Combine rotation and translation in opencv, in one pass - opencv

I have a piece of code for rotating and translating image:
Point2f pt(0, in.rows);
double angle = atan(trans.c / trans.b) * 180 / M_PI;
Mat r = getRotationMatrix2D(pt, -angle, 1.0);
warpAffine(in, out, r, in.size(), interpolation); /* rotation */
Mat t = (Mat_<double>(2, 3) << 1, 0, trans.a, 0, 1, -trans.d);
warpAffine(out, out, t, in.size(), interpolation); /* translation */
The problem is that I'm doing this in two times. So if I have an angle of 90degree for example, the first "out" variable will be empty because all data are out of bounds. Is there a way to do it in one pass ? In order to avoid loosing my data and having black image.
I think that the best thing would be to combine r and t in one matrix but I'm a little lost.
Best regards,

Here is an example on how to combine 2 homographies by simple multiplication and how to extract an affine transformation from a 3x3 homography.
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
cv::Mat input = cv::imread("C:/StackOverflow/Input/Lenna.png");
// create to 3x3 identity homography matrices
cv::Mat homography1 = cv::Mat::eye(3, 3, CV_64FC1);
cv::Mat homography2 = cv::Mat::eye(3, 3, CV_64FC1);
double alpha1 = -13; // degrees
double t1_x = -86; // pixel
double t1_y = -86; // pixel
double alpha2 = 21; // degrees
double t2_x = 86; // pixel
double t2_y = 86; // pixel
// hope there is no error in the signs:
// combine homography1<double>(0, 0) = cos(CV_PI*alpha1 / 180);<double>(0, 1) = -sin(CV_PI*alpha1 / 180);<double>(1, 0) = sin(CV_PI*alpha1 / 180);<double>(1, 1) = cos(CV_PI*alpha1 / 180);<double>(0, 2) = t1_x;<double>(1, 2) = t1_y;
// compose homography2<double>(0, 0) = cos(CV_PI*alpha2 / 180);<double>(0, 1) = -sin(CV_PI*alpha2 / 180);<double>(1, 0) = sin(CV_PI*alpha2 / 180);<double>(1, 1) = cos(CV_PI*alpha2 / 180);<double>(0, 2) = t2_x;<double>(1, 2) = t2_y;
cv::Mat affine1 = homography1(cv::Rect(0, 0, 3, 2));
cv::Mat affine2 = homography2(cv::Rect(0, 0, 3, 2));
cv::Mat dst1;
cv::Mat dst2;
cv::warpAffine(input, dst1, affine1, input.size());
cv::warpAffine(input, dst2, affine2, input.size());
cv::Mat combined_homog = homography1*homography2;
cv::Mat combined_affine = combined_homog(cv::Rect(0, 0, 3, 2));
cv::Mat dst_combined;
cv::warpAffine(input, dst_combined, combined_affine, input.size());
cv::imshow("input", input);
cv::imshow("dst1", dst1);
cv::imshow("dst2", dst2);
cv::imshow("combined", dst_combined);
return 0;
In this example, an image is first rotated and translated to the left, later to the right. If the two transformations are performed after each other, significant image areas would get lost. Instead if they are combined by homograhy multiplication, it is like the full operation done in a single step without losing image parts in the intemediate step.
if image was first transformed with H1, later with H2:
if the image is transformed with the combination of H1*H2 directly:
One typical application of this homography combination is to first translate the image center to the origin, then rotate, then translate back to original position. This has the effect as if the image was rotated around its center of gravity.


SceneKit 3D Marker Augmented Reality iOS

Last couple of weeks I've been working on developing a simple proof-of-concept application in which a 3D model is projected over a specific Augmented Reality marker (in my case I am using Aruco markers) in IOS (with Swift and Objective-C)
I calibrated an Ipad Camera with a specific fixed lens position and used that to estimate the pose of the AR marker (which from my debug analysis seem pretty accurate). The problem seems (surprise, surprise) when I try to use SceneKit scene to project a model over the marker.
I am aware that the axis in opencv and SceneKit are different (Y and Z) and already done this correction as well as the row order/column order difference between the two libraries.
After constructing the projection matrix, I apply that same transform to the 3D model and from my debug analysis the object seems to be translated to the desired position and with the desired rotation. The problem is that it never does overlap the specific image pixel position of the marker. I am using a AVCapturePreviewVideoLayer as to put the video in background that has the same bounds as my SceneKit View.
Has anyone has a clue why this happens? I tried to play with cameras FOV's but with no real impact in the results.
Thank you all for your time.
EDIT1: I Will post some of the code here to reveal what I am currently doing.
I have two subviews inside the main view, one which is a background AVCaptureVideoPreviewLayer and another which is a SceneKitView. Both have the same bounds as the main view.
At each frame I use an opencv wrapper which outputs the pose of each marker:
std::vector<int> ids;
std::vector<std::vector<cv::Point2f>> corners, rejected;
cv::aruco::detectMarkers(frame, _dictionary, corners, ids, _detectorParams, rejected);
if (ids.size() > 0 ){
cv::aruco::drawDetectedMarkers(frame, corners, ids);
cv::Mat rvecs, tvecs;
cv::aruco::estimatePoseSingleMarkers(corners, 2.6, _intrinsicMatrix, _distCoeffs, rvecs, tvecs);
// Let's protect ourselves agains multiple markers
if ( > 1)
_markerFound = true;
cv::Rodrigues(rvecs, _currentR);
_currentT = tvecs;
for (int row = 0; row < _currentR.rows; row++){
for (int col = 0; col < _currentR.cols; col++){<double>(row, col) =<double>(row, col);
}<double>(row, 3) =<double>(row);
}<double>(3,3) = 1;
std::cout << tvecs << std::endl;
// Convert coordinate systems of opencv to openGL (SceneKit)
// Note that in openCV z goes away the camera (in openGL goes into the camera)
// and y points down and on openGL point up
// Another note: openCV has a column order matrix representation, while SceneKit
// has a row order matrix, but we'll take care of it later.
cv::Mat cvToGl = cv::Mat::zeros(4, 4, CV_64F);<double>(0,0) = 1.0f;<double>(1,1) = -1.0f; // invert the y axis<double>(2,2) = -1.0f; // invert the z axis<double>(3,3) = 1.0f;
_currentExtrinsics = cvToGl * _currentExtrinsics;
cv::aruco::drawAxis(frame, _intrinsicMatrix, _distCoeffs, rvecs, tvecs, 5);
Then in each frame I convert the opencv matrix for a SCN4Matrix:
- (SCNMatrix4) transformToSceneKit:(cv::Mat&) openCVTransformation{
SCNMatrix4 mat = SCNMatrix4Identity;
// Transpose
openCVTransformation = openCVTransformation.t();
// copy the rotationRows
mat.m11 = (float)<double>(0, 0);
mat.m12 = (float)<double>(0, 1);
mat.m13 = (float)<double>(0, 2);
mat.m14 = (float)<double>(0, 3);
mat.m21 = (float)<double>(1, 0);
mat.m22 = (float)<double>(1, 1);
mat.m23 = (float)<double>(1, 2);
mat.m24 = (float)<double>(1, 3);
mat.m31 = (float)<double>(2, 0);
mat.m32 = (float)<double>(2, 1);
mat.m33 = (float)<double>(2, 2);
mat.m34 = (float)<double>(2, 3);
//copy the translation row
mat.m41 = (float)<double>(3, 0);
mat.m42 = (float)<double>(3, 1)+2.5;
mat.m43 = (float)<double>(3, 2);
mat.m44 = (float)<double>(3, 3);
return mat;
At each frame in which the AR marker is found I add a box to the scene and apply the transformation to the object node:
SCNBox *box = [SCNBox boxWithWidth:5.0 height:5.0 length:5.0 chamferRadius:0.0];
_boxNode = [SCNNode nodeWithGeometry:box];
if (found){
[self.delegate returnExtrinsicsMat:extrinsicMatrixOfTheMarker];
Mat R, T;
[self.delegate returnRotationMat:R];
[self.delegate returnTranslationMat:T];
SCNMatrix4 Transformation;
Transformation = [self transformToSceneKit:extrinsicMatrixOfTheMarker];
//_cameraNode.transform = SCNMatrix4Invert(Transformation);
[_sceneKitScene.rootNode addChildNode:_cameraNode];
// = SCNMatrix4Identity;
// = 0.0;
_sceneKitView.pointOfView = _cameraNode;
_boxNode.transform = Transformation;
[_sceneKitScene.rootNode addChildNode:_boxNode];
//_boxNode.position = SCNVector3Make(Transformation.m41, Transformation.m42, Transformation.m43);
std::cout << (_boxNode.position.x) << " " << (_boxNode.position.y) << " " << (_boxNode.position.z) << std::endl << std::endl;
For example if the translation vector is (-1, 5, 20) the object appears in the scene in position (-1, -5, -20) in the scene, and the rotation is correct also. The problem is that it never appears in the correct position in the background image. I will add some images to show the result.
Does anyone know why this is happening?
Found out the solution. Instead of applying the transform to the node of the object I applied the inverted transformation matrix to the camera node. Then for the camera perspective transform matrix I applied the following matrix:
projection = SCNMatrix4Identity
projection.m11 = (2 * (float)(cameraMatrix[0])) / -(ImageWidth*0.5)
projection.m12 = (-2 * (float)(cameraMatrix[1])) / (ImageWidth*0.5)
projection.m13 = (width - (2 * Float(cameraMatrix[2]))) / (ImageWidth*0.5)
projection.m22 = (2 * (float)(cameraMatrix[4])) / (ImageHeight*0.5)
projection.m23 = (-height + (2 * (float)(cameraMatrix[5]))) / (ImageHeight*0.5)
projection.m33 = (-far - near) / (far - near)
projection.m34 = (-2 * far * near) / (far - near)
projection.m43 = -1
projection.m44 = 0
being far and near the z clipping planes.
I also had to correct the box initial position to center it on the marker.

Augmented Reality iOS application tracking issue

I am able to detect markers, identify markers and initialise OpenGL objects on screen. The issue I'm having is overlaying them on top of the markers position in the camera world. My camera is calibrated best I can using this method Iphone 6 camera calibration for OpenCV. I feel there is an issue with my cameras projection matrix, I create it as follows:
(Matrix44&) projectionMatrix
float near = 0.01; // Near clipping distance
float far = 100; // Far clipping distance
// Camera parameters
float f_x =[0]; // Focal length in x axis
float f_y =[4]; // Focal length in y axis
float c_x =[2]; // Camera primary point x
float c_y =[5]; // Camera primary point y
std::cout<<"fx "<<f_x<<" fy "<<f_y<<" cx "<<c_x<<" cy "<<c_y<<std::endl;
std::cout<<"width "<<screen_width<<" height "<<screen_height<<std::endl;[0] = - 2.0 * f_x / screen_width;[1] = 0.0;[2] = 0.0;[3] = 0.0;[4] = 0.0;[5] = 2.0 * f_y / screen_height;[6] = 0.0;[7] = 0.0;[8] = 2.0 * c_x / screen_width - 1.0;[9] = 2.0 * c_y / screen_height - 1.0;[10] = -( far+near ) / ( far - near );[11] = -1.0;[12] = 0.0;[13] = 0.0;[14] = -2.0 * far * near / ( far - near );[15] = 0.0;
This is the method to estimate the position of the marker:
void MarkerDetector::estimatePosition(std::vector<Marker>& detectedMarkers)
for (size_t i=0; i<detectedMarkers.size(); i++)
Marker& m = detectedMarkers[i];
cv::Mat Rvec;
cv::Mat_<float> Tvec;
cv::Mat raux,taux;
cv::solvePnP(m_markerCorners3d, m.points, camMatrix, distCoeff,raux,taux);
taux.convertTo(Tvec ,CV_32F);
cv::Mat_<float> rotMat(3,3);
cv::Rodrigues(Rvec, rotMat);
// Copy to transformation matrix
for (int col=0; col<3; col++)
for (int row=0; row<3; row++)
m.transformation.r().mat[row][col] = rotMat(row,col); // Copy rotation component
m.transformation.t().data[col] = Tvec(col); // Copy translation component
// Since solvePnP finds camera location, w.r.t to marker pose, to get marker pose w.r.t to the camera we invert it.
m.transformation = m.transformation.getInverted();
The OpenGL shape is able to track and account for size and roation, but something is going wrong with the translation. If the camera is turned 90 degrees, the opengl shape swings around 90 degrees about the centre of the marker. Its almost as if I am translating before rotating, but I am not.
See video for issue:
I guess you can have some problem with projecting the 3-D modelpoints. Essentially, solvePnP gives a transformation that brings points from the model coordinate system to the camera coordinate system and this is composed of a rotation and translation vector (output of solvePnP):
cv::Mat rvec, tvec;
cv::solvePnP(objectPoints, imagePoints, cameraMatrix, distCoeffs, rvec, tvec)
At this point you are able to project model points onto the image plane
std::vector<cv::Vec2d> imagePointsRP; // Reprojected image points
cv::projectPoints(objectPoints, rvec, tvec, cameraMatrix, distCoeffs, imagePointsRP);
Now, you should only draw the points of imagePointsRP over the incoming image and if the pose estimation was correct then you'll see the reprojected corners over the corners of the marker
Anyway, the matrices of model TO camera and camera TO model direction can be composed as below:
cv::Mat rmat
cv::Rodrigues(rvec, rmat); // mRmat is 3x3
cv::Mat modelToCam = cv::Mat::eye(4, 4, CV_64FC1);
modelToCam(cv::Range(0, 3), cv::Range(0, 3)) = rmat * 1.0;
modelToCam(cv::Range(0, 3), cv::Range(3, 4)) = tvec * 1.0;
cv::Mat camToModel = cv::Mat::eye(4, 4, CV_64FC1);
cv::Mat rmatinv = rmat.t(); // rotation of inverse
cv::Mat tvecinv = -rmatinv * tvec; // translation of inverse
camToModel(cv::Range(0, 3), cv::Range(0, 3)) = rmatinv * 1.0;
camToModel(cv::Range(0, 3), cv::Range(3, 4)) = tvecinv * 1.0;
In any case, it's also useful to estimate reprojection error and discard the poses with high error (remember, the PnP problem has only unique solution if n=4 and these points are coplanar):
double totalErr = 0.0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < imagePoints.size(); i++)
double err = cv::norm(cv::Mat(imagePoints[i]), cv::Mat(imagePointsRP[i]), cv::NORM_L2);
totalErr += err*err;
totalErr = std::sqrt(totalErr / imagePoints.size());

How to reproduce Photoshop's multiply blending in OpenCV?

I'm trying to reproduce Photoshop's multiply blend mode in OpenCV. Equivalents to this would be what you find in GIMP, or when you use the CIMultiplyBlendMode in Apple's CoreImage framework.
Everything I read online suggests that multiply blending is accomplished simply by multiplying the channels of the two input images (i.e., Blend = AxB). And, this works, except for the case(s) where alpha is < 1.0.
You can test this very simply in GIMP/PhotoShop/CoreImage by creating two layers/images, filling each with a different solid color, and then modifying the opacity of the first layer. (BTW, when you modify alpha, the operation is no longer commutative in GIMP for some reason.)
A simple example: if A = (0,0,0,0) and B = (0.4,0,0,1.0), and C = AxB, then I would expect C to be (0,0,0,0). This is simple multiplication. But this is not how this blend is implemented in practice. In practice, C = (0.4,0,0,1.0), or C = B.
The bottom line is this: I need to figure out the formula for the multiply blend mode (which is clearly more than AxB) and then implement it in OpenCV (which should be trivial once I have the formula).
Would appreciate any insights.
Also, for reference, here are some links which show multiply blend as being simply AxB:
How does photoshop blend two images together
Wikipedia - Blend Modes
Photoshop Blend Modes
Here is an OpenCV solution based the source code of GIMP, specifically the function gimp_operation_multiply_mode_process_pixels.
Instead of looping on all pixels it can be vectorized, but I followed the steps of GIMP.
Input images must be of type CV_8UC3 or CV_8UC4.
it supports also the opacity value, that must be in [0, 255]
in the original GIMP implementation there is also the support for a mask. It can be trivially added to the code, eventually.
This implementation is in fact not symmetrical, and reproduce your strange behaviour.
#include <opencv2\opencv.hpp>
using namespace cv;
Mat blend_multiply(const Mat& level1, const Mat& level2, uchar opacity)
CV_Assert(level1.size() == level2.size());
CV_Assert(level1.type() == level2.type());
CV_Assert(level1.channels() == level2.channels());
// Get 4 channel float images
Mat4f src1, src2;
if (level1.channels() == 3)
Mat4b tmp1, tmp2;
cvtColor(level1, tmp1, COLOR_BGR2BGRA);
cvtColor(level2, tmp2, COLOR_BGR2BGRA);
tmp1.convertTo(src1, CV_32F, 1. / 255.);
tmp2.convertTo(src2, CV_32F, 1. / 255.);
level1.convertTo(src1, CV_32F, 1. / 255.);
level2.convertTo(src2, CV_32F, 1. / 255.);
Mat4f dst(src1.rows, src1.cols, Vec4f(0., 0., 0., 0.));
// Loop on every pixel
float fopacity = opacity / 255.f;
float comp_alpha, new_alpha;
for (int r = 0; r < src1.rows; ++r)
for (int c = 0; c < src2.cols; ++c)
const Vec4f& v1 = src1(r, c);
const Vec4f& v2 = src2(r, c);
Vec4f& out = dst(r, c);
comp_alpha = min(v1[3], v2[3]) * fopacity;
new_alpha = v1[3] + (1.f - v1[3]) * comp_alpha;
if ((comp_alpha > 0.) && (new_alpha > 0.))
float ratio = comp_alpha / new_alpha;
out[0] = max(0.f, min(v1[0] * v2[0], 1.f)) * ratio + (v1[0] * (1.f - ratio));
out[1] = max(0.f, min(v1[1] * v2[1], 1.f)) * ratio + (v1[1] * (1.f - ratio));
out[2] = max(0.f, min(v1[2] * v2[2], 1.f)) * ratio + (v1[2] * (1.f - ratio));
out[0] = v1[0];
out[1] = v1[1];
out[2] = v1[2];
out[3] = v1[3];
Mat3b dst3b;
Mat4b dst4b;
dst.convertTo(dst4b, CV_8U, 255.);
cvtColor(dst4b, dst3b, COLOR_BGRA2BGR);
return dst3b;
int main()
Mat3b layer1 = imread("path_to_image_1");
Mat3b layer2 = imread("path_to_image_2");
Mat blend = blend_multiply(layer1, layer2, 255);
return 0;
I managed to sort this out. Feel free to comment with any suggested improvements.
First, I found a clue as to how to implement the multiply function in this post:
multiply blending
And here's a quick OpenCV implementation in C++.
Mat MultiplyBlend(const Mat& cvSource, const Mat& cvBackground) {
// assumption: cvSource and cvBackground are of type CV_8UC4
// formula: (cvSource.rgb * cvBackground.rgb * cvSource.a) + (cvBackground.rgb * (1-cvSource.a))
Mat cvAlpha(cvSource.size(), CV_8UC3, Scalar::all(0));
Mat input[] = { cvSource };
int from_to[] = { 3,0, 3,1, 3,2 };
mixChannels(input, 1, &cvAlpha, 1, from_to, 3);
Mat cvBackgroundCopy;
Mat cvSourceCopy;
cvtColor(cvSource, cvSourceCopy, CV_RGBA2RGB);
cvtColor(cvBackground, cvBackgroundCopy, CV_RGBA2RGB);
// A = cvSource.rgb * cvBackground.rgb * cvSource.a
Mat cvBlendResultLeft;
multiply(cvSourceCopy, cvBackgroundCopy, cvBlendResultLeft, 1.0 / 255.0);
multiply(cvBlendResultLeft, cvAlpha, cvBlendResultLeft, 1.0 / 255.0);
// invert alpha
bitwise_not(cvAlpha, cvAlpha);
// B = cvBackground.rgb * (1-cvSource.a)
Mat cvBlendResultRight;
multiply(cvBackgroundCopy, cvAlpha, cvBlendResultRight, 1.0 / 255.0);
delete(cvBackgroundCopy, cvAlpha);
// A + B
Mat cvBlendResult;
add(cvBlendResultLeft, cvBlendResultRight, cvBlendResult);
delete(cvBlendResultLeft, cvBlendResultRight);
cvtColor(cvBlendResult, cvBlendResult, CV_RGB2RGBA);
return cvBlendResult;

How to undistort points in camera shot coordinates and obtain corresponding undistorted image coordinates?

I use OpenCV to undestort set of points after camera calibration.
The code follows.
const int npoints = 2; // number of point specified
// Points initialization.
// Only 2 ponts in this example, in real code they are read from file.
float input_points[npoints][2] = {{0,0}, {2560, 1920}};
CvMat * src = cvCreateMat(1, npoints, CV_32FC2);
CvMat * dst = cvCreateMat(1, npoints, CV_32FC2);
// fill src matrix
float * src_ptr = (float*)src->data.ptr;
for (int pi = 0; pi < npoints; ++pi) {
for (int ci = 0; ci < 2; ++ci) {
*(src_ptr + pi * 2 + ci) = input_points[pi][ci];
cvUndistortPoints(src, dst, &camera1, &distCoeffs1);
After the code above dst contains following numbers:
-8.82689655e-001 -7.05507338e-001 4.16228324e-001 3.04863811e-001
which are too small in comparison with numbers in src.
At the same time if I undistort image via the call:
cvUndistort2( srcImage, dstImage, &camera1, &dist_coeffs1 );
I receive good undistorted image which means that pixel coordinates are not modified so drastically in comparison with separate points.
How to obtain the same undistortion for specific points as for images?
The points should be "unnormalized" using camera matrix.
More specifically, after call of cvUndistortPoints following transformation should be also added:
double fx = CV_MAT_ELEM(camera1, double, 0, 0);
double fy = CV_MAT_ELEM(camera1, double, 1, 1);
double cx = CV_MAT_ELEM(camera1, double, 0, 2);
double cy = CV_MAT_ELEM(camera1, double, 1, 2);
float * dst_ptr = (float*)dst->data.ptr;
for (int pi = 0; pi < npoints; ++pi) {
float& px = *(dst_ptr + pi * 2);
float& py = *(dst_ptr + pi * 2 + 1);
// perform transformation.
// In fact this is equivalent to multiplication to camera matrix
px = px * fx + cx;
py = py * fy + cy;
More info on camera matrix at OpenCV 'Camera Calibration and 3D Reconstruction'
Following C++ function call should work as well:
std::vector<cv::Point2f> inputDistortedPoints = ...
std::vector<cv::Point2f> outputUndistortedPoints;
cv::Mat cameraMatrix = ...
cv::Mat distCoeffs = ...
cv::undistortPoints(inputDistortedPoints, outputUndistortedPoints, cameraMatrix, distCoeffs, cv::noArray(), cameraMatrix);
It may be your matrix size :)
OpenCV expects a vector of points - a column or a row matrix with two channels. But because your input matrix is only 2 pts, and the number of channels is also 1, it cannot figure out what's the input, row or colum.
So, fill a longer input mat with bogus values, and keep only the first:
const int npoints = 4; // number of point specified
// Points initialization.
// Only 2 ponts in this example, in real code they are read from file.
float input_points[npoints][4] = {{0,0}, {2560, 1920}}; // the rest will be set to 0
CvMat * src = cvCreateMat(1, npoints, CV_32FC2);
CvMat * dst = cvCreateMat(1, npoints, CV_32FC2);
// fill src matrix
float * src_ptr = (float*)src->data.ptr;
for (int pi = 0; pi < npoints; ++pi) {
for (int ci = 0; ci < 2; ++ci) {
*(src_ptr + pi * 2 + ci) = input_points[pi][ci];
cvUndistortPoints(src, dst, &camera1, &distCoeffs1);
While OpenCV specifies undistortPoints accept only 2-channel input, actually, it accepts
1-column, 2-channel, multi-row mat or (and this case is not documented)
2 column, multi-row, 1-channel mat or
multi-column, 1 row, 2-channel mat
(as seen in undistort.cpp, line 390)
But a bug inside (or lack of available info), makes it wrongly mix the second one with the third one, when the number of columns is 2. So, your data is considered a 2-column, 2-row, 1-channel.
I also reach this problems, and I take some time to research an finally understand.
You see the formula above, in the open system, distort operation is before camera matrix, so the process order is:
image_distorted ->camera_matrix -> un-distort function->camera_matrix->back to image_undistorted.
So you need a small fix to and camera1 again.
Mat eye3 = Mat::eye(3, 3, CV_64F);
cvUndistortPoints(src, dst, &camera1, &distCoeffs1, &eye3,&camera1);
Otherwise, if the last two parameters is empty, It would be project to a Normalized image coordinate.
See codes: opencv-3.4.0-src\modules\imgproc\src\undistort.cpp :297

Number of non-zero pixels in a cv::RotatedRect

as the title says i'm trying to find the number of non-zero pixels in a certain area of a cv::Mat, namely within a RotatedRect.
For a regular Rect one could simply use countNonZeroPixels on a ROI. However ROIs can only be regular (non rotated) rectangles.
Another idea was to draw the rotated rectangle and use that as a mask. However openCV neither supports the drawing of rotated rectangles nor does countNonZeroPixels accept a mask.
Does anyone have a solution for how to elegantly solve this ?
Thank you !
Ok, so here's my first take at it.
The idea is to rotate the image reverse to the rectangle's rotation and than apply a roi on the straightened rectangle.
This will break if the rotated rectangle is not completely within the image
You can probably speed this up by applying another roi before rotation to avoid having to rotate the whole image...
#include <highgui.h>
#include <cv.h>
// From
cv::Mat rotateImage(const cv::Mat& source, cv::Point2f center, double angle)
cv::Mat rot_mat = cv::getRotationMatrix2D(center, angle, 1.0);
cv::Mat dst;
cv::warpAffine(source, dst, rot_mat, source.size());
return dst;
int main()
// Our rotated rect
int x = 300;
int y = 350;
int w = 200;
int h = 50;
float angle = 47;
cv::RotatedRect rect = cv::RotatedRect(cv::Point2f(x,y), cv::Size2f(w,h), angle);
// An empty image
cv::Mat img = cv::Mat(cv::Size(640, 480), CV_8UC3);
// Draw rotated rect as an ellipse to get some visual feedback
cv::ellipse(img, rect, cv::Scalar(255,0,0), -1);
// Rotate the image by rect.angle * -1
cv::Mat rotimg = rotateImage(img,, -1 * rect.angle);
// Set roi to the now unrotated rectangle
cv::Rect roi;
roi.x = - (rect.size.width / 2);
roi.y = - (rect.size.height / 2);
roi.width = rect.size.width;
roi.height = rect.size.height;
cv::imshow("test1", rotimg(roi));
A totally different approach might be to rotate your image (in opposite direction), and still use the rectangular ROI in combination with countNonZeroPixels. The only problem will be that you have to rotate your image around a pivot of the center of the ROI...
To make it clearer, see attached example:
To avoid rotation in similar task I iterate over each pixel in RotatedRect with such function:
double filling(Mat& img, RotatedRect& rect){
double non_zero = 0;
double total = 0;
Point2f rect_points[4];
rect.points( rect_points );
for(Point2f i=rect_points[0];norm(i-rect_points[1])>1;i+=(rect_points[1]-i)/norm((rect_points[1]-i))){
Point2f destination = i+rect_points[2]-rect_points[1];
for(Point2f j=i;norm(j-destination)>1;j+=(destination-j)/norm((destination-j))){
if(<uchar>(j) != 0){
return non_zero/total;
It's looks like usual iteration over rectangle, but on each step we add unit 1px vector to current point in direction to destination.
This loop NOT iterate over all points and skip a few pixels, but it was okay for my task.
UPD: It much better to use LineIterator to iterate:
Point2f rect_points[4];
Point2f x_start = rect_points[0];
Point2f x_end = rect_points[1];
Point2f y_direction = rect_points[3] - rect_points[0];
LineIterator x = LineIterator(frame, x_start, x_end, 4);
for(int i = 0; i < x.count; ++i, ++x){
LineIterator y = LineIterator(frame, x.pos(), x.pos() + y_direction, 4);
for(int j=0; j < y_count; j++, ++y){
Vec4b pixel =<Vec4b>(y.pos);
