Implementation of "Remember me" in a Rails application - ruby-on-rails

My Rails-app has a sign in box with a "remember me" checkbox. Users who check that box should remain logged in even after closing their browser. I'm keeping track of whether users are logged in by storing their id in the user's session.
But sessions are implemented in Rails as session cookies, which are not persistent. I can make them persistent:
class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
before_filter :update_session_expiration_date
def update_session_expiration_date
options = ActionController::Base.session_options
unless options[:session_expires]
options[:session_expires] = 1.year.from_now
But that seems like a hack, which is surprising for such common functionality. Is there any better way?
Gareth's answer is pretty good, but I would still like an answer from someone familiar with Rails 2 (because of it's unique CookieSessionStore).

You should almost certainly not be extending the session cookie to be long lived.
Although not dealing specifically with rails this article goes to some length to explain 'remember me' best practices.
In summary though you should:
Add an extra column to the user table to accept a large random value
Set a long lived cookie on the client which combines the user id and the random value
When a new session starts, check for the existence of the id/value cookie and authenticate the new user if they match.
The author also recommends invalidating the random value and resetting the cookie at every login. Personally I don't like that as you then can't stay logged into a site on two computers. I would tend to make sure my password changing function also reset the random value thus locking out sessions on other machines.
As a final note, the advice he gives on making certain functions (password change/email change etc) unavailable to auto authenticated sessions is well worth following but rarely seen in the real world.

I have spent a while thinking about this and came to some conclusions. Rails session cookies are tamper-proof by default, so you really don't have to worry about a cookie being modified on the client end.
Here is what I've done:
Session cookie is set to be long-lived (6 months or so)
Inside the session store
An 'expires on' date that is set to login + 24 hours
user id
Authenticated = true so I can allow for anonymous user sesssions (not dangerous because of the cookie tamper protection)
I add a before_filter in the Application Controller that checks the 'expires on' part of the session.
When the user checks the "Remember Me" box, I just set the session[:expireson] date to be login + 2 weeks. No one can steal the cookie and stay logged in forever or masquerade as another user because the rails session cookie is tamper-proof.

I would suggest that you either take a look at the RESTful_Authentication plug in, which has an implementation of this, or just switch your implementation to use the RESTful Authentication_plugin. There is a good explanation about how to use this plug in at Railscasts:
railscasts #67 restful_authentication
Here is a link to the plugin itself

The restful_authentication plugin has a good implementation of this:

Note that you don't want to persist their session, just their identity. You'll create a fresh session for them when they return to your site. Generally you just assign a GUID to the user, write that to their cookie, then use it to look them up when they come back. Don't use their login name or user ID for the token as it could easily be guessed and allow crafty visitors to hijack other users' accounts.

This worked like a charm for me:
Now my CookieStore sessions expire after two weeks, whereby the user must submit their login credentials again in order to be persistently logged-in for another two weeks.
Bascially, it's as simple as:
including one file in vendor/plugins directory
set session expiry value in application controller using just one line

I would go for Devise for a brilliant authentication solution for rails.


Devise: How to use remember_me cookie after user sign out?

I'm working on a Rails 4.2 Application and using devise gem for authentication.
For remember_me feature, devise generates a cookie remember_user_token which gets destroy after sign_out.
Is there a way such that Devise should not destroy remember_user_token ?
I tried to false the below config in the initializer
config.expire_all_remember_me_on_sign_out = false
But it didn't help.
I need that cookie after sign-out such that it will populate the login form.
Please help.
Coupling authentication with form pre-filling isn't necessarily a good idea. You can store the login in a cookie upon successful login. You can override the create method in your SessionsController, call super to call Devise::SessionsController#create and pass it a block. The block will be executed after a successful log in and will receive the user as a parameter.
class SessionsController < Devise::SessionsController
def create
super do |user|
cookies[:login] = user.login
Here is the low down on cookie store. First off, everything in a cookie is there permanently once it's set or until the user deletes the cookie manually somehow. This means, that if you set user_id and user_group_id, it's there for good in the cookie until updated or deleted. This is different from a session since the session is like ram on a computer, once the browser is closed, the session closes with it as well as all of it's data.
So, this means that when you log out your user, you need to specify that their cookie empties anything you don't wan't it to have. When your user logs in, you set anything that you want the user to have while they are logged in. So, since the session and cookie are separate things completely, they never interact together unless you choose to make them. So your session will never dump its self into the cookie store unless you make it do that.
Every time your users go to your site, you could have a single handshake that makes sure that the cookie matches the db if necessary. Otherwise, you could have differing data what only gets updated on login or what not and without the handshake, the user would have to keep logging in to make sure they are still valid which defeats the purpose of having a cookie in the first place.
The downside of client side cookie storage is security concerns. Depending on how you use the cookie to store data, a person could hijack somebodies cookie on your site and pretend they are them. This can be avoided by careful design, but just assume that whatever is in your cookie store is fair game to everybody so use it carefully and for only non secret data.
Hope this helps!

ActiveDirectoryMembershipProvider and Forms authentication

I've got a ASP.NET MVC web app which uses forms authentication.
I'm using ActiveDirectoryMembershipProvider to validate users against our domain.
if (Membership.ValidateUser(m.Username, m.Password))
FormsAuthentication.SetAuthCookie(m.Username, true);
This means the user gets validated only when they log in.
Problem with that is ofcourse that if the user's password changes they still remain logged in. Or worse, user leaves our company with a grudge, and they still have access.
I would have thought such a simple use case would have an obvious answer but I've been stuck on this for a while now.
I could put the users password in the session and then validate it every time, but that doesn't feel right.
What is the suggested/correct way of handling this?
The typical solution is to force log out when users unsubscribes from the service or less commonly when they change password. Use this method:
If the user can be deactivated outside of the app (i.e. Active Directory), the typical practice is to rely on the session time-out and perhaps ask for the credentials once more for critical operations. If you absolutely cannot allow the deactivated user to work while the session is still active, then yes, you'll have to check the credentials on every request. Since storing the password in the app is a very bad idea, it means you'll have to ask for credentials on each request which arguably is an even worse idea.
As for the password change, it normally doesn't modify the user's permissions so it should be harmless to allow for them to continue working.
The answer is to periodically (every 30 minutes or so) check User.IsApproved and User.LastPasswordChangedDate to make sure the users credentials are still valid.
To do this you need to manually create the FormsAuthenticationTicket and cookie, rather than using FormsAuthentication.SetAuthCookie.
Put the date you validated the user inside UserData and compare this against LastPasswordChangedDate.
I've implemented this and it works perfectly.
More information here
Check if Active Directory password is different from cookie

Security problems with autologin and FormsAuthenticationTicket

Im using autologin on my MVC 3 website.
How do I best handle this problem:
A user signs in at his own computer (and gets a 30 day cookie)
Same user signs in at a friends computer (and gets a 30 day cookie)
Its now possible to autologin in at both computers. The user realizes this and changes his password but his friend is still able to autologin from his computer until the cookie expires.
How do I best handle this?
I could of course set at date on the user when password changed and check this up against the date in the cookie.
Or am I missing something?
I know what you're saying, but I think you're implying an association between the "remember me" function and the "password change" function which in practice, isn't there. The auth token you get when authenticating is not generally tied to the value of the password (i.e. when using the membership provider), after all, you're logically keeping the identity authenticated across sessions and in this regard, it works just fine.
To be honest, this sounds like more of a user behaviour problem than a technology problem. In your use case, someone is consciously asking the browser to allow them to remain authenticated for a long period of time and doing so on a machine which they have no control over. Of course I'm assuming you have a "remember me" checkbox and if you don't, there's your answer right there.
The other thing you might want to look at is what OWASP talks about in part 3 of the Top 10 - Broken authentication and session management. This link will put it in a .NET context for you but in short, it talks a lot about reducing the opportunity for exactly what you're describing to happen by things like eager session expiration, disabling sliding sessions and obviously giving end users the control to expire the token at session expiration and log out at any time.
Don't yo have Remember me checkbox on your login form. The value of this checkbox will dictate whether you are going to create persistent cookie or not. if you don't create persistent cookie, it will expire as soon as session ends. In this scenario you user can leave Remember me checkbox unchecked when logging in on his friends computer. If he doesn't he is calling for trouble himself.

How do I prevent Rails users from accidentally authenticating as the wrong user?

Specifically, I have written a Rails app in which I'm using the default (in Rails 2.3.5) CookieStore session store and I've spotted an odd problem in development.
Myself and a few others had been using the site for a few weeks and we each had a login based on a username and password (each user registered themselves and I stored the (salted and hashed) data in the database). I was storing the user ID in the Rails session object (and, therefore, in the cookie that is passed back and forth between browser and server).
One important point here: since this is an intranet site, I set the cookies to stay alive for up to 2 weeks to avoid users having to log in all the time.
Today I reset the database, wiping all user records (and all other data, intentionally). A few users started registering themselves again and then one user found that the first time they went to the site since the wipe they were automatically logged-in as a different user!
I think I can see why this happened: the user ID passed from that user's browser to the server now matched a different user-record in my database. My initial thought was "oh dear, I wasn't expecting that!" but the more I thought about it the more I realised this was probably expected behaviour.
I realise I can change my Rails app to user ActiveRecordStore but before I did that I wanted to make sure I understand what's going on here. Specifically, does the combination of using CookieStore sessions and having the sessions stay alive for some time really create such a gaping security hole? Or am I missing something? Should the session_id be providing a little more security here?
The big security hole in this setup isn't the cookie length, it's setting the user_id in a cookie. This means that anyone who logs into your site can log in as anyone else just by changing that cookie! A hacker would just sequentially walk through user_id's, logging in and seeing if there's anything they want to steal or abuse.
If you want to roll your own authentication, try this instead: add a "token" string field to your user table. When somebody logs in, set this token to a random set of numbers and letters, and pass that as the cookie back to the user. The token should be at least 32 characaters, alphanumeric, upper and lower case.
Now when a user goes to a page, their account is looked up by that hash instead of their user_id. The value is that the hash is much harder to guess, and will never be repeated. Your user_id's were actually repeated when you reset the database, causing people to be logged in as each other.
#shingara is right that the cookie store does handle the security part already, my mistake. The user_id mixup is therefore a one-time occurrence because you reset the database. This is not a problem you'll face in a production environment, unless you reset the database again. If resetting is ever a possibility, then still do the token creation as I recommended. Otherwise, you're fine.
The simplest solution to the problem you had here would be to have changed the cookie name when you reset the database. The cookie name should be in config/initializers/session_store.rb
ActionController::Base.session = {
:key => '_your_app_session_v2',
You could also change the secret, but that may generate errors for your users if they request the site with an old cookie.
You case arrived only if you have 2 differents user with the same user_id. So it's not possible if you define the user_id like unique.
Another case, you can add in session, an hash with an unique key by user. when you check the session you get the user_id and check if the user_token is same . If not, the user is not authorized.
Thankyou for all the responses. They all answered my question in a way: yes, my setup (and my not setting a new session key after wiping the users) creates a security hole.
Lots of Rails tutorials advocate this setup without mentioning the fact that all you need is to monkey with your cookie to be fully authenticated as another user.
So, to summarise, I asked the question because I couldn't find anything discussing the danger of CookieStore session + long cookie lifetimes, and I found that surprising so thought I might be missing something obvious.
I had a similar issue and resolved it using a code snippet similar to
this comment by mdesantis on managing Rails secret token

Specify Cookie Domain in Authlogic When Session Is Created

Is it possible to set the cookie domain to something other than the current domain when a session is created with Authlogic?
When a new account is created from our signup domain, I'd like to redirect the user to their subdomain account and log the user in.
Current controller:
def create
#account =[:account])
#user_session = #account.user_sessions.create(#account.users.first)
# I'd like the cookie domain to be [#account.subdomain, APP_CONFIG[:domain]].join(".")
redirect_to admin_root_url(:host => [#account.subdomain, APP_CONFIG[:domain]].join("."))
render 'new'
If you do:
config.action_controller.session[:domain] = '.YOURDOMAIN.COM'
in your production.rb file, that will allow you to have everyone logged in on all subdomains of your subdomain. If you then add a filter (or whatever, but I use a filter so I know that works) that checks that someone is actually using the right domain before you show controller stuff, it works pretty well.
As an example, you could store the appropriate subdomain for the session as a session variable and give people link options to their specific things if they were on your main domain or looking at a page on someone else's subdomain.
This seems to be the general pattern for doing this sort of thing -- if you set a cookie specific to the subdomain otherwise you won't be able to tell when they've logged in to the main site. I also have a 'users_domain?' helper that ends up getting called occasionally in views when I do this.
If you don't want to have those sorts of common web design patterns, wesgarrion's single use -> session creation on subdomain is also a way to go. I just thought I'd mention this as a design / interaction / code issue.
If you want to log them in on the subdomain, you can use Authlogic's single use token.
Check out the Params module for an example on logging in with the single use token.
Naturally, your action will log them in and create their session (on the subdomain) so they don't have to re-authenticate for the next request.
There are options to set the domain for the cookie in process_cgi() and session(), but I don't see a way to set those per-request in Authlogic. The authlogic mailing list is pretty responsive, though, and this seems like a pretty standard use-case that someone there would have tried and figured out. And uh, I saw your note on the google group, so never mind that.
If you have an application with multiple subdomains and don't want session cookies to be shared among them, or worse - have a top-level .domain session cookie with the same session_key floating around alongside your subdomain session cookie (Rails will keep one and toss the other - I believe simply based on the order in the request header) - you can use the dispatcher hooks to force the session cookie to subdomains.
Include the hook in ActionController from an extension.
base.send :after_dispatch, :force_session_cookies_to_subdomains
Set the domain this in your after_ dispatch hook.
#env['rack.session.options'] = #env['rack.session.options'].merge(:domain => 'my_sub_domain' end)
For us, we look at the #env[HTTP_HOST] to determine what [my_sub_domain] should be.
With this approach, the user's login must occur at the subdomain for the browser to accept the subdomain'ed cookie (unless using a pattern like the Authlogic Params to propagate to the next request against the subdomain).
Note: The browser will reject the subdomain'ed cookie when the request comes from the higher level domain. For us, this isn't a bad thing - it results in the same outcome that we require, that a top level session cookie doesn't get created and later sent to subdomains.
Another approach to a similar end might be to force a cookie to not be set when not from a subdomain. Not spending much time on it, the way I was able to accomplish this was -
request.env["rack.session"] =, request.env)
in an after filter in ApplicationController.
