HighCharts-XRange Series: Unable to enable horizontal scroll bar - highcharts

For XRange chart in High Charts I need to show data for the hours of a single day, but the viewing window needs to be of 8 hours and the data for the remaining day should be viewable by scrolling horizontally.
I am unable to introduce such a scroll bar for my own data.
I have referred to other similar questions asked here including this and also the HighCharts documentation here. But I can't find any specific example for the XRange series. I understand I need to import HighStock and enable the scroll bar:
scrollbar: {
enabled: true
XRange charts are given on HighCharts here https://www.highcharts.com/demo/x-range and I tried the following with the given example: https://jsfiddle.net/291qyxf0/1/ but I do not see any horizontal scroll bar and the chart simply gets truncated.
Here's my attempt with data for a single date: http://jsfiddle.net/g4kn4u32/78/ with data for 1 hour and viewing window of half hour.


Highcharts - zoom xAxis and pan along axis

I have in excess of three years data being shown along the xAxis of a graph.
I'd like a user to be able to zoom into the xAxis to view data points more closely (yAxis doesn't need to change), by clicking buttons that will show "1 month", "6 months", "1 year" worth of data points in the visible chart area.
I can achieve this zoom using chart.xAxis[0].setExtremes(startDate, endDate) but I'd then like the user to be able to scroll along the xAxis at the specified zoom level to view the data that is off the side of the visible chart area and this I can't work out.
I imagine the issue is that setExtremes sets specific start and end points to the visible area, whereas what I really want to do is limit the view by a generic time period.
Appreciate any pointers!
I recommend you to use Highstock. You will be able to create a stock chart with additional features that you need or create a chart with scrollbar.
scrollbar: {
enabled: true
Live demo: http://jsfiddle.net/BlackLabel/8L0aj1wt/
Thanks for the Highstock recommendations #ewolden & #ppotaczek I can see it does have the right kind of functionality, but I managed to solve it by adding the following (panning, panKey and pinchType) to my chart options:
chart: {
type: 'spline',
panning: true,
panKey: 'shift',
pinchType: 'x',

Fixed plot height in scatter chart

I have been searching this but not able to get any solutions for this. I want my scatter chart to be of fixed height regardless of no of legends used.
Please look into below fiddle link:
"chart": {
"type": "scatter",
"zoomType": "xy",
"plotBorderWidth": 2,
"width": 400,
I have set chart height to be 400. If no of legends increase, then scatter chart height gets adjusted (decrease) accordingly. You can try increasing the legends and notice that chart height gets decreased. I have tried other options like setting margin top and bottom (suggested in one post) but no luck.
I see that in highcharts js, there is 'plotHeight' variable which is used to set the chart height but I find no means to set it from my code or provide into as chart options. This scatter chart will be displayed in pdf so there is no scope of adding pagination, scrolls or any other stuff which is feasible only in web browser but not in pdf.
I am answering my own question because I found a way to deal with this scenario.
We hid the legends on the chart, so this way plot height of the chart will be always fixed. (plotHeight will be equal to the height of the chart which we provide in the chart settings considering we don't supply any margins)
We stored the data points (color of the legend and legend name) in the array and printed those outside the chart to make them appear as legends.

Highcharts datagrouping issue

I am facing a strange problem with highcharts(highstock) datagrouping. I want to show grouped data in week or month and at the same time zoom the chart to a specific period (I am using chart.yAxis[0].min = ). When the width of the overall chart is high and when I set the the zoom level to a short period (say a few months), data is not grouped to the period I specify.
Refer to the fiddle link below. I have specified datagrouping as 'month' ({units:[['month',[1]]], enabled:true}) and yAxis[0].min as 29 Jul 2010. You will observe that data is not grouped in months.
Now try to reduce the width jsfiddle result panel by dragging the divider. When the size of the result area (or the chart) is reduced, datagrouping starts working.
Any idea how can I force datagrouping and at the same zoom the chart to show data for a specific period?
To force data grouping set forced in dataGrouping to true.
Example: http://jsfiddle.net/of1mv8yv/4/
dataGrouping: {
units: [
['month', [1]]
enabled: true,
forced: true

Constant height of chart regardless number of series displayed in legend

How to configure the chart options to get a constant height chart
regardless the number of series displayed in the legend ?
Below 2 links to exported charts showing the problem.
Notice that the height of the chart has descreased.
Ideally, the legend would be displayed at the bottom of the
chart when user process to an export of the chart.
Let me know if I have missed something from the documentation.
Best regards

stacked column charts appearing too thin

I have the following issues while working with stacked column charts:
Firstly,look at the following chart:
If you notice the time range is wide, the columns appear too thin. I know that setting pointWidth is one option. But actually the chart should be appearing as they would if the time interval range is narrow as follows:
The expectation is x-axis interval must adjust itself.
Secondly, for the same chart as above, if the width of the chart is more (say 900 px or so), the x-axis seems to have a lot of empty space before the first tick.
Is there a solution to this? (I am unable to post more than 2 jsfiddle links here.So I am not providing a link for this issue)
You need to define pointRange as timestamp
