Upgrading from MVC Preview 3 to Beta/RC - asp.net-mvc

We have a web app that is using MVC Preview 3. I'm new to the project and relatively new to ASP.NET MVC itself - soon we will be looking to upgrade to either the Beta or RC version.
Are there any major difference between preview 3 and Beta version that would require extensive refactoring?
Any "gotchas"?
From my understanding the RC will be very close to the current Beta... does anyone have a view on this?
Any advice apprecited really.... thanks.

There were quite a few changes between preview 3 to the beta. IIRC the most pain came between preview 3 - preview 4.
One of the biggest gotchas is some of the functionality in the main dlls got placed into a separate dll because they were not going to be fully supported for the first release.
I suggest you brew a large pot of coffee and go and read everything Phil Haack and Scott Gu wrote around that time.

ASP NET MVC - Beta Release Notes has all the details regarding the changes. It is available at the mvc download page.


Is there an official page for ASP.NET MVC Futures?

I am planning to integrate Mvc.Futures in my project, but am unable to find any official documentation for this library.
Official project page on nuget.org points to old asp.net project page on codeplex and even there is not so clear where information about Futures can be found.
I might be missing something, but would appreciate if anyone can give me pointers to the right place.
This is follow up on my own question:
I haven't found anything else related to Mvc.Futures after i posted this question, so i ended up using T4MVC which seem to get more love from MSFT than the Futures itself (lead developer of this template is MSFT employee David Ebbo).
We are using it quite successfully so far (more than 8 months) and i am pleased with the results.
For better integration with Visual Studio i am using AutoT4MVC extensions which runs the T4 templates on each change in the sections of the MVC app that require rebuild (such as Controllers, Content*, Views etc..)
To sum up - i would suggest that you stay out of Mvc.Futures for now and use T4MVC instead.

Upgrading ASP.NET MVC1 project to ASP.NET MVC4

I need to upgrade an application that runs on ASP.NET MVC 1 to ASP.NET MVC 4.
The new application still uses the Webforms Viewengine. It uses StructureMap for Dependency Injection.
If possible I would like to upgrade manually.
For upgrading from ASP.NET 1 to ASP.NET 2 I found the white paper
The steps described in the document seem to be of little risk:
Fiddle with web.csproj
Replace Version= in web.config by Version=
Reference System.Web.Mvc (v2.0.0.0) in the project
chnange bindingRedirect in web.config
update css and js files
What about upgrading to MVC 4: Will there be different steps involved?
You would follow a similar set of steps to upgrade to MVC 4. Microsoft has a whitepaper that outlines the steps required to manually upgrade a project from MVC 3 to MVC 4.
I have upgraded from 3 to 4 following these steps and it was a pretty simple and smooth process. Going from 1 to 4 is a bigger jump of course, so to minimize headaches you might want to individually upgrade 1->2, 2->3, 3->4: if you run into any breaking code changes it will be easier to identify how to resolve them. But fundamentally, all you're really doing is changing project GUIDs and referencing newer DLLs and such. It's not brain surgery.
To answer Ashok's question, MVC 4 is certainly deployable if you wish to use it today - my public blog is running it (on my own server). Use preview software at your own risk, of course.
My understanding is that MVC 4 is still in developer preview so a lot of features may and likely will change when the RC version is release. Since it is in dev preview is it even deployable as a live site?

Umbraco CMS 5.0 CTP 1 installation skip some steps and does not populate DB

I tried posting this to the ServerFault forum, but maybe StackOverflow is the right place.
I wish to try Umbraco CMS 5.0 CTP 1 since it has a good reputation.
Since im into ASP MVC 3, I thought I would try to install the preview of V5. I know this might be buggy, but I did expect that I could install it properly, but that was not correct.
Please see the whole post here:
RTM is now out http://umbraco.codeplex.com/releases/view/81440

Should MVC 2 - Preview release be easily upgraded to Beta when it's released?

Should I just be able to install the beta on top of this without problems when it is released ?
Not sure how it is treated within the visual studio environment. I'm thinking with it being a type of project in VS it should be ok.
Can anyone clarify?
MVC 2 is looking to be rather good from what I heard from Scott Gu # the Manchester conference, can't wait for the final release :)
There is always a chance of a breaking change when using preview and beta software. If you want to use MVC 2 Preview, you need to accept the fact that there might be some work in your future to make your project compatable with the Beta, RC, and then Final releases. It won't necessarily break, but the earlier in the release schedule (such as a preview instead of a beta) the greater the chances are you'll have to make changes to your code as they move forward.
When MVC 1.0 previews were released, there were breaking changes between the releases. If you try to keep up with each preview, you should be able to resolve any problems rather quickly - and you could provide great feedback, too!

Where are the latest ASP.NET MVC bits?

Are the latest bits for MVC the Preview 5 release? I've been out of the loop for a while and just wanted to make sure I had the latest and greatest.
Here is the download like: Microsoft ASP.NET MVC Beta
The main site is www.asp.net/mvc
Source code is here: www.codeplex.com/aspnet
You may want to hold off before you do a new install as the Release Candidate is shipping soon (whatever that means). Watch some videos, read some articles ...
Or go get the beta and dive in...
