How do I get the value of WMD editor? - editor

I am playing around with using the WMD Editor ( in my site. I have a really simple question. When I am ready to submit the text to the server; how do I get the output of the editor?
Something like this only returns the 'actual text that user typed in the textarea'
var jtext = document.getElementById('myTextarea').value;
I would like to get the 'output' of the editor; but I can't figure out how to do that :(
By output; I mean the 'Markdown' or 'Html' output.

You will need to use javascript to get the contents of the preview div. Based on the demo on the wmd site, the div in question has the class wmd-preview. Not sure why it's not id'd.
In jQuery, you'd use something like:
$('#formname').submit(function() {
return true;

I believe you can simply make a textarea with the id="wmd-output", it should allows you to submit the output code


Using #Html.ActionLink in a replace function in Razor View

I am returning data from my DB with multiple phrases. One of them being the following text : Submitted an Idea
I want to make the "Idea" in any an all text a hyperlink, so I want to use a replace function in my razor view to replace the word "Idea" with my Html Helper:
#item.RewardType.Replace("Idea", #Html.ActionLink("Idea", "ChallengeIdea", "Ideas", new { id = item.fkiIdeaId }, null))
I've looked around a bit but can not really find anything. Someone suggested using #Url.Action - But the issue remains the same.
How do I do this ? Or is using an Html helper the wrong way of doing this ?
Thanks for any help.
You can try this:
#Html.Raw(item.RewardType.Replace("Idea", $"<a href='/ideas/challengeidea/{item.fkiIdeaId}'>Idea</a>"))
#Html.Raw(item.RewardType.Replace("Idea", "Idea"))
Html helpers are there to help you in general situations. When they produce more complications than value, they have no use
<span>Submitted an Idea</span>
If you have RewardType in a resource and can not use plain html, you could set RewardType to "Submitted an Idea" And use string.format

How do I remove HTML tags from within a text area using MVC 3?

I have difficulty getting a value from a text area of the CKEditor
when I save something that has nothing inside the textarea HTML tag. In this case, it puts this text inside:
Is there some way to strip off all these html tags?
I'm using MVC 3, and I've researched something about: Content(Server.HtmlEncode),
but I'm still not 100% if this is the best way to do this kind of treatment.
I found a class listed below that looks like it should solve your problem. Just add it to your solution and you can then call it statically and strip the html.
This kind of assumes that you are wanting to do the stripping of html on the server side.
On a side note not accepting answers like you are doing is hazardous to people willingness to help...I'd recommend that you reward the people that are helping you if you'd like to continue getting help!
Link to Solution
#Html.DisplayTextFor(modelItem => item.content)

How to get markitup editor, using markdown set, to send markdown instead of html

I'm using rails and have a markItUp editor in place, using the Markdown custom set. The only thing I can't figure out is how to get it to submit raw Markdown instead of converted html. I plan on storing both formats, but I haven't found anything capable of parsing html back to markdown. I've customized the markdown set set.js as we didn't want the entire set of formatting options. Here:
myMarkdownSettings = {
previewParserPath: '',
onShiftEnter: {keepDefault:false, openWith:'\n\n'},
markupSet: [
{name:'Bold', key:'B', openWith:'**', closeWith:'**'},
{name:'Italic', key:'I', openWith:'_', closeWith:'_'},
{name:'Bulleted List', openWith:'- ' },
{name:'Link', key:'L', openWith:'[', closeWith:']([![Url:!:http://]!] "[![Title]!]")', placeHolder:'Your text to link here...' }
And here's the onready code for the page where the markitup elements appear:
$.editable.addInputType('markitup', {
element : $.editable.types.textarea.element,
plugin : function(myMarkdownSettings, original) {
$('textarea', this).markItUp(myMarkdownSettings);
$('.editable').editable({type : 'markitup'});
This works, but it submits as html. I was trying to use wmd as there's an option for output which maintains the markdown text as is, but haven't been able to get that to fly. Thanks.
Assuming the textarea contains markdown formatted text, you should be able to grab the contents before form submit with $('.editable').text(), and store it in another hidden field, but you'd have to ensure that you get to the contents before markitup transforms them.
If you really just want to store markdown, you'd be better not to use markitup, and just leave it as simple markdown in a text view, then translate it yourself to html for display with one of the libraries available like rdiscount etc.

Generating a link with Markdown (BlueCloth) that opens in a new window

I'd like to have a link generated with BlueCloth that opens in a new window. All I could find was the ordinary [Google]( syntax but nothing with a new window.
Here is a complete reference for markdown:
And since there is no mention of how to set the target attribute, I would believe it is not directly possible, but the reference also says:
For any markup that is not covered by
Markdown’s syntax, you simply use HTML
itself. There’s no need to preface it
or delimit it to indicate that you’re
switching from Markdown to HTML; you
just use the tags.
So I would suggest you have to use the html syntax for links like this
if you wrap the markdown generated content in a div with a specific id like this:
and you use jQuery, you can add the following javascript:
$('#some_id a').attr('target','_blank');
Or you can save the BlueCloth output in a variable before outputting.
markdown_generated_string.gsub!(/<a\s+/i,'<a target="_blank" ')

how to show contents which include html tag?

I am using FckEditor in Create.aspx page in mvc application.
Since I need to show rich text in web pages, I used ValidateInput(false) attribute top of action method in controller class.
And I used Html.Encode(Model.Message) in Details.aspx to protect user's attack.
But, I had result what I did not want as following :
<p> Hello </p>
I wanted following result not above :
How can I show the text what user input?
Thanks in advance
The short answer is that HTMLEncode is making your markup show like that. If you don't HTMLEncode, it will do what you want.
You need to think about whether or not you need full control of markup, who is entering the markup, and if an alternative like BBCode is an option.
If your users using the editor are all sure to be 'safe' users, then XSS isn't likely to be as much a concern. However, if you are using this on a comment field, then BBCode, or something like SO itself uses is more appropriate.
You wont be able to use a WYSIWYG editor and do HTMLEncode though... (without BBCode, or some other token system)
It seems the user entered "<p> Hello </p>" (due to pressing Enter?) into the edit control, and it is displaying correct in the HTML as you have done an Html.Encode. E.g. the paragrahs are not rendered, they are outputted as "<p>..</p>" as the string is HTML encoded into something like "<p> Hello <p>".
If you do not want tags, I would suggest searching the text string for tags (things with <...>) and removing them from the inputted text. Do this before HTML.Encode.
...or am I missing something?
You can use HttpServerUtility.HtmlEncode(String)
