Mongoid: 'update_attribute' with [models, ...] vs with [model_ids, ...] - ruby-on-rails

I was writing some tests and I ran into something I'm trying to understand.
What is the difference underneath when calling:
.update_attributes(:group_ids, [,])
.update_attributes(:groups, [group1, group2])
These 2 models in question:
class Group
include Mongoid::Document
has_and_belongs_to_many :users, class_name: "Users", inverse_of: :groups
class User
include Mongoid::Document
has_and_belongs_to_many :groups, class_name: "Group", inverse_of: :users
test code in question:
g1 = create(:group)
u1 = create(:user, groups: [g1])
g1.update_attribute(:users, [u1])
# at this point all the associations look good
u1.update_attribute(:group_ids, [])
# associations looks good on both sides when i do u1.reload and g1.reload
u1.update_attribute(:groups, [g1])
# g1.reload, this is when g1.users is empty and u1 still has the association
Hope I made sense, thanks

Are all your attributes white listed properly?
Without schema for the models, your join object, and the actual tests I'm grasping at straws, but based purely on that example my guess would be that the first model contains an attribute that is mapping to an unintended field on your second model, and overwriting it when you pass an entire object, but not when you specify the attribute you want updated. Here's an example: (I'm not assuming you forgot your join table, I'm just using that because its the first thing that comes to mind)
so we create 2 models, each that have a field that maps to user_id
group.create(id:1, user_id:null)
group_user.create(id:1, group_id: 1, user_id:null)
group.update_attributes(user_id: (
So at this point, when you call group.users, it checks for a user with the id of 1, because that's the id of the group_user you just created & passed it, and assuming you have a User with that ID in your database, the test passes.
In this case the method ONLY updates group_id, so everything still works.
group_user.update_attributes(group_id: group, user_id: group)
In this case you pass an entire object through, and leave it up to the method to decide what fields get updated. My guess is that some attribute from your group model is overwriting the relevant attribute from your user model, causing it to break ONLY when NO user_ids match whatever the new value is.
Or an attribute isn't white listed, or your test is wonky.


Defining attributes at runtime based on data from related object

I'm building an application where users are part of an Organisation. An organisation has many Lists, which in turn have many ListItems.
Now, I would like for admin users to be able to specify which attributes are available on list items, based on the organisation they belong to (or rather, on the organisation their list belongs to), without having to touch any code.
So far, when defining attributes that are not bound to a specific column in the database, I have used document_serializable, a nifty little gem (based on virtus) which serializes virtual attributes to a JSONB column in the db. I like this approach, because I get all of virtus' goodies (types, coercion, validations, etc.), and because data ends up sitting in a JSONB column, meaning it can be loaded quickly, indexed, and searched through with relative ease.
I would like to keep using this approach when adding these user-defined attributes on the fly. So I'd like to do something like:
class ListItem < ApplicationRecord
belongs_to :list
delegate :organisation, to: :list
organisation.list_attributes.each do |a, t|
attribute a, t
Where Organisation#list_attributes returns the user-defined hash of attribute names and their associated types, which, for example, might look like:
name: String,
age: Integer
As you might have guessed, this does not work, because organisation.list_attributes.each actually runs in the context of ListItem, which is an instance of Class, and Class doesn't have an #organisation method. I hope that's worded in a way that makes sense1.
I've tried using after_initialize, but at that point in the object's lifecycle, #attribute is owned by ActiveRecord::AttributeMethods::Read and not DocumentSerializable::ClassMethods, so it's an entirely different method and I can't figure out wether I can still access the one I need, and wether that would even work.
Another alternative would be to find the organisation in question in some explicit way, Organisation#find-style, but I honestly don't know where I should store the information necessary to do so.
So, my question: at the moment of instantiating (initializing or loading2) a record, is there a way I can retrieve a hash stored in a database column of one of its relations? Or am I trying to build this in a completely misguided way, and if so, how else should I go about it?
1 To clarify, if I were to use the hash directly like so:
class ListItem < ApplicationRecord
belongs_to :list
delegate :organisation, to: :list
name: String,
age: Integer
}.each do |a, t|
attribute a, t
it would work, my issue is solely with getting a record's relation at this earlier point in time.
2 My understanding is that Rails runs a model's code whenever a record of that type is created or loaded from the database, meaning the virtual attributes are defined anew every time this happens, which is why I'm asking how to do this in both cases.
at the moment of instantiating (initializing or loading) a record, is
there a way I can retrieve a hash stored in a database column of one
of its relations?
Yes. This is fairly trivial as long as your relations are setup correctly / simply. Lets say we have these three models:
class ListItem < ApplicationRecord
belongs_to :list
class List < ApplicationRecord
belongs_to :organisation
has_many :list_items
class Organisation < ApplicationRecord
has_many :lists
We can instantiate a ListItem and then retrieve data from anyone of its parents.
#list_item = ListItem.find(5) # assume that the proper inherited
foreign_keys exist for this and
its parent
#list = #list_item.list
#hash = #list.organisation.special_hash_of_org
And if we wanted to do this at every instance of a ListItem, we can use Active Record Callbacks like this:
class ListItem < ApplicationRecord
belongs_to :list
# this is called on and whenever we pull from our DB
after_initialize do |list_item|
puts "You have initialized a ListItem!"
list = list_item.list
hash = list.organisation.special_hash_of_org
But after_initialize feels like a strange usage for this kind of thing. Maybe a helper method would be a better option!

Ruby on Rails Association build and assign 2 related associations

So I've got a User model, a Building model, and a MaintenanceRequest model.
A user has_many :maintenance_requests, but belongs_to :building.
A maintenance requests belongs_to :building, and belongs_to: user
I'm trying to figure out how to send a new, then create a maintenance request.
What I'd like to do is:
#maintenance_request =
=> #<MaintenanceRequest id: nil, user_id: 1, building_id: 1>
And have a new maintenance request with the user and building set to it's parent associations.
What I have to do:
#maintenance_request =
#maintenance_request.building = current_user.building
It would be nice if I could get the maintenance request to set its building based of the user's building.
Obviously, I can work around this, but I'd really appreciate the syntactic sugar.
From the has_many doc
You can pass a second argument scope as a callable (i.e. proc or lambda) to retrieve a specific set of records or customize the generated query when you access the associated collection.
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :maintenance_requests, ->(user){building: user.building}, through: :users
Then your desired one line should "just work"
Alternatively, if you are using cancancan you can add hash conditions in your ability file
can :create, MaintenanceRequest, user:, building: #user.building_id
In my opinion, I think the approach you propose is fine. It's one extra line of code, but doesn't really increase the complexity of your controller.
Another option is to merge the user_id and building_id, in your request params:
permitted_mr_params.merge(user_id:, building_id: current_user.building_id)
#maintenance_request = MaintenanceRequest.create(permitted_mr_params)
Or, if you're not concerned about mass-assignment, set user_id and building_id as a hidden field in your form. I don't see a tremendous benefit, however, as you'll have to whitelist the params.
My approach would be to skip
maintenance_request belongs_to :building
since it already belongs to it through the user. Instead, you can define a method
class MaintenanceRequest
belongs_to :user
def building
#more class stuff
Also, in building class
class Building
has_many :users
has_many :maintenance_requests, through: :users
#more stuff
So you can completely omit explicit building association with maintenance_request
Since users can move across buildings, you can set automatic behavior with a callback. The job will be done like you do it, but in a more Railsey way
class MaintenanceRequest
before_create {
So, when you create the maintenance_request for the user, the building will be set accordingly

rails fill model with data from another model

For now, I've got Three Models
# town.rb
class Town < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :buildings
# building.rb
class Building < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :town
# building_default.rb
class BuildingDefault < ActiveRecord::Base
I want the following to happen when a User creates a Town :
Populate the user's Building model with records based upon the
information contained in the BuildingDefault model.
Set each building.town_id correctly.
For example, lets assume Building and BuildingDefault have the attribute :name in common with each other. And BuildingDefault contains two records (it will actually contain ~ 125):
# => <ActiveRecord::Relation [#<BuildingDefault id: 1, name: "cannon">, #<BuildingDefault id: 2, name: "archer">]>
Then a User fills out a form that creates a new Town. I want to do an after_create method which copies everything from BuildingDefault to Building. In this case Building would end up with:
# => <ActiveRecord::Relation [#<Building id: 69, town_id: 1, name: "cannon">, #<Building id: 70, town_id: 1, name: "archer">]>
What's a possible way to facilitate this behavior?
I think this should be enough :
after_create :set_buildings
def set_buildings
BuildingDefault.all.each do |default_b|
buildings.create(id:, name:
I am not sure if you are confusing with user_id and town_id or you really want user model also to be associated with building/town. If it's the latter, please update your code to include with a 'belongs_to' user association.
For now, I am assuming you want to associate towns and buildings only. It is a case of many_to_many relationships. In that case, there are two options I see.
If all your buildings have no special attribute related to individual town,(i.e, building of type "cannon" has the same values for Town A or Town B), you can just associate has_and_belongs_to_many relationship between the two creating a dummy join table.Then you can add all buildings to each town when it is created by following code:
#town.buildings = Building.all!
If there can be different values related to buildings for individual town, then you can set up a has_many buildings, through: :building_town relationship in Town model and puts those differing attributes on the intermediate model which in this case is BuildingTown.
I don't see the need for keeping a DefaultBuilding model if all you do is copy all over to the actual Building model.

Rails Has Many Association

I have few question that bugs me off and need to be answered. Everything is related to the following tutorial Two Many-to-Many
Question 1
Does the join table using has_many need to have an id? or its best practice to remove the id? and add an index and using the two other primary key and set it unique and together?
Question 2
How can it be done in the migration of creating a table?
Question 3
After doing these relationship model and updating the data. I would like to create a new set of data everytime it is updated (to preserve the data). How would a controller would look in the update, new, create model?
Question 4
In the the middle table, I would like to set attributes such has a visible true, or false, how can I set also not just the third table but also the second table arguments
First ... a word of caution: That railscast is very old. There may be syntactical things in that episode that have been dated by new versions of rails.
Question 1
If you are using the has_many through method then you have to have an id column in the join model because you are using a full blown model. As Ryan mentions in the episode, you'll choose this method if you need to track additional information. If you use the has_and_belongs_to_many method, you will not have an id column in your table.
If you want to achieve a check where you do not allow duplicates in your many-to-many association (ie allow the pairing of item a with item b and again allowing another record of item a to item b), you can use a simple validates line with a scope:
validates_uniqueness_of :model_a_id, :scope => [:model_b_id]
Question 2
You can add indices in your migrations with this code
add_index :table_name, [ :join_a_id, :join_b_id ], :unique => true, :name => 'by_a_and_b'
This would be inserted into the change block below your create_table statement (but not in that create_table block). Check out this question for some more details: In a join table, what's the best workaround for Rails' absence of a composite key?
Question 3
I'm not completely clear on what you're looking to accomplish but if you want to take some action every time a new record is inserted into the join model I would use the after_create active record hook. That would look something like this.
class YourJoinModel < ActiveRecord::Base
after_create :do_something
def do_something
puts "hello world"
That function, do_something, will be called each time a new record is created.
Question 4
Using the has_many through method will give you access to the additional attributes that you defined in that model on both sides of the relationship. For example, if you have this setup:
class Factory < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :widgets, :through => :showcases
class Widget < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :factories, :through => :showcases
class Showcases < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :factory
belongs_to :widget
attr_accessiable :factory_id, :widget_id, :visible
You could say something like
widget = Widget.first
shown = widget.showcases
shown = widget.showcases.where( :visible=> true )
You can also reach to the other association:
The reason for having an id column in an association is it gives you a way of deleting that specific association without concerning yourself with the relationship it has. Without that identifier, associations are hard to define outside of specifying all foreign keys.
For a trivial case where you have only two components to your key, this isn't that big a differentiator, but often you will have three or more as part of your unique constraint and there's where things get tricky.
Having an id also makes the relationship a first-class model. This can be useful when you're manipulating elements that have associated meta-data. It also means you can add meta-data effortlessly at a later date. This is what you mean by your "Question 4". Add those attributes to the join model.
Generally the join model is created like you would any other model. The primary key is the id and you create a series of secondary keys:
create_table :example_things |t|
t.integer :example_id
t.integer :thing_id
add_index :example_joins, [ :example_id, :thing_id ], :unique => true
add_index :example_joins, :thing_id
The main unique index serves to prevent duplication and allows lookups of key-pairs. The secondary serves as a way of extracting all example_id for a given thing_id.
The usual way to manipulate meta-data on the join model is to fetch those directly:
#example_things = #example.example_things.includes(:thing)
This loads both the ExampleThing and Thing models associated with an Example.

Using Retrieval Multiple Objects for another Retrieval in Active Records/Ruby on Rails

Kind of new to Ruby/Rails, coming from c/c++, so I'm doing my baby steps.
I'm trying to find the most elegant solution to the following problem.
Table A, among others has a foreign key to table B (let's call it b_id), and table B contains a name field and a primary (id).
I wish to get a list of object from A, based on some criteria, use this list's b_id to access Table B, and retrieve the names (name field).
I've been trying many things which fail. I guess I'm missing something fundamental here.
I tried:
curr_users = A.Where(condition)
curr_names = B.where(id: curr_users.b_id) # fails
Also tried:
curr_names = B.where(id: curr_users.all().b_id) # fails, doesn't recognize b_id
The following works, but it only handles a single user...
curr_names = B.where(id: curr_users.first().b_id) # ok
I can iterate the curr_users and build an array of foreign keys and use them to access B, but it seems there must be more elegant way to do this.
What do I miss here?
Assuming you have following models:
class Employee
belongs_to :department
class Department
has_many :employees
Now you can departments based on some employee filter
# departments with employees from California
Department.include(:employees).where(:employees => {:state => "CA"}).pluck(:name)
For simplicity, let's take an example of Article and Comments, instead of A and B.
A Comment has a foreign key article_id pointing at Article, so we can setup a has_many relationship from Article to Comment and a belongs_to relationship from Comment to Article like so:
class Article < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :comments
class Comment < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :article
Once you have that, you will be able do <article>.comments and Rails will spit out an array of all comments that have that article's foreign key. No need to use conditionals unless you are trying to set up a more complicated query (like all comments that were created before a certain date, for example).
To get all the comment titles (names in your example), you can do <article>
