Not getting emails from ExceptionNotifier - ruby-on-rails

I followed this tutorial on configuring the Rails plugin ExceptionNotifier.
I know that I have ActionMailer configured correctly because I am getting mail from other forms. I even have local_addresses.clear set so that it should be delivering mail no matter what.
I am using Apache with a mongrel_cluster running in the backend.
What am I missing?

You're using the SVN version of the plugin, which is probably unmaintained. Latest version can be found here.
Second thing which you can do is check the production log. Mailings get written to the log, so you'll see if Rails ever even tried to send it. If there are no entries, that means things are silently failing, which probably happens because -- for some reason -- exceptions are not caught properly.

If you added your ExceptionNotifier configuration information (your email address, etc.) into config/environment.rb, did you add it within the Rails::Initializer block or did you add it at the end of the file?
The tutorial you linked to doesn't specify where in the environment file to put the configuration information. The tutorial I followed (which might have been this one) does specify to put it outside the block.
Which things go inside that block and which outside is, frankly, still a little mysterious to me. But I thought this might answer your specific question.

Check your production log, exceptions can be throw in side the exception_notifier plugin, which prevent it from sending mails


How can I find out what prevents a rails app from loading a page?

I have a rails which seemed to be working previously but now after some changes when I go to the root page it takes it infinitely to load it, it just doesn't load it. There're nothing useful in the console either. How can I find out what prevents it from loading the main page? Is it about profiling?
Check your Rails logs, eg. development.rb. You can put, or puts statements in your environment.rb, development.rb and application.rb files to see how far Rails is getting in the boot process. You can also create a dumb initializer named 00_start_init.rb with a or puts statement to see if you're getting as far as initialization. I've found that useful before.
To really understand where you application is hanging, you need to understand the Rails initialization process. Here is the documentation for Rails version 4.2. Similar documentation exists for every version of Rails. You can take advantage of understanding the boot sequence by placing log statement at various point in the process.
I'm assuming you're in the development environment. If so, and the console loads, it's likely not a configuration problem. It's more likely a problem with your controllers or models. If the console won't load to a prompt, then it's likely a configuration problem in application.rb, development.rb, an initializer, etc.
You mention profiling, but provide no details about it. I can't even guess what you're referring to, so the answer is "maybe?". If you can post the code changes you made since the app last loaded in the browser, that would make it much easier to help you trouble-shoot.

how to debug web server on RoR?

I currently have a problem with a project.
it freezes before it shows the "Started GET ...." seems like it hits an infinite loop.
now i dont really have much experience with debuggers in ROR, can anyone recommend anything i can use to trace the exact origin of the problem. if i can get an error code somewhere then i might be able to fix it.
currently i am using webrick, i tried thin and it gave the exact same error.but i am willing to use anything to find the exact origin of this error.
it seems to be related to the project because all other projects works fine on my environment.
Take a look at the Rails guide on debugging.
Also try running the Rails console ("rails c"); if you can get to a command prompt at all that means that the issue is not in loading the Rails environment (e.g. a problem in application.rb) but is somewhere in the process of making a web request. If there's a failure it may give you a better error message.

Sending mail from Rails works at console but not in my application...?

I have a pretty simple Rails app and I want send an e-mail when a work request is created. I'm pretty new to Rails so I found some details on how to do it online. Set up a Mailer, configured it, etc. Set up my templates. Fine.
In my work_requests_controller.rb I have:
def create
#work_request =[:work_request])
respond_to do |format|
# Tell the mailer to send a welcome Email after save
format.html... etc.
In know mailing is working because if I go to the Rails console, create WorkRequest object, and use that exact same line ( it sends the mail just fine. But when I create a work request in my application no mail is received, no error is displayed in the browser or in logs/development.log.
In the server output I see the HTML version was rendered, and I see the info about the e-mail and it all looks both hunky and dory. Since I get no errors I'm at a loss as to how to proceed.
OK, I am officially an idiot. :-)
Working on a different problem, I was editing application.rb. I figured I needed to restart the server to make it see those changes. Suddenly, the e-mails work from inside the app.
D'oh! I did not realize (rookie mistake) that I needed to restart the server for the app to see the e-mail configuration I had placed in environment.rb yesterday. I never tried that for some reason.
I see now that and other components are run only when the server starts up. So of course, when I started up console of course it runs all the initializers and so the e-mail configuration was visible to it and the e-mails were sent.
So the answer is, restart your server, stupid. Well, anyway, at least it's working now...I'll take it where I can get it!
I would start with moving your email command to your WorkRequest model as a 'after_create' action
after_create :send_init_email
def send_init_email
See if that works, or aleast gives you a better error msg.

How to use acts-as-commentable-with-threading in Rails

I am developing my first rails site (yup, i am a rails idiot).
I'm writing a blog, and i got to the comments part.
I installed acts-as-commentable-with-threading ( GitHub ), i made and ran the migration like the install instructions said.
I have added acts_as_commentable to my Posts model and i have a Comments controller
When i add
#comment = Comment.build_from(params[:id],1, params[:body] )
I get the error.
undefined method `build_from' for #
Clearly i am doing something terribly wrong, and i don't really get the example. What should i be feeding to build_from? Can somebody explain this plugin step by step? :)
Or is there an easier way to get simple threaded comments?
Did you by chance define your own comment model? If so that is going to completely override the model from the plugin that defines build_from in the first place. I ended up getting around this by creating a module with the extra stuff I wanted then creating an initializer to include it, which works perfectly.
As an aside, the first parameter to build_from needs to be the actual commentable object the comment is to be connected to, not just an id.
I'm currently using this plugin in production and can assure you it works :)
Besides the reason of not restarting server (btw you shouldn't use nginx + passenger for development, simple mongrel or thin will do the job better in this case) I can think of two more:
You didn't install plugin (or something wrong happened during installing). However this is unlikely as you could run migration ok right?
You have comment model in app/models and rails doesn't load it from plugin. In this case you might want to try requiring file with plain old require.

Problem getting ar_mailer/ar_sendmail working on new server

Hey all. I've got a new app up and running on a new ubuntu server. It's working fine generally but i can't get ar_sendmail working. I'm following the instructions on this page:
The setup is all done, ie i can "deliver mails" which just saves records in my Email table. Now i want to get the ar_sendmail daemon running to actually send them. (so i'm at 'Running ar_sendmail in daemon mode' in that web page).
First thing:
ar_sendmail --mailq
>>ar_sendmail: command not found, where is ar_sendmail? I have a look and there's an ar_sendmail file in the bin folder of the ar_mailer plugin, so i add the location of that to my path. I don't know if this was the right thing to do or not.
Ok, so try again.
ar_sendmail --mailq
/var/www/apps/millionaire/vendor/plugins/ar_mailer/bin/ar_sendmail:3:in `require': no such file to load -- action_mailer/ar_sendmail (LoadError)
from /var/www/apps/millionaire/vendor/plugins/ar_mailer/bin/ar_sendmail:3
hmm. Here's the offending file, there's not much there.
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
require 'action_mailer/ar_sendmail' it literally is just trying to require this and can't find it. The file, action_mailer/ar_sendmail.rb is in the ar_mailer plugin, in it's lib folder. So, given that it's being called from inside the plugin, it should be able to see this right?
I've got a feeling that i'm way off the track here and have missed something simple. Can anyone set me straight? I'm using rails 2.3.4 in case that's relevant.
EDIT - i just realised something kind of dumb: when i call ar_sendmail from the command line like this, i'm just loading that one file, which doesn't know where it's supposed to look for the rest of the stuff, i think. Which really makes me think that i'm not trying to run the right thing. Is the ar_sendmail daemon a seperate program altogether, that i would get with apt_get or something?
EDIT2 - i made some progress by installing the ar_mailer gem (which the guide said i shouldn't do) and that does seem to run. It's sending some mail request somewhere and clearing the Email table of pending emails. Running ar_sendmail in -ov (oneshot verbal) mode i see it report this for example:
sent email 00000000019 from to #
So, it actually looks like it's working now and i just need to set up the ACTUAL THING WHICH SENDS EMAILS. sigh. still grateful for any advice.
thanks, max
What you need is an smtp server. Checkout
