How do I unit test a custom ant task? - ant

I am writing a custom ant task that extends Task. I am using the log() method in the task. What I want to do is use a unit test while deveoping the task, but I don't know how to set up a context for the task to run in to initialise the task as if it were running in ant.
This is the custom Task:
public class CopyAndSetPropertiesForFiles extends Task {
public void execute() throws BuildException {
log("CopyAndSetPropertiesForFiles begin execute()");
log("CopyAndSetPropertiesForFiles end execute()");
This is the unit test code:
CopyAndSetPropertiesForFiles task = new CopyAndSetPropertiesForFiles();
When the code is run as a test it gives a NullPointerException when it calls log.
Does anybody know a way to provide a context or stubs or something similar to the task?
Accepted answer from Abarax. I was able to call task.setProject(new Project());
The code now executes OK (except no logging appears in th console - at least I can exercise the code :-) ).

Or better yet, decouple the task object itself from the logic (lets call it TaskImpl) inside the task - so that you can pass in your own dependencies (e.g., the logger). Then, instead of testing the task object, you test TaskImpl -> which you can pass in the logger, and any other weird bits and pieces it might need to do its job. Then unit testing is a matter of mocking the dependencies.

Looking at the Ant source code these are the two relevent classes: ProjectComponent and Task
You are calling the log method from Task:
public void log(String msg) {
log(msg, Project.MSG_INFO);
Which calls:
public void log(String msg, int msgLevel) {
if (getProject() != null) {
getProject().log(this, msg, msgLevel);
} else {
super.log(msg, msgLevel);
Since you do not have project set it will call "super.log(msg, msgLevel)"
public void log(String msg, int msgLevel) {
if (getProject() != null) {
getProject().log(msg, msgLevel);
} else {
// 'reasonable' default, if the component is used without
// a Project ( for example as a standalone Bean ).
// Most ant components can be used this way.
if (msgLevel <= Project.MSG_INFO) {
It looks like this may be your problem. Your task needs a project context.

Ant has a handy class called BuildFileTest that extends the JUnit TestCase class. You can use it to test the behaviour of individual targets in a build file. Using this would take care of all the annoying context.
There's a Test The Task chapter in the Apache Ant Writing Tasks Tutorial that describes this.


How to Ignore specflow test using programing

I want to execute specflow scenario based on some condition and skip test if condition is not met programmatically.
I have created one test which gets executed for different countries, but I want to execute test only for one country not all.
I tried scenariocontext.current.pending(); In this case steps are getting skipped but in Jenkins, test result is shown as failed.
Since SpecFlow 3.1 you can do it with the UnitTestRuntimeProvider.
public sealed class StepDefinitions
private readonly IUnitTestRuntimeProvider _unitTestRuntimeProvider;
public CalculatorStepDefinitions(IUnitTestRuntimeProvider unitTestRuntimeProvider)
_unitTestRuntimeProvider = unitTestRuntimeProvider;
[When("your binding")]
public void YourBindingMethod()
_unitTestRuntimeProvider.TestIgnore("This scenario is always skipped");
Ignoring is like skipping the scenario. Be careful, as it behaves a little bit different for the different unit test runners (xUnit, NUnit, MSTest, SpecFlow+ Runner).
Also, this works only in step definitions. It is not possible to use it in hooks.

Check scenario completion status in specflow in after scenario run in parallel

I have seen facets of this question asked elsewhere but there was no solid answer, so I ideally want to have a couple of [AfterScenario] bindings run and do some logic based upon the completion state, i.e did it pass/fail, and how did it fail etc.
I know there is a ScenarioContext.Current.TestError and some other related classes, but I cannot find docs that indicate if this can be used when tests are run in parallel, so is the above ScenarioContext ok to be used in this context or is there some other way to do it?
You can't use ScenarioContext.Current in parallel execution, but you can get the current ScenarioContext via Context Injection (see
So this works in parallel execution:
public class ScenarioStatusBinding
private readonly ScenarioContext _scenarioContext;
public ScenarioStatusBinding(ScenarioContext scenarioContext)
_scenarioContext = scenarioContext;
public void CheckStatusOfScenario()

Groovy method interception

In my Grails app I've installed the Quartz plugin. I want to intercept calls to every Quartz job class' execute method in order to do something before the execute method is invoked (similar to AOP before advice).
Currently, I'm trying to do this interception from the doWithDynamicMethods closure of another plugin as shown below:
def doWithDynamicMethods = { ctx ->
// get all the job classes
application.getArtefacts("Job").each { klass ->
MetaClass jobMetaClass = klass.clazz.metaClass
// intercept the methods of the job classes
jobMetaClass.invokeMethod = { String name, Object args ->
// do something before invoking the called method
if (name == "execute") {
println "this should happen before execute()"
// now call the method that was originally invoked
def validMethod = jobMetaClass.getMetaMethod(name, args)
if (validMethod != null) {
validMethod.invoke(delegate, args)
} else {
jobMetaClass.invokeMissingMethod(delegate, name, args)
So, given a job such as
class TestJob {
static triggers = {
simple repeatInterval: 5000l // execute job once in 5 seconds
def execute() {
"execute called"
It should print:
this should happen before execute()
execute called
But my attempt at method interception seems to have no effect and instead it just prints:
execute called
Perhaps the cause of the problem is this Groovy bug? Even though the Job classes don't explicitly implement the org.quartz.Job interface, I suspect that implicitly (due to some Groovy voodoo), they are instances of this interface.
If indeed this bug is the cause of my problem, is there another way that I can do "before method interception"?
Because all the job classes are Spring beans you can solve this problem using Spring AOP. Define an aspect such as the following (adjust the pointcut definition so that it matches only your job classes, I've assumed they are all in a package named org.example.job and have a class name that ends with Job).
class JobExecutionAspect {
#Pointcut("execution(public * org.example.job.*Job.execute(..))")
public void executeMethods() {}
def interceptJobExecuteMethod(ProceedingJoinPoint jp) {
// do your stuff that should happen before execute() here, if you need access
// to the job object call jp.getTarget()
// now call the job's execute() method
You'll need to register this aspect as a Spring bean (it doesn't matter what name you give the bean).
You can have your customized JobListener registered in the application to handle logics before execute() is triggered. You can use something like:-
public class MyJobListener implements JobListener {
public void jobToBeExecuted(JobExecutionContext context) {
println "Before calling Execute"
public void jobWasExecuted(JobExecutionContext context,
JobExecutionException jobException) {}
public void jobExecutionVetoed(JobExecutionContext context) {}
Register the customized Job Listener to Quartz Scheduler in Bootstrap:-
Scheduler scheduler = ctx.getBean("quartzScheduler") //ctx being application context
scheduler.getListenerManager().addJobListener(myJobListener, allJobs())
beans = {
One benefit I see here using this approach is that we don't need the second plugin used for method interception any more.
Second, we can register the listener to listen all jobs, specific jobs, and jobs in a group. Refer Customize Quartz JobListener and API for JobListener, TriggerListener, ScheduleListener for more insight.
Obviously, AOP is another approach if we do want want to use Quartz API.
You are not getting the job classes like that. If you refer to the Quartz plugin, you can get them by calling jobClasses:
application.jobClasses.each {GrailsJobClass tc -> ... }
If you actually look, you can see that they are almost doing what you are trying to acheive without the need to use aop or anything else.
For method interception implement invokeMethod on the metaclass. In my case the class was not of third party so I can modify the implementation.
Follow this blog for more information.

Grails integration test setUp and junit annotation

I have some executeQuery in the code for complex group by/having clause so I need an integration test case to test it. Grails 2.1.1 was used.
However, I found several issues:
1. the setUp method is not called automatically before the test.
2. So I add #Before annotation to the setUp method and it can be called now. But the executeQuery statement can't be used now.
java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: String-based queries like [executeQuery] are currently not supported in this implementation of GORM. Use criteria instead.
It seems I can't use any annotation in the integration test. Otherwise it becomes a unit test case? If I don't use any annotation, the test passed.
Here is the code example.
class JustTests extends GroovyTestCase {
void setUp() {
log.warn "setup"
void tearDown() {
log.warn "cleanup"
void "test something"() {
// Here is the code to invoke a method with executeQuery

Changing autoGenerating Grails Test Scaffold to Spock Test

Hi i m trying to change the auto-generated testCases in grails
class KLAKSpec {
void setUp() {
// Setup logic here
void tearDown() {
// Tear down logic here
void testSomething() {
fail "Implement me"
to Spock Type test format which is something like this
class extends #artifact.superclass# {
def "feature method"() {
Althought i have added a _Events.groovy script under the scipt folder and added a Spec.groovy file in artifacts folder which changes the name when i auto generate the list.
Can any one please let me knw how i can change to spec format.
I wrote a blog post on this some time ago: Auto-generate Spock specs for Grails artifacts. The post was written pre-Grails 2 so it's still using the old superclasses rather than #TestFor but it should be easy enough to adapt. We still use this technique on our project where we're still on Grails 1.3.7. It's a bit of a blunt instrument as Grails doesn't expose a unique event for test generation but it works fine.
