Disable layout in ASP.NET MVC? - asp.net-mvc

In MonoRail you can just CancelLayout() to not render the layout. In ASP.NET MVC, the only way to affect the layout seems to be to pass the layout name into the View() method like View("myview", "mylayout"); only it seems that passing null or an empty string doesn't do what I'd want.
I ended up creating an empty layout that just rendered the content, but that seems silly.
"Not Render the layout" means exactly that. In the web forms view engine they call layouts "master pages". I want to render just my action's view and not surround it with the master page.

In MVC 3, you can remove the master layout code with:
Layout = "";

At the beginning of view add this:
Layout = null;
If you want style sheet to remain, you'll need to add reference to it in that view.

To disable this for all pages, edit the _ViewStart.cshtml (in the root, under the 'Views' folder), and ensure that it contains the following:
Layout = null;
And to enable the template for any specific view, the following can be added to the .cshtml file for that view, to enable the template:
Layout = "~/Views/Shared/_Layout.cshtml";

In the Controller action we can set the required layout.
return View("Index", "_LAYOUT_NAME", model);

I see in the right answer it says that "It seems this was impossible in the version of ASP.NET MVC"
Which version are you using? Because I found the solution (I had the same issue) to your problem
So, to Disable Layout in the page, you should use:
Layout = null;
And, as suggested here, this could solve your problem:
public ActionResult Index()
SampleModel model = new SampleModel();
//Any Logic
return View("Index", "_WebmasterLayout", model);

Instead of using a normal view, create a partial view. These can then be used on their own, which acts very much like CancelLayout() - or you can incorporate them into a view that references the Master Page, in which case it will be the full layout. They are also useful if you want to send back a partial HTML chunk in response to an AJAX request.

Not having any luck trying to set the masterPage parameter to "" or null and returning a View (like I didn't)?
Then try this and use PartialView instead:
public ActionResult Article(string id)
return PartialView("~/Areas/Store/Views/CustomerService/" + id);
I needed to do this to load the contents of a view asynchronously from JS.

It seems this was impossible in the version of ASP.NET MVC I was asking about.

You can create a custom ActionResult that does pretty much anything. The ActionResult controls what is sent back to the client as the response. It would be trivial to create a class that extends ActionResult that does nothing.

One alternative is to actually specify a layout but make that layout empty
"_EmptyLayout.cshtml" that contains nothing or just a comment that says it contains nothing so later someone sees it as intended.


MVC define #section for all views in area

I have a container in my layout where I'd like to display a list of menu items, and I'd like for additional menu items to be displayed based on which area of the site we are viewing.
I know that I could do this with a #section, but that means I would have to copypaste the section contents in every single view within the area, which would be a maintenance mess and a nasty violation of DRY. Multiple per-area layouts would also be undesirable code duplication.
It would be good to do it in the _ViewStart partial, but apparently MVC doesn't allow #sections to be defined in partials. What else can I do?
I would consider making an action method in some generic controller that returns the correct partial view with the proper menu items.
public PartialViewResult GetSubMenu(){
var areaName = ViewContext.RouteData.DataTokens["area"];
case "Admin":
return PartialView("_adminSubMenu");
case default:
//not sure on how to return nothing exactly
return null;
In your layout
Create a Controller and Action to cater for this, I generally use something like NavigationController with a MainMenu action or similar.
In your action:
public ActionResult MainMenu()
return PartialView();
The from any where on your site layouts or views you can use:
#{ Html.RenderAction("MainMenu", "Navigation"); }
This also means that you can include any business logic in your action and pass a model to your MainMenu, maybe for checking roles etc.
Very handy.

loading partial view differently

i am new in mvc and i know only two way one can render partial view like
another one is to load partial view using jquery. i like to know is there any other ways around to load partial view.
when i render partialview like this way from my action method
public ActionResult Save(string name, string salary, string btnSubmit)
return PartialView("TestPView");
then PartialView content was render in page but shared look & feel goes out from the page when PartialView shown.
what i need to include in partial view as a result common look & feel show when partial view render. please guide me and show me all the various way to load partial view. thanks
Have a look at below link. It will help u to better understand the possible ways of rendering the partial views in MVC:
If I understand you correctly, what you are looking for is a layout and not a PartialView.
The PartialView provides you with the option to reuse a part of the view across several views.
The layout gives you the general look and feel of the website.
Here is the default example, that the VS generates for you :
#{ Layout = "~/Views/Shared/_Layout.cshtml"; }

ASP.NET MVC : does a partial know if it is bring requested from another page?

I have a partial view which can either be requested via an Action (Action2 in the image below), or rendered inside another page with "Html.Action()" (Action1 in the image below). From within the partial (or the partials controller) is there a way to determine which of these two methods were used to render the page?
You can use ControllerContext.IsChildAction or check DataTokens whether there is something with key "ParentActionViewContext" if you don't have access to ControllerContext.
You should be able to get it from
It should be noted that it is not particularly good practise to do this sort of thing in MVC. The partial should not be concerned about its "parent" ... but if you do need to do this, for whatever reason ...
You can use this code in the partial view's controller to determine if it was loaded directly or included in another page.
// this is the route which was originally used to route the request
string req_controller = Request.RequestContext.RouteData.Values["controller"].ToString();
string req_action = Request.RequestContext.RouteData.Values["action"].ToString();
// this is the route which was used to route to this action/view
string this_controller = RouteData.Values["controller"].ToString();
string this_action = RouteData.Values["action"].ToString();
if (req_controller == this_controller && req_action == this_action)
// this partial was loaded directly
// this partial was loaded indirectly
my reason for wanting to know this is that I wanted to be able to switch the Layout of a partial view based on whether or not it was rendered from a controller action or from within another page.
return PartialView("MyView.cshtml");
would result in a layout with the requisite menu bars and other site trimmings.
would just embed the content without adding the rest of the page.
so, in my page's default Layout I have:
#if (this.IsPartial()) {
Layout = null;
} else {
Layout = "_SiteLayout";
here's what I found:
public static bool IsPartialResult(this WebPageBase #this)
return !#this.OutputStack.Any(writer => writer is HttpWriter);
it probably won't work in all situations. but it works for me. YMMV/HTH
No, there is no way and a partial shouldn't need to know it.

How do I access a ViewBag.Title after it has been set by the underlying View?

Here's the thing. I have a MVC Action, and on that action, I have applied a custom ActionFilterAttribute to get the deserialization working. Now, what I want to do, is set some header based on the ViewBag.Title that is set inside this view.
I've tried wrapping the ViewResult in my own, and overriding the ExecuteResult but the ViewBag is always empty :-(.
Is this even possible or does the MVC engine reset the ViewBag once the _layout is executed?
Let me post some code samples, to make clearer what I want to do. I have an email service, where I render the body from a MVC view. So my view looks like this:
#{ViewBag.Title = "EventCreated";}
Something that ressembles an email message here.
Now I have a Controller, with an action that looks something like this:
public ActionResult HelloWorld(MailView<HelloWorldMessage> msg)
Response.Headers["subject"] = "Test subject";
return View(msg);
I want to make that Headers["subject"] statement to look like Response.Headers["subject"] = ViewBag.Title; and I want to do be able to let the View think it's handling a normal web page.
I've tried using an ActionFilterAttribute and overriding OnResultExecuted but couldn't get it to work.
One possible option is to set it on the layout page and actually decide based on certain criteria which layout to use. That way I can still keep the Reponse thing away from my views but make it rather clean. What do you think?
Try this - assign the output of the view result
var output = View(msg);
//do your other viewbag stuff here
return output;
Why all of this though - I didn't follow when you said "and I want to do be able to let the View think it's handling a normal web page."
Why don't you then just set this via a helper method in your View?
SetTitle("Home Page");
#functions {
public void SetTitle(string title)
ViewBag.Title = title;
Response.Headers.Add("title", title);

ASP MVC 3 use different Layouts in different views

I have an ASP MVC application which needs multiple different layouts. In ASP.NET Web Apps I would have just made separate master pages. How do I do this in ASP MVC 3?
So far I have made a separate Layout.cshtml file for each layout I need.
I tried setting the layout in the view but it is getting blown away from the ViewStart.cshtml which is setting it back to the default layout for the site.
Also, I can't seem to get intellisense working with Razor so I haven't been able to explore much of what I can do in the ViewStart, if I can conditionally set the Layout, or what.
You could set the layout dynamically in your controller action:
public ActionResult Index()
var viewModel = ...
return View("Index", "_SomeSpecialLayout", viewModel);
You can manually set the layout for a view by writing #{ Layout = "~/.../Something.cshtml"; } on top.
EDIT: You can pass the layout name as a parameter to the View() method in the controller.
This method is the simplest way for beginners to control layout rendering in your ASP.NET MVC application. We can identify the controller and render the layouts as per controller. To do this we write our code in the _ViewStart file in the root directory of the Views folder. The following is an example of how it can be done.
var controller = HttpContext.Current.Request.RequestContext.RouteData.Values["Controller"].ToString();
string cLayout = "~/Views/Shared/_Layout.cshtml";
if (controller == "Webmaster") {
cLayout = "~/Views/Shared/_WebmasterLayout.cshtml";
Layout = cLayout;
