NCover, TypeMock and MSTest - ncover

has anyone got NCover, TypeMock and MSTest to work together? and if so how.
I've had 2 or 3 serious tries at this now and just can't get it to work.
I'm using MSTest 9, NCover 2.1 and TypeMock 4.1.
Ideally I would like to run them from an MSBuild task.

Well its a bit late but here is the answer for future generations ...
Few key points:
In older version of Typemock (like 4.1) you need an enterprise license in order to run Typemock with NCover. In the current version all licenses have the same features list.
In order to run Typemock with other profilers you need to use the link feature of Typemock. In your case you can do it with Typemock MSBuild task.
You need to run MSTest with the /noisolation argument. This will prevent MSTest to spawn VSTestHost.exe process that will actually run your tests. This creates a problem enabling the environment variables that are needed in order to let the profilers work
In the example below I'm running the tests in Tests.dll and asking for coverage report about ClassLibrary.dll
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Project DefaultTargets="RunTests" xmlns="">
<Import Project ="c:\Program Files\Typemock\Isolator\5.2\TypeMock.MSBuild.Tasks" />
<NCOVER>"E:\src\TypeMock\Build\Binaries\NCover\NCover 2.0\NCover.Console.exe"</NCOVER>
<MSTest>"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\Common7\IDE\MSTest.exe"</MSTest>
<Target Name ="Test">
<TypeMockStart Target="2.0" Link ="NCover2.0"/>
<Exec ContinueOnError="true" Command="$(NCOVER) //a ClassLibrary $(MSTest) /noisolation /testcontainer:E:\src\TestNcover3\MSBuildTest\bin\Debug\Tests.dll" />


Use MSBuild to define SSRS projects RDL Schema version

I am working on a Continuous Integration project that builds a Microsoft SSRS solution. However the RDL files produced are not always of the same schema version, some of them appear in 2008 format, and others in 2010 etc as per the following:
<Report xmlns="" xmlns:rd="">
Others appear like
<Report xmlns="" xmlns:rd="">
I have a Build.proj file that is responsible for performing an MSBuild on the .sln files, and looks like the following:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Project DefaultTarget="Compile" xmlns="" ToolsVersion="4.0">
<Target Name="Compile">
I need a means of enforcing that the RDL schema produced from the build is the 2008 version. Is it possible to perform some configuration inside my Build.proj file so that the RDL format will adhere to the 2008 schema version?
If not how else can I achieve the same functionality? Any recommendations? CI is relatively new to me
Thanks all!
MSBuild does not support reporting projects and will not transform the RDL files into the correct format.
You can use the Visual Studio mechanism to build a SSRS project.
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\Common7\IDE\devenv.exe"
"MyReportingProjPath\MyReportingProj.sln" /build release
Update your report with the creaded RDL files.

How to generate document output from text files in TFS

We store various design documents within TFS in multimarkdown format. We also have an EXE process that can run to take those MMD files and generate PDF's from them - but just by getting the files from a local folder.
What we'd like to do is to have a process run "on-checkin", just as if you'd run an automatic build on checkin (i.e., ultimately calling msbuild to compile an application) but in our case we'd like it to be able to get a list of the checked in files and to process and generate an output of them. The result doesn't need to be in TFS because they're a build output, not the source.
I'm sure this should be somehow possible by taking the same approach as must be taken by the workflow for a "normal" build.
Has anybody done anything like this or can point me in a suitable direction please ?
You could use the exec task in MSBuild to invoke the exe and "build" your output. Create a file called something like buildDocs.proj and check it in to TFS possibly in a folder under the things you want to build. Use the MSbuild below as a guide.
<Project ToolsVersion="4.0" DefaultTargets="Build" xmlns="">
<Target Name="Build">
<Exec Command='"My.exe" -My Paramiters' />
<CopyItems Include="[path to output]\*.*" />
<Copy SourceFiles="#(CopyItems)" DestinationFolder="$(OutDir)\SomeDir" />
The trick will be in identifying the various paths involved.
Use the default template to build the proj, just as you would a c# project. If you need to pass in additional Parameters to MSBuild you can do this from within the advanced section of the build definition process tab.

How to use MSBuild with TFS and SSIS

I'm a complete novice in using TFS Build definition and MSBuild scripts.
I want to automate my SSIS build and deployments and create a build definition which will build and deploy my SSIS project whenever I queue it up.
I found this project:
which allows you to create a DLL which you can place in C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\Common7\IDE\PrivateAssemblies
Then you can call the SSIS.MSBuild.proj (See end for this) with certain parameters like this in a visual studio command line:
MSBuild SSIS.MSBuild.proj /t:SSISBuild,SSISDeploy /p:SSISProj="MySSISProject",Configuration="DEV",,SSISServer="AB-CDE-FGH-I1\DEV",ProjectName="MySSISProject"
or I can put it in a BAT file like this:
%systemroot%\Microsoft.Net\Framework\v4.0.30319\MSBuild.exe SSIS.MSBuild.proj /t:SSISBuild,SSISDeploy /p:SSISProj="MySSISProject",Configuration="DEV",,SSISServer="AB-CDE-FGH-I1\DEV",ProjectName="MySSISProject"
It works fine when you run the BAT file, it builds and deploys the SSIS project.
How can I use this so it is automated, so I can manually kick off a build and deployment from within VS/TFS? Using a build definition.
How can I ensure the correct configurations are selected, and the correct destination server? For example we have SSIS configurations for DEV, SIT, SYS, UAT, PRD. Each with its own server name. Do I need a separate build definition for each environment or is there a way to use one build definition?
Anything useful in using powershell somehow?
Here is SSIS.MSBuild.proj:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="Windows-1252"?>
<Project xmlns=""
<!--Requires a property called $(SSISProj) to be defined when this script is called-->
<UsingTask TaskName="DeploymentFileCompilerTask" AssemblyFile="C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\Common7\IDE\PrivateAssemblies\Microsoft.SqlServer.IntegrationServices.Build.dll" />
<Target Name="SSISBuild" Condition="'$(SSISProj)' != ''">
<Message Text="**************Building SSIS project: $(SSISProjPath) for configuration: $(CONFIGURATION)**************" />
<UsingTask TaskName="DeployProjectToCatalogTask" AssemblyFile="C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\Common7\IDE\PrivateAssemblies\Microsoft.SqlServer.IntegrationServices.Build.dll" />
<Target Name="SSISDeploy" Condition="'$(SSISProj)' != ''">
<Message Text="**************Publishing SSIS project: $(SSISProj) to: $(SSISServer) to folder: $(PROJECTNAME)**************" />
EDIT I tried adding some MSBuild Arguments to the TFS Build Definition. I tried various combinations of arguments, some with quotes, some without. I couldn't get it to work.
"C:\Users\me\Desktop\Buildssis\SSIS.MSBuild.proj" /t:SSISBuild,SSISDeploy /p:SSISProj="MySSISProject",Configuration="SIT",SSISServer="AB-CDE-FGH-I1\DEV",ProjectName="MySSISProject"
But I always get this error:
MSBUILD : error MSB1008: Only one project can be specified.
Switch: C:\Users\me\Desktop\Buildssis\SSIS.MSBuild.proj
For switch syntax, type "MSBuild /help"
I think you are prety close about the solution. you can call your package in console application and set the variables there. And for different DEV, SIT, SYS, UAT, PRD. you can have configuration file for the the console application. and then you can set the package variables in the console app. I hope it solve the preoblem. As much i could understand.
Please let me know if this is not related to your problem then explain your question a bit more.
To answer your question, the best way would be to use an UpgradeBuildTemplate for your team build.
Modify the build script to calls the tasks that you have created in the "AfterCompile" target of the build. See below
You can pass build parameters in your team build definition. If you edit your build definition and edit Process, you will see option to pass MSBuild Arguments.

How to I perform a web.config transform with MSBuild or MSDeploy?

I've tried a number of different configurations with this and I haven't achieved my result.
I'm trying to add config transforms into my build process and am looking for the right way to do it from MSBuild so that it shows up in my deployments via MSDeploy.
I have an WebApp (MVC3), a Core app (CS Class Lib), and two test class libs, one for each.
I have a build script in my solution that uses MSBuild to compile.
One of those MSBuild targets deploys to an IIS server using MSDeploy
This process is working so far both manually and via CruiseControl.NET
I would like to add Web.Config transforms to this process. I figured I would do something simple at first, like an app setting called "PEAppsEnvironmentName", which I would make Dev, Test, or Prod based on the current environment.
Theory So Far
To me, it appears that when packaging with MSDeploy, I'm not transforming the config file.
When I run MSBuild with the DeployOnBuild option set to true, it creates another package that has the appropriately transformed config. It just seems like somehow I can't get it all to match up. The end result is that the web page displays "None" (the initial setting) instead of the transformed "Development" string.
I think if I could find out how to use MSDeploy during the packaging phase to transform the MSConfig, I'd be good to go.
My web.config file
<add key ="PEAppsEnvironmentName" value="None"/>
My Web.Dev.config file
<add key ="PEAppsEnvironmentName" xdt:Transform="Replace" xdt:Locator="Match(key)" value="Development" />
My MSBuild Targets
Property group showing default config is "Dev"
<Configuration Condition="'$(Configuration)' == ''">Dev</Configuration>
My MSBuild "Compile" Target
<Target Name="Compile" DependsOnTargets="Init">
<MSBuild Projects="#(SolutionFile)" Targets="Rebuild" Properties="OutDir=%(BuildArtifacts.FullPath);DeployOnBuild=True"/>
My MSBuild "Package" Target
<Target Name="Package" DependsOnTargets="Compile;Test">
<MakeDir Directories="$(PackageDir)"/>
<Exec Command='"#(MSDeploy)" -verb:sync -source:iisApp="$(Source)" -dest:package="$(Destination)" '/>
My MSBuild "Deploy" Target
(scrubbed for PWs, etc.)
<Target Name='Deploy' DependsOnTargets='Package'>
<Exec Command ='"#(MsDeploy)" -verb:sync -source:package="$(Source)" -dest:iisApp=PEApps,computerName=$(WebServerName),username=[User],password=[Password]'/>
There was a lot to this question, I'm not sure if I'm fully on the same page as you but I'll summarize my impression of what you are asking. You have an existing web project which is in a solution with other projects. You need to be able to package the web project so that you can publish it to multiple destinations.
I have created a NuGet package which can be used for this exact purpose. It's called package-web. When you add it to your web project it will update the packaging process. When you create a package a few additional files will be included in the package, including all the web.config transform files. A .ps1 file will be created next to the package as well. You can use this script to publish the package. It will prompt you for which transform to run and for all the Web Deploy parameters. You can also save the responses to a file and then just pass them to the .ps1 file so that you can perform non-interactive publishes. I created a 5 minute video on it at
package web: FYI this is not yet working with VS 2012 but I'm working on the fix and should have it updated by the time VS 2012 is released.
If you don't find that useful you can see how I implemented the solution at and you should see examples of everything that you need to do to roll your own.
FYI if you need to transform any files besides web.config on package create then you should take a look at my VS extension SlowCheetah. Here is a blog about how to integrate it into a build server.

How to run nunit with msbuild from VS2010

please tell me how to run nunit with msbuild. I am using TFS for code integration and VS2010 .
You probably want to integrate NUnit with TFSBuild and not MSBuild since you are using Team Foundation Server.
You will need MSBuild tasks to be able to run NUnit as explained in the three following tutorials:
Using NUnit and NCover with TFS Build
Integrate Nunit test into a Tfs build
MSBuild with NUnit
The easiest way is to use the MSBuild Community Tasks where you already have a NUnit task ready to be used and you only will need to add a target to your msbuild file like so:
<Target Name="RunTests">
<!-- Run Unit tests -->
<CreateItem Include="$(OutDir)*.Tests.dll">
<Output TaskParameter="Include" ItemName="TestAssembly" />
<NUnit ToolPath="..\Tools\NUnit" DisableShadowCopy="true" Assemblies="#(TestAssembly)" />
