How to create a specific Role for a CodeBuild Step in an AWS CodePipeline? - aws-cdk

It seems there's a circular dependency here:
pipeline.buildPipeline() must be called before any points where CDK code refers to the Pipeline role
If specifying a Role for a Step, the Pipeline must be able to Assume the Role (if you let the Step Construct create the Role for you, Assumption privileges will be automatically grants)
assumedBy is a mandatory field in Role creation, and a Role's assumeRolePolicy is immutable
The Role of a CodeBuild Step is immutable
Any changes made to a pipeline after calling pipeline.buildPipeline() will be discarded. Specficially, a call to stage.addPost(step) will have no effect
So, then:
1., 2, and 3. => The Role must be created after calling .buildPipeline()
=> The Step must be created after the Role
=> .buildPipeline() must be called after creating the Step
And so, a contradiction.
Have I missed something somewhere?
(As for why I would want to do this when it's possible to set rolePolicyStatements directly in the Step constructor - setting a static name, or tagging the Role with Tags.of(role).add(...), are two reasons)

Are you sure about the constraint in #2? I believe the Step role requires the CodeBuild service principal, not the pipeline, in its trust policy.
const step = new pipelines.CodeBuildStep("MyStep", {
role: new iam.Role(this, "MyCustomRole", {
roleName: "MyCustomRoleName",
assumedBy: new iam.ServicePrincipal(""),
// ...
If that doesn't work because the L2 logic is somehow too constraining, consider the CDK escape hatches. Start with the step's default role and override its properties as needed:
const cfnRole = (myStep.project.role as iam.Role).node.defaultChild as iam.CfnRole;
cfnRole.addPropertyOverride("RoleName", "MySpecialRoleName");


Designing safe and efficient API for item state updates via events

Recently I've been working on a simple state-tracking system, its main purpose is to persist updates, sent periodically from a mobile client in relational database for further analysis/presentation.
The mobile client uses JWTs issued by AAD to authenticate against our APIs. I need to find a way to verify if user has permissions to send an update for a certain Item (at this moment only its creator should be able to do that).
We assume that those updates could be sent by a lot of clients, in small intervals (15-30 seconds). We will only have one Item in active state per user.
The backend application is based on Spring-Boot, uses Spring Security with MS AAD starter and Spring Data JPA.
Obviously we could just do the following:
User_1 creates Item_1
User_1 sends an Update for Item_1
Item has an owner_ID field, before inserting Update we simply check if Item_1.owner_ID=User_1.ID - this means we need to fetch the original Item before every insert.
I was wondering if there was a more elegant approach to solving these kind of problems. Should we just use some kind of caching solution to keep allowed ID pairs, eg. {User_1, Item_1}?
WHERE clause
You can include it as a condition in your WHERE clause. For example, if you are updating record X you might have started with:
UPDATE table_name SET column1 = value1 WHERE id = X
However, you can instead do:
UPDATE table_name SET column1 = value1 WHERE id = X AND owner_id = Y
If the owner isn't Y, then the value won't get updated. You can introduce a method in your Spring Data repository that looks up the Spring Security value:
#Query("UPDATE table_name SET column1 = ?value1 WHERE id = ?id AND owner_id = ?#{principal.ownerId}")
public int updateValueById(String value1, String id);
where principal is whatever is returned from Authentication#getPrincipal.
You are correct that technically a cache would prevent the first database call, but it would introduce other complexities. Keeping a cache fresh is enough of a challenge that I would try it only when it's obvious that introducing the complexity of a cache brings the required, observed performance gains.
Alternatively, you can make the extra call and use the framework to simplify the boilerplate. For example, you can use the #PostAuthorize annotation, like so, in your controller:
#PostAuthorize("returnObject?.ownerId == authentication.principal.ownerId")
public MyWidget update(String value1, String id) {
MyWidget widget = this.repository.findById(id);
return widget;
With this arrangement, Spring Security will check the return value's ownerId against the logged-in user. If it fails, then the transaction will be rolled back, and the changes won't make it into the database.
For this to work, ensure that Spring's transaction interceptor is placed before Spring Security's post authorize interceptor like so:
The downside to this solution is that there are still the same two DB calls. I like it because it's allowing the framework to enforce the authorization rule. To learn more, take a look at this sample application that follows this pattern.

Is it possible to add multiple security groups while creating ALB
ALB CDK has an attribute to return the list of security groups but couldn't find a way to add a list of security groups while creating ALB. Is there any workaround for this?
Depending on your use case for the security group. This may work - just put it in a loop for multiple security groups:
There's actually a ticket for this.
Here is a workaround:
myElb; // ELB created elsewhere in code
// get the CfnLoadBalancer from the LoadBalancer object
const cfnElb = myElb.node.defaultChild as elb.CfnLoadBalancer
// View SG list before the addition
// SecurityGroups can be 'undefined' need to check so that you don't get a warning
if (cfnElb.securityGroups){
// Verify the token is added
In theory, you could delete things from the cfnElb.securityGroups list too if you wanted to get rid of their default CDK creates.

Grails - Retrieve an object from another tenant

I have a system in grails, already running on a server, and we use tenant solutions to distinguish the branches of the corporation, but now I need to recover information from one branch to another.
The point is when I make the following query in my model:
def expedition = Expedition.findByCode(row.code)
If my expedition was issued by a branch this find does not return anything to me, after all it was thus the initial architecture for the branch offices not to fill information of each other.
Does anyone know how I can do this? it may just be to return that object at that point, or some annotation in the model, but I would not like to remove my multi-tenant structure because I still need to block some information.
You can use the methods on the grails.gorm.multitenancy.Tenants class to achieve this:
Allow to find across any tenant:
def expedition = Tenants.withoutId { Expedition.findByCode(row.code) }
Specify a tenant
Long otherTenantsId = 2L
def expedition = Tenants.withId(otherTenantsId) { Expedition.findByCode(row.code) }
Of course be careful when doing so or trusting user input for a tenant id as it will give access to other users data.
Note there are also #WithoutTenant if you'd like to add it to a class/method level.

Managing multiple tenant database connections using Simple Injector

Have a SharePoint "remote web" application that will be managing data for multiple tenant databases (and thus, ultimately, multiple tenant database connections). In essence, each operation will deal with 2 databases.
The first is our tenancy database, where we store information that is specific for each tenant. This can be the SharePoint OAuth Client ID and secret, as well as information about how to connect to the tenant's specific database, which is the second database. This means that connecting to the first database will be required before we can connect to the second database.
I believe I know how to do this using Simple Injector for HTTP requests. I could register the first connection type (whether that be an IDbConnection wrapper using ADO.NET or a TenancyDbContext from entity framework) with per web request lifetime.
I could then register an abstract factory to resolve the connections to the tenant-specific databases. This factory would depend on the first database type, as well as the Simple Injector Container. Queries & commands that need to access the tenant database will depend on this abstract factory and use it to obtain the connection to the tenant database by passing an argument to a factory method.
My question mainly has to do with how to handle this in the context of an operation that may or may not have a non-null HttpContext.Current. When a SharePoint app is installed, we are sometimes running a WCF .svc service to perform certain operations. When SharePoint invokes this, sometimes HttpContext is null. I need a solution that will work in both cases, for both database connections, and that will make sure the connections are disposed when they are no longer needed.
I have some older example code that uses the LifetimeScope, but I see now that there is an Execution Context Scoping package available for Simple Injector on nuget. I am wondering if I should use that to create hybrid scoping for these 2 database connections (with / without HTTP context), and if so, how is it different from lifetime scoping using Container.GetCurrentLifetimeScope and Container.BeginLifetmeScope?
I read up on the execution scope lifestyle, and ended up with the following 3-way hybrid:
var hybridDataAccessLifestyle = Lifestyle.CreateHybrid( // create a hybrid lifestyle
lifestyleSelector: () => HttpContext.Current != null, // when the object is needed by a web request
trueLifestyle: new WebRequestLifestyle(), // create one instance for all code invoked by the web request
falseLifestyle: Lifestyle.CreateHybrid( // otherwise, create another hybrid lifestyle
lifestyleSelector: () => OperationContext.Current != null, // when the object is needed by a WCF op,
trueLifestyle: new WcfOperationLifestyle(), // create one instance for all code invoked by the op
falseLifestyle: new ExecutionContextScopeLifestyle()) // in all other cases, create per execution scope
However my question really has to do with how to create a dependency which will get its connection string sometime after the root is already composed. Here is some pseudo code I came up with that implements an idea I have for how to implement this:
public class DatabaseConnectionContainerImpl : IDatabaseConnectionContainer, IDisposable
private readonly AllTenantsDbContext _allTenantsDbContext;
private TenantSpecificDbContext _tenantSpecificDbContext;
private Uri _tenantUri = null;
public DatabaseConnectionContainerImpl(AllTenantsDbContext allTenantsDbContext)
_allTenantsDbContext = allTenantsDbContext;
public TenantSpecificDbContext GetInstance(Uri tenantUri)
if (tenantUri == null) throw new ArgumentNullException(“tenantUri”);
if (_tenantUri != null && _tenantUri.Authority != tenantUri.Authority)
throw new InvalidOperationException(
"You can only connect to one tenant database within this scope.");
if (_tenantSpecificDbContext == null) {
var tenancy = allTenantsDbContext.Set<Tenancy>()
.SingleOrDefault(x => x.Authority == tenantUri.Authority);
if (tenancy == null)
throw new InvalidOperationException(string.Format(
"Tenant with URI Authority {0} does not exist.", tenantUri.Authority));
_tenantSpecificDbContext = new TenantSpecificDbContext(tenancy.ConnectionString);
_tenantUri = tenantUri;
return _tenantSpecificDbContext
void IDisposable.Dispose()
if (_tenantSpecificDbContext != null) _tenantSpecificDbContext.Dispose();
The bottom line is that there is a runtime Uri variable that will be used to determine what the connection string will be to the TenantSpecificDbContext instance. This Uri variable is passed into all WCF operations and HTTP web requests. Since this variable is not known until runtime after the root is composed, I don't think there is any way to inject it into the constructor.
Any better ideas than the one above, or will the one above be problematic?
Since you want to run operations in two different contexts (one with the availability of the web request, and when without) within the same AppDomain, you need to use an hybrid lifestyle. Hybrid lifestyles switch automatically from one lifestyle to the other. The example given in the Simple Injector documentation is the following:
ScopedLifestyle scopedLifestyle = Lifestyle.CreateHybrid(
lifestyleSelector: () => container.GetCurrentLifetimeScope() != null,
trueLifestyle: new LifetimeScopeLifestyle(),
falseLifestyle: new WebRequestLifestyle());
// The created lifestyle can be reused for many registrations.
container.Register<IUserRepository, SqlUserRepository>(hybridLifestyle);
container.Register<ICustomerRepository, SqlCustomerRepository>(hybridLifestyle);
Using this custom hybrid lifestyle, instances are stored for the duration of an active lifetime scope, but we fall back to caching instances per web request, in case there is no active lifetime scope. In case there is both no active lifetime scope and no web request, an exception will be thrown.
With Simple Injector, a scope for a web request will implicitly be created for you under the covers. For the lifetime scope however this is not possible. This means that you have to begin such scope yourself explicitly (as shown here). This will be trivial for you since you use command handlers.
Now your question is about the difference between the lifetime scope and execution context scope. The difference between the two is that a lifetime scope is thread-specific. It can't flow over asychronous operations that might jump from thread to thread. It uses a ThreadLocal under the covers.
The execution scope however can be used in case you use async/wait and return Task<T> from you methods. In this case the scope can be disposed on a different thread, since it stores all cached instances in the CallContext class.
In most cases you will be able to use the execution scope in places where you would use lifetime scope, but certainly not the other way around. But if your code doesn't flow asynchronously, lifetime scope gives better performance (although probably not really a significant performance difference from execution scope).

ASP.NET MVC: Repository pattern high concurrency updates

I'm writing an app that we may be switching out the repository later (currently entity framework) to use either amazon or windows azure storage.
I have a service method that disables a user by the ID, all it does is set a property to true and set the DisabledDate. Should I call to the repository, get that user, set the properties in the service, then call to the save function in the repository? If I do this, then thats 2 database calls, should I worry about this? What if the user is updating the profile at the same time the admin is calling the disable method, and calls the user calls the save method in the repository (which currently holds false for the IsDisabled property?) Wouldn't that set the user back to being enabled if called right after the disabled method?
What is the best way to solve this problem? How do I update data in a high concurrent system?
// Would be called from more specific method in Service Layer - e.g DisableUser
public void Update(Customer c)
var stub = new Customer { Id = c.Id }; // create "stub"
ctx.Customers.Attach(stub); // attach "stub" to graph
ctx.ApplyCurrentValues("Customers", c); // override scalar values of "stub"
ctx.SaveChanges(); // save changes - 1 call to DB. leave this out if you're using UoW
That should serve as a general-purpose "UPDATE" method in your repository. Should only be used when the entity exists.
That is just an example - in reality you should/could be using generics, checking for the existence of the entity in the graph before attaching, etc.
But that will get you on the right track.
As long as you know the id of the entity you want to save you should be able to do it by attaching the entity to the context first like so:
var c = new Customer();
c.Id = someId;
context.AttachTo("Customer", c)
c.PropertyToChange = "propertyValue";
Whether this approach is recommended or not, I'm not so sure as I'm not overly familiar with EF, but this will allow you to issue the update command without having to first load the entity.
