How do you go about validating check boxes in ASP.NET MVC? -

I am wondering what methods people are using for validating check boxes in ASP.NET MVC (both client and server side).
I am using JQuery currently for client side validation but I am curious what methods people are using, ideally with the least amount of fuss (I am looking for a new solution).
I should mention that I am currently using MVC Preview 4, and while I could upgrade to MVC Preview 5 if there is no elegant solution in MVC Preview 4, I would prefer not to at this stage just for compatibility purposes with other developers and existing solutions.
Note, I have seen these related posts:
Validating posted form data in the
ASP.NET MVC framework
What’s the best way to implement field validation using ASP.NET MVC? JQuery Validation

If you go on to the validation website and download the whole package that included the demo files, you can find the one with example of validating check boxes and radio buttons.
The link is here:

I assume you simply check whether or not the name of the checkbox was posted to the server or not. Not being an ASP coder myself, I can't help, though this is how it would be done in PHP (of course, depending on how you map validations).
<?php echo isset($_POST['checkbox_name']) ? 'checked' : 'not checked'; ?>


using ASP.NET MVC and EXT JS together

I'd like to use for my next project Ext js and ASP.NET MVC.
I'm wondering what would be the best way of using this two framework together. So far I did some project using ASP.NET MVC, where every action method returned a view and reloaded the page. The Ext js mvc application uses a single page approach.
As I'm pretty new to ext js so I'm wondering if someone could share some experiences of building real world application using this two frameworks.
You can use extjs as you think is better for you. You can use its components as simple widgets or create a full javascript (extjs) client. However, which are the real requirements? a single page client or a traditional client?
In our current project we started using ASP.Net MVC Framework with extjs widgets, it was ok for a while but the customer wanted more and more sophisticated UI and a better user experince (among other thing) then, we changed the app, we left MVC models and controllers (views were removed) and we created a full javascript client with extjs 4.1.
After that we realized we were using an ASP M_C framework (with no views) and that was a nonsense so, we took the ASP MVC project away and replaced it by a WCF Rest service (it also could be done with an ASP.Net Web Api).
We feel proud of our decision and the resulting design. If you can, if you know extjs (learning it is rather hard) and javascript and, if you have support to your decision then, keep your application splitted in two:
a server-side service/api and,
a full javascript application.
Good luck!
I'm not sure I'd agree with the answer by #lontivero, I'm currently working on a project using ASP.NET MVC as the backend and ExtJS as the front.
You do, as pointed out, loose the V from the ASP.NET MVC stack and you end up needing to duplicate you C# view models in you ExtJS Models on the client side but I've found using MVC as a backend (effectively as a rest based collection of Json end points) absolutely fine.
You can utilise the model binding, model validation in MVC whilst leveraging the full client side js app in Ext.
I'm curious as to the points you didn't get on with using this structure (I'm not saying it's perfect, but it does seem to work)
We used Ext.NET (versions 0.x-1.x) in our previous projects. Even after a comprehensive effort to upgrade our projects to the (now current) version, we had to drop Ext.Net 2.x out.
If it fits you, it can help.
The main problems with Ext.Net were (several) incompatibilities with ASP.NET and a lack of trust. They used to keep their schedule, it's far from it for last 2 years or so. And they are behind ExtJS.

jQuery validation plugin with MVC

We've been working with ASP.Net MVC2 based web app. We're using DataAnnotations for model validation and we've also implemented some of our own validation attributes. All is working good and the user gets the error summary (if any) after postback. Now, we plan to migrate to MVC3 in near future but meanwhile, we want to make the most out of jQuery & AJAX based validations.
Note that we've not been using any MS libraries for AJAX or validation available with MVC prjects. Our approach is to keep things as simple & clean as possible so we've been using pure jQuery based plugins. We want to enable client-side validation & remote validation using jQuery for which I believe jquery-plugin-validation is one of the best alternatives. It also supports remote validations.
APPROACH #1: Here it is mentioned that using "MicrosoftMvcJQueryValidation.js"will automate these validations - any comments?
APPROACH #: Here's another approach which seems to provide even more automation using jQuery DataAnnotations - any comments?
If I'm on the right track kindly based on your experience let me know which approach is better.
Further, is it true that this approach will help us migrate the validations easily as we migrate to MVC3.
Any better suggestions are welcome. Thank you.
PS: In any case we'll persist the model level validations.
In MVC3 you are able to rely solely on the jquery.validate.js library for validation (which is included by default), you do not need any ms specific libraries anymore (like MicrosoftMvcJQueryValidation.js or others, you CAN use them however).
Here is a simple blog post explaining how to use it, even going a step further and doing it unobtrusive:
On a second note:
The ASP.NET MVC 4 Beta was released a couple of days ago with a "go live" license, if you have not started to migrate I would recommend you to consider using MVC4 instead. It runs side by side with MVC 3, so you wont break anything by installing.
You can find the release notes here:
And download it here:
I strongly suggest that you wait until you migrate to a newer version. Anything you write in regards to validation will have to be rewritten for MVC3/4, so why waste the effort? I'd suggest that you invest your effort into upgrading and utilize the unobtrusive validation in MVC3 (or 4 as ntziolis suggests).

Porting ASP.NET (Telerik) multi-column combobox to MVC.

I need to port the functionality of this one and only one AJAX control to MVC, but given the poor selection of MVC controls out there, I think I need to bring this legacy control into the MVC world...
I'd rather not taint my MVC project with ASP.NET controls, and welcome json/MVC alternatives you know of. (post them if you know of any)
Sample UI that I need in ASP.NET MVC
Back to porting
Although it's unfortunate that I am left to porting this control to MVC, it seems to be a widely accepted practice since Telerik has detailed instructions on how do this.
That makes me ask:
How common is it for a MVC website to use ASP.NET controls?
Again I'll mention I don't want to do this so I welcome MVC-specific alternatives. That being said, I'll proceed with trying to merge that control with my existing site. </End Disclaimer>
If you click on this hyperlink, and look at the source code at the bottom, can you tell me where I should put the following in MVC?
Code behind (My first instinct is to use a Controller but another SO question indicates I should create a create a ViewName.aspx.cs file)
How do I port the SQLDataSource to the new "Model" way of thinking. I know they are different in nature but I don't know how to present data to a ASP.NET control in a way that it will consume the information.
How do I handle the AJAX component? This control has an AJAX component using callbacks. Yes this is getting ugly, but it seems like I have to do this.
Apparently this model saves data in session or view-state. I have no idea if this even work in MVC. Guidance, an alternate control, or a life preserver is much appreciated.
I've already done research and have instructions from Telerik here and here that describes how to get started with placing a simple menu, but I need a little assistance with the more complex controls like this one.
Note: For all the commentary that has hit this question, please remember that I only want this one ASP.NET control functionality; I can't find a comparable control in MVC.
porting from webforms to MVC is a paradigm shift.
Directly porting does not work.
The Model is where you typically describe your data and do the data access
the View is for displaying the data
The controller plums the other two together
So SQLDataSource is your data access layer and would therefore go to your model
the problem with the thought pattern of SQLDataSource == Model then you get away from the point of decoupling your presentation from data access
You have to think of MVC development as a new build
I would pick a book or video series from your preferred source and learn starting with MVC3 (it has some differences that simplify build speed and reinforce the difference between webforms and mvc)
Hope this helps.
This article explains how to run web forms and mvc together
This is by telerik and explains the limitiation of the grid and what is need to get it to run.
Add an IFrame in your MVC view that just shows the WebForms page (or just use that control on a single WebForms page).
There is nothing that says you can't have a site with both WebForms and MVC pages. You can route a single URL to a WebForm just for this control.
Why not just use the telerik MVC controls? They work quite well. Either get them via a NuGet package or visit this link
I would rather use ViewModel instead of code behind
You don't have to throw away SqlDataSource you can use result set and buld from it your model, problem may be column names in result set... tricky but can be done
Since there is no components in MVC except helpers youll need help of jQuery probably, it easy
url : "/controller/action",
data: { /*json or serialized form */ },
successs: function(data){
//if you got response as html from /controller/action
Session is available in MVC but viewstate not, you can use HttpContenxt.Cache or TempData if you need something like viewstate. USe TempData to keep data between redirections, or httpcontext.cache to cache your data further more.
I can't find similar functionality in an MVC control
MVC doesn't really have a concept of controls in the same way that ASP.Net does - there are only really the plain old HTML controls (i.e. hidden input, text input, checkbox, radiobuttons, select box, text area, password and buttons).
When you need something more complicated than the plain HTML Controls you need to use some JavaScript to achieve this.
I'm not sure that you will be able to 'port' the control into MVC - you will most likely have to try and re-create it your self using an MVC controller and a partial view with a fair bit of a javascript to create the control.
Have a look at the JQuery UI Autosomplete plugin - you could probably use this to acheive something similar

form tag - is it required on ajax sites?

i recently was working on an ASP.NET MVC site that basically serves static html and uses ajax gets to return data to the page when inputs are changed. there is actually no posting or getting from an html input tag on the pages at all. (it is a specific style of site that is not used by the general public, so having compatibility problems for people without javascript is not an issue)
after designing the site, i realised that i hadn't even included any form tags. as the site does not use any direct posts or gets, and apart from it being just good html design, i wondered, in my particular situation, if there was any point to having any form tags on the page?
As ASP.NET MVC tries to differ from Web Forms, to introduce a new approach in designing web applications. They do not require forms. In fact i think it's better not to be used for navigation, submitting data, etc. Otherwise, there is no use of the MVC pattern if you still do it "the good old ASP.NET" way.
Of course ... I'm sure there are good reason forms to be used in proper places, but not as a general concept in your design.
You can read here: how MVC was introduced in the beginning. "ASP.NET MVC - Building Web Apps without Web Forms" by Chris Tavares
Retaining a form is useful if you need your application to degrade gracefully if JavaScript is disabled or the likes. Also, jQuery and Prototype have nice Ajax helpers for serializing inputs using a form, which is really nice when you have multiple sets of data that could be submitted to different ajax endpoints from one page.
So I guess the answer to my question is no.

Form input validation options in ASP.NET MVC 1.0+

A number of questions have been asked on this topic before, but since ASP.NET MVC is moving quite fast I wanted to re-ask the question:
What would you recommend for providing form input validation in ASP.NET MVC?
Server-side checking
Client-side (JavaScript) checking
Should cover the basics such as mandatory fields, numeric range validation, regex validation
(So basically all (or most) of the stuff that the ASP.NET WebForms validation controls do)
Current options seem to be:
Validator Toolkit on CodePlex
Jumping to ASP.NET MVC 2 Preview 1 (Our application is for internal use and go-live is in 6 months, so we might be comfortable using the preview)
xVal should be good choice in your case.
I would use DataAnnotations, is going to be a part of MVC but can be compiled and used in 1.0.
FluentValidation also has an MVC component, however it doesn't do the client side of things. Ideally this could be integrated with xVal.
