conv2d() received an invalid combination of arguments - - opencv

I am getting the following error when trying to run model on my input video:
enter image description here
The code that I run is :
enter image description here
Can somebody help me figure out where am I making the mistake.
Thank you in advance.
Expectation: Divide the input video into frames with the bounding boxes of person class in each frame.


Attribute Error for pytorch_forecasting models

I'm currently trying to set up a TemporalFusionTransformer from the pytorch_forecasting library in Google Colab, following the exact approach that is stated here.
For some reason, I always get "AttributeError: 'tuple' object has no attribute 'items'" when trying to set up a model.
Even if I just try initializing a default model in the Baseline class, I get the same error (see screenshot).
Error message for Baseline model
Maybe someone knows how to solve this issue here. Thanks in advance.
What I tried so far:
converted my data into a TimeSeriesDataSet object
used TemporalFusionTransformer.from_dataset(...) providing my data as well as some training parameters
tried the same without providing the training parameters
tried setting up the TFT with and without training parameters (i.e. TemporalFusionTransformer(...))
tried the same with the Baseline model (Baseline())
result was an Attribute error in all cases

TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not callable? what is this error?

I want to use huggingface model to generate summaries of a given text but the following code gives an error can you people plsease help me to solve this error
image of code and error
i didnt try anything because i am a newbie i just want the solution of this code

Trying to fix an auto farming script for a mobile game

I found a 5 month old lua script to automatically farm currency and items in a mobile game called Soda Dungeon, the script was finicky when I found it and wouldn't work properly so I'm trying to fix it with very little lua experience.
Here is the code Ive edited:
it runs fine until it tries to start the dungeon and I get this error:
Runtime error: com.appautomatic.ankulua.f:
Can't find dungeon_level_up.png
stack traceback:
[C]: in function 'continueClick'
?: in function <?:291>
(tail call):?
217: in function 'main'
239: in main chunk
Any help is greatly appreciated.
I don't know anything about Ankulua but a quick session with our best buddy google gave me this:
They give those functions:
continueClick(x, y, xRandom, yRandom, times)
continueClick(PSMRL, times [,timeout])
They say continueClick will click on a position given by x,y or PSMRL, which will resolve in a postion as well.
You enter a string that contains an image name.
I assume the message
Can't find dungeon_level_up.png
Is rather an exception text of some find(PS) function inside Ankulua than a problem with finding an image file. Replace that image name with some coordinates and check what is happening.
I would not trust that function call in your script as the author of that script added a comment that he does not know what continueClick returns. So maybe he did not know how to use it as well.
The documentation says:
There is no return value.
Btw, the author of Ankulua offered support via mail. So why don't you ask him? I'm sure he'll be of better help than anyone here.
let me offer you another alternative method, just a few simple click you and drag
It doesn't require root,
background service Installation can be found at the following
currently only works on ARM
for Android 5.0+
for Android 4.2~4.4
feel free to send me message to ask for question
here is what it can do
check out the blog, it contains tutorials, and video demo
Hope everything works out for you,

QR codes in Lightbox

I've gotten myself tangled up with QR codes and geolocations.
I have a MySQL table with latitudes and longitudes, and I have a whole batch of QR Code images. Instead of pre-making images, I'd like to generate them on the fly, then display them in Lightbox, with their name and address.
I've gotten to this point (xxx is the MySQL table)
<a href=<?php print "".$xxx->latitude->CurrentValue.",".$xxx->longitude->CurrentValue."'";?> rel="lightbox" title=<? Php print "'".$xxx->name->CurrentValue.", ".$xxx->address->CurrentValue."'";?>
This generates an image, but if I then scan the image with a phone (say), I get something like "http://aa.aaaaaa,bb.bbbbb" as the link to the map. Of course, that doesn't work. I need a more definitive link.
I'm unsure where to go from here. Ideas would be welcome.
Well, I've come some of the way.
If I add "geo:" (no quotes) in the line like this:"
I get something readable. Now I need to figure how to put a marker in there, and I'm done!

could not be able to get image from url and set to image view in flex

Any body help me I want to get image from yahoo weather rss and set the source of my flex component, I'm now able get other data from yahoo weather rss but still not able to get image please help me I have got other data in this way could-not-be-able-to-get-data-from-yahoo-weather-rss-in-flex
please give me some hint to get that images
Ok, at last today I got idea about how to set image, not about get image, from yahoo weather api or rss feed. So, I tried to get code of condition and set my own image placed in my assets folder like this:
var codeOfCondition:XMLList = result_weather_data_xml.descendants().attribute("code");
and then tried :
if(codeOfCondition == 0){image.source = "assets/CORRESPONDING_IMAGE_TO_CODE";// for all conditions there should be corresponding image}
and this solves the problem for me, there may be some other way to do that but this is my approach thanks.
