UIProgressView value from plist inside UITableViewCell - ios

I'm trying to pass a number from a plist to a UIProgressView inside a UITableViewCell. So far, I have done this:
myUIProgressView.progress =[[myArray objectAtIndex:indexValue] valueForKey:#"myUIProgressViewValue"];
However, when doing this I get an error: Assigning to 'float' from incompatible type 'id'
How can I fix this?
Also, the value coming from the plist is not a decimal (because the number is used more than once), but instead a whole number. I need to somehow add a . before the number within that piece of code above, but I am not sure how to go about that.

Try this:
myUIProgressView.progress = [[[myArray objectAtIndex:indexValue] valueForKey:#"myUIProgressViewValue"] floatValue] / 10;

Try This
myUIProgressView.progress =[[[myArray objectAtIndex:indexValue] floatValue]valueForKey:#"myUIProgressViewValue"];


NSString from NSString to set as key in NSMutableDictionary

I am getting a initWithObjects:count:]: attempt to insert nil object from objects[0] at the following line:
[contentsOfCocktails setObject:[NSMutableArray arrayWithObject: recipeTitleA] forKey:cocktailsTitleA];
recipeTitleA is the string I'm creating from the cocktails.recipeID class property that equals A. However, I am getting a recipeTitleA equals nil in the debug window.
Here is where I set cocktails.recipeID equal to recipeTitleA:
if ([cocktails.recipeID isEqualToString:#"A"]){
recipeTitleA = cocktails.recipeID;
Is this the correct way to set a string equal to another string in order to use it as a key in a NSMutableDictionary?
Long story short: I am trying to extract the recipeIDs that equal A and set them as a key in a dictionary. I will be doing this with other letters as keys as well. I was then going to store them in an array in which I could create sections in the tableview. Data is brought in with FMDB.
I'm new to obj-c and new to data formatting with arrays and dictionaries. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
It looks like you are doing the string comparison correctly. Set a breakpoint at if ([cocktails.recipeID isEqualToString:#"A"]){ and see what you are getting for cocktails.recipeID, if it's nil go back into your cocktails.recipeID property and look if its being set correctly.

Unable to set CEMarker's collisionPriority

I'm trying to "mimic" the BusinessLayer functionality by creating a CEMarkerGroup for my own markers, then setting the following:
CEMarkerGroup *myGroup = [self.mapView markerGroupWithName:#"myMarkers"];
[myGroup setShouldTestForCollisions:YES];
And then, according to the Citymaps' current documentation, I try to set individual collisionPriority values to each like this:
[marker setCollisionPriority:25.0f]; //<-- ERROR!!, or
marker.collisionPriority = 25.0f; //<-- same ERROR
[myGroup addMarker:marker];
Error is: No visible #interface for 'CEMarker' declares the selector 'setCollisionPriority:'
As my goal is to approximate Citymaps' very slick behavior of avoiding marker overlaps, does anyone know of a workaround for this issue, or perhaps another approach altogether? Much thanks!
I am a developer at Citymaps. Thank you for your interest in our SDK!
Our documentation got a bit ahead of itself. Turns out, we never exposed the collisionPriority property. I've given myself a ticket to do so, and will let you know immediately when a new build is out containing this change.

NSNumber in NSDictionary is always null

I'm building a project and want to add a NSNumber into a NSDictionary. But the it crashed because of the null value. So, I created another small program to check what happened. As you can see in the snapshot: Why the the value of NSNumber in NSDictionary is null?
I've run your code and I could reproduce the problem. But it seems like a debugger problem. For instance, if after your dictionary is created, go to the console and try printing the dictionary.
po dictionary
My result is like:
$4 = 0x2083e770 {
number = 1;
So it's not null at all. Also, after that, anum is assigned correctly and b is set to YES. So it really looks like a debugger issue instead of a bug from you.

Dynamical value in define var_name block

In my app i have such thing
#define ACCT_ID #"someaddress#gmail.com"
Is there any way to set dynamical value to this define block?
FOr ex. i make request to webserver, which returns me some string, and later i set this string into #define block.
Is there anyway to achieve this?
you also use nsuserdefault like:
set value
[[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults]setObject:#"abc#gmail.com" forKey:#"ACCT_ID"];
get value
NSString *str= [[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults]valueForKey:#"ACCT_ID"];
remove value
[[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults]removeObjectForKey:#"ACCT_ID"]
Well of course not, since all lines begin with # happening during pre-processor compilation.
Therefor, the value given to ACCT_ID detemind before even your program compiled and it can not be changed
Ended up with following:
#define ACCT_ID [[SingletonClass myinstance] getEmail]

Convert NSString into executable statement

I am facing an issue with converting NSString into executable statement of objective C.
For example,
NSString *strColorAssembly = #"[UIColor redColor]";
Now, I need to convert this string into an executable code and pass to .color property.
This is just an example, I am trying to build a project in which everything will be dynamic, so It would be much helpful if anyone can provide me right direction to go ahead.
I'm not sure if you can programmatically accomplish that goal. If it were me I would implement a method that accepted an NSString (or an NSInteger) and return a UIColor.
- (UIColor *)colorDecode:(NSString *)colorPassed
if ([colorPassed isEqualToString #"red"])
return [UIColor redColor];
else if
- (UIColor *)colorDecodewithInt:(NSUInteger)colorIndex
switch (colorIndex)
case (0)
return [UIColor redColor];
case (1)
return <some default color>;
I suppose you could also use an NSDictionary that consists of a collection of UIColor objects as well. The bottom line is that you're going to be restricted to a pre-defined set of colors in your compiled code unless you start playing with CGColor at which point you can start dynamically pass the RGB values.
It sounds like what you are looking for is the setValue:ForKey: method. Anything that conforms to the NSKeyValueCoding Protocol will have that option available. However, this will only work for the key part (i.e. the name of the property). iOS explicitly prohibits any modification to the distributed code. I would recommend using the keys as strings and writing some kind of interpreter for the rest of your data.
You can't do that on iOS, period. iOS prevents you from allocating memory pages that can both be written to and also executed.
The best you could manage is an interpreter that takes strings in, parses them, and attempts to map them to Objective-C calls (using NSClassFromString and NSSelectorFromString).
I would recommend not doing what you're trying to do, and instead use one of the many bindings from Cocoa to a dynamic language. I think the most popular ones bind Cocoa to Lua, so then you can write your Lua code and everything will be dynamic.
