how to make it so a proximity prompt removes something from your inventory but can also give it back to you if pressed again on roblox? - lua

I dont really know how to code that well with lua and im trying to take classes but I haven't gotten to proximity stuff.
I didnt really try anything.


How can I detect when error correction corrects something or turn off error correction in wireless communication

I'm working on a project in which I basically want to test how many errors happen in wireless communication.
My first thought was to use ESP8266 chips, but then I came to the realization that wifi has ways of correcting errors before they reach the other device. So I was wondering if there's a way to either stop this correction from happening or detect it.
I also thought of making use of the Micro:Bits' radio feature, since they're easily available to me and they don't use wifi. The problem here is that I can't find anywhere that says whether Micro:Bits have error correction codes or not.
If there's another possibility that I'm not seeing, that would definitely let errors through, I would very much like to know.
If all else fails, I could still use antennae, but that would bring a lot of other problems with it for what I'm trying to do.

Keyboard to analog

I have not found any resource that helps me in what I am trying to do. I want to make a simple program that, when running, will convert a key press to an analog input. For example, if I hold A with a game open, it will move my character slowly to the left. I don't need the analog to be dynamic, it can output at a constant amount. To add more clarity, this is so a friend without a controller can sneak in a Pokemon game on his emulator. I'd love it if someone had any ideas or could point me in the right direction. I'm familiar with programming, so I don't need much more than the method of how or where I can accomplish this. Thank you!
Do this,
you can make a program having key event listener, in that listener check whether w,
a,s,d is pressed if so then use API to press analog keys (like in java Robot API) and return true as a Response, run this program in the background.
I don't know this will worth doing but give it a try.

Device tracking without wifi or gps

This isn't necessarily a specific code question, but more just hoping that someone might be able to point me in the right direction. I'm making an outdoors/hiking app and one of the features I'd like to build is a trail progress tracker. I've seen other apps that do this, namely, and it somehow is able to continue to track your location on a topo map even after gps and wifi are inaccessible. I've been trying to research information on how this is done but coming up with nothing, possibly because there's maybe some terminology involved that I'm not familiar with. If anyone can offer any links or hints as to what I should be looking up in relation to this, that would be fantastic.

Turn-by-turn directions on a mobile phone

I'd like to add turn by turn instructions for my hiking-app. I already know how to retrieve the turn-by-turn steps the user has to take, but now I am wondering about strategies on how to figure out what step to display to the user.
So I have my GPS running and the user want's to navigate to a point. If the user starts at the beginning and really follows each step provided, then it's quite easy I guess. I display the information the user has to do in his next step and once he arrives at that location, just display the next step after that. Sure... that's easy...
But in reality that will not always be like that. Users will take shortcuts, GPS signal will be inaccurate, ect.
So I was wondering if anybody could point me to good literature on how to do that. How to determine the proper next step for the user? How to figure out he left the track he should follow? How to detect a shortcut and skip some steps?
I am developing an iOS app, but I guess the same would be true for any platform. Would be great if somebody could point me in the right direction.

Use both GPS and Scan function in same channel with Junaio AR

As the title says, im simply wondering if it is possible to use the GPS tracking and POI part of junaio, and att the same time use the scan functionality to scan and recognize images. Im working with a group at a project which demands that we use both functionalities, and we are at the moment stuck on trying to send 2 XML documents, causing the server to return nothing at all. I simply want to know if it is possible to use both functionalities in the same channel, and I would greatly appriciate if someone would point me in a direction which could help me solve our problems, since I've been able to find absolutley nothing on my own. Thanks beforehand!
Scan + GPS/compass is not possible at the moment.
However, it's possible to use GPS/compass tracking and continuous visual search at the same time. This might be the closest thing to your requirements.
You might find more information on
