Use both GPS and Scan function in same channel with Junaio AR - image-processing

As the title says, im simply wondering if it is possible to use the GPS tracking and POI part of junaio, and att the same time use the scan functionality to scan and recognize images. Im working with a group at a project which demands that we use both functionalities, and we are at the moment stuck on trying to send 2 XML documents, causing the server to return nothing at all. I simply want to know if it is possible to use both functionalities in the same channel, and I would greatly appriciate if someone would point me in a direction which could help me solve our problems, since I've been able to find absolutley nothing on my own. Thanks beforehand!

Scan + GPS/compass is not possible at the moment.
However, it's possible to use GPS/compass tracking and continuous visual search at the same time. This might be the closest thing to your requirements.
You might find more information on


Device tracking without wifi or gps

This isn't necessarily a specific code question, but more just hoping that someone might be able to point me in the right direction. I'm making an outdoors/hiking app and one of the features I'd like to build is a trail progress tracker. I've seen other apps that do this, namely, and it somehow is able to continue to track your location on a topo map even after gps and wifi are inaccessible. I've been trying to research information on how this is done but coming up with nothing, possibly because there's maybe some terminology involved that I'm not familiar with. If anyone can offer any links or hints as to what I should be looking up in relation to this, that would be fantastic.

Using Twisted to track GPS Locations on an iPhone

Recently, while developing an app on the iPhone, I came across the problem of tracking vehicles. It was easy to track the vehicles on a map if they were stationary using Parse ( although not sure if it was the best method) but the issue was tracking vehicles if they were moving. I didn't want to query for geopoints in Parse unnecessarily if the location of the vehicle did not change. I was steered towards using Twisted, and after doing some investigation, realized this might be a solution. Using the reactor loop, when locations were changed I could notify the other users and update their maps appropriately. Conceptually, I understand this problem but having trouble finding information or help regarding GPS with twisted.
I currently have been running the gps example from the site,
Using my MacBook pro to test, I found the available serial port and it attempts to open as a NMEAReciever but I was expecting a GPS location to be written. Once I can understand how to interact with the GPS, I feel I could tackle communicating this information through the iPhone with NSStreams such in the fashion of this tutorial except instead of sending text messages, it will be sending GPS locations
Overall, my question is how can I access the GPS coordinates of a device using Twisted through the tutorial provided. I hope my question was detailed enough and I would be more than happy to correspond with someone any more details. Thank you
I (eventually) wrote twisted.positioning, which is essentially a better version of the twisted.protocols.gps thing you're using. It has much nicer abstractions over concepts like positions, as well as receivers. That may be interesting to you, because it provides abstractions that you can use to e.g. combine information from GPS and other sources (like compass). However, I think that in iOS-land, that job is already (mostly) handled by Core Location. I'd assume that the best course of action is too hook that up to twisted.positioning (shouldn't be particularly difficult, can't be anywhere nearly as hard as NMEA is, at least!). Lacking iOS development experience, I can't tell you how to access Core Location from Python; I can only point at the docs.
twisted.positioning is also an improvement when it comes to documentation. Unfortunately, that wasn't very difficult, because its predecessor came with none at all. I hope the one scant example that is provided helps, though; and I'd be more than happy to elaborate if it doesn't.

Best way to graph some data

I am wanting to display a line graph with details containing wind speed/gust/lulls etc for out local club paragliding app I am making. wondering what the best way to go about it with is?
The current data is just on the web so something similar that I can pinch zoom maybe:
Willy weather has an awesome app that display very nicely, anyone know what they might have used to make it so? the web is very similar to their iPHone app:
after looking around at various 3rd party's, i'm using Core Plot :-)
I've put together a really simple class for displaying line graphs, check it out at
Perhaps rotate the phone for the graph view then swipe up and down to go between the different metrics you wish to show?
There are various third party graphing libraries for iOS. I looked into CorePlot a while back, but did not end up needing it. It looked full-featured, although I've seen posts that it is rather complex and involved to use.

IP-Cam / CCTV-Cam Live Streaming on iPhone/iPad

I want to get stream of an ip-cam on my iPhone/iPad and want to display it on screen. By R&D i found that ffmpeg is the only way to achieve it but i found nothing on ffmpeg. Is there any other way to achieve it or a confirmed way to get compiled ffmpeg on mac please mention that. Material regarding how to use ffmepg or source code example will be highly appreciated.
Is there nothing built-in framework to achieve it if not then please mention if there is any free framework/sdk to achieve this functionality.
There are actually a few.
here are some links
I am sure if you google you can find more.
I cannot only address the first one, because that is ours, but I didn't want this to sound purely like self promotion.

Current road's speed limit

Is it possible to get the current speed limit of a road? I’m not sure if this would be done using the ‘Maps' app as I don’t think its holds speed limit data.
Is anyone able to point me in the right direction?
There is no functionality in MapKit for retrieving speed limits.
You may be able to get it by querying Google directly, or by querying some other third-party speed-limit database. However, it's probably unlikely that you'd find a service offering that kind of data for free.
Figure out where from where you going to get the data and then someone can likely help with how you'd retrieve it.
I have found an open data project that might be of help to you as well as many others:
