I have a problem with anaconda prompt on windows 10 since the output of long running programs (Machine Learning with Keras) occasionally stops. Only when I press enter, the output seems to go on. I also assume that the program itself halts since the output does not seem to catch up fast.
Has anyone else encountered a similar problem and has suggestions for me?
Thanks in Advance!
This is simple pull down script no longer works despite using the same mouse, software. Now the cursor only pulls down once and does not repeat. Any help would be appreciated thanks.
I really dont know what to try. It worked fine on my old pc. See picture
While executing python code in Jupyter notebook,"kernel died and restarting jupyter notebook" error occurred.The code uses opencv library.
This might not be quite relevant to your case but it might be relevant to someone else. I had the same problem...2 potential causes: using quit() command in Jupyter. The second cause in my case was using Pandas: display(df)...I think that the cause could be triggered by an output is that is too large to display (e.g. very large text output). I suggest the following approach: run the program on a line by line basis till you find the exact line causing the problem. This is how I found out that display(df) is what was breaking Jupyter...when I took this line out the program ran without problems. If you have a large output display part of it, not all.
I've spent the better part of about forty eight hours dealing with this issue. I've read all that is said about it on this forum. (Which isn't much.) And I've read all about it elsewhere. And I still have not found a solution.The problem.
It's simple. My project builds successfully. When I start the debugger, I get the endless blue loading circle. It never launches into the browser.
If you know what the issue is, please do share I would be grateful.
For the record, what worked for me, was running my program in a terminal. Completely bipassed Visual Studio's buggy UI.
I don't know what caused the infinite blue loading circle.
And I don't care.
I'm moving on.
Randomly, so not every time, when I paste something into my code on Aptana Studio 3.4.2 it will freeze up, giving me the cursor loading/wait icon, then will in a few seconds go into "Not Responding", so I minimize it and after a few more seconds it will flash and become active again. It's getting really annoying trying to work on something when this keeps happening.
Nothing else freezes up on my computer during this, just Aptana, and it only happens when Pasting into the page I'm working on. SO ANNOYING I'm about ready to ditch Aptana but I like it other than this annoyance... It just started recently...also if I reboot or wake the computer up from sleep (with app closed) then it is fine for awhile. But then it's much more common when it finally "kicks in".
So ...what can I do to fix this?
Not sure it will help you, but try to increase the memory allocation
go to AptanaStudio3.ini and change to:
I was hoping someone can point me in the right direction regarding an issue I am having with the message "Error creating window handle". I know this usually points to a memory leak problem with the code, however this only happens on a single machine. If the code was the issue, I would be expecting it to happen on other machines as well.
I have other machines that this application runs on that do not run into this problem. I have tried reproducing in on my development machine and other machines in the office. Neither has been successful. I have tried watching the memory in Task Manager on the offending machine and it does not skyrocket up before it throws the error.
The offending machine is running Windows XP Professional SP3. Any ideas on how to proceed would be great.
I have just had the same problem in two different applications. For us, the problem was triggered by setting the Windows theme to "Windows Classic" rather than "Windows XP Style". The control that fails is a System.Windows.Forms.ListBox inside a Developer Express XtraLayout container, and our fix is to replace it with a DevExpress.XtraEditors.ListBoxControl.