I'm trying to write a graaljs script using VSCode, I've added all the necessary Graal extensions, I have Graasl.js installed , but I also have several jars with Java classes I want to use. Is there a way to add them to the classpath or something like that, so I can have autocomplete?
In grails 2 and earlier, plugins installed their source to .grails/<version>/projects/<projectName>/plugins/etc, this made it easy to debug plugins that were installed without having to check out and load the full source... find where problems were that could be hot-deployed. No need to install run the plugin locally.
In grails 3, this seems to be missing... or maybe I'm just missing something? Is there somewhere in my project I can directly modify the plugin source without checking out the plugin, compiling it and then installing it locally?
Yes, you're missing something rather important :)
Grails 2 plugins are distributed as ZIP files including source code, but Grails 3+ plugins are distributed as JAR files with the code compiled into classes. This has multiple benefits over the earlier approach, the biggest one being that you can no longer edit the source directly (which is the worst way to make changes to how a plugin works).
What you should do instead (in all versions of Grails) is to take advantage of the compilation/load/resolution order between the app and the installed plugins - plugins load first, then the app. This allows you to override nearly anything in a plugin just by creating a file (Groovy/Java/GSP/etc.) with the same name and same relative location in your app code, and it will automagically override the plugin's file or class. E.g. to override a plugin's com.foo.BarController controller, create grails-app/controllers/com/foo/BarController.groovy in your app (manually or by copying the original source and modifying it).
By default, Maven standard directory layout has two Java source folders:
For my purposes, I need a third one src/junit/java which should be packaged into a JAR with the classifier junit.
If possible, the new source folder should have it's own classpath (compile + everything with scope junit).
My guess is that for this, I will have to modify at least the resource and compile plugins.
Or is there an easier way?
I have a workaround as explained here but for that, I have to put things like Mockito and JUnit on the compile classpath which violates my sense of purity.
For all people who doubt the wisdom of my approach: I have support code that help to write unit tests when you work with code from src/main/java. Since I'm using the same support code in the tests for the project itself, this code needs to be compiled after src/main/java and before src/test/java.
Specifically, my support code needs to import code from src/main/java and the tests need to be able to import the support code.
I've seen a couple of Maven setups, which bundle test code in an own Maven module. You could then create a simple main-module <- support-module <- test-module dependency chain with that. But then main-module would compile fine, if you build it on it's own without test-module. Ofc you could aggreate them together with a reactor-pom and just build the project via this pom.
If you have problems with this setup regarding code coverage, you can use the Jacoco Maven plugin to aggregate the test coverage generated by test-module to main-module. See this for further information: http://www.petrikainulainen.net/programming/maven/creating-code-coverage-reports-for-unit-and-integration-tests-with-the-jacoco-maven-plugin/
I`m using Apache Tika 1.4 to extract content from my documents. But it also comes with org.bouncycastle.* classes, and I use another version of bouncycastle which is conflicting with the Tika packages.
If the Tika was using the bouncycastle (bcprov) jar, I could exclude that using exclusion tag from Maven, but the TikaApp has copied the org.bouncycastle classes into it, so, I cannot exclude them.
There`s some way to remove this package without recompiling or branching Apache Tika and set to use another JAR to this specified package or something like that?
Your problem is that you're using completely the wrong packaging of Tika!
The tika-app jar is a standalone, runnable jar, containing all of the Tika code + all dependencies required to let it run. It's intended to be used from the command line, standalone, to allow non-Java users to call Tika, and to allow for easy testing.
If you're writing your own Java application, which it sounds like you are, you will want to depend on the tika-core artifact as a minimum. That contains all the interfaces, the mime detection, service loaders etc. You'll then almost certainly also want to depend on tika-parsers , which provides all the code to do the actual parsing of the file formats, along with pulling in their required dependencies. This gives you the full control you seem to want.
Finally, there's also an OSGi bundle available, for those who prefer the control and classloading that OSGi offers, that's in the tika-bundle artifact. There's also a CXF powered JAX-RS version, which offers Tika's services over a RESTful interface, that comes in the tika-server artifact.
Is there a way to check which Grails plugins are active and used durring application runtime?
I want to remove a plugin but I want to be absolutely sure that it is not used anymore...
Well, a brute force way would be to copy your Grails project (preferably using a source control tool like git's branching feature), remove the plugin, and make sure that:
No exceptions on a grails clean, grails compile, and grails refresh-dependencies.
All unit and integration tests pass (your team is writing those, right? ;) )
You can run the application and use it fairly normally; warning, this is the worst test, and by itself isn't sufficient, as you could end up with a BOMM.
If you're familiar with the classes in the plugin, but there are way too many Grails files to look through manually, you could use code search tools like those found in GGTS whatever IDE/text editor you're using. Even grep could be handy for finding references to those classes or some distinctly named methods.
Conversely, if the plugin is basically a black box, and your Grails app is small enough to get around, check the import statements at the top of your Controllers, Domains, and Services. If the plugin provides more client-side technology (like the jQuery plugin) check your GSPs and various items in the web-app directory (like Javascript files) for references to it.
In Eclipse, I'm using the already packed ij.jar instead of the source code. I added the ij.jar file as an external jar in Eclipse. Every plugin shipped in the original ij.jar works fine after I imported from ij.
Currently, I'm trying to use functions in the third-party plugin StackReg. Does anyone know how I can import the classes inside StackReg? I've tried to add StackReg_.jar as an external jar. However, this does not work.
From quickly looking at the source of StackReg plugin, I see that the classes are in the default package. In java, importing classes from default package to a named package is not possible without using reflection.
Possible solutions are:
Put your classes in the default package. Then you can use the classes in the default package without importing them. Note that using default package is bad practice in java.
Use reflection: https://stackoverflow.com/a/561183/1903534
Alter the StackReg plugin to not use the default package. But this might not be compatible with its license and your solution will not be compatible with the original jar.