[Transoft][TSODBC][usqlsd][MF](log: 74820-172706) 2/4: Unexpected error from file handler." - transoft

I am trying to SELECT an table via Transoft ODBC usql.
one of the table keep on returning Unexpected error from file handler.
Anyone seen this error before can suggest what do do?
I suspected an bad entry, but I was able to reindex the file without error.


The operation couldn't be completed IDETemplateParseError error1

I have made a simple program that gets a users input, displays it in a table, inputs are saved to core data so that the next time the application is loaded, the table shows the saved data.
However, I am getting a build-time error which is Uncategorized. I've been stuck for a while and I can't find anything online.
The error is: The operation couldn't be completed. (IDEFoundation .IDETemplateParseError error 1.)
All I have at the moment in my .xcdatamodeId is one entity called Places and one attribute within that entity called locationVisited.
Any help would be appreciated
Remove white space from your .xcdatamodeId file name. It's help for successfully build app.

Showing an Null Reference Exception that values are garbage collected while loading the data

My application is throwing an exception while loading the data and it's showing a message that "requested operation is cancelled due to object is garbage collected".
sometimes My application is working fine but unexpectedly in the middle it,s throwing this exception.
Can any one guide me to solve this issue.
Please check this once https://forums.xamarin.com/discussion/18910/navigation-popasync-not-freeing-page
I don't think it will work or not but please check your xaml file once the issue in the design.If you are manually adding any controls like buttons,labels with bindings (any controls) from your ViewModel or any file it should throw this type exception I also faced this.In my case below line of code worked for me
await Task.Delay(your seconds);
before or after adding controls
There is a chance that you create some background task in your app and run and in this task, you get the null object.
In this case, you will need to:
put a debugger on System.NullReferenceException and find the exact issue location. please look below image.

Umbraco upgrading from 7.4.3 to 7.6.1 Cannot insert duplicate key

Am trying to upgrade Umbraco from 7.4.3 to 7.6.1 and receiving the following error from the installer:
The database failed to upgrade. ERROR: The database configuration failed with the following message: Cannot insert duplicate key row in object 'dbo.umbracoNode' with unique index 'IX_umbracoNodeUniqueID'.
When I look in the umbracoNode table I can't find a row with the uniqueID shown in the error message.
Any else had this problem and found a way to fix it?
Many thanks
So tried disabling the IX_umbracoNodeUniqueID constraint and instead got the following error:
The database failed to upgrade. ERROR: The database configuration
failed with the following message: There are no primary or candidate
keys in the referenced table 'umbracoNode' that match the referencing
column list in the foreign key 'FK_umbracoRedirectUrl'. Could not
create constraint.
Any further ideas?
I did eventually get this to work. I created fresh install of 7.6.5 (Umbraco had moved on since I started this post) and then imported the "umbracoRedirectUrl" table into my original database from the clean install. That coupled with disabling the IX_umbracoNodeUniqueID index in the "UmbracoNode" table allowed the installation to complete. Once the install completed I tried to turn the index back on, which provided me with a more useful error message so I was able to track the node with duplicate uniqueIDs and manually delete. They appeared to related to a previous bug. Once I had removed them I was able to reactivate the IX_umbracoNodeUniqueID index.
Hope this is helpful to someone else.
Drop the index 'IX_umbracoNodeUniqueID'. I had the same issue and comparing my db to other Umbraco 7 dbs, this doesn't appear to be mandatory.
After I did this I got a separate error regarding a default scheme being missing, this was due to my DB user being set up wrong. If you do get this though, just change the default scheme of your user to 'dbo'.

In py2neo, how do I know if a push() worked?

I'm updating a node and pushing it:
push() seems to return nothing. How can I tell if the push works? In my test code, I ought to be violating a unique constraint in Neo4J.
How can I tell using py2neo? I expected an exception.
When I enter the equivalent cypher into the Neo4J web tool, I get the following exception:
Node 322184 already exists with label VERSION and property "version"=[1.436818928448956E9]
which is what I expected.
Edit -
What I expected to get back was an indicator of whether the operation worked or not. I think push() accepts an array of nodes, so an array of results would be sensible. I don't know what the indicator would have within it since I don't know what is available. An array of strings would be fine, with each string being a failure reason, or "OK".
Generally speaking, the design of this API is: if it returns OK, you can assume everything has worked as expected, if an error is raised, that error will contain details of what went wrong. Therefore, absence of error should usually be interpreted as a signal of success.
That said, if you believe that your push has failed and no error has been raised, there is a bug in py2neo. For debugging, you can check the state of the database after your push by using the browser and then if you're able to recreate this scenario in a standalone piece of code, please raise an issue on GitHub and I will be happy to fix it.

LINQ: System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: String or binary data would be truncated

I have a table and am using ASP.NET MVC to create an object and save it. It's been working fine for a while. Somehow, recently, I started getting this error message on the production machine:
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: String or binary data would be truncated.
I can't seem to replicate the same error on my development machine. Is there anyway to find out what column is causing this? I'm running MSSQL 2008 R2 Express.
This usually occurs when you're trying to insert data that is longer than the field size defined on SQL Server. You can increase the size of the field in the database to solve the problem. If you're accepting user input and saving it to the database then you should be validating it against the defined maximum size of the database field.
Caused by data-length mismatch between your insert data and the defined column in your database. It indicates that the database would have to cut of data from your insert to be able to store it.
You may take closer look to the inner exception, I don't know it for sure, but I think you find more information there about the column that throws that error. And yes, you should prevent the users from inserting too long values and catch this in your model.
If you, for what ever don't want to implement a additional validation you should log the exception with the content that you tried to insert/update and then compare the values with the db.
