POST relation postman - post

I tried to insert data to my Strapi collection using POSTMAN, but it only insert data who doesn't have relation.
"data": {
"date": "2023-02-20T08:29:36.529Z",
"class": 1, // is an id from relation
"absen": [
"id": 1,
"student_name": {
"data": {
"id": 1, // is an id from relation
"attributes": {}
"information": "attend"
I use ID in here, how can I insert this relation data using POSTMAN?


Odata filter expression to query for a particular field name in json

I have the following Odata response
"d": {
"results": [
"__metadata": {
"id": ....,
"URI": .....,
"type": .....
"SchemaId": "ABC"
"__metadata": {
"id": ....,
"URI": .....,
"type": .....
"SchemaId": "DEF"
I want to filter for all the schemaId. Can anyone help with filter query.
I want to filter for all the schemaId. -> No idea what you say, but if you want to filter for a SchemaId you have to do it like this:
.../EntitySet$filter=SchemaId eq 'Whateva'

Microsoft graph user delta - manager issue

When I try to get users via the delta endpoint:$select=id,displayName,manager
The returned response will contain some users with the manager property defined, as expected:
"#odata.context": "$metadata#users(id,displayName,manager)",
"#odata.nextLink": "$skiptoken=[token]",
"value": [
"displayName": "user1",
"id": "id1"
"displayName": "user2",
"id": "id2",
"manager#delta": [
"#odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.user",
"id": "managerId1"
"displayName": "user3",
"id": "id3"
// etc
However when I then query the returned nextLink to get the second page, the same set of users are returned as the first page, and this time without any managers. Also note that the #odata.context value has changed now too:
"#odata.context": "$metadata#users",
"#odata.nextLink": "$skiptoken=[token]",
"value": [
"displayName": "user1",
"id": "id1"
"displayName": "user2",
"id": "id2"
"displayName": "user3",
"id": "id3"
... etc
When I remove the displayName property, so am only selecting for id and manager, the paging seems to work correctly:$select=id,manager
The issue has been reproduced when including the userPrincipalName property in the $select too.

Owner_id field does not pass validation error. What is wrong with my schema?

I am looking into what is wrong with my schema. I'm attempting to insert an entry into my collection and I have gotten a slew of errors as I've changed things around but this seems to be the closest I have gotten to successfully inserting a document. I am using the mongodb-stitch-browser-sdk in a React Ionic project and I have a valid user logged in.
I am using the which is a string as my owner_id (matches the id of my valid user in users collection).
Here is my schema followed by the error in Stitch logs. I was simply trying to insert a document to my Goals table. Also, there are no filters on this collection and there is only one role with the following rule.
"owner_id": ""
This gives the user read and write permissions on the collection's that they created.
"bsonType": "object",
"required": [
"properties": {
"_id": {
"bsonType": "objectId"
"owner_id": {
"bsonType": "string",
"validate": {
"%or": [
"%%prevRoot.owner_id": {
"%exists": false
"%%prevRoot.owner_id": "%%this"
"goalTitle": {
"bsonType": "string",
"minLength": {
"$numberInt": "1"
"maxLength": {
"$numberInt": "30"
"goalDescription": {
"bsonType": "string",
"minLength": {
"$numberInt": "0"
"maxLength": {
"$numberInt": "600"
"startDate": {
"bsonType": "string"
"endDate": {
"bsonType": "string"
role "owner" in "todo_list.Goals" does not have insert permission for document with _id: ObjectID("5e6aa8d11d233536e3ea8604"): could not validate document:
owner_id: Does not pass validation
Stack Trace:
StitchError: insert not permitted
"serviceAction": "insertOne",
"serviceName": "mongodb-atlas",
"serviceType": "mongodb-atlas"
"arguments": [
"collection": "Goals",
"database": "todo_list",
"document": {
"goalTitle": "Test Goal",
"goalDescription": "Test Description",
"endDate": "2020-03-11",
"startDate": "2020-03-10",
"owner_id": "5e6891382e6039c1c32f7d46",
"_id": {
"$oid": "5e6aa8d11d233536e3ea8604"
"name": "insertOne",
"service": "mongodb-atlas"
I've created another collection with no schema and the same rule checking for owner_id and documents in that collection are able to be inserted just fine. I'd have to imagine it is a schema error.

How fetch "webParts" from site pages

I am trying to fetch Pages from Sharepoint sites using graph API.
But when we make GET request with{site-id}/pages/{page-id}
the response consists of webParts which only have type and data.
Inside data we have an id(which same as type) and an instanceId that is unique for every webPart.
Sample webPart:
"type": "d1d91016-032f-456d-98a4-721247c305e8",
"data": {
"id": "d1d91016-032f-456d-98a4-721247c305e8",
"instanceId": "c54a74ef-86c1-44aa-9ba4-802e6841e3a7"
My goal is to fetch webPages with complete details and then backup them to a local drive in any format.
The documentation of graph API shows that the responce would consist of complete details for the webPart, but it is not so.
Documentation link:
Sample request URL:,c1e5444e-12d8-43d3-96b1-f2f66559ef58,b181bdf0-9680-4988-81f7-a24aee4afd6a/pages
Webpart repsonse:
"webParts": [
"type": "rte",
"data": {
"innerHTML": "<p>Take a look at the team behind delivering amazing fashion events for Contoso.</p><p>Find out how the team uses the latest technology to plan amazing fashion shows and gather customer feedback for future events.</p><p>Meet the people behind Contoso's events, learn how to plan your own event, and find the necessary resources to run highly successful fashion shows, premiers, and extravaganzas!</p>"
"type": "d1d91016-032f-456d-98a4-721247c305e8",
"data": {
"id": "d1d91016-032f-456d-98a4-721247c305e8",
"instanceId": "c54a74ef-86c1-44aa-9ba4-802e6841e3a7"
"type": "b7dd04e1-19ce-4b24-9132-b60a1c2b910d",
"data": {
"id": "b7dd04e1-19ce-4b24-9132-b60a1c2b910d",
"instanceId": "75ccfeba-ad6c-416d-a859-4a6b114e156e"
"type": "b7dd04e1-19ce-4b24-9132-b60a1c2b910d",
"data": {
"id": "b7dd04e1-19ce-4b24-9132-b60a1c2b910d",
"instanceId": "f04e02fb-45e6-4e74-9f46-0c8d90e7fb8d"
"type": "275c0095-a77e-4f6d-a2a0-6a7626911518",
"data": {
"id": "275c0095-a77e-4f6d-a2a0-6a7626911518",
"instanceId": "c1a222b0-624e-4e30-b544-d2a67e8e1112"
Expected Response format:
"webParts": [
"type": "rte",
"data": {
"innerHTML": "<p>Here are the team's upcoming events:</p>"
"type": "d1d91016-032f-456d-98a4-721247c305e8",
"data": {
"title": "Events",
"description": "Display upcoming events",
"serverProcessedContent": {
"htmlStrings": {},
"searchablePlainTexts": {
"title": ""
"imageSources": {},
"links": {
"baseUrl": ""
"componentDependencies": {
"layoutComponentId": "8ac0c53c-e8d0-4e3e-87d0-7449eb0d4027"
"dataVersion": "1.0",
"properties": {
"selectedListId": "032e08ab-89b0-4d8f-bc10-73094233615c",
"selectedCategory": "",
"dateRangeOption": 0,
"startDate": "",
"endDate": "",
"isOnSeeAllPage": false,
"layoutId": "FilmStrip",
"dataProviderId": "Event",
"webId": "0764c419-1ecc-4126-ba32-0c25ae0fffe8",
"siteId": "6b4ffc7a-cfc2-4a76-903a-1cc3686dee23"
I want webParts in the format as per documentation.
If the instanceId is unique then there might be some reference table to match these instanceIds and fetch the detailed webParts structure.

Retrieve only one object inside an array elasticsearch

I have an index named books which has reviews as an object which can handle arrays.
While retrieving data, in a particular case I only want the review having maximum rating.
"books" :{
"reviews": {
"properties": {
"rating": {
"type": "float"
"comments": {
"type": "string"
"author" : {
"type" : "string"
Many books can have many reviews each having some rating. For a particular use case I only want the result set to have the reviews having maximum rating. I need to build a search query for that kind of result.
POST books/_search
"size": 51,
"sort": [
"reviews.rating": {
"order": "asc",
"mode" : "min"
"fields": [
By using script_fields one can build dynamic fields but not objects. Else I could have made a dynamic object reviews having one field as rating and another as comment.
script_fields can be used to build both dynamic fields and objects:
curl -XDELETE localhost:9200/test-idx
curl -XPUT localhost:9200/test-idx -d '{
"mappings": {
"books" :{
"reviews": {
"properties": {
"rating": {
"type": "float"
"comments": {
"type": "string"
"author" : {
"type" : "string"
curl -XPOST "localhost:9200/test-idx/books?refresh=true" -d '{
"reviews": [{
"rating": 5.5,
"comments": "So-so"
}, {
"rating": 9.8,
"comments": "Awesome"
}, {
"rating": 1.2,
"comments": "Awful"
"author": "Roversial, Cont"
curl "localhost:9200/test-idx/books/_search?pretty" -d '{
"fields": ["author"],
"script_fields": {
"highest_review": {
"script": "max_rating = 0.0; max_review = null; for(review : _source[\"reviews\"]) { if (review.rating > max_rating) { max_review = review; max_rating = review.rating;}} max_review"
