Whether the TV application can click to jump to open YouTube TV and play the corresponding video when watching YouTube video - youtube-api

Whether the TV application can click to jump to open YouTube TV and play the corresponding video when watching YouTube video.
Jump from one TV application to another and continue to watch the corresponding video.


Youtube video embedding thumbnail

I have a youtube video playlist of 15 videos.
On my website when someone clicks a link, I am displaying a specific video within the playlist (example: video 5 of 15). My issue is that since YouTube no longer allows autoplay if you have the audio on, the video will display properly on the page, but it always shows the thumbnail of the first video in the playlist (not the thumbnail of video 5 in this example) which confuses the viewer because they think they are looking at the wrong video and therefore don't press the play button.
Does anyone know what I can do to make the correct thumbnail to show?
Note: I don't want to embed only video 5 (in this example) because I want video 6 to start playing automatically once video 5 completes.

Play YouTube or Vimeo Video on iOS fullscreen and without WebView

I know there are various libraries and approaches to play Youtube or Vimeo videos on iOS inside WebViews. Is there a way to play such a video without the use of a WebView at all? All I want to do is have my own "show video" button and when it's pressed then the default fullscreen video player on iOS should open and play the video from YouTube or Vimeo. Is that possible?
You can try with
as reported in this thread:
How to embed a Youtube video into my app?

Is there a Youtube player for Xamarin PCL

I want to create a YouTube video player for playing some trailers for my Portable Class. How do I open a trailer from YouTube in the FULL screen of the smartphone after clicking the Play icon like in the picture.
I prefer not to use the WebView component.
Youtube Playclick Icon
Here's a link to a video player tutorial in Xamarin. It is not specifically YouTube, but you can start from here. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=luDyX0kYzY4&t=330s

YouTube Player API video playback pauses in Multi Window on Android N

When I play a video using YouTube Player API and open another application in multi-window mode my activity receives onPause and video playback pauses. I expected YouTube Player API to follow the guidelines at http://developer.android.com/preview/features/multi-window.html#lifecycle
"we recommend that activities that play video not pause the video in their onPause() handlers. Instead, they should pause video in onStop(), and resume playback in onStart()."
YouTube app works as expected.

Jwplayer 6: html5 fullscreen when video clicked to play

I want to be able to use jwplayer so that when the user clicks on the video the video will start to play in fullscreen mode.
I want this functionality to work on mobile devices that support html5.
If the video is played on a mobile device it will take up the whole screen.
Youtube and Vimeo currently do this on mobile devices.
The Link Below uses Html5 video tag, which plays in fullscreen on mobile device when the video is clicked on.
The only way I that I know that jwplayer allows fullscreen is that I manually click on the fullscreen button, but it would be nice to only click on the video to trigger the video to play in full screen.
