Return to referring page -

I am using an authentication attribute on some of my actions in an mvc page to refer people to a login screen if they have not authenticated. My problem is returning them to the referring page after they have logged in. I was just keeping track of the referring action and referring controller but that becomes problematic when I also need to keep track of some parameters. Is there some nifty built in trick about which I don't know?

In case you're using FormsAuthentication, when ASP.NET redirects a user to the login page, the URL looks something like this:
The login form's action attribute should have the same ReturnUrl parameter (either as hidden input or as part of Url) so that FormsAuthentication can pick it up and redirect, e.g.
<form action="Login?ReturnUrl=<%=Html.AttributeEncode(Request.QueryString["ReturnUrl"]) %>"></form>
<form><input type="hidden" name="ReturnUrl" id="ReturnUrl" value="<%=Html.AttributeEncode(Request.QueryString["ReturnUrl"])"%> /></form>

What I did to achieve that result might be overdoing it, and I'd like to see some other methods as well. However, here's my code.
Please note it's using Moq to mock a context... And, I haven't done anything with the querystring yet (my routes don't contain any querystrings).
var urlReferrer = Request.UrlReferrer;
if (urlReferrer != null)
var url = "~" + Server.UrlDecode(urlReferrer.PathAndQuery);
// get routecollection
var routeCollection = new RouteCollection();
// mcok context
var context = new Mock<HttpContextBase>();
var request = new Mock<HttpRequestBase>();
context.Expect(ctx => ctx.Request).Returns(request.Object);
// mock request
// TODO: convert querystring to namevaluecollection
// now it's just stripped
if (url.IndexOf('?') > 0)
url = url.Substring(0, url.IndexOf('?'));
var mock = Mock.Get(context.Object.Request);
// TODO: insert namevaluecollection of querystring
mock.Expect(req => req.QueryString).Returns(new NameValueCollection());
mock.Expect(req => req.AppRelativeCurrentExecutionFilePath).Returns(url);
mock.Expect(req => req.PathInfo).Returns(string.Empty);
// get routedata with mocked context
var routeData = routeCollection.GetRouteData(context.Object);
var values = routeData.Values;
return RedirectToAction(routeData.Values["action"].ToString(), values);
As I said, it's maybe a bit overcomplicated :)

You should always ensure that the referring URL is within your domain and a plausible string that they could be coming from. Otherwise this has the potential of being used with flash or other client side technologies to do things like response splitting or other attacks, known and unknown.
The HTTP referer is user input, and it should be validated like any other.


Test URL to MVC Controller method

I have seen some very helpful posts about testing Microsoft's routing. One in particular seems to deal just with WebApi. Though similiar they are not the same. If I have an MVC application how do I see the method that will be invoked for a given URL. It seems to boils down to creating a 'Request' that can be passed to the constructor of HttpControllerContext and obtaining a reference to the 'current' config (like HttpConfiguration) in testing. Ideas?
Thank you.
Testing Incoming URL
If you need to test routes, you need to mock three classes from the MVC Framework: HttpRequestBase, HttpContextBase and HttpResponseBase(only for outgoing URL´s)
private HttpContextBase CreateHttpContext(string targetUrl = null, string httpMethod = "GET")
// create mock request
Mock<HttpRequestBase> mockRequest = new Mock<HttpRequestBase>();
// url you want to test through the property
mockRequest.Setup(m => m.AppRelativeCurrentExecutionFilePath).Returns(targetUrl);
mockRequest.Setup(m => m.HttpMethod).Returns(httpMethod);
// create mock response
Mock<HttpResponseBase> mockResponse = new Mock<HttpResponseBase>();
mockResponse.Setup(m => m.ApplyAppPathModifier(It.IsAny<string>())).Returns<string>(s => s);
// create the mock context, using the request and response
Mock<HttpContextBase> mockContext = new Mock<HttpContextBase>();
mockContext.Setup(m => m.Request).Returns(mockRequest.Object);
mockContext.Setup(m => m.Response).Returns(mockResponse.Object);
// return the mock context object
return mockContext.Object;
then you need an additional helper method that let´s you specify the URL to test and the expected segment variables and an object for additional variables.
private void TestRouteMatch(string url, string controller, string action,
object routeProperties = null, string httpMethod = "GET")
// arrange
RouteCollection routes = new RouteCollection();
// loading the defined routes about the Route-Config
RouteData result = routes.GetRouteData(CreateHttpContext(url, httpMethod));
// assert
// here you can check your properties (controller, action, routeProperties) with the result
You don´t need to define your routes in the test methodes, because they were load directly using the RegisterRoutes method in the RouteConfig class.
The mechanism by wich inbound URL matching works.
GetRouteData(HttpContextBase httpContext)
The framework calls this method for each route table entry, until one of thems returns a non-null value.
You have to call the helper method as example in this way
public void TestIncomingRoutes() {
// check for the URL that is hoped for
TestRouteMatch("~/Home/Index", "Home", "Index");
the method check the URL you expecting as in the example above, call the Index action in the Home controller. You must prefix the URL with tilde (~) this is they way how the ASP.NET Framework presents the URL to the routing system.
In reference to the book Pro ASP.NET MVC 5 by Adam Freeman i can recommand it to every ASP.NET MVC developer!

redirect to an external url on form submit

i have a form which on submit should redirect to an external URL to perform some action with my form data, as well as remain on the home page after successful submission. i used redirection, but this will make my second option possible, but not my first one. Please help..
You have different possibilities here. The first possibility is to set the action attribute of the form directly to the external url and add a returnurl hidden input parameter. When the form is submitted it will POST data to the external url to process and when it finishes processing the external url will use the returnurl parameter to redirect back to your home page.
Another possibility is to call the external url in your POST action using WebClient to send data for processing and return the same view:
public ActionResult Index(SomeViewModel model)
using (var client = new WebClient())
var values = new NameValueCollection
{ "param1", model.Property1 },
{ "param2", model.Property2 },
// send values for processing to the external url
var result = client.UploadValues("", values);
// TODO: analyze result
return View(model);
You need to manually program for this. For example you can pass a returnUrl parameter (e.g. via the query string) to the second page and that page will be in charge of reading this parameter and perform a redirect of its own.

How to validate a path in ASP.NET MVC 2?

I have a custom attribute that checks conditions and redirects the user to parts of the application as is necessary per business requirements. The code below is typical:
public override void OnActionExecuting(ActionExecutingContext filterContext)
// ...
if (condition)
RouteValueDictionary redirectTargetDictionary = new RouteValueDictionary();
redirectTargetDictionary.Add("action", "MyActionName");
redirectTargetDictionary.Add("controller", "MyControllerName");
filterContext.Result = new RedirectToRouteResult(redirectTargetDictionary);
// ...
I was just asked to allow the user to choose a default page that they arrive at upon logging in. Upon adding this feature, I noticed that the user can get some unusual behavior if there is no action/controller corresponding to the user's default page (i.e. if the application were modified). I'm currently using something like the code below but I'm thinking about going to explicit actions/controllers.
else if (condition)
var path = "~/MyControllerName/MyActionName";
filterContext.Result = new RedirectResult(path);
How do I check the validity of the result before I assign it to filterContext.Result? I want to be sure it corresponds to a working part of my application before I redirect - otherwise I won't assign it to filterContext.Result.
I don't have a finished answer, but a start would be to go to the RouteTable, get the collection, call GetRouteData with a custom implementation of HttpContextBase to get the RouteData. When done, if not null, check if the Handler is an MvcRouteHandler.
When you've got so far, check out this answer :)

Is it possible to copy/clone HttpContext of a web request

What's the easiest way to clone current request's HttpContext instance?
I'm developing an app in MVC v1. I upgraded the regular PartialView capabilities to actually have sub-controllers that act very similar, but have their own context. When you use PartialViews you have to fill view data for the partial view in your main view's controller action. I created my own functionality that makes it possible to call controller actions from within a view. This way I get:
I don't have to provide sub-view's data in my main view's controller action
sub controller methods can manipulate data more encapsulated without any relation to other views/controllers
The problem is that each sub-controller request uses HttpContext. So when I set some HttpContext.Item in a sub-controller it actually populates HttpContext of the actual request.
That's why I want to clone HttpContext. I'm already using:
HttpContext subContext = new HttpContext(request, response);
// what happened to Session, User, Items etc. properties?
but this doesn't set anything else than request and response. But I would probably also need other properties and collections... Like Session, Items, User... etc.
While the "Not Possible" answer is correct, there is an alternative that is much cleaner than writing values into the current context and then rewriting back to its original state. The solution is to make a new HttpContext object entirely that is based on the URL of your choosing.
// A new request/response is constructed to using a new URL.
// The new response is using a StreamWriter with null stream as a backing stream
// which doesn't consume resources
using (var nullWriter = new StreamWriter(Stream.Null))
var newRequestUri = new Uri("");
var newRequest = new HttpRequest("", newRequestUri.ToString(), newRequestUri.Query);
var newResponse = new HttpResponse(nullWriter);
var newContext = new HttpContextWrapper(new HttpContext(newRequest, newResponse));
// Work with the new context here before it is disposed...
Not possible
I guess an actual deep cloning is not possible because of server session state. Cloning would also have to clone this value, which is web server specific internal resource that is intrinsically static and can not be cloned. In this case a web server would have multiple Session objects for instance.
Anyway. The workaround was to set additional context values before instantiating sub-controller processing. After processing is finished I reverted values back to original. So I actually had context as it was before.
For ASP.Net Core/.Net 5 the following will work (based on the ASP.Net Core source code for SignalR, if you need more features just add them).
public static HttpContext Clone(this HttpContext httpContext, bool copyBody)
var existingRequestFeature = httpContext.Features.Get<IHttpRequestFeature>();
var requestHeaders = new Dictionary<string, StringValues>(existingRequestFeature.Headers.Count, StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
foreach (var header in existingRequestFeature.Headers)
requestHeaders[header.Key] = header.Value;
var requestFeature = new HttpRequestFeature
Protocol = existingRequestFeature.Protocol,
Method = existingRequestFeature.Method,
Scheme = existingRequestFeature.Scheme,
Path = existingRequestFeature.Path,
PathBase = existingRequestFeature.PathBase,
QueryString = existingRequestFeature.QueryString,
RawTarget = existingRequestFeature.RawTarget,
Headers = new HeaderDictionary(requestHeaders),
// We need to buffer first, otherwise the body won't be copied
// Won't work if the body stream was accessed already without calling EnableBuffering() first or without leaveOpen
httpContext.Request.Body.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
requestFeature.Body = existingRequestFeature.Body;
var features = new FeatureCollection();
// Unless we need the response we can ignore it...
features.Set<IHttpResponseFeature>(new HttpResponseFeature());
features.Set<IHttpResponseBodyFeature>(new StreamResponseBodyFeature(Stream.Null));
var newContext = new DefaultHttpContext(features);
if (copyBody)
// Rewind for any future use...
httpContext.Request.Body.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
// Can happen if the body was not copied
if(httpContext.Request.HasFormContentType && httpContext.Request.Form.Count != newContext.Request.Form.Count)
newContext.Request.Form = new Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.FormCollection(httpContext.Request.Form.ToDictionary(f => f.Key, f => f.Value));
return newContext;
The ASP.NET MVC framework intentionally makes dependencies to abstract classes with all members virtual. That simply says - extensibility.
Controllers depend on HttpContextBase, not HttpContext. Perhaps you can make your sub-controllers depend on HttpContextBase too so you can wrap it.
Just my 2 cents.
I've used
<% Html.RenderAction("Action", "Controller"); %>
to great effect, allowing me to create completely isolated/escapsulated actions without resorting to complex code. This would seem to offer the same functionality without the same complexity.
The rendered views are standard partial views and the controller actions just like any other.

ASP.Net MVC routing legacy URLs passing querystring Ids to controller actions

We're currently running on IIS6, but hoping to move to IIS 7 soon.
We're moving an existing web forms site over to ASP.Net MVC. We have quite a few legacy pages which we need to redirect to the new controllers. I came across this article which looked interesting:
So I guess I could either write my own route handler, or do my redirect in the controller. The latter smells slightly.
However, I'm not quite sure how to handle the query string values from the legacy urls which ideally I need to pass to my controller's Show() method. For example:
Legacy URL:
I want this to map to:
ArtistsController Show action
Actually my Show action takes the artist name, so I do want the user to be redirected from the Legacy URL to /artists/Madonna
depending on the article you mentioned, these are the steps to accomplish this:
1-Your LegacyHandler must extract the routes values from the query string(in this case it is the artist's id)
here is the code to do that:
public class LegacyHandler:MvcHandler
private RequestContext requestContext;
public LegacyHandler(RequestContext requestContext) : base(requestContext)
this.requestContext = requestContext;
protected override void ProcessRequest(HttpContextBase httpContext)
string redirectActionName = ((LegacyRoute) RequestContext.RouteData.Route).RedirectActionName;
var queryString = requestContext.HttpContext.Request.QueryString;
foreach (var key in queryString.AllKeys)
requestContext.RouteData.Values.Add(key, queryString[key]);
VirtualPathData path = RouteTable.Routes.GetVirtualPath(requestContext, redirectActionName,
httpContext.Response.Status = "301 Moved Permanently";
httpContext.Response.AppendHeader("Location", path.VirtualPath);
2- you have to add these two routes to the RouteTable where you have an ArtistController with ViewArtist action that accept an id parameter of int type
routes.Add("Legacy", new LegacyRoute("Artists/ViewArtist.aspx", "Artist", new LegacyRouteHandler()));
routes.MapRoute("Artist", "Artist/ViewArtist/{id}", new
controller = "Artist",
action = "ViewArtist",
Now you can navigate to a url like : /Artists/ViewArtist.aspx?id=123
and you will be redirected to : /Artist/ViewArtist/123
I was struggling a bit with this until I got my head around it. It was a lot easier to do this in a Controller like Perhentian did then directly in the route config, at least in my situation since our new URLs don't have id in them. The reason is that in the Controller I had access to all my repositories and domain objects. To help others this is what I did:
"product_list.aspx", // Matches legacy product_list.aspx
new { controller = "Products", action = "Legacy" }
public ActionResult Legacy(int catid)
MenuItem menuItem = menu.GetMenuItem(catid);
return RedirectPermanent(menuItem.Path);
menu is an object where I've stored information related to menu entries, like the Path which is the URL for the menu entry.
This redirects from for instance
Note that RedirectPermanent is MVC3+. If you're using an older version you need to create the 301 manually.
