Loading external urdf with CMakeList for apt installed drake - drake

I am trying to integrate drake as a physics simulator with in my code. My code does have ros2 as IPC, but the code itself is ROS agnostic. I am using colcon to build the code and I am using CMakeList with drake installed using apt on ubuntu 22.04.
I am trying to load the urdf in drake with in my class structure. I my header file, I defined the following parameters:
drake::systems::DiagramBuilder<double> builder_;
drake::multibody::MultibodyPlant<double>* plant_{};
drake::geometry::SceneGraph<double>* scene_graph_{};`
In my source file, my code is
std::tie(plant_, scene_graph_) = AddMultibodyPlantSceneGraph(&builder_, std::make_unique<MultibodyPlant<double>>(1e-3));
const std::string urdf = drake::FindResourceOrThrow("path_to_urdf/urdf.urdf");
However, when I run the code, I get the following message
[****] terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::runtime_error'
[***] what(): Drake resource_path '~/path_to_urdf/urdf.urdf' does not start with drake/.
I verified that file is available on the link. I tried creating the manual drake folder as well, but it keeps complaining.
I did saw the issue https://github.com/RobotLocomotion/drake-external-examples/issues/170 open but I am not sure if it is related to that. Any help or guidance will be highly appreciated.

In general, don't use FindResourceOrThrow to load models. It's intended only for Drake build system resources.
To use AddModelFromFile, just pass it an absolute path:
std::tie(plant_, scene_graph_) = ...
You can also use ROS package paths, if you are using package.xml files:
std::tie(plant_, scene_graph_) = ...
drake::multibody::Parser parser(plant_);
std::string package_dir = parser.package_map().GetPath("myproject");
parser.AddModels(package_dir + "/urdf/foo.urdf");
In the next version of Drake (v1.13.0), there will also be a AddModelsFromUrl function to make ROS package paths even easier.


Error in launching RTAB node in ROS Melodic

I know I should ask this one in ROS Forums but I couldn't due to some reasons (Sorry for that). So the thing is, I built standalone RTAB package from source in my Ubuntu 18.04 (Bionic) with ROS Melodic installed. I am trying to launch the node for rtab mapping by writing this in my sourced catkin workspace:
~/catkin_ws$ roslaunch rtabmap_ros-master/launch rtabmap.launch rtabmap_args:="--delete_db_on_start" rtabmapviz:=false rviz:=true
But when i do this it raises RLE Exception Error even though the path given to rtabmap.launch file is correct and file is at the location. Error is something like that:
RLException: [rtabmap.launch] is neither a launch file in package [rtabmap_ros-master] nor is [rtabmap_ros-master] a launch file name
I don't know why its giving this same error and i am stuck here. Please Help!!!
As the error suggests it can not find a launch file for that package. This is usually caused by one of two things. The first is you need to make sure you're sourcing the correct setup file; here it would be source ~/catkin_ws/setup.bash
The second thing is that you need to make sure you're actually installing the launch files so that they can be used when built. Here that would mean your CMakeLists.txt has something like this:
install(DIRECTORY launch/

cv2.error: OpenCV(4.3.0) ../opencv_contrib/modules/dnn_superres/src/dnn_superres.cpp:97: error: (-2:Unspecified error) Model not specified

Im trying out this article;
this is the code copied out of the article;
import cv2
from cv2 import dnn_superres
sr = dnn_superres.DnnSuperResImpl_create()
image = cv2.imread('./input.png')
path = "EDSR_x3.pb"
sr.setModel("edsr", 3)
result = sr.upsample(image)
cv2.imwrite("./upscaled.png", result)
i also tried opencv Super Resolution Tutorial;
import cv2
from cv2 import dnn_superres
sr = dnn_superres.DnnSuperResImpl_create()
image = cv2.imread('./image.png')
path = "EDSR_x4.pb"
sr.setModel("edsr", 4)
result = sr.upsample(image)
cv2.imwrite("./upscaled.png", result)
My enviroment is anaconda3 opencv 4.3.0.
I either get the error from the title or i get "killed" when i run the opencv example.
*My file directory is all on the same level of the sample codes. I would just change my image file names.
I did try to compile opencv and opencv_contrib from cmake but, i didn't know how to have python refer to opencv and opencv_contrib from source.
ifollow this documentation to install opencv from source;
I opted to use anaconda wrapping of opencv 4.3.0 because i ran into too many dependency and wrongly installed package problems.
My friend from a meetup managed to apply the code from the article just as the article depicted while i tried to follow exactly what he did, using an anaconda enviorment. Would my problem stem from my virtual enviorment or opencv package version or the code itself? i did have another colleague run my code from my github branch and he had my exact same problems. How should i apprach the bugs im having and apply the super resolution examples i found?
The error 'Model not specified' comes from the fact that the Net is empty. You have to actually download the model and then provide the path to the 'sr.readModel()' function.
If you did that and it still does not work, you could try these two things:
Try a smaller image (in .png format).
Build OpenCV from source. Do not forget the contrib modules (this is where the dnn_superres module resides). You said you had a problem linking python. I would suggest to use this tutorial. After following that tutorial, do the following command (after you already did sudo make install), to link the python libraries:
sudo ldconfig

RcppArmadillo undefined symbol: dpotrf_ in Travis build

I have looked at many other posts related to this issue and have tried each solution. None have worked in my case, including copying over the makevars from Rcpp. Anyhow, when building on Travis I get the following error
undefined symbol: dpotrf_’
The interesting note is that the package installs fine on windows, macOS, and linux.
here is my repo R package
I can reproduce the failure on a very standard Debian testing system (which I use for the extensive reverse dependency checks on Rcpp and RcppArmadillo).
After installing packages bain and BFpack (I had the rest) I attempted to build the tar.gz from your pristine just-checked-out sources. And I get:
*** installing help indices
*** copying figures
** building package indices
** testing if installed package can be loaded from temporary location
Error: package or namespace load failed for ‘BGGM’ in dyn.load(file, DLLpath = DLLpath, ...):
unable to load shared object '/tmp/Rinst106c6ed5251a/00LOCK-BGGM/00new/BGGM/libs/BGGM.so':
/tmp/Rinst106c6ed5251a/00LOCK-BGGM/00new/BGGM/libs/BGGM.so: undefined symbol: dpotrf_
Error: loading failed
Execution halted
ERROR: loading failed
* removing ‘/tmp/Rinst106c6ed5251a/BGGM’
ERROR: package installation failed
This appears to be a moderately complex and large enough package so please pardon me for not diving in and debugging. I would suggest you simplify with smaller mock packages to see what may be wrong. (dpotrf is a fairly standard LAPACK routine so something somewhere calls it. Maybe you call it explicitly. Maybe you did a Fortran-to-C mapping wrong. Maybe you have something wrong in how you interface with RcppArmadillo. Hard to tell...)
Edit: You committed compiled code and a Windows library. "Don't do that." When Travis builds it also starts from a git checkout as I did. That may be the difference.
Edit 2: It wasn't, but your R code mixes .Call() with generated entry points (ie via RcppExports.cpp and RcppExports.R). I have seen that blow up for other people. That may be something to look into.
Disclaimer: I work with D_Williams, but I figured out the problem, and others may find it useful.
A functioning configure.ac was present, and a Makevars.in is present.
The problem is that the configure file was not yet generated. This is an autotools/autoconf setup. To resolve it, I ran autoconf in the package directory, which generated the configure file. That configure file is then executed when R builds the package. The configure file modifies the Makevars.in and creates Makevars. That Makevars file ultimately defines where to find libraries, includes, compilers, compiler options, etc.
If you do not generate the configure file from configure.ac using autoconf, then there is no configure file to be executed, and no Makevars to define the needed options at compile time. Therefore, the compiler is not fully configured, and it will fail.
TLDR: If you have an configure.ac, you must run autoconf on it, and commit that configure file to your repo. R needs to execute it to have a functioning Makevars.

what is the ROS linting solution

What's the ros way of linting ros code?
For ros1 I have found roslint but it is unclear to me if this is the recommended way to lint ros code and if it is still maintained/supported (last commit from three years ago).
For ros2 I couldn't find any official lint solution.
Not sure if there is "the ROS way of linting". For your Python/C++ code you can basically use any standard Python/C++ linter.
In addition (when using ROS 1) I can highly recommend catkin_lint, which checks the package definition and notifies about issues like inconsistent dependency declarations or missing install commands (especially the later can save a lot of time when moving from a devel workspace to installing packages on the robot).
The ROS2 development guide explains the rules used. Link1 and Link2
There is a linter located in ament_lint to enforce some rules.
To run the linter automatically as part of the tests of the package (use BUILD_TEST):
depend on ament_lint_auto and ament_lint_common:
Src file example Package.xml
2 lines to your CMakeLists: (with BUILD_TEST)
Src file example CMakeList
find_package(ament_lint_auto REQUIRED)

How do I build OpenCV's single module (e.g. legacy) for my development in Ubuntu?

I revised some source code of OpenCV's legacy module. My project is coded based on the new legacy module and I want to debugging it. One way that I can think out is using my revised legacy source code to replace the original legacy module, then compile and reinstall the whole OpenCV. I think this way is too waste of time and other modules(e.g. imgproc, highgui, etc) haven't any change and don't need to be reinstalled. I think there must have an easier way to solve it.
My developing environment is VIM && GDB && opencv 2.4.13. I am a green-hand of linux-opencv. How do I build OpenCV's single module in Ubuntu? If I want keep the original legacy module and the new legacy module in case of other usage, how should I do?
There is a way to actually build a single module without building the entire source from the beginning. I guess you would have followed this procedures to install OpenCV in your machine OpenCV Installation in Linux.
After the modifications in OpenCV's legacy module, you can build just that module by using the commands.
# Go to the build directory. If you followed the tutorial I shared then it is the release folder
cd release
# And build only the module you want to (For example, legacy model as in your case)
make opencv_legacy
sudo make install
