Source code search with Google Desktop - search-engine

Is there a indexing plugin for GDS that allows for source code search? I see some for specific types (Java, C++, ...) and one for "any text". These are nice, but I would like one that allows for many/configurable extensions (HTML, CSS, JS, VB, C#, Java, Python, ...). A huge bonus would be to allow for syntax highlighting ( in the cache.

I just found Dropout and it seems to work great. Put Dropout in any folder and it will index all files in that folder. I put it in my Projects folder and it crawled all my code. Very fast and flexible search. Dropout

You could use OpenGrok or some other code-specific search engine instead.
I wrote a quick review of some of them some time ago.

It has been a long time, but the last time I tried to use Google Desktop Search for searching code, I found it quite inappropriate for that task, as I outlined at [], the gist of which is that GDS (silently) only indexed a tiny fraction of many source code files (and made it quite a challenge to figure out why searching so often failed to find so much of what was in source code files).
I found Copernic Desktop Search worked better on code files (but I also had trouble with later versions of it being buggy in not finding all matches so I've been staying with version 2.1.1). But these days I don't use it much (mostly because I don't have permission to install such things on the laptop provided by my new employer).

You can try out Larry's Any Text File Indexer. You can specify a list of extensions at install time and it will do full text search on those file types.

Im just giving this a go:
..also you can search for things in your Java tree using the following syntax in Google Desktop:
<YOUR SEARCH> filetype:java under:"C:\hft\trunk"
..where I keep my code in "C:\hft\trunk"

This is not a Google Desktop plugin, but works for what we need.
We have started using and it seems to work and is very fast. I wish it supported multiple repositories per site. We have a repository per project, so currently I have to create a virtual directory for each project we have. Not a show stopper, just something we need to automate in our project setup script.


Analog of r-here or py-here for Julia

One of the very useful tools for reproducible work in R is the "here" library.
I was hooked by the part in the first link where they said this:
The "here" library is encoded in Anaconda as "r-here"
I'm not sure which came first, but Python has a "here" library as well.
"Here" makes relative paths a trivial matter, which is really useful for reproducible data-science and analysis work.
What is the Julia equivalent for clean handling of relative paths for files?
Is there a clean way to integrate that with project packaging, like RStudio does?
Based on the description, it sounds like DrWatson.jl does what you're looking for. From the website:
[DrWatson] is a Julia package created to help people increase the consistency of their scientific projects, navigate them and share them faster and easier, manage scripts, existing simulations as well as project source code. DrWatson helps establishing reproducibility, and in general it makes managing a scientific project a simple job.
Like the description implies, it's more ambitious than here seems to be, having functionality to also manage data, simulation runs, etc. But they're optional, and you can use only the directory handling part if you need.
The Navigating a Project describes the projectdir function which works similar to here. projectdir("foo", "bar") resolves to foo/bar under the current project's root directory, just like with here.
There's also datadir(), srcdir(), and others to directly handle common subdirectories under a project for eg. datadir("foo", "test.jld2") resolves to data/foo/test.jld2 under the project's root directory.
It doesn't exist, as far as I'm aware (Here.jl doesn't return any Google hits), but it seems like it would a simple enough for someone to implement. Maybe you!

Problems with Dart/Polymer build output files / everything compiled/pasted into index.html

I'm probably missing something very basic here, but I've spent quite a while searching for just about any term I could come up with.
I wanted to check out Dart and Dart.Polymer, so I grabbed some examples from various tutorials. I managed to get everything working, but it seems ALL HTML/JS/CSS content from custom Polymer elements and paper-/iron-/... elements get pasted to index.html, along with various other JavaScript stuff.
This leads to my index.html being 16.000+ lines long in release mode builds, (20.000 in debug) in this Dart Academy Tutorial, and here is the corresponding source in GitHub
The tutorial also links to a live version that has pretty HTML/imports.
The same happens with the basic Polymer sample project in Webstorm.
My different setups:
Windows 10 and Ubuntu 14.04 (tried both)
Dart SDK current stable and dev version
pub build --mode:release and debug, from commandline and within Webstorm
various transformers, various orders, various dependency versions in pubspec.yaml
Aside from the index.html file my output folder seems fine, elements are present in e.g. output_folder/build/web/packages/polymer_elements/.
I know that everything that is compiled into the index is necessary, but why does it not generate links to the files in the created build/polymer_elements folder? I assume it is possible and the live versions of the examples I found have not been edited manually to link to all elements and scripts and cut them from index.html. I know it probably does not even affect load times in a significant way, but it still bugs me.
Thanks for any help in advance, don't be shy to point out if I read over something very basic or just did not search for the right term :D
This is a deployment optimization, similar to the vulcanize tool for polymer js, except that its the default in Dart. Html imports create tons of extra requests which is slower than just downloading the one large file.
Inlining transformed code (JS/CSS) is normal behavior and none of the options to dart2js will affect this.
I believe the demo output linked in the tutorial you mentioned was unfortunately not the actual dart output. I believe is a demo of the original polymer version, not the dart version.

Java: How to open a library?

I want to open libraries, because currently I want to see the algorithms used for drawing, modify them and implement them in my program. For example: I have tried to create an algorithm on my own for lines. But I failed. And even if I had succeeded, I fear that it might not give the same result as the algorithm in the libraries. And I don't want this to happen. That's why I want to copy the algorithms used for the methods in libraries. And I really hope that this will help me create the application I'm currently working on and with other applications in the future.
I tried to open the libraries with a code editor. But I had troubles finding the libraries- I don't really know where are they placed nor in what files are their codes stored.
How to open a Java library? Or is there a place in the Internet where the code is uploaded?
It sounds like what you want is to get inside the standard Java libraries (so you can see the code for methods like Graphics.drawLine()).
You can download the source files from the same place you got the JDK, if you are on Windows or Linux. For the Mac, see this question. You can even set up Eclipse so that you can debug into that source as if it were your own code.
However, you will probably not find line-drawing code in Java in these libraries - the Graphics implementation will almost certainly use native methods, and may just call existing methods in the OS.
If you are specifically looking for line drawing algorithms, another option would be to look at the Wikipedia page for the Bresenham (aliased) or Wu (antialiased) algorithm.
The part of a Graphics2D call that actually puts pixels on the screen is probably inside a system call and therefore the source would not be available.
A java vector graphics library like Batik might have source for some of these algorithms, but probably relies on the Graphics2D calls for most of them. So, you might look for a comprehensive vector graphics library written in a language other than Java, where those graphics calls do not already exist by default.
Alternately, checking the table of contents for a computer graphics book might point you at a variety of algorithms that you could look up on Wikipedia.
For any given library:
Make sure to obey all licenses when using another's code
If you are referring to the Java SDK source code, you can find it here:
If the project is open source, you can usually just get the source from the project website. No problem, though make sure to obey their license.
If the project is NOT open source, well, then you're in a pickle licensing wise, so I do NOT endorse this, however, you would need to use a Java Decompiler such as JD-Gui
As far as what drawing algorithms to use, there are so many different ones (obviously, people have been trying to draw quickly for many many years), your best bet is to figure out exactly what you need to do and then search for that specific need separately. There isn't really a good repository of ALL of them, except maybe wikipedia.
If you are using the libraries they are on your classpath. Check out how to figure out your classpath in whichever IDE you are using and you can find the JARs you depend on. If they are packaged with sources all you need to do it unjar them and look at the sources.
If you don't have access to the sources you can get the code using a Java Decompiler.
If you are trying to look at a standard Java library, see the other answers about getting the source to the JDK.
If you are interested in an open source library (such as something maintained by the Apache project), look on the site of the project for a 'source jar' which you can open with a standard zip utility.
If the library you want is not open source or you cannot find the source for it, you can try to decompile it. If you are using Eclipse, try this decompiler.

Markdown parser for markItUp editor or stable WMD-showdown release

A bit of a long-winded question(s)...
Is anyone aware of a markdown parser for markItUp editor? I tried showdown.js but it appears there is no way to integrate it with markItUp. This is despite makrItUp having a configuration API that allows you to specify a custom parser path and variable using previewParserVar and previewParserPath arguments.
In reality I prefer using WMD Editor, but when I tried using the SO version on gitHub I found it to be very buggy. There are so many forks but I'm unable to find a stable one.
I eventually found this fork, jquery-markedit, which is really cool, but when the form is posted, unlike the original wmd-fork, the form does not post the parsed text. The textarea data is posted as plain text. The text is parsed fine for preview, but it seems odd that it's not parsed for submission.
So I decided to resort to markItUp which has a markdown set but does not have a parser.
The version of WMD that SO currently uses is different from that on gitHub wmd-fork - is anyone aware of the current version SO is using and if it is available as open source?
Yes I'm aware of markitup!. I recently (today) tested markitup! and WMD. What strikes me is markitup! seems to have no undo functionality. And the header (h1 - h6) functionality in markitup! requires 6 buttons, but only 1 button in WMD.
Among all WMD repos, I've downloaded and tested these 2 repos, and I think they seem promising (I've tested them only 30 seconds each so I might be very incorrect).
umamo, which (says its commit messages) adds LaTeX math.
klipstein, which fixes buggs and makes | separators visible.
Both are based on the Open Library repo, which I need because it makes it possible to have many editors open at once. However, that fork did lots of refactoring; I don't know if that'll make it messy to merge changes from other branches.
I have no idea which repo Stack Overflow uses.
By the way, here is an interesting showdown.js repo (showdown is the JavaScript implementation of Markdown used by WMD), which implements support for RTL languages (according to its readme file). I'm considering including those changes in yet another WMD repo :-)
Hope this helps,

How can I build PDF LaTeX documents with ANT (or some other build system if you prefer)?

The team I work for manages a large collection of technical documentation which is written in LaTeX.
Currently all the documentation we have is manually built by the editors and then checked into a version control system. Sometimes people forget to compile their documents so we have a situation where the PDF and .tex files are often out of step. Unfortunately when this happens our users find themselves reading old versions of our document.
I've managed to hack a simple script to build PDFs using Make - it's rather clumsy.
I was wondering if there was a better way to do it? Most people in our department use Eclipse + Pydev for a Python project which means we are all very familiar with this IDE. I know that Ant plays nicely with Eclipse, so might we be able to use this tool for our doc building?
So what's the best way of doing this? I hope I will not have to learn everything there is to know about a new build-system in order to automate the building of some quite simple docs.
There is an external Ant task for LaTeX PDF generation, though the site is in German.
To use it, download the jar to a location on your machine, then define a taskdef as follows:
<taskdef name="latex" classname="de.dokutransdata.antlatex.LaTeX"
Then to use it, define a target like this:
<target name="doLaTeX">
Where ltx2.file is the file to process.
This is a link to the howto page listing the parameters. If you need any more options, my German is just about passable enough to explain, maybe.
There is also a maven plugin for LaTeX, but I can't find any documentation.
Haven't tried it, but I remember seeing a blog post about it.
If you know python, this blog post might be interesting
EDIT: Also, I would assume that you're using some kind of version control system, and I can't say for sure, but I use git to manage all my latex docs, and it might be possible to use some kind of post-commit hook to execute a script to rebuild the document. This would depend on how your repository is structured... just thinking out loud, so to speak.
I went into great detail on a large number of build systems for latex in this question, but its slightly different in your case. I think you want rubber or latexmk. The latex-makefile seems a good idea, but only supports building via postscript, which might not be your build process.
In general, its a good idea to keep generated files outside of version control for just this reason. A good exception is when specialist build tools are not widely available, and your situation sounds similar. You might do better with a commit-hook to build automatically upon commit.
I guess I should also point out that committing something without first building it and checking it is a deadly sin, so a better solution might be to stamp that out.
Maven is a better alternative as build system compared to Ant. So I would recommend a maven-plugin to generate PDF from LaTeX sources. Have a look at mathan-latex-maven-plugin
