Showing an Null Reference Exception that values are garbage collected while loading the data - ios

My application is throwing an exception while loading the data and it's showing a message that "requested operation is cancelled due to object is garbage collected".
sometimes My application is working fine but unexpectedly in the middle it,s throwing this exception.
Can any one guide me to solve this issue.

Please check this once
I don't think it will work or not but please check your xaml file once the issue in the design.If you are manually adding any controls like buttons,labels with bindings (any controls) from your ViewModel or any file it should throw this type exception I also faced this.In my case below line of code worked for me
await Task.Delay(your seconds);
before or after adding controls

There is a chance that you create some background task in your app and run and in this task, you get the null object.
In this case, you will need to:
put a debugger on System.NullReferenceException and find the exact issue location. please look below image.


Vaadin23 vaadin.eagerServerLoad=true and BeforeEnterObserver

I switched to vaadin.eagerServerLoad=true in order to fix the issue with incorrect HTTP status code (I need to return 404 when it is needed).
I also noticed one issue which potentially maybe related to the vaadin.eagerServerLoad=true. On the views with com.vaadin.flow.router.BeforeEnterObserver the method BeforeEnterObserver.beforeEnter is executed twice when I for the very first time enter the page (please note that there is no such issue when I navigate between views in the already constructed UI). This is why now as a temporal fix I have to call removeAll() as a first line in the beforeEnter method.
What am I doing wrong and how to fix it?

The operation couldn't be completed IDETemplateParseError error1

I have made a simple program that gets a users input, displays it in a table, inputs are saved to core data so that the next time the application is loaded, the table shows the saved data.
However, I am getting a build-time error which is Uncategorized. I've been stuck for a while and I can't find anything online.
The error is: The operation couldn't be completed. (IDEFoundation .IDETemplateParseError error 1.)
All I have at the moment in my .xcdatamodeId is one entity called Places and one attribute within that entity called locationVisited.
Any help would be appreciated
Remove white space from your .xcdatamodeId file name. It's help for successfully build app.

Ruby on Rails: What is stale object and it's features?

In my application i got the error as con't update stale object. I don't know about this object. When it will create and why it was called a stale object. I want to know. Is it used in Only in ROR or other languges are also uses, this object and purpose?
According to the documentation:
Reason of Stale object exception is:
Record is stale when it's being saved in another query after instantiation, for example, when two users edit the same wiki page and one starts editing and saves the page before the other.
Solution: To avoid this exception use the locking system:
In my application multiple threads to be able to edit the same work -> version -> element record. its detecting error and raising the suitable error.
I typically did to handle the error:
I print a flash message such as "Sorry, please try after someone time, someone else editing this working version element".
element.lock_version = Document::Element.find(!
For example, such as detecting that one edit changed the element's type, where as the other edit changed the element's name by different creator, and then code of the two record should be merged done in one save.
In general, I used to element.reload to fetch a fresh version of the element.
worked fine!!

In py2neo, how do I know if a push() worked?

I'm updating a node and pushing it:
push() seems to return nothing. How can I tell if the push works? In my test code, I ought to be violating a unique constraint in Neo4J.
How can I tell using py2neo? I expected an exception.
When I enter the equivalent cypher into the Neo4J web tool, I get the following exception:
Node 322184 already exists with label VERSION and property "version"=[1.436818928448956E9]
which is what I expected.
Edit -
What I expected to get back was an indicator of whether the operation worked or not. I think push() accepts an array of nodes, so an array of results would be sensible. I don't know what the indicator would have within it since I don't know what is available. An array of strings would be fine, with each string being a failure reason, or "OK".
Generally speaking, the design of this API is: if it returns OK, you can assume everything has worked as expected, if an error is raised, that error will contain details of what went wrong. Therefore, absence of error should usually be interpreted as a signal of success.
That said, if you believe that your push has failed and no error has been raised, there is a bug in py2neo. For debugging, you can check the state of the database after your push by using the browser and then if you're able to recreate this scenario in a standalone piece of code, please raise an issue on GitHub and I will be happy to fix it.

Save Conflict Error when trying to add new List Items at the time of list creation

We have created a Custom List template programmatically using Feature.xml, Element.xml, Schema.xml AllItems.aspx, and 3 aspx forms. We have a code behind file for each of these aspx files. i.e. for the AllItems.aspx, DispForm.aspx, EditForm.aspx and NewForm.aspx.
Problematic file is AllItems.aspx. In the code behind for AllItems.aspx file we are deleting previous list items and adding new items to the list before showing them up to the user. As per expectations the code behind file for AllItems.aspx is derived from WebPartPage Class and we have tried to overload quite a few methods without much success.
Problem only occurs on the first time rendering i.e. when an instance of this list is created. When overriding OnLoad(), we get the Save conflict error, Similar is the case with OnInit(), CreateChildControls() method. However, when we override the Render() or RenderChildren() method no such error comes up but at the same time our new list items are also not visible. On browser refresh everything starts working fine as expected. It is only for the first time that the issue comes up.
What could be the possible cause for this? Any ideas, suggestions would be highly appreciated.
Best Regards,
I had a problem with a custom EditForm.aspx. I have two lists that are linked together and a change in one causes an event handler to update the other. I have a custom control in EditForm.aspx that edits the linked list. This was causing the event handler to update the item displayed by EditForm.aspx. This in turn would cause the conflict error when the user saved the form.
I finally found that I could reset the context with:
I am not sure if this will help in your case but it fixed my problem.
