.
If you've implemented your application's ViewModel layer correctly
by providing maximum level of IOC(Inversion of Control) via
DI(dependency Injection using Unity/other frameworks), etc., it will
also help you to MOQ your ViewModels(dependencies) for testing only
the controller's logic.

ASP.NET MVC - is it okay to have sideline presentation logic?

In most documentation you read about ASP.NET MVC, the entire 'Separation of Concerns' is very heavily pushed. Dependency Injection/Inversion of Control, Unit Testing, keeping 'logic' out of the Views, etc.
But how far is this intended to be pushed? Is it bad practice if a specific task requires extra logic beyond the 'three layer' approach of View/Model/Persistence?
For example, I have a solution set up with four individual projects.
Project.Web (ASP.NET MVC) [ References Data.dll, Models.dll ]
Project.Data (Fluent nHibernate Mapping) [ References Models.dll ]
Project.Models (POCO, Helpers, Factories, etc)
Project.Tests (Unit Testing)
Up until now, this has served me pretty well. But I require some very abstract logic for some of my MVC Views, such that I need to take part of the Models and arrange a View Model that is persisted in the database.
This cannot happen in my Data section, as that would dispose the re-usability of it, and there is business logic included in the process. It cannot entirely happen in my Models section, because that would require it to have knowledge of the Data section, which it does not. And I do not want to put it in the Web section because I don't want data access code there.
Is it in massive violation for me to add, say, a Project.Presentation project that references Data.dll and Models.dll to construct what I need to? Moreover project concerns aside, is this a bad approach in general or is this something a lot of you find yourselves having to do at times? Part of me feels that if I am having to resort to this, then I've just built my software wrong - but at the same time I am very confident I have done a fairly good job, it is just too abstract to make a raw HTML interpretation of without middle-man arrangement.
It's been my experience that single responsibility is a great way to write code you expect to change early and often. Like Jan, I too have a solid line between who does what, when. The more you enforce this, the easier it is to replace an slice of your system. I recently removed linq2sql with EF4.1 and because of SRP, once I got the tests passing around my new EF4 layer, everything else just worked.
That said, I typically let unit testing dictate where these things live -- it's my driver for SRP as well as asking the basic question "must =class/service= know about =something else= to do it's job?" If the answer is no, it goes somewhere else -- if yes, it's a dependency. Now, if it becomes painful, that's its way of telling me "this is stupid" (see this question for the stupid) and I've attempted to force something instead of allowing it to fit the way it must.
Onto your core queston : you've clearly identified a gap in your code -- it MUST know about two things (data and model) and I agree, it should be its own thing and pulled out. I would call this a "DomainService" or maybe just DTO, but presentation feels like it would be doing more than just prepping data. (I'd argue the view handles the presentation ... maybe you simlpy mean presenter?). I would also argue against your perception that you did "something wrong" - no, you're learning to write code differently and allowing it to evolving, EXACTLY as it should. :-)
I use the following structure, which more or less solves all problems we've had regarding MVC structures.
Models: contains all ViewModels. Just clean, only getters and setters.
Business logic implementation: Set of projects that contains database logic, DAL entities etc. But only has one interface (in our case this is a WCF API).
ServiceLayer: the bridge between Business Logic and ViewModels. Doesn't know anything about web.
Mapping layer: translation between business entities and ViewModels.
Web project: holds very thin Controllers and Views, and everything web related.
A web page flow will follow this flow:
URL maps to a certain Action
Actions are really clean, they only reference a method in the ServiceLayer
The ServiceLayer executes one or more actions in the Business Logic Implementation (get data, store data, etc.)
The ServiceLayer passes the business entities to the Mapping Layer.
The Mapping Layer translates business entities into ViewModels
In code this would look like:
// action
public ActionResult ListOfObjects () {
var model = new ServiceLayer.ObjectsClient().GetListOfObjects();
return View(model);
// Service Layer
public ListOfObjectsModel GetListOfObjects () {
var businessEntities = BusinessDao.GetThingysFromDb();
var model = Mapper.TranslateToViewModel(businessEntities);
return model;
// Mapping Layer
public ListOfObjectsModel TranslateToViewModel(List<BusinessEntity> entities) {
// do mapping
When handling POSTs you will follow the same flow, but the mapping layer should translate your ViewModel into Data Entities that are given to the Business Logic.
"take part of the Models and arrange a View Model that is persisted in the database"
Then its not a viewmodel.
Does that simplify things?
What is a 'ViewModel':
More than often 'ViewModel' is confused with persistence. If you look at the word more closely it is a combination of 'View' + 'Model' - which essentially means it is a single unit of data that is required to fulfill all the needs of your view. A ViewModel can infer multiple entities or sources to build what is required by the View.
Now Coming to your question:
Is it in massive violation for me to add, say, a Project.Presentation project that references Data.dll and Models.dll to construct what I need to?
Re: If I had to do it, I would have created a seperate namespace (folder) in my MVC project named 'ViewModels' and placed all my Viewmodels in there. In my opinion if you want your ViewModels to be in a separate namespace, it would not actually violate MVC. You are just incresing the separation or making it more unit test friendly.
Just my 2 cents!!!

Accessing domain objects in the view

If I don't want to expose the internal state of my Domain Objects, but I need to display them, I can think of three approaches.
Which of these is the most "correct" (if any?).
The "DTO/ViewModel approach".
This seems to be a popular approach
in the ASP.NET MVC world (especially
with the use of AutoMapper).
"decorator approach". If I have a
"Customer" entity, I decorate it
with a "DisplayableCustomer" who can
access the internal state of the
customer (in most languages that
I've dealt with).
The "interface
approach". Where I do something like
class Customer {
public void renderWith(CustomerRenderer renderer) {
interface CustomerRenderer {
public void renderCustomer(Address address, Name name);
I vote for, and widely use, your #1 option. Several reasons why:
Allows for complex view models, like combining multiple lists of my domain objects. Think a PostViewModel with a Post element and an IList container hanging off of it.
On my current project, we have abstracted the domain validation to where it bubbles up into our custom ViewModels, and do some slick Ajax-validation on forms.
While the concept doesn't directly expose your domain objects on the Model, I have no problem hanging Post off of a property of my PostViewModel.
The last point is why the ViewModels concept really exists. It's no violation of DDD to expose your Domain object all the way up to your UI or even the view - this is by designed and expected of DDD and UI concepts. You only expose objects from your domain to use, and lock in/persist their states with services and infrastructure. So, you are in no violation of using the actual Domain object in your UI.
It's when you involve MVC concepts for your UI, and trying to render that specific View of a page/location. You may (and will) have additional display elements that may not be related to the Domain at all, like a Progress Bar that is only for the UI. A progress bar is a concern only for the UI and APplication layer. It has nothing to do with your domain.
So, the DDD solution I accept is to use a hybird object in the Application/UI layers that can hold a number of objects: both Domain objects and Application objects to render for that one specific View. This is the concept of a ViewModel, at its core reason of being.
The ViewModel concept can be thought of as your Application Layer non-business objects in DDD terms.
Going off topic a little and talking about one specific technology, ASP.NET MVC has additional features to help make this concept work together nicely. It's not directly built into ASP.NET MVC, but is available as an additional assembly from Microsoft called the Futures project.
Check out my blog post about a couple of features, the single most useful feature is the RenderAction extension method:
This is an extremely powerful concept that spins up the underlying controller and calls the action method. Doing this greatly simplified our ViewModels to only care about the View they are rendering. I no longer have to attach things like sidebar controls or other common data boxes, navbars, etc that have nothing to do with the View.
RenderAction is different then RenderPartial for pure DDD reasons: It lets you move the business logic back into a Controller, where it belongs. And the controller calls the proper view to render it's display. This strictly follows both DDD and MVC concepts.
Microsoft has stated that RenderAction will be part of ASP.NET MVC 2.0 when it is released next year.
Sorry for the rant...
